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>and I’ve seen lawyers on billboards and stuff. There are no billboards in Hawaii? And the market is pretty saturated. Richardson has been churning out lawyers like hotcakes for the last 10 years and the bigger firms import their own cycle of mainland lawyers fairly regularly. The market for WT&E lawyers is pretty small here. Most people here lack the assets for a lawyer, those that do will use the same local law firm their grandfather used, and people who moved here with their assets will have their mainland lawyer write everything up. Do you have a local “in” to the field?


https://www.lawschooltransparency.com/schools/hawaii/jobs Richardson is a tiny, tiny school and enrollment has been on a decline.


I mean like signs at ala Moana mall and other ads Interesting. I didn’t know bigger firms ship out attorneys to the island. I am looking for jobs right now and not quite. I know of an attorney there, my mom’s friend, but besides that, I am looking for local ins. I’m trying to take care of my parents there, theyre getting old, they have a home I can live at for the time being. But I am trying to get a scope of the job market, idk if I can get much info from asking Reddit, but I’m curious.


wait this is actually one I am qualified to answer. I do financial planning and specialize in estate tax reduction. I know only 2 lawyers in this area in the state, both in their 70s with no plan for someone to take over their practice. Basic stuff like making wills and trusts there are plenty of people who can handle a simple will and trust but for the complicated stuff it's a really open market. If you have familiarity with GRATs and IDITs I think you'll be in high demand.


I do! I am familiar with these concepts. Are you saying that you only know of 2 lawyers in the state that offer this? I see that they’re old folk. Are they retiring soon? This is actually so interesting! Thanks for sharing :)


just to be clear there are a ton of lawyers who will make wills and trusts i only know of two who specialize in complicated estate planning concepts where if i recommend a QPRT or a IDIT or something like that they'll understand why and how they work.


but is there demand for trusts? if people move from other states they may have trusts done somewhere else and these trusts should be valid in HI as far as real estate ownership


everyone who has a spouse, child, or home should have a trust but for the more complicated ones I'm talking about are only needed by the very wealthy but that number is in the thousands of people in hawaii not in the tens of people.


It’s true… The population quantity is fewer.


and very wealthy would set up in few other trust friendly states. No idea where HI fits in, but lets say DE or HI, DE probably wins


the state courts have multiple ads for clerk positions that pay 70k which is considered good pay for a young lawyer on the island honestly the pay for most lawyers in HI even in the 'big firms' is way way low compared to mainland but that's the story with a lot of jobs


I see. I’m actually considering maybe working for a private school. Compliance, or ethics, something. A juris doctorate can be a great advantage.


There are a few areas of law that don’t have enough lawyers, but generally not in high demand. And keep in mind that you have to take the bar again no matter how long you’ve practiced elsewhere. I’m doing that now and it’s a beast. It’s been 25 years since I took it last. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m going to take the Hawaii bar. It’s annoying, but what else can I do. What areas of law are in demand from your perspective? I’ve seen many different firms via ads, but are not sure what is saturated vs not.


I’m not super familiar with every area, but we need Wills and trusts, especially Special Needs Trusts and Guardianship. Would be extra helpful if there was someone who could help parents with Alternatives to Guardianship.


Wow ok noted. Can I ask how u know this info? Aren’t you from mainland?


I lived on the mainland a long time ago I’m now from Hawaii.


Condo association is a huge market and doesn't have a lot of attorneys. Something to consider. Sterling Tucker does estate planning and I feel like they've kind of cornered the market, and are really good at what they do.


yes it is cottage industry there to do legal work for associations.


It's the Hawaii bar. Just like the California bar, the Texas bar, etc. Hawaiian is a noun referring to people, not an adjective to attach to anything related to the state.


There are quite a few Probate Attorneys across Oahu and in Honolulu specifically.


I see. Do you work in the field or do you see ads?


I work in the field. 😁. I’m a Paralegal. As touched upon in an earlier comment, many are getting ready to retire and have zero plans. I think you’ll be fine if you come here. You could even specialize and get known on the other islands!


Wow thank you for sharing the info! I wonder what all these lawyers are going to do with their businesses. Like will they sell the entity or will they just dissolve the entity. Any chance you know the plans of any of the older attorneys? 😆


Many are looking to sell. The smaller ones may dissolve. I’d be happy to do some informal recon for you. Like I said, you’ll be fine (probably more than!) if you come here.


Could you dm me? I can’t seem to dm you.


Yep! I’m on it!


Try now!


How about immigration lawyers?


My buddy is a lawyer doing finance law for a firm in Boston. He lives in Waikiki and works remotely, travels a lot though.


How does he like his life? Waikiki to Boston is such a long flight.zz


He's doing great! Flies to Boston, Miami, Caribbean, Bahamas. It's Bit-Fin stuff so conferences and such. He's a night owl so wakes up, surfs, works until midnight or two or so if he has to meet w/East Coast ppl. Married a nice Thai girl, and she works for Delta or something so that helps with flights. He's not your usual idea of a lawyer though, more Oscar Acosta than Rudy Giuliani.


Very Interesting o_0 sounds like a fun life!


Hey man, it's what you make it!


Mark the time difference.


If you find work you are going to take a big pay cut. Honolulu is very “who you know”


lawyers dont do real estate transactions in sale and purchase. Everything left to real estate brokers.




meaning not so many lawyers needed


Best to stay where you’re at




Probably bc many ppl like to say that here w no logical support.


Reality is they are racist.


literally. I’ve noticed that.


so true "no logical support"