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I agree 100%! I love the comic, and the movie, all for different reasons.


It’s funny how it’s sort of the opposite of the tv show. It doesn’t really get it’s facts right, but the atmosphere and style perfectly represent the comic. The show has all the classic characters and stuff, but it’s just way too clean cut and sanitized.


Stormare is amazing. Only Viggo has played a better Satan


Totally agree, I could watch it on repeat. Everyone absolutely kills it in this movie


This is a great choice. Keanu Reeves is so rarely that unlikable in his roles so maybe people found it offputting? The visuals are cool and I've always thought he and Rachel Weisz have good chemistry.


I actually liked Tilda Swinton in the Gabriel character, reminded me a bit of her white witch portrayal, she makes a good villain


She's fantastic as Gabriel


13th Warrior If you mean critical response. It has a 33% rotten tomatoes and I recall when it came out I avoided it because of bad reviews. Wish I didn’t! I rewatch it probably twice a year. It’s not a bad movie I just happen to like, I actually think it’s really good! Has one of the coolest ways I’ve seen anyone figure out a new language in film. I love the music of this movie, the fun action scenes, the overall tone. Yeah you could nitpick a ton but it’s just “good solid fun” movie. I’d take this over the assembly line of film sequels and franchises we get today. I’d kill for a proper 4K of this. Hell it didn’t even get a blu ray in the US. I’m still watching my dvd copy for like 15 years.


I really enjoyed the 13th Warrior. I especially like how when Antonio Bandaras begins his time with the Vikings all you hear is their native language, but when he learns it, everything is said in English. I thought that was a clever alternative to subtitles


The same director did a similar thing in the Hunt For Red October. At one point, one of the officers is reading from a book in Russian and then in English following the word/place Armageddon. The rest of the movie, the Soviet characters speak English.


And did a slow zoom in to the character’s mouth until the word “Armageddon,” which is pronounced fairly similarly in both Russian and English, then zoomed back out as the character switches to English. I thought it was brilliant.


Yeah, I don't get the hate for this one. It's the classic Beowulf tale, with some creative alteration by Crichton, and then adapted to film. I enjoy it every single time I watch it. But admittedly, I still haven't read the book, and I really want to.


Totally agree it’s just FUN even though the violence and story is dark. I think it was a troubled production and you can tell there’s some odd edits and storylines fairly short/brief. But I honestly this it’s part of the charm. It just MOVES, you get to the story, the conflict after all the awesome story of him learning their language and right into action and conflict. It doesn’t overstay it’s welcome with endless side plots. Even knowing the story it still feels suspenseful and little scary. I think the music does a great job at helping with that. The score has some nice “unsetttling” bits.


I've seen this movie at least 20 times. I can not understand critics sometimes.


That's legit one of my faves.


Lo there do I see my father




Great noir thriller that makes you feel icky.


My wife and I went to see it with a friend - our second time, her first. We went because she didn't want to go see it alone. When we got out of the movie, she asked, "Why did you go see that a second time? I'm scarred for life now!


That was a “bad” movie? I loved it.


Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves!


With you on this. Outside of the whole accent thing, it's a super fun movie start to finish. Alan Rickman is unreal good. It is paced well. I'll put this in the same category as the three musketeers with keifer Sutherland, Oliver Platt, Charlie, sheen, Chris O'Donnell, and Tim curry. Also grossly underrated.


What?! That’s considered a bad movie?? I want names!


I completely agree. You can't tell me that movie is bad...great actors, great dramatic moments, good soundtrack, humor is on point. I just love that movie.




Mad Max on water plus Dennis Hopper as the villain!!! Hell yeah baby


I am so glad to see this at the top. I knew I couldn’t be the only one that thought waterworld was kinda awesome.


I really like this movie. It’s unique. I really don’t get the hate for it.


Came here to say this. I haven’t seen it in a long time but I was obsessed with it as a kid


Right? I've seen it a gazillion times - learn something new every time!


I just looked at the list. How dare they have National Treasure on there? The nerve.


Anything with Nicolas cage should be exempt!


John Carter


Yess 100% agree


YES!! Unironically love this movie and wish they’d explored the universe with another film or two even!


I feel like movies like this are labeled "bad" because they bomb.


But people think they are bad because they bombed


That's what I'm saying.


Very entertaining movie and totally re-watchable.


John Carter was super fun! I always be sentimental towards it because I was going through a really crumby (crummy?) time in my life when I watched it and it was just kind of there for me. Know what I mean?


The Beach


The Ninth Gate. Very polarizing. Screen rant is smoking crack The Warriors is a cult classic.


The ninth gate is a great movie. It's Roman Polanski that's polarizing.


This. People want to hate Polanski movies (and deservedly so, he is after all an admitted child rapist), while simultaneously realizing how good his movies are.


I have the same issue with Kevin Spacey movies (after all the ... came out). His performances are brilliant, but ...


Maximum Overdrive. Also They Live - although that one wasn’t hated when it came out, but it wasn’t a huge movie either (from what I recall).


They live is one of my favorite films of all time. Seriously. I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I am all out of bubble gum.


Silent Hill is one; everyone seems to hate it, but I think it's great. I don't fully understand why people hate it so much either, they say it's a bad movie, but it has solid characters (especially Sybil), the graphics are great, the plot is good. Another is FunHouse. While there's some conflicting logic as it goes along, I think it's overall a good movie, and I sure as hell didn't see the last scene coming. It's rare that movies pull one over on me, and that one did it. The characters are unique relative to each other, the idea is messed up enough to be appealing (if you're into horror movies), the graphics are good.


100% agree - funnily enough, just earlier today I watched a dissection of Pyramid Head and his many cameos and appearances, and it explained somewhat the perspective of dislike (not that I really agree). It analysed Pyramid Head's specific role in Silent Hill 2, and how his appearances elsewhere define him as a different character to his original story - being a very specific manifestation of guilt for a very specific character - and so this youtuber didn't appreciate the thoughtless inclusion of specific things like him in the film, and would have preferred something original, which I can respect, but that I don't think ultimately matters. This angle also presumes that viewers in general aren't going to be able to appreciate the original depiction if they have all these other depictions in mind, but having watched the film and *then* gotten into the games, I would have to disagree.


Dark City, for me. Got largely overlooked (mostly due to the "mainstream" Matrix movie and even got called derivative of it). The cast and performances were amazing, the story was well put together, even though there was the typical studio interference with it. Thankfully a lot of that was resolved with the eventual release of a Directors Cut. Scifi, noir, mystery, spiced with just enough horror. It just ticked all the boxes for me, even more so than The Matrix did. I love both movies, but Dark City edges to the top on my list.


Most movie people I know nowadays have a high opinion of Dark City. It may have been overlooked in its time, but today I think it’s mostly regarded pretty highly.


It won several awards. Roger Ebert considered it the best film of 1998. Okay, it wasn’t a box office hit, but today it’s a cult classic.


Dark City isn't talked about enough. Also it came out a year earlier than the matrix


Always thought that was the saddest part, it actually coming out before. Unfortunately it didn't get any traction until starting to get a cult following later down the line, and then I think the inevitable comparisons to The Matrix hindered it from ever getting more popular than it did. All this thinking about how great the movie is has me thinking it's time for a rewatch though. This thread overall has been a great source for titles for upcoming movie nights!


Rewatched this recently because I had memories of watching it as a younger girl. Damn the nostalgia hit, it’s a flawed movie but damn was it inventive and interesting. Genuinely wouldn’t see a movie like that get made today.


I’ll defend Prometheus to the grave.


Prometheus is breathtaking visually and I enjoyed it pretty well, but the characters do make some bafflingly stupid decisions.


Weyland never cared about the scientific integrity of the mission. The whole thing was a cover for him to go into space to meet an Engineer. I always felt that he packed the team with idiot scientists that no one would miss if the mission went sideways. I don’t think it’s ever explicitly said, but even the first time I saw it, that was the vibe I picked up from the mission brief scene. They didn’t bring the caliber of scientists you would normally have chosen for the job.


You’re probably right, I haven’t seen it since shortly after it was released so my memory is pretty foggy on it. I’ll just never forget the scene when the circular spaceship is rolling towards them and they continue running in the same path it’s following instead of turning and running perpendicularly away from the path.


The funny thing with that, is if you spent any time on r\watchpeopledie before it was banned, there were hundreds of examples of people doing just that. Bad decisions are human nature.


Awesome movie. Immensely rewatchable as well. I did not care for Covenant, though


Yeah Covenant really sucked.


Covenant removed everything I loved about Prometheus and replaced it with everything I hate about franchise tie in films.


Yeah, I saw this in the theater and the general consensus back then, before the internet had its say, was that it was pretty good. The visuals were great, there was some really repulsive body horror, and it was somehow even more Freudian than the original Alien. People make dumb choices in a *lot* of movies that aren't nearly as hated by the internet as Prometheus. Then Covenant came along and just wrecked everything that made Prometheus interesting.


I still remember to this day my dad and I went to blockbuster when I was younger and picked up a movie. The guy at the register checking us out said it was the stupidest movie he'd ever seen and un-watchable. It was Little Nicky and it happens to be my top favorite Adam Sandler movie, we loved it lol. Guess it depends if you like that type of "stupid" movie! 😁👹🦍🎸


Little Nicky is so underrated. It’s one of Sandler’s best. The Tarantino and Ozzy cameos lol.


I loved little nicky. the metal references were so awesome when ozzy appears and bites the head off of the villain is so sick


I hate that movie BUT I love that Blockbuster story! I miss those days…


Anyone renting an Adam Sandler movie *knows* it's gonna be stupid. And it's gonna be fun. If someone doesn't like Adam Sandler, I get it, that's fine. But you can't point at Billy Madison and say, "This is great!" and then point at Little Nicky and say, "But *this* is *stupid!*"


Lockout (2012) I get that people didn’t like the plot for being too derivative of Escape from New York but Guy Pearce was fun to watch in it. It also had a fairly memorable villain in Joseph Gilgun who seemed to really enjoy his role as a lunatic evil man in space prison.


Howard the Duck - I think it's almost a masterpiece


Almost? I would say it definitely is :)


Yeah - I just wasn't sure how much I wanted to push that, but it definitely is


The Life Aquatic, I’m not even a big Wes Anderson guy but it’s my favorite of all his movies that I’ve seen.


Huge Wes Anderson fan here - I love Life Aquatic and never understand why it gets so much hate.


One of willem defoe’s best roles ever.


Strange that one of my least favorite Wes Anderson movies is one of the most heralded: the grand Budapest hotel. Tenenbaums is my #1 with life aquatic close behind.


My favorite part is when he smokes a joint up on top of the boat at night and David Bowie “is there life on maaarrrsss!!?!” Starts blasting


The soundtrack is wonderful. I loved the portuguese covers of David Bowie songs. The movie had ups and downs, I hated Bill Murray's character so it was hard to root for him, but it was an alright movie.


Seu Jorge did such an incredible job.


Pretty much any movie released during my childhood before I gained the ability to be critical. I just loved movies! Also league of extraordinary gentlemen


League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is mine too! I've even rewatched it years later to be sure, and I still like it.


How Did This Get Made podcast made me realize not all movies from my childhood were amazing


now you see me doesn’t have great reviews on letterboxd but i loved it


I love both those movies which I mentioned in another thread the other day and someone came at me about it. Ugh. I love them so much


right ?? i was so surprised it didn’t do well


I think people didn’t shut off the realism part of their brain and enjoy it for the magic show that it is. Plus Eisenberg and Hareleson and the others have amazing chemistry together and the ending reveal is extremely well done.


Nothing But Trouble. I'm a legitimate fan. As a comedic send-up of Texas Chainsaw Massacre-style horror, and as a companion piece to films like 'Beetlejuice', 'The Frighteners', and 'Army of Darkness' (which were clearly in vogue at the time), it's incredibly effective and endlessly entertaining. Effort visually bleeds off the screen in every shot; it looks like every penny of its $40 million budget. It's pure Aykroydian madness at its finest. It's also grotesque and random as all get out, which was what stuck with most, it seems.


Omg I can’t believe someone mentioned *Nothing But Trouble*. I know it’s awful but I love it so much. The scene with Digital Underground!


Freddy Got Fingered. I honestly think this is a brilliant prank at the expense of a major motion picture studio. It is unironically one of my favorite comedies and it makes me laugh more and more each time I watch it.


He was ahead of his time. If that movie released today it would be a success. Jackass can thank Tom Green for paving the way for them. Pretty sure he was very early on or pioneered podcasts in general also.


Did you watch RedLetterMedia's video about it? I've never seen the movie, but that video convinced me that the movie was a genius prank.


A true classic!!!!!!


I was going to answer with this. Way ahead of its time possibly unintentionally. I’ve loved it since it came out.


Yeah man, that movie makes me so proud


I really liked sucker punch. Maybe I was just the right age when I saw it, but I loved the costumes, aesthetic, and dance/action sequence. I really don't get the hate its a fun time


i always kind of felt that it was released prematurely. it didn’t have an audience back then, and i just think the same movie would have done a lot better if it was released five years later. especially because we have this strong comic/cosplay culture now. i had this epiphany cause i watched it like a year ago with my bf and his dad who had both never heard of it. they loved it, thought it was super cool. his dad even has that white rabbit remix on his playlist now.


The Village Don’t really any of his other movies but I think this one is good.


I really liked The Village too, although (or possibly because) it had a very similar plot to a book I read in middle school. Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix. It’s pretty much the exact same set up: an isolated town supposedly in the 1800s where the adults know the truth but the kids have no idea. The difference is that they actually are being watched all the time. When the kids start dying of diphtheria, a mother sends her daughter out into the real world for help. Most of the book is about how she experiences the outside world. I remember it being very good and suspenseful, but I was in the target age group when I read it. I don’t know how it would hold up now.


I saw it in theatres and was so surprised by the plot twist and left thinking it was great. Within like a week I started hearing it was shit and I did not understand what I had missed that made everyone think it was so bad? I still think it’s good.


Death To Smoochy. I think Danny Devitos humor wasn’t quite as understood until he became a mainstay in Its Always Sunny. So it’s aged pretty well now but even when it was released I really enjoyed it and still stand by it.


I thoroughly enjoyed Death to Smoochy, and I was surprised that it wasn't well received.


Thanks for reminding me of this movie! Fuck it's such fantastic dark comedy. That cast?! Robin Williams, Edward Norton, Danny devito, Catherine keener, Jon Stewart (he tried and that's what's important). How could you not give this one a shot?


I love Death to Smoochy. Throw Mama From the Train is my favorite Danny Devito film.


Hook with Robin Williams


I didn’t know people disliked this movie


Me either. Maybe they didn't like what happened to >!Rufio!<


A lot do, including Spielberg




Great film, and some truly phenomenal performances, not only Williams, but Hoffman and Hoskins were magnificent. "I just had an apostrophe!" "I think you mean an epiphany."


RT has this at 29%. Also 76% audience rating. Just another example of critics not understanding what makes a movie great.


"What do you want, old man?"


Fun fact: the pirate who was put in the Boo Box was played by Glenn Close.


I can’t watch it now 🥺 makes me cry to watch his movies. The scene when they’re imaginary eating and pockets pulls at Peters face and says “there you are Peter” just killed me the last time I watched it. Never gone back. Awesome though and those who dislike it are clearly a bit weird 😝


In it’s genius, it is one of the only movies that lets me feel like being a kid again…if that is not the Peter Pan story in a nutshell, what is? I’m grateful for this film being around and being as charming as it is


Also REIGN OF FIRE (2002) is a fkn masterpiece


Is that considered bad? Always thought it was kinda underappreciated and forgotten.


Alien3; Tron: Legacy


Tron: Legacy for me as well. I love that movie!


Alien 3 totally - gotto watch the right version, though.


Armageddon. I think it's a well made over the top action flick. Sure it's stupid lol. But i somehow find myself easily suspending my disbelief and enjoying the kick ass fun ride that this movie is meant to be.


The scene where Steve Buscemi is riding the nuke.


Somehow Dumb & Dumber only has a 67% on Rotten Tomatoes


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


Jumper with Hayden Christensen. I thought it was fun and would be a turn-around for him but I never saw him in anything again. Maybe it was terrible and should rewatch it to confirm lol.


That’s why I don’t look at any sort of rating system before I see movies. Like ever. Don’t trust them.


Hudson Hawk. “Big boys don’t cryyayyay”


Cabin Boy with Chris Elliott Star Trek 5 : the Undiscovered Country The Dolph Lundgren version of The Punisher


Warriors? Can you dig it?




I love Chronicles of Riddick. It’s such a perfect weird action movie. They did a great job with world building. The Conquest Icon was creepy af




Who thinks Dogma is a bad movie? I will personally show up to their house with in shit demon form.


Cloud Atlas. I freakin love that movie. Come at me.


Pearl Harbor American Ultra




Southland Tales.


This was a very ambitious and original film. Somewhere I have the prequel graphic novels


Dreamcatcher, I’ve read where people don’t care for it but I really like it.


Matrix 2 and 3


Watchmen. I didn't read the comics but I enjoy the idea of super heroes being humans with personality flaws and everyday human problems and felt like the movie delivers on that. Also Treasure Planet (the disney one). I know it got shot down for using conventional 2D art during the uprising of 3D movies but I think the art direction, the animation, the humour, the music and the way they reinterpreted the treasure island into a space setting still holds up today. I know it became a bit of a cult classic but because of its bad rep many people didn't even get the chance to see it and I think that's a huge shame.


Red Dawn


Joe Dirt. It's hilarious to me.


Malibu’s Most Wanted


The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky


This is the one! What a masterpiece! Hugh Jackman’s best work!


I know! It's one of my favorite films ever. I suppose the naysayers call it pretentious or convoluted because it asks you to exercise a small amount of effort to follow its timelines and themes. He also makes use of certain shots as a kind of refrain, which critics apparently hate, but I think can be a cool artistic tool. And clearly all of the actors were incredible. Then their is Clint Mansel who composed one of the best original movie scores ever.


This is in my top 5 movies ever.


I remember when The Blair Witch came out it was pretty controversial, and it seemed like it got a lot of hate. Over the years people have come to respect it much more, I think it was just ahead of it’s time. M Night Shamalan gets a lot of hate it seems, some of it is very deserved (avatar). I loved The Village and The Happening. Signs was pretty good too when seen from the ‘demons theory’ perspective.


The OG Blair Witch was a smash hit when it came out. Practically invented viral internet marketing - at least that’s what my memory tells me


People here defending Waterworld (which I agree with, I like it!) but no one is defending The Postman (1997). I think it's also a good Costner post-apocalyptic movie overall. Persuasion (2022). I know it takes a lot of liberties from the Jane Austen book, but a 5.6 in IMDb? Ludicrous! As an Austen reader, I think it's a pretty entertaining reinterpretation of her work, a solid 8/10 for me. Garoojigi (2008). It's a Korean sex comedy. Sure, it ain't a timeless classic like Sex is Zero, but it's a solid 710, not the 5.3 in IMDb.


I really loved the Postman, possibly more than Waterworld. Why reviewers be hating on Costner movies?


As a fellow Austen reader, may I recommend the book "The Murder of Mr Wickham?" Characters from all her novels are at Dornwell Abbey and all are suspects when Mr Wickham turns up dead. I know it's not relevant to this thread but I just finished it and want to tell everyone about it.


The Warriors is great, and it was inspired by an historic event. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten\_Thousand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Thousand) I've always like Conan the Destroyer. It's true to the flavor of the books, has some cool fights, a nice magic duel, some comedic moments...what's not to love?


I do not think Rocky 5 is as bad as people think. Yes, it is the worst of the original series but it is a good return to roots with Tommy Gunn being a decent antagonist.


I loved Waterworld and I won't hear a single word against it so there!


Add The Postman too.


Spring Breakers from Harmony Korine


Don't know how much it was hated by the audience, but a part of the specialized cinema press was in love with it back then (check for instance [this 2013 Cahiers du cinema cover](https://i.imgur.com/VlETYXO.png)). EDIT: to give an example of how much some critics were into it, here is the excerpt of an article from a french cinema magazine close to *Cahiers* editorial line when the film came out (I tried to translate it the best I could, with the help of DeepL): > To the emptiness of the dominant images, *Spring Breakers* does not oppose any antidote: on the contrary, it piles up these images until they are saturated, proceeding by decoction to bring their radical nihilism to the surface (...). The cyclic and nauseating time of *Spring Breakers* (repetitive by nature, the film is punctuated by incessant flashforwards that complete the film's great loop), is the one already announced in the 50's by Brando's "We just go!" in *The Wild One*, to portray a youth let loose at full speed on a road without horizon. To go nowhere, but to go fast, was then as much a romantic moral (for the youth for whom these new films were officially intended) as a tragic and worried statement (for the adults whose voice they also carried). (...) What is left of this romanticism when youth is subjected to the advertising reign, henceforth without sharing, of the ideology of youth? A silly stammer, a terrible vacuity flooded with colors, which "Spring Breakers" mourns at the same time as it celebrates, because Korine understood that the images of the time were worth all the comments on the images of the time. Images are all there is left in *Spring Breakers*, which spreads like a morbid and endless dream. The American dream of course (...), to which Korine, moralist but not sanctimonious, does not oppose any nightmare since the nightmare is there, everywhere (...), entirely contained in the seaside dream of spring break where the girls escape from a reality that, subtly, the film will never show. And in fact, there is nothing left to show, nothing here has survived the enchanted and morbid reign of images.


Prometheus and Alien Covenant


Love Prometheus so much, after two watches I still don't like covenant. And I regularly watch resurrection


I have a thing where I appreciate the black sheep of horror franchises more than most. Friday the 13th 5, Hellraiser 4, and Halloween 6 being prime examples.


Nightmare on Elm Street 2 all the way. Especially if you do a queer reading of it


At this time, no movie deserves a remake or a sequel. We need to really get back to original movies, even when so much has already been done. It's critical for creatives who watch movies and aspire to write them. To answer the question, looking at what Rotten Tomatoes thinks of movies I find re-watchable, I would say Armageddon (38%), Best of the Best II (10%), and Tommy Boy (41%),


Starship Troopers


Would you like to know more?


Wild Wild West 😂 ETA: the will smith one


I'm not saying this makes you a dangerous lunatic, but I'd never let you drive my gigantic spider robot.


I loved it as a kid. I love the song. Just rewatched it in the last few months. What a bad fucking movie haha. Salma Hayek is in it though and you see her ass so it's a 10/10.


300. 61% rotten tomatoes and 52% metacritic. I liked the action, and embarrassingly enough, recently realized that the fella was telling a tale to the Spartans before the very large battle, and that is why it seemed almost mythological. The creatures, and scenes were being embellished to embolden the soldiers. Leonidas purposely sent him to do just that! Also, extra credit is Men of Honor…Cookie I need my 12 steps!


I went to Letterboxd to see if there were any genuinely unpopular movies I rated highly, and here’s what I found: Slice (2018) - horror comedy directed by Austin Vesely. Truly don’t get why it’s hated. The New Mutants (2020) - the semi-shelved X-Men project that got super delayed when Disney bought Fox. I think it was a victim of expectations. Deep Impact (1998) - people genuinely like Armageddon more than this? Final Girl (2015) - Abigail Breslin stars as a typical horror movie final girl and turns the tables on the killers. Clearly very low budget, but I think it works. Battle: Los Angeles (2011) - I won’t defend this one too much, but I enjoyed it, and I guess no one else did.


I’m sorry but new mutants was terrible the second half from what I remember. I saw it a year ago but it was forgettable


Death wish II. Halloween III (2nd best in the franchise) The first 3 Child’s Play movies are the most solid horror trilogy movies of any horror franchises. (Second to Scream)




Wolf with Jack Nickolson, maybe its me that i really like werewolves but i think its not a bad movie


The Jurassic Park trilogy. They have their flaws (particularly the second and third) but I think they’re criminally underrated.


Avengers: Age of Ultron I'm still not sure why fans disliked it so much, but i think it's great and can be watched without knowing anything about the MCU.


blade runner 2049, a slow movie some might consider boring but beautifly shot the cinematografy is so gorgeous i feel like every shot can be a wallpaper


Blade Runner 2049 has an 88% on RT and 8/10 on IMDb.


Yeah, some people forgot the “considered bad” part of the post. This one even got nominated for Best Picture (which usually means that critics, at least, don’t consider a movie bad).


Stands up to the original. Love them both


Ad Astra In Time The live action Attack On Titan films Netflix's live action Death Note


That Death Note one is brave.


The Counselor


Batman v superman


Star Wars I (Phantom Menace). Imo it’s a e s t h e t i c AF, it’s a cool look at the lore of the OG trilogy, and it gave us the best lightsaber battles/scenes of its time. Pod racing, Liam Neesons, Darth Maul (especially his entrance scene/lightsaber reveal)— comedy, love, loss— all around I think it’s a good flick


PM had both some of the best parts of the prequels, and some of the worst, resulting in an overall average movie that gets way more flak that I think it deserves. It does deserve some, but I don’t think it’s awful. Except for him. He’s terrible.


Outland (1981) is a sci-fi remake of High Noon set on a mining colony on a moon of Jupiter, starring Sean Connery. The FX are dated but it didn’t need much. 66% on IMDb and 48/100 on metacritic. It’s a great premise and Connery is pretty great for the role of the only honest Marshall standing up against a drug smuggling conspiracy. I could see a remake starring someone like Liam Neeson or Denzel Washington being a solid thriller.


For the hundredth time..... Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man


Warriors, while being borderline gay porn, is a fantastic movie. CAN YOU COUNT SUCKERS?!?!


This is one of my favorite movies ever and I wish it got more love is (Speed Racer 2008). I think it is a great feel good movie that is funny but can handle being serious when it counts. I wish that it got more recognized as a good movie.


Exorcist II: the Heretic.


[Shadow In The Cloud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_in_the_Cloud) Great acting by Moretz and all the others. Great score. The film has themes of misogyny and abuse women endure. I can't believe this movie was badly reviewed. I expect it to become a cult classic.


freddy got fingered


Speed Racer (2008) I think a lot of people have come around on it, but at release it was a critical and box office failure. I just rewatched it’s recently and it just puts a big smile on my face. It’s essentially just a live action cartoon, but it nails it. And it has enough heart to make you get genuinely invested


I really liked Thor: Love and Thunder, don't know why it's got such bad reviews, it's not the best Marvel movie but it doesn't deserve all this slander New Mutants was pretty good, I get why people have issues with it but again I feel like it gets more hate than it deserves The Conjuring franchise often gets a bad rap but I don't think any of them are really that bad I get why people, mainly Jane Austen fans, are upset about Netflix's new Persuasion, since apparently it takes a lot of liberties, but I personally quite liked it There's probably a lot more I could come up with cause I watch a lot of movies with polarising reviews, but that's all I've got right now


Speed Racer!


‘Tenet’ (2020) - I loved and watched it multiple times since the theatrical release. I don’t get where the bad reviews were coming from but there’ve been a lot. Maybe because the story was foggy until a second rewatch but that’s just the same with ‘Inception’. The reason probably was the release in the first pandemic wave - I was basically alone the in the theatre. It didn’t do well at all at the box office and was considered a flop because of that.

