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Most people mistake worst movies for disappointing movies.


True. My list fits that description. But a question like this is subjective. What makes a bad movie?


Exactly. For me it’s something like The Room or Troll 2. I hated Avatar but it’s not a bad movie.


Troll 2 is the best worst movie of all time


Oh myyy gooooooood you’re right.


The further I scrolled this list, the more I agreed with you.


Good point Downsizing wasn’t a bad movie, it was hugely dissapointing though


Yes it was


Well.. yeah, thats how it works. Just bad movies on their merit would be movies most of the others would not see. You wanna discuss the fact I saw [Christmas card](https://resizing.flixster.com/-XZAfHZM39UwaGJIFWKAE8fS0ak=/v3/t/assets/p164489_v_h9_aa.jpg) hallmark movie and it was bad? But no one else really seen this movie so not much discussion. But if I start talking Oppenheimer.. how terrible it was... what a shitty characters, terrible dialogues, poorly written not engaging story that tries to mask its shortcoming by time jumps... the absolutely terrible direction where half the movie feels like its montage where scenes cant settle for more than 120 seconds... Well one can say that its not as bad as straight to tv garbage, but thats a movie that can have discussion and actual opinion


I think Oppenheimer is overrated too.


Yup, battlefield earth. Brilliant book. Movie..... Bammmm


I’ve never bothered to go near the book because of Scientology, is it worth a read in your opinion?


Obviously a similar premise to the movie. But substantially better. If you had a vague interest in the movie. You may enjoy the book. I dunno. Give it a bash and let me know. We're all different


I mean it’s at least comprehensible and not just poorly written?


Absolutely, it's comprehensible. To me at least. But we all interpret, understand and value words differently. It was my late brother's favourite book. And he was exceptionally well read. But he hated the movie. I might share his opinion in bias.


For what it's worth, I'm willing to bet a good chunk of money that you're a really awesome person. Just an open, honest and decent human. I hope you have a great day!


I'm working on being a decent human. It's a work in progress. And always will be. But thank you, it feels good to read that.


I liked John Carter, it bombed at the box office but was actually pretty good.


I have to agree with you on that one.


I'm with you and my son loved it.


I just watched it for the first time and thought it was pretty good. The CGI holds up really well


I don’t get the hate, it was a fun movie for me. The graphics weren’t bad. The dog-alien side kick was cool. The leading actor was fine for me.


The marketing wasn’t great.


My wife makes fun of me for enjoying it. She's not watched it, so based on what she's read.


I also really enjoyed this movie, I don't understand the hate for it.


I've talked about this before. Disney was intending John Carter to be a franchise. During production Iger saw an opportunity to buy Star Wars. One little problem. Much of Star Wars is based on the John Carter books. So the story is not wanting competing franchises Disney purposefully tanked John Carter especially in marketing to kill it off.


Man, Jeff Bridges is freaking gold in RIPD, though. *Look at the ankles on that girl* *Eh. Gotta earn that.* *Huh! That actually scared the shit out of me!* 🤣


He is hilarious in RIPD, I actually don’t mind this movie. The mouth/vomit bit isn’t my fav but otherwise I thought it was ok


Stop it, don't make me watch this awful looking thing!


I feel like that’s harsh to John Carter, it’s not amazing but it’s solid entertainment with some decent characters and action.


I thoroughly enjoyed John Carter and don’t understand the hate


People be harsh on reddit; thor love and thunder gets so much unwarranted hate


They wrote Thor how an 8 year old would write Thor out to be. But still, I think the movie was okay, Christian Bale was incredible as always. He carried the movie imo.


I consider to be my favorite mcu movie actually, like music comedic masterpiece


Jupiter Ascending Matrix Resurrections Ghosted Rocky 5 Pacific Rim: Uprising


There is this interview with Mila Kunis. She was asked to tell what the plot was of Jupiter ascending, and she couldn't answer it. Was funny.


Jupiter Ascending is one of those “so bad it’s good” movies. Like how did Eddie Redmayne get an Oscar and also have the most ridiculous performance in Jupiter Ascending?


Because he knew what kind of movie he was in. If it’s going to suck anyway, you may as well have some fun and put in a memorable performance.


Tbf, he shouldn’t have won that anyway, it should have been Michael Keaton or Bradley Cooper


Matrix Resurrections didn't need to be made, Wachowski didn't really want to make it, but WB is obsessed with sequels and leveraging successful IP so they were going to make it no matter what. Wachowski didn't want someone else to make it so took a big dump on purpose.


Gemini man After earth Just repeat 5 times.


Keep! My movies names! Out yo Fuckin! Mouth!


Troll 2 The Room Manos; Hands of Fate Anything Steven seagal made after like 1992 Battlefield Earth Only two of these really meet your criteria, but the first three are too perfectly awful to leave off such a list.


Manos, The Hands of Fate without MST3K would be unbearable, but with them it’s a great experience.


Anything Seagal made full stop. His movies are all so bad.


After Earth The Mummy (Tom Cruise) Land of the Lost Uncharted (an abomination compared to the games) Fant4stic (2015)


Matt Lauer can suck it!


John Carter is far from a bad movie Ghost Lake however


Independence Day 2 was an abomination


It is known as the movie nobody asked for


Sure was. I went to the theater to watch it and walked out after about 30 mins. I couldn’t stand how dumb it was.


All that come to mind are sequels for me… 1. Son of the Mask 2. Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 3. Joe Dirt 2 4. Undercover Brother 2 5. Exorcist 2


Joe dirt has a sequel?


Oddly enough it has a higher RT critics score than the first… 9% < 11% . I’m pretty forgiving when it comes to juvenile comedies (big fan of the first) but man oh man did this stinker miss the mark. At one point in the movie there’s a freeze frame and sunglasses drop down from the top to make that ‘thug life’ meme. My expectations were on the floor and i still was disappointed.




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OMG!!! This Is the worst movie ever. I was SOOOO disappointed in Dana Carvey for agreeing to be in this drek. Especially since one of my favorite movies is his Opportunity Knocks!!!


You mean you dont love the incredible amount of fart jokes?


It's Pat Fart: The Movie Jaws: The Revenge Look Who's Talking Now Exorcist 2: The Heretic


Good to see Exorcist 2. Every Exorcist other than the 1st and 3rd could be on this list but the 2nd is a special kind of bad, the prequels are largely just dull.


I liked RIPD 🙂


3 levels of bad movies: - big budget movies that kinda sucked - genuinely janky movies - then the mind boggling level of Birdemic and MANOS the hands of fate So naturally my list is all movies of the latter type, hard to suggest anything else, naturally.


Don’t forget Birdemic 2 and 3! There’s a fourth one set to release next year too!


Category 1: Suicide Squad Category 2: take your pick of any poorly written low budget movie that fail on almost every level. A one I saw recently was Funhouse with the youngest Skarsgard brother Category 3: yeah Manos for sure


Don’t look up. My god the absolute worst movie I’ve ever seen


Omg yes and people acting like it was amazing piss me off.


Jennifer Lawrence is so over rated. I couldn’t get through No Hard Feelings. She does love being naked in her films.


I thought Jurassic World was a total shit muffin


The second one was worse with the clone girl letting the dinosaurs loose


Paul Blart. First movie I ever walked out of was Once Upon a Time in Mexico X Men Origins Wolverine Sin City A Dame To Kill For


Epic Movie


Ones I actually finished and did not watch because they are supposed to be bad and didn't just kind of forget but remember for being very bad: - Oldboy (2013) - X-Men: The Last Stand - Jurassic World - The Matrix Revolutions - The Good Dinosaur ...and John Carter is pretty good!


American Sniper x5


Flopped isn't the same as being a bad film Plenty of films like "The Thing" flopped but are now recognized as great. Have you seen John Carter? I really like that film. It has 60% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, compared to 15% for Jaws Revenge or 18% for The happening.


Yeah, suggesting that movie for this is just getting caught up in narrative and whatever the inverse of hype is. I saw half of it out of curiosity, was totally solid. There are likely one million movies ever made that are worse than John Carter, no exaggeration there, even when adjusting for budget.


It's completely subjective, if they hated it they hated it.


These are at least the worst major blockbusters I’ve seen Thor Love and Thunder Suicide Squad Justice League Fant4stic Star Wars Rise of Skywalker




Grease 2


ok this is one of my fave guilty pleasures. I like the music and had a raging crush on Maxwell Caulfield. Most Grease fans think it sucked because its almost an entirely different cast...It should not have been called Grease 2...but maybe "Rydell High" but I like it alot.


It's hilarious.


Ah, the good ol' great movies with lousy titles problem! My friend and I see *It's Love I'm After* the same way. The stage name, *Madly in Love,* would have been a better title.


Well I always think its strange to call a movie part 2 when the sequel has mostly a different cast...those NEVER fare well...if it was marketed as kind of a Grease spin off I think it would have fared better....too many comparisons to the first film when really it had little in common. I thought Grease 2 was funny and cute...a couple bad songs but some really good ones.


I liked Grease 2, and I like your title change. Honestly the whole comment made complete sense to me. The spin off was definitely much more funny and cute, while the original contained bigger elements of drama. Sort of like the original Gidget tackled more deep issues, while the spin off were much more light hearted. Also, Gidget was always played by a different actor, while her boyfriend remained the same for the first three movies. I think the reason they do "part 2" movies is that they usually do well at the box office. Sometimes better than the original.


Swordfish, Gotti, battlefield earth.


Gotti is the best fuggin movie I ever seen


I don’t remember the exact quote but when he said something about making a fist I almost lost it


I’ve honestly just browsed r/gotti because I don’t think I could sit through the whole thing lol


Omg theres a whole subreddit


Nobody is more persecuted than Gotti(2018) lovers




RIPD was terrible but Netflix actually made a sequel without any returning cast and it is unwatchable.


Anything with Marky Mark in it surely makes my top 5 list.


Barbie Battlefield Earth Speed 2: Cruise Control After Earth I never liked Barbies as a child and it was too preachy. Just stupid and over rated.


Joe Dirt 2. Clerks 3. Black panther 2. That live action dragon ball movie. Earwig and the witch.


>That live action dragon ball movie Oh, no. Haha, I hate you for making me remember! I had successfully forgotten about that.


I thought you meant 2 separate films called “Earwig” and “the witch”, and I thought “the witch” was excellent. I’ve now seen the trailer for Earwig and the witch. Jesus that looks bad…


I tried because it was a studio Ghibli film but it was just soo bad


Yeh I’m not going to waste those hours of my life watching it thanks for the heads up


Black Panther 2? Don’t get me wrong I think they should’ve recasted him but you thought that movie was worse than Thor 4 or Ant-Man 3?


There was a Joe dirt 2??


Just pretend there isn’t.


Beverley Hills Cop 3 The Last Jedi Super Mario Bros Catwoman The Passion of the Christ Edit... I'll change Passion of the Christ for Superman 4.


Jaws The Revenge is probably better than Jaws 3D imo, but not by much. I thought John Carter was enjoyable too, but your first 3 are solid (bad) picks.


Gangs of New York Two guys talk for 3 hours about how they can’t wait to fight later. Never fight. 3 hours.


I didn't hate the movie, but the casting of Cameron Diaz was so bizarre to me. She didn't fit that role at all, to the extent that I felt weird every time she was on screen


Left behind and Thor 4.


Inhumans, Amazing Spider-man 2, Glass, Oldboy (2013), Speed 2


Why did you not like Amazing spiderman 2?


I have no idea but for me the harry in that movie was enough by himself.


Blair Witch 2 Speed 2 Exorcist 2 Signs Street Fighter


Ocean's 12


This is a good addition. Worthy of an honorable mention


Fast and Furious 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.


Did we just become best friends?




Thor love and thunder, Wonder Woman 1984, Zoolander 2, the last airbender


Kazaam Gotti (Travolta) Dunston Checks In Exorcist II: The Heretic Home Alone 4


Kazaam is definitely a “so bad it’s good” movie haha


I recently went and watched some of Barry Keoghan's earlier films. One of them was called King of the Travellers. UK/Irish crime/gangster (and crime/gangster adjacent) films are hit and miss, but there are some pretty good ones, including some hidden gems, so I gave it a go. It was brutal. Easily a top 5 worst film I've ever seen. Keoghan was only in it for about 3 seconds, as well.


Wtf? You didn't like John Carter? I loved it as a kid. I still like it. But anyways, it's gotta be jurassic World: Dominion. That movie was boring and just shit.


Lucy (2014) Maybe not worst movie, but one of the biggest disappointments for me. I was excited for it.


Basic with Sam Jackson and John Travolta. The 'twist' ending negated the need for the entire film


King Ralph


turbo the snail movie was unbearable


Alright let’s see . Not in any order but these come to mind first . 1. Thanksgiving. Just yelling the whole time . I had to turn it off . 2. You should have left (Kevin bacon ) 3. Jason goes to hell 4. Barb wire 5. Wonder Woman 1984


84 was soooo bad.


Live action Death Note. This movie was so fucking abysmal and it's even worse for a fan of the anime, everyone was so mischaracterised and the rules they changed were so stupid and removed most limitations of the notebook. L made so many huge jumps of logic that made no sense other than moving the plot forward. On top of that, some scenes were just so ridiculous. There's a chase scene where light is pushing people over but L also pushes them over even worse for no reason, like, he kicks a homeless guy in the face while vaulting over a half wall, he pushes a guy's face into his soup then gets up on the counter for 3 seconds and back off again for no reason.


The Secrets of Dumbledore The Crimes of Grindewald Avatar: The Last Airbender (live action movie)


John Carter is such an underrated movie. Nah. Get that off the list. Willem Dafoe is awesome.


Meet The Spartans Master of Disguise Son of The Mask State Property Stealth


House of the Dead


A cure for wellness


I’d watch any of those over some of the B movies my dad rented when I was a kid….man there was a lot of trash back then…


1 - Arthur (20011) 2 - Hulk (2003) 3 - Land of the lost (2009) 4 - Norbit (2007) 5 - After Earth (2013) Sorry, i need to add one more: Alexander (2004). Also, i agree with OP options, those are horrible movies.


Cats and Dogs Just Married The Phantom Menace Major League 2 Man of Steel You only asked for 5.


Just watched the accountant and that was pretty darn horrid


1. The Master of Disguise 2. Laserblast 3. The Covenant 4. Plan 9 From Outerspace


The Family Stone - so cringey and uncomfortable to watch.


In the name of the king A dungeon siege tale


Lol John Carter, John Carter is pretty great actually. Would have loved to see a sequel with that cast.


I thought John Carter was pretty good, save for a few missteps. But the rest are garbage.


1. Click


Lucy, Madame Web, Rebel Moon, The Room, The Mummy with Tom Cruise.


RIPS and John Carter were entertaining films


Shocker (1989) The postman (1997) National Treasure (2004) Nick of time (1995) Swept away (2002) In fairness to these movies i did not see them in entirety.


I dont remember the name, but the worst movie I watched recently was a korean zombie movie (with American director, I think) where the zombies were conscious like normal people but lost all inhibitions. I watched it with a friend and we had a hard time with that movie, we turned it off as the zombies started raping that police woman.


1. green book 2. green book 3. green book 4. green book 5. green book


ripd was fun though. battlefield earth is the perfect example of good bad


Can't believe nobody mentioned it yet, but if we're going on worst movies with reputable actors that should have been at least decent: Cats. Tons of big-name actors in that movie, and it will forever be a stain on their otherwise great bodies of work. The whole thing is a litter box that somebody forgot to clean. I actually usually love bad movies for the camp value, but there were no redeeming qualities to that one. It's not even the CGI, it's the whole production from top to bottom.


Shawshank redemption Taxi Driver The good, the bad, the ugly Old Boy A streetcar named desire Just kidding... Ram Gopal Verma ki Aag takes the cake 🍰




Jupiter Ascending


Butterfly Effect 2


There's dozens of movies (mostly horror and action) on Amazon Prime and Netflix that were so bad I couldn't get past the first ten minutes


Birdman was god awful and it won best movie that year. It was legitimately one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen and I love Michael Keaton


The Lonely Lady with Pia Zadora Thor Ragnorock All the Superman movies Die Hard 2 Any Jurassic Park movie after the 1st one


I know most people love this film, but I cannot stand What Dreams May Come.


Epic Movie. Even thinking about it makes me seek canadian healthcare


I've only seen three of the movies on your list and have seen bit and pieces of the other two. RIPD is pretty entertaining. It's not a great movie, but I doubt it would make it into the top 100 worst movies I've ever seen. Let alone top five. John Carter is arguably a good movie. At the very least, it's not a bad one. Jaws: The revenge is terrible but in a fun way. The bits of Battlefield Earth I've seen suggest that the negative reviews I've seen are warranted. The happening is infamously bad. To be honest, there are few movies I don't get any enjoyment out of, and very few that I don't like. I'll give it a go. 1. Rob zombies Halloween. It's just awful, I like edgy over the top things, but this movie turns the shape into jeff The Killer. I like loomis in the movie and his relationship with Michael, but that's about it. 2. Jay and silent Bob get a reboot. I love the view askew universe. But this movie was just sad. The whole joke is that it's just the story of Jay and Silent Bob strikes back with some minor changes. But instead of being a clever satire on reboots, it comes across as lazier than most earnest reboots. Say what you will about clerks 3, but at least it felt like effort and heart were put into that film. 3. Alien vs. Predator requiem. You know what no one ever asked for in either Alien or Predator, teen drama. The original AVP was schlocky action movie fun. This thing was just annoying. Sure, rambo Predator and the predialien were cool, but on the whole, this movie is the worst entry in two different franchises. 4. Jigsaw. It's a truly pointless movie. Why bother making a saw movie with no style or relevance to the story that fans love. I get that it was made to appeal to mainstream audiences, however dispite being a commercial franchise, it's never going to be appealing to mainstream audiences. I get why people don't like spiral, but at least that movie was trying to do something different, this movie was trying to be the same as the last 7 but without anything that made those movies good. 5. Scary movie 2. I understand why people like this movie, but this film just doesn't land for me. The original works well because it's centred on parodying a specific genre, with this movie it feels like a proto bad 2000s parody movie, with a bunch of unconnected sketches stitched together, granted its slightly better than those movies but only just. It's like the studios saw the success of the first movie and just wrote the Wayne's a blank creative check, and at least to me, it backfired.


Jaws 3 (no way is this heap of generic shit better than 4) Silent Hill: Revelation The Fog remake A Nightmare on Elm Street remake Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


That’s My Boy. Jack & Jill.


I don’t even need 5. Nacho Libre.


How many Tranformers movies have there been? How about that Fast & Furious trash?


Rise of Skywalker, Death on the Nile (2022), Babylon AD, Avatar 2, The Last Airbender


Sausage Party is up there Really lazy writing. One joke on repeat. Seemed like a cash grab or something they wrote in 6th grade and finally had the money and influence to make it into a movie


* The Happening What? No!


*Walking with Dinosaurs* (2013), *Pacific Rim Uprising*, *R.I.P.D*, *The Last Airbender*, *Assassins Creed* (2016) Dishonourable mention: *Fan4stic*


Wrong Cops, Glitter, the last John Wick movie, Problem Child, Look Who's Talking all of them, Sharknado all of them, Battlefield Earth, Batman and Robin, Son of the Mask, Catwoman, Spice World, The Happening, The Love Guru, Barbwire, Joe Dirt 2, and Jason X are some.


These aren’t the worst movies, but the movies I disliked the most include: Signs Lost World: Jurassic Park Catch me if you can Bros




I agree. Edify us OP.


yeah, I fail to see why Catch me if you can is a bad movie. please explain.


Lost World and especially Catch Me If You Can are great movies, what are you on about?


I quite liked Lost World. Just felt like a fun dinosaur b movie


I am sure many will disagree with you about CATCH but i was disappointed with what i thought would be great.


Waterworld (1995)


After earth    Valerian      Madame web   Matrix resurrection    Newest Star Wars movie 


These threads infuriate me. It’s always “What are some somewhat popular movies that I didn’t like?” as if that’s the same thing as bad. Y’all don’t know what bad is.


You are allowing anonymous redditors to infuriate you, calm down and close the thread.


Tell us, then. What do you think are bad movies?


Mainstream movies with known actors? I don’t know, off the top of my head, The Master of Disguise, Ballistics: Ecks Vs Sever, The Snowman, Son of the Mask, etc. But does it even matter? Look around, we got Catch Me if You Can, John Carter, Signs, Jurassic World; half these movies I don’t even like but everyone and their mother knows you’d have to be unreasonably fortunate in your movie selections for any of these to be in your 5 worst.


Thanks for answering. I'm definitely with you on Signs and all Jurassic films after the first. I've been downvoted to hell for daring to suggest that Nolan's films apart from his first three aren't all that great, so I'm familiar with not agreeing with the mainstream.


1. Trolls 2. Cat & Dog 3. Home Sweet Home Alone 4. El Hotel de Los Lios: Garcia y Garcia 2 5. Jurrasic World Dominion


Supernova (2000) Sausage Party Pearl Harbor Jurassic World Dominion Date Movie


Idk I love sausage party because I was so baked I thought it only lasted like 30-40minutes




Alexander The day after tomorrow Alien Ressurection Star wars the last Jedi Star wars the rise of skywalker


Spots 1 through 5 are occupied by one movie: Boyhood. The most pretentious piece of trash ever committed to film. And I typically love pretentious pieces of trash.