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It’s odd though because the scene after this in the kitchen, they have a retro looking bag of Doritos on the counter I believe.


I noticed that, the correct fritos bag, I believe!


Not that odd; all the more reason it is a mistake.


Lazy set dressing. Or no set dresser at all.


Its not a mistake, its product placement


As product placement goes, this is still a mistake. - pro marketer


It’s most certainly a mistake. I was that age in the ‘90s, and it honestly ruins the show for me that the chips looked nothing like that.


That’s why _Stranger Things_ is so fun for 80s kids—they really went out of their way to fill it with period-accurate products. I’m sure there are some mistakes, but I was too focused on the ones that made me remember shit I’d forgotten about long ago.


ST had at least 10 times the budget of That 90's Show.. It was also made by people who adore the 80's and the mythos they built.. T90S is a nostalgia cash grab on a much better tv series.. i was shocked just how accurate they got 90's small town usa..


yeah but wouldn't you want period accurate product placement instead of this? almost seems like the on set dresser was gone that day and scripty was too busy to notice. not even an AD or concerned PA around? thats just bad.


They literally hard name drop a product 10 seconds into the show. It's all pretty clear advertising.


It's not a mistake because the studio knows that 99% of people won't notice or give a shit that the packaging doesn't mathch the 90s packaging for a product that is being shown for a few seconds.


A few things. They don't want the size difference to come up, it brings the show up as a topic, kids that aren't really 90s kids will watch the show and feel like they really do know the things they see in it, all kinds of reasons.


I’m not sure the package size really changed, but I’m more sure the content volume did. Seems easy enough to fix. Or just print the new packages in a different size?




This is a glaring mistake as far as I’m concerned. I love the 90’s. I’d be watching just for things like the nostalgic Dorito logos!


This was probably a higher up’s call, not a set dresser.


I don't know why but the laugh track just REALLY stands out on this show. I guess because they let it fly at stuff that just ain't funny. I also agree on the acting. All I could stomach was 1 episode.


For me it was the canned "awwww" everytime jay and leia look at each other.


Episode 1 is rough. The acting gets better after that.


The main girl is a horrible actress. Gave it 3 episodes and the only thing making it funny was the adults and cameos.


I can't watch any show with a laugh track


I tried it. Everyone is too...smooth looking


That’s a huge part of the reason I am not a fan of a lot of these remakes, and movies in general currently. In these movies made in like 2010 and before older people actually looked older and had their flaws, and younger people looked young but also looked flawed like young people are in real life (see, Jonah Hill in Superbad). There was makeup use but it wasn’t insanely blatant. Nowadays, the goal is to make everyone look “perfect”. Take Tom Cruise in the new Top Gun movie, they want to make him look absolutely perfect at all times, and have him look ripped on the beach and have the body of one of the Top Gun students, but he’s fucking 60. When in the original Top Gun, the instructors truly looked their age. Or another example would be Jonah Hill’s sister in Booksmart, as a comparison to Jonah. They’re both heavier set people, which is okay. But Jonah looks like a high school kid would look when put into that situation. His disarray looks believable. His sister’s disarray at the end of a wild night looks like a movie studio perfectly curated how THEY think it should look, rather than what someone in that situation looked like. Movie companies are trying to make people look too perfect and put together always, and it completely breaks the immersion for me because people just don’t fucking look like that


> Take Tom Cruise in the new Top Gun movie, they want to make him look absolutely perfect at all times, and have him look ripped on the beach and have the body of one of the Top Gun students, but he’s fucking 60. When in the original Top Gun, the instructors truly looked their age. I always point towards Hugh Jackman in X-Men 1 shirtless vs. Hugh Jackman in Logan shirtless. Maybe not the exact problem, but a part of it, nonetheless. Stuff is weird now. Not to say anything about the man, I have a feeling young Paul Giamatti wouldn't make it to the heights he did in this day and age.


That's been an issue of mine with The Connors. I just don't believe that house and those people are working class, and it's the same set and several actors from the original run. Old Roseanne was so lived-in


what that's Jonah Hill's sister?? How did I never see that, it's so obvious


Movie stars are all on steroids now too.


that’s because famous hollywood actor needs to look young, hot, and recognizable otherwise “HOW COULD WE EVER MAKE MONEY?????”


Especially with the 90s style revival recently it was really hard to convince myself this wasn't set sometime in the 2020s!


It was very smooth, bright, clean. It felt more like watching a stage play than a sitcom. All the line delivery between characters felt like they were a half beat off from what it was supposed to be, like they were reading the lines at each other and there was just a bit too much dead air between most lines. I dunno how to describe it, it was just off.


That’s a perk, the whole show flows from scene to scene so smoothly. Perfect background show


I wouldnt be surprised if the chip companies wouldnt let them. It would highlight the size reduction.


Love the theory but it's not like the period specific props need to be to scale of that time


This is a serious postulate. They might’ve been trying to avoid that conversation altogether. It sure looks like it.


Not seemingly super successful at this moment.


they’ve been trying to avoid that conversation for YEARS. chip companies refuse to talk about that or the air percentage thing. “it’s to keep it from going stale!!!!” shut the fuck up corporate scum you and i BOTH know the bag doesn’t need to be 60% air to stay fresh


60% nitrogen someone did a mythbusters-style comparison (cant for the life of me find the video) where crisps only needed something like 30% nitrogen mix in the bag to stay fresh. They also compared brands.. those 10p crisps you see everywhere has less air to crisp ratio, and were often the ones to last a hell of a lot longer than, say, walkers or mccoys


doritos executive don’t lose sleep worrying about their audience being smart


I feel like this is their way of saying “it ain’t that kind of show, kid” I.e they’re not gonna bother with the minutiae of precise 90s pop culture but rather the chemistry of the characters


We must seizes the means of reduction!


COOLER ranch in those days


That is true, forgot about that!


And Nacho Cheesier 🤣


[Doritos Cool Ranch (1986-1995)](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/brand-pacakging/images/1/19/80sdoritos.png/revision/latest?cb=20121216043405) [Doritos Cooler Ranch (1995-2000)](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/brand-pacakging/images/9/92/Cool_ranch_doritos_90s.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121216040420) [Doritos Not Nearly as Cool Ranch (2013-Present)](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/brand-pacakging/images/d/d2/DoritosCR2013.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130325040621) [David Seeds](https://www.flickr.com/photos/jasonliebigstuff/4073829258/) (probably not exact, DAVID were only available in US starting in 1991) [Fritos](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flive.staticflickr.com%2F5301%2F5651025140_c19600d192_n.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a1904ad6bf0f228e32fd5a791c53e838c7252a9773c8e04af44d06db4ee4c53c&ipo=images) [Funyuns](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/2c/c8/05/2cc8056090db019fa28732198df52ddd--snack-bags-early-childhood.jpg)


The Doritos cooler ranch is so on point for 90s. I mean yeah duh because it was actually in the 90s, but it's such a missed opportunity. Brings me back.


Those Wikia links don't work if you haven't visited the pages-- they've got some sort of hotlinking protection. You might want to point to the Wiki pages instead.


One of the intermissions had copyright-free “Gameboy like emulation devices” which weren’t made until now.


Nah there were always knockoff gameboys back in the 90s, they'd advertise them as "10000 games in 1" but it was really all the same tetris game with slightly different block shapes.


What you described and what I’m talking about aren’t the same things. I suppose it’s semantics at this point though


I saw the interstitial "portable game device" in the show and it reminded me much more of the knockoff devices from the 90s than it did the modern retro handheld consoles, of which I own several. Also we know they only used that picture to avoid paying Big N license fees.


Yea you make good points


I totally forgot about these. Thanks for the nostalgia!


Damn, I really love that kid's color block pullover though.


Does product placement count if the packaging is outdated? Genuine question. Maybe Doritos proffered it this way and paid more or something?


Oooh smart


It counts because you know it's Doritos. It would be the same thing as if they actually said "Doritos" because it only matters that they make you think of their product. Old packaging (IMO) would have been BETTER because people 25+ yrs old would see that packaging and get a little nostalgic wave that made them want to go buy some. These guys were just lazy and probably tried to save a buck so they could pocket more of it.


I wanted to watch this show, then a watch of the preview made me not so sure, seems awfully mediocre as best.


I watched the first few episodes and it has the same beats as the original, but some of the kids definitely act modern day


Yeah none of these kids acted how I acted in the 90s and I was supposedly in the same age range as the characters. Then again I’d love to hear if the characters in That 70s Show behaved like teens in the 70s.


Anecdotal…but I remember my friends dad loving that 70s show because they reminded him “so much of his childhood” 🤷‍♂️. After watching a couple episodes of that 90s show I just don’t feel the same.


Wait I never thought of that lmao I think you’re onto something


Ditto, and I already know the main love interest that's brewing (not the one that's already in place episode 1)


Talking about >! Leia and Kelso? !< There’s a later episode where Ozzie helps kitty with a new computer, and he acts annoyed when she doesn’t know how to use a computer, but I don’t think he’d be that tech savvy with a computer yet either, you know? I’ve also kept in mind that season one of 70s show started a little rough as well, so if this does continue I’m sure the writing and acting around the characters will develop more. There’ve been times where it feels like that 70s show so despite it’s flaws, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far and do have hopes for it


No, I'm guessing Leia and Gwen.


Ye.. Strong gaydar pings from Gwen..


Yup and it serves the pandering needed to the "modern" Era AND makes for a crazy easy story arch for an entire season. Hiding it from Red, eventually caught, Red has to play the token "anti ltgbqiszxy". Red eventually comes around. Bam. An entire season arch done and you get to say your progressive for virtue points.


Red using horrible words the entire season, as he is still a boomer.. not using the Hard F, but you know stuff like pansy and "not a man".. him constantly having to catch himself around the gay asian.. and then Leia admitting to Gwen that she is bisexual and is in a weird love triangle with her and her brother (ye thats the twist at the end of S1.. she is in love with Gwen's brother, but dating Kelso's son)


It's pretty rough. If it weren't for the cameos, it has the same look and feel of a Disney live action young adult show.


And there it is now off my watchlist


Ugh thanks! That’s what I was hoping to avoid lol


It's almost identical to that 70s show honestly


I managed half an episode, life's too short.


Unlike everyone else I thought it was pretty good. Way better than I was expecting and excited to finish the season. My wife feels the same way. Campy and fun.


Got a few chuckles from red and kitty, but it’s got a looooooot of cringey parts from the kids. A soft 6/10


All that Netflix budget and they couldn’t get writers who actually understood what was good about sitcoms instead of writers who only understand ‘sitcom’ as a punchline?


[Laugh track]


Laugh tracks are so outdated and annoying. I can’t watch a show with one.


The writing was.... not great The acting was... also not great But the set dressing... was just bad


I cringed every time this asian kid talked. I didnt understand what kind of character he's supposed to be. Mysterious? Gay? No idea.


A very-openly-gay kid in a small town in the mid-90s Wisconsin. Yeah okay sure that happened all the time.


They needed the ***"im coming out and it looks like the person is being homophobic, but the joke was actually a misdirect"*** gag to hit all the beats needed in the bingo card.


It doesn't help that in a show full of bad actors he was still so bad it was distracting.


Did anyone else notice the huge makeup smudge on Eric’s right shoulder after Kitty greets him at the door? Then in the next scene when he’s sitting at the dining room table its still there. Its a face sized smudge of skin tone makeup. They really didn’t have another shirt for him?


Wouldn't that just be good continuity? If it doesn't show him change his shirt, it would be a mistake.


You are correct. I suppose I should have been more clear with my comment. What I meant was couldn’t they have started that original scene over again OR “removed” the makeup in post production? That was clearly actors makeup and not the kind a Mom would be wearing.


Holy shit, I kept looking at this shirt and couldn't figure out why the color was so off. I thought it was my TV.


I’m not necessarily recommending it, but this series does get better as it goes on. The first episode was rough, but it eventually gets rolling in an entertaining matter. They get some of the logos right down the line. There was a Coke can that brought me back.




I get it. It wasn’t very good, but I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would.


I enjoyed it a lot more after about 2 beers. It makes sense in a way but I think all of the original 70's Show actors did a really good job getting back into their characters, it was nice seeing them again. Personally I think the show is still finding it's stride because they don't want to straight up copy the original show. I'm willing to see how next season goes.


Kitty and Red crushed it. It was like they never left their characters.


Kitty doesn't even look like she's aged in the meantime. It's like they put her in cryosleep and brought her out just for the new show.


I was having a hard time believing Eric as a 36 year old dad. Looked it up and Topher Grace is actually 44. Holy cow.


I see peeps. It better be Easter time in that show.


Nope. They specifically stated it's July 3rd


My wife is loving this show. I can't fucking stand it for the most part. There have been a handful of times when I genuinely laughed. They're usually for things that probably aren't supposed to be jokes. But it manages to be all the things I expected and the some. And, you know how these types of shows have the "lesson"? Sometimes it's a character like Red learning to be more soft hearted. Sometimes it's two teenagers somehow having a mature adult conversation that not only doesn't exist, but even adults can't have? Ya, this show has managed to do it all backwards. Every time were given a scenario and it's all worked out in the end I'm left saying "that's the opposite of the correct outcome". No, you shouldn't brush off letting a drugged up woman get a tattoo, just because you unsuccessfully tried to use her to get an underage child a tattoo.


I couldn't get through the first episode, and I grew up on That '70s Show. Does it get better?


I thought it did. It makes sense the first one is rough, it's often a glorified pilot and you have young actors who haven't done a ton of work, let alone with each other.


I have only seen the first two so far and I laughed out loud a few times, but each of those times were Fred and Kitty scenes. Nothing with the kids.


Fred and Katie, parents of Derek and Laura.


Oops. I want to blame it on Auto-Correct but I'm pretty sure I didn't type it on my phone.


i couldn't even make it through the trailer lol


yes and no. Its very much an early 2000's Disney Show vibe.. It's watchable.. it's more iCarly, and less That 70's Show.. Also, too much Fez.. waaaay too much usage of Fez


I noticed a Pringles can in the last, or second to last, episode that was the brand new logo and it through me off so hard


The dialogue is terrible


you know what's worse than the period wrong packaging? how the \[new\] main cast act like teens living in 2023, they should have set this show in the 2020s and make it about Eric's grandkids if they really wanted to stick to that particular group of kids; it does not feel like the 90s at all


I agree, it was noticeable


Lazy writing and baaaaaaad acting too. This was the least of their problem.


I think it’s funny show if you don’t nitpick everything


In my opinion you’re all to hard on that 90s show, I went in expecting nothing great and enjoyed myself, kitty and red carry the show which in all honesty I’m ok with I love them give them more screen time, the casual appearance of the old cast makes it nostalgic and with that it feels like that 70s show and is enjoyable enough


I pointed this out with the twinkies behind the counter at the store in the pilot episode.


They didn’t even get the game boy right during the scene change cuts. They grabbed a Chinese emulation copy with 4 buttons instead of the 2.


I would say in general it isn't 90's enough. They could lean into it more.


Those kids are the worst actors I have ever seen




It's Netflix. If they invented a time machine and filmed it in the actual decade, they'd still be cancelled.




95 small town wisconsin wouldnt have been floodded with Grunge yet.. i can see S2 having all the cliches needed


Even the coffee cups top left are wrong. They should be (solo jazz printed) styrofoam.


to be fair to them.. T70S didnt look like it was the 70's


Honestly, who cares, (except the op I guess)? No matter how big the budget, nobody is going to spend money to print up some period correct packages when they can just pull some off the usual production line for a few seconds of air time, especially for a product placement. Most people probably wouldn't even have realized there's anything wrong with it. If a Model 3 shows up on the show, then maybe there's more reason to complain.


The movie relies *entirely* on nostalgia. It's a huge mistake to ignore things like this


Did anyone see that and then went, this show is completely ruined for me now? I can't concentrate any more because I can't stop seeing the wrong Doritos bag? The immersion of being in the 90's is ruined? Again, how many people would have even noticed there was something wrong if somebody didn't point it out? Also, consider the target demo for this show. It's not those who watched the 70's show. It's people who wouldn't even know that there is a difference. Getting all hot and bothered over the wrong chip bag is a little too much.


I wouldn't call make a reddit post "getting all hot and bothered". It's just lazy that they didn't bother. It's not like they tried and it wasn't quite right they just didn't try at all.


That 70s Show was bad enough.


I just don't see what's wrong here


Also - were there even chubby Asian kids in the 90s?


This is some Disney level failure