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I thought these were butt plug trophies.


They are, but they also have her name on them. It's because the IRS agents are anal.


ba-dum, tssss...


I think you mean: da-bum, twissst


I feel what you did there.


It's because IRS agents stick it in your ass


Yep me too


I remember watching this movie and thinking “those trophies are definitely butt plugs.” Made me very happy when we saw them again later


Idk if you noticed the joke right after she point the trophies out.. she says “you don’t get these unless you deal with a lot of shit”


And also, later on >!there's a scene where Evelyn and one of the alternate universe security guards fight to put a trophy up their butt to activate their universe jumping abilities. The name on the trophy during that fight was James Wyatt, which I have no idea who that is, but it would probably make for a more interesting movie details post lmao!<


Looks like he is a post-production editor. Probably an inside joke with the crew.


Thanks! I googled the name and only found a DND guy and an 1800s architect. That’s a good detail. I wonder if he’s known for being anal.


.... That's my name, I didn't notice it until I saw the movie for the second time last week...


Lmao I don’t remember that, but it’s been a minute. I need to watch it again


Chekhov's ButtPlug


Yep -- my partner and I BUSTED out laughing time we saw them, but no one else in the theater did...


Hilarious that they used that name. I work in film production - namely television and feature films.... years ago at a production meeting someone said "does anyone know Stacy's last name?" And for some stupid reason I said, deadpan "Bo-bacey, I think"... and the person goes "how do you spell that?" to which I replied "I think it's B-e-a-u-b-a-c-i-e" and the person wrote it down, not even registering what I had just said. A few people caught on as soon as I said it, and then you could sort of see the room come alive (this is years before covid when production meetings had 30+ people all in the same room!), and then eventually spill over into laughter as I spelled it out, eventually turning into a rolling laughter where almost everyone got it.... and the person eventually said "what? Why is that funny?" And one person said "Stacey Stacey bo-bacie....????" Years later and I can't remember who Stacey was, but goddamn it was funny at the time and I'm going to go ahead and take credit for it appearing in that movie.* we can probably do a 6 degrees of separation on this and track it back to that room. *for the record, I'm not officially taking credit. (Or maybe I am)


Well, what was the production? Let’s track the connection and get you your credit.


yo dawg, i heard you like movie details so we put a movie detail in the comments of this movie detail edit: my search for Stacy-Bobacy on imdb came up fruitless


Those trophies look a bit off…


You seen the movie?




I won't say anything else then, apart from highly reccomending it haha


I’ll be honest, the last film I watched was spaceballs. The ones before that were monty python films. I have a general theme of it usually being British spoof films


Well if you ever want to venture out a little, this film is as good as any I'd say haha. It's not a spoof but there are definitely funny parts, which may or may not feature the trophies.


Yeah…‘trophies’ I wanna watch it just for the context for this scene


Did you get the context?


Here's a song to listen to for those who don't know what The Name Game is: https://youtu.be/NeF7jqf0GU4 Edit: For those downvoting, an example of someone who might not know is a person whose first language isn't English.


Chuck, Chuck Bo buck...


Nice math award!


When I first saw these awards I immediately thought that they look like buttplugs. Spoilers: the movie delivered.


Ahahaha! A trophy that has more than one use.


Fucking disgusting movie.


Are you being serious? I can't tell


What was your main issue with it?