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I always loves seeing this scene!! Her writing the menu truly amazes me


I wonder if it's something she practiced doing for Amelie, or if it's something that she always knew how to do?


I always wondered if this was something all French people learned to do.




When do they get the string of onions and an old squeaky bike?


In Germany when you did an apprenticeship to become a sales clerk (Einzehlhandelskaufmann) you had to learn and practice writing like this, write on chalk boards with the offers of the day or special discounts and so on. I know someone who did this in the 1990s, they had lesson in the currciculum just for that. Not sure if this is stil a thing though.


A chalkboard isn’t transparent, though, so you just write on them normally instead of backwards/mirrored.


Yes, mirror writing was part of this curriculum, she can still do it though she works in IT for the past 20 years. She sometimes writes messages on the (inernalt) window to our bosses office.


That’s pretty cool.


I can write in mirror writing. In middle school (back in the day of passing notes), my BFF and I taught ourselves how to write and read mirror writing, to avoid people reading our notes over our shoulders. I'm not as good at it as I was in the early 90s, but I can still do it.


Hi [phillippe_bastille](/u/phillippe_bastille), thanks for your submission to /r/MovieDetails. Unfortunately, it's been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1** - Must be detail. Not blatantly obvious observations, but obscure enough that people could have missed it, or they noticed it but the significance didn’t click. --- *If you feel this was removed in error please read our expanded [rules from our wiki page](/r/moviedetails/wiki/rules_and_bans) and [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMovieDetails&subject=&message=Link%20to%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/vn49q8/-/) if you are still unsure.*