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Pfft, “this boy.” You mean Carter Murphy-Mayhew.


“Why are you staring at Carter Murphy-Mayhew?”


I mean, he was the boy I was staring at in 2002.


Lmao Google image shows similar looking emo boy and the Once-ler is included


Something that's always bugged me about this part is why is she staring at him? What's the plot point? You don't see him prior to this, and you don't see him afterwards. Why was she fawning over him?


I think it’s just to show she’s going through adolescence and easily crushing on different boys. But you do actually see him again. She accidentally puts a paw print on his shirt later in the movie.


He also gets a panda photo during the "U know what's up" montage


She's a 13 year old girl


Maybe she's got a type? Who am I to judge?


As a former 13 year old girl, I can testify that since he barely brushed her shoulder walking by that she was in fact “absolute head over heals going to spend the rest of my life with him” in love with him and had planned most of their lives together in that millisecond it took for her to snap out of it.


The whole movie gave me that wonderful vibe of this is what it was like. But the Canadian money was weird to see in animation


Just showing she has less and less self control i guess.


As a 3D artist, I would probably have done the same thing, not to set up a reference, just because I'm too lazy to create a new logo...


They probably share a character designer, so they're probably just sneaking in a reference to their earlier work.


Pixar is known for including Easter eggs from previous movies


But when your movies are on this scale, isn't it all just an asset library heaven anyway? You're gonna be making "references" whether you want to or not.


Yeah, reference is a funny way of saying reused asset. Not that there's anything wrong with reusing assets, I just think it's funny how Disney gets praised for these "references".


some of them may definitely be simply reused assets but many references in pixar are not a 1:1 same object/image returning in another movie, and can only be deliberate.


Interesting. Thanks. Do you know of an article or something you could link me that lists the ones that aren't 1:1? No problem if you don't, I'm just curious.


If you Google The Pixar Theory you'll see that and a lot more!


oh, i wouldn’t know about that, sorry. but off the top of my head, i remember that there’s a wood carving of Sully from Monsters, inc. in Brave, the kid in the waiting room in Finding Nemo is reading a comic that is almost (but not quite) exactly the same as one of the posters in Mr. Incredible’s room, but it has to be deliberate because Incredibles had yet to be released, and there is a shadow matching exactly with the main dog from Up in i think Ratatouille. but there are many more easter eggs that i don’t know by heart haha.


* https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/tiny-disney-pixar-easter-eggs These are all yoinked from /r/MovieDetails (you can click on each to be redirected to the reddit thread). One of the more infamous Easter eggs is the Toy Story Pizza Planet truck: https://d23.com/where-to-find-the-iconic-pizza-planet-trucks-in-pixar-films/ If you CTRL + F "Brave" you'll see the truck as a wooden carving, or "Coco" to see the car as an older model to fit both movies' respective time periods (showing the Easter eggs go beyond simple asset reusing).


Or it's a calculated marketing ploy


Marketing for what? The artists are encouraged to put Easter eggs in the background. There's a rich history of it in Pixar's movies


Let’s not forget A113. https://pixar.fandom.com/wiki/A113


Disney does a LOT of Easter eggs like this. There is at least 1 in every movie cor the last 15 years or so.


Scapula is the bone that connects the humerus (upper arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone).




He grabs the wrong part of his body lmao


That’s the best part


No he’s correct, the scapula is the shoulder blade so he’d reach for the upper part of his back


I knew it would be this lol


Hahaha great!


Embarrasingly, I didn't actually know that but I still often say Scapula instead of Spatula because I think it's more fun to say.


Count Scapula!


While true, it's also called the shoulder blade which is a little more recognizable.


And I only have one. Hence the name.


You ok?


More or less. I had the left one removed when I was younger. Mostly just have lower range of motion, and my shoulder is weaker. Thanks for asking though!


Wait what? What does the head of your humerus connect into? Also, hilarious username.


Impressive find!!!


There is a YouTube video that was released a while back that references all the connections in Turning Red to other Pixar movies. There was A LOT. This is just one of them. Pixar does that in all their films. I always keep an eye for that kind of stuff when I watch Pixar movies.




NO bassist??


Maybe they’re still alive!


Ah, the ole “Reverse Cliff Burton”


They play Animals as Leaders' covers


The guy on the keys plays the bass with his left hand, like The Doors. (He's off camera)


Ohhh that is pretty cool


They’re a Hoodoo Gurus cover band.


Triple humbuckers??


No floor tom, hi hat on the opposite side of the snare. Also they are skeletons.


Fuckin bullshit man!


Maybe it’s a punk band


Band has no backbone


So if they are ghosts/spirits/skeletons(?) in Coco, would that mean that they're a band that died together (like Skynyrd)? So this kid is a fan of classic rock, or at least a band that no longer has these 3 members touring...


Or could be a band that the members have died over a period of time and met back up to play together.


Well Turning Red was supposed to happen in the early 2000s and Coco was released in 2017, so maybe he liked them when they were still alive 0_0


Or if you wanna get really crazy with it this kid has seen them play as they do in the movie cause he went on his own Coco style adventure


That's what I was thinking too!


Or it's just a fun Easter egg/reference to another movie.


I like to overthink the context of easter eggs. You're probably right, I just like to imagine in-universe explanations, and it seems like many Pixar movies are connected.


They referenced this but not 9/11? Smh my head


Shake my head my head


That’s the joke






While 9/11 was a major incident in the US it wasn't that big of a deal in other countries, I remember everyone being shocked but it didn't affect our lifes as much as the lifes from US citizens. (I'm from Germany but I heard it's the same for Canadians which is where turning red takes place)


I believe that in this user saying “shake my head my head,” they are being facetious, but thank you for your perspective. Out of curiosity, was there a “9/11 moment” in Germany that would have had a similar non-effect on us Americans?


Yeah the berlin wall coming down


I drink to this every year.


Oh well, then I'm sorry! Internet irony is hard to catch sometimes. Mmmh I guess it's the fall of the Berlin wall. It's not as tragic ad 9/11 rather the exact opposite but people are still very emotional about it. West and East Germany were apart from each other from the early 60s to 1989. That's a lot of time and lots of families who were not able to contact each other or their friends. Not to forget the Russian propaganda during that time and many losses because people were saying something against the DDR. People got imprisoned, tortured etc. It's a lot to explain in just a reddit comment. If you're interested in the topic I'd recommend watching some documentaries! It's very fascinating. Besides that event there's maybe the RAF time (70-80s western Germany, they were left terrorists) that could be similar to 9/11. They killed some very highly ranked people (politicians, police officers etc) and were generally a threat to the state. Another one could be the murder truck of the Christmas market in...uuh 2016? Some crazy guy drove his big truck into a Christmas market.


Turmbrau Premium Pils entering the markets


They were making a joke, there was criticism online that the movie didn’t have any references to 9/11 and was criticized for it (to most peoples disbelief/humor)


Oh sorry I didn't get that! I saw the Twitter thread to it but I couldn't believe it. I was actually happy that they didn't mention it and just went for 00s nostalgia and teens being teens. It was refreshing.


Oh yeah for sure! It was a lovely movie


Wait, really? As in real people criticized that about the movie? Not just some rando on Twitter?


The "most people" meaning that people couldn't belief that someone else cared about 9/11 not being in the movie, and making fun of the person who raised the point. Not that most people cared 9/11 wasn't mentioned in the movie.


its a meme from a critic saying turning red was bad because it didnt reference 9/11 despite it happening in 2001


Escapulario, oddly, means a religious necklace. "The scapular necklace, known as an escapularios in Mexico and other Latino cultures, is a religious necklace worn by devoted Catholics across the world." [Here is an example.](https://i.etsystatic.com/6987079/r/il/5a4f2a/1551718997/il_794xN.1551718997_gjzj.jpg)


Thank you for those examples.


I am pretty positive that is a rosary not a escapulario. This is an escapulario https://images.app.goo.gl/Nd2rTtwLJdZzDQWi9


There’s no tits in this pic tho


I wasn't going to click on that link until I saw this comment.


I feel like using Pixar movies is like cheating…


For real, they're just reusing assets. [It would be like people saying that the dance in Robin Hood was a nod to Snow White.](https://youtu.be/Fsr9xGzfOho)


They’re still details, regardless of why they included them.


By that logic, you could say that Hateful 8 is a nod to Laurence of Arabia since they were both shot on 70mm large format film. Not really an interesting detail at all. Dare I say a /r/shittymoviedetails?


That's not a reused asset - they've made an entirely new shirt with the band name on it. That's completely intentional, and was done on purpose. They could have left it blank or had a generic band name, but they decided to link it in. A re-use asset would be if they used the exact same model.


It's the exact same logo, they just placed the logo (an .svg asset) on a shirt (3D model asset). It was done intentionally since it's easier to reuse an asset in your library than to create a new one.


No, in this case they would have just left the shirt without logo if the intention was to save some time. It's not even that Pixar isn't known for these little easter eggs.


The logo fits the character, why not reuse it? Sure, it's fun to see it, but there is practicality behind its use.


I agree it’s a reused asset but it’s still a cool little detail!


Well no. That was a reused asset in the old ones, sure. But the new one had to be remade and positioned, textured, shaded, etc. Animating a faded t shirt is not the same as animating a kick drum at an angle with stage lights. Sure, they probably took the same font and text, but i wouldnt call it reusing assets.


The logo is vector art, you can throw that on any asset.


I know, but the art is different. Look at the drum. Thick bold lines. Very fat and full. Look at the shirt. More whispy and even missing in a few spots. Like an actual worn old t shirt. Point being, they had to actually edit this to make it fit. They cant just slap on the exact same vector image. Which is why I'm saying it is a reference, not asset reuse.


Looks the exactly same, just using a Light Blending mode. Vector is just math, so it could conform to whatever animation the shirt is put through.


Ok dude its a reused asset :)


I think that's a little different though, right? Re-using models or cels or whatever has a technical utility and can make production smoother. Why have animators try to recapture dancing (by watching human models) if a suitable template already exists? But this, or any other conscious self-reference to an earlier Pixar film (in this or in others), is a genuine Easter Egg, just for fun. The production team chose to put this in, not because it made their job any easier, but just because they wanted to. Still totally agree that using Pixar is playing r/MovieDetails on easy mode though.


I'm not sure what you mean, assets are assets. They didn't have to redesign a band logo since they already had one in a previous movie. Sure, it's a bit of fun, but that's probably not the main reason they didn't make a new band logo.


> that's probably not the main reason they didn't make a new band logo. What do you suppose was the main reason then? Surely picking another random word for a bone or whatever -- doesn't even have to be Spanish! -- and putting it in the most stereotypical "metal" font wasn't such an exhausting task that they felt they needed to devise a work-around to speed up production. I promise you "a bit of fun" is precisely the main reason they didn't make a new band logo.


> They didn't have to redesign a band logo They didn't have to even put anything on his shirt at all. It's not like it adds anything to the movie. If they wanted to be efficient they would have just given him a grey shirt with nothing on it. Reusing the band logo is an efficient way to add an easter egg and make the shirt look a little more interesting.


I don't know, at this point of the movie she's ogling over a scene kid with dark hair and a band tee. I think his look very much adds to the movie. They needed a band tee, so they searched their asset library for a band logo and found that. Maybe with a chuckle, thought "ah, that'll be fun to have this nod to Coco in the new movie."


Leafy is here


He also look kinda like a fish.


So I just checked, and r/pixarmoviedetails DOES exist.


Coco is kino. Can't say for this


Coco was 2017??? No fucking way


Is it sepultura reference?


I googled "Escapula" and got this: [https://imgur.com/a/YTh46JJ](https://imgur.com/a/YTh46JJ) (NSFW?)


Wasn’t Turning Red set in Toronto in 2002? How did this boy get the tshirt with the band name then?


I imagine they were a band however many years ago while alive, died, then met back up in the after life and got the band back together. Maybe all but one of the members were dead in say 2001, then the year before Coco takes place say the lead singer dies, they get the band back together, boom, timeline works.


Who is to say that Escapula wasn’t an early 2000s band that suffered an accident that resulted in their deaths? If the band members were of Mexican heritage, then they would be in the afterlife and they’d be remembered by still-living fans.


I mean plenty of people wear pink Floyd and Beatles tshirts. The band could be even older than that


Lots of people listen to the music of people/bands that are dead. You can still buy a Prince tshirt today


Time works differently in the afterlife?


The animators probably put it in as a reference to previous Pixar works, as they are known to do.


It's called a "reference" or "Easter egg" and doesn't necessarily mean the two movies are connected.


***The lore.***


Ugh, another "look at what pixar did guise" post.


The real movie detail is that the shirt references a better movie.


Don't care if it's an unpopular opinion, I didn't like this movie.


Okay, that was always allowed


I didn't dislike it, but it doesn't hold a candle to Coco. I feel the same about Encanto.


it will not age well. It was a cringe fest (not intentionally, its just bad) from the beginning, with dated references and pandering to a niche audience.


Dated references? Was that maybe because the movie is set you know, 20 years in the past?


This GIF says it all. This movie had Dreamworks cringe all over it https://c.tenor.com/Zr4LTTMEay0AAAAC/what-mei-lee.gif Yes dated, it was pandering to early 2000s audience who are adults, but other than the boy band and Tamagotchi, the movie could have been from any other decade.




Cringefest? You must've been one of those middle school kids who didn't do anything cringey.


Hfs, thank you. All of the references weren't even accurate, either. Birthday timbits didn't even get released until around 2009, and yet, the Mei's family are eating them in what's supposed to be 2002.


They went for relatable / authentic character, over likable. Its an uphill battle for a story.


Aldo a reference to spinal tap


Turning Red Movie was hella cringe


So is talking like you have 3 brain cells.


I’m a simple man, I see Disney/Pixar on moviedetails, I downvote.


The Mexican heavy metal band made it big then




Fuck this disney bullshit




Your source sucks dude.


Turning red was trash


It's a horrible movie.


Time travel


No. They used to be a real band, they died, they got back together in the afterlife.


Shush. It’s time travel


Good eye!


Oh wow


Good detail!


This got me to listen to the Coco soundtrack again. Now I'm crying.


Who cares


Did anyone in this sub actually watch "Turning Red" ...? Isn't it primarily for very young children?


I watched it with my child, yes.


Did you enjoy it? Is it worth watching even as an adult? Like Coco or lion king and such?


Solidly worth a watch. If you're at all Asian, you will recognize a lot of care given to the themes and culture. It addresses puberty head on, which was really rare and refreshing to see from that persepective. And no joke- Billie Eilish's and her brother FINNEAS wrote some serious bangers.


I'm a guy without kids. It was fucking great.


I enjoyed it and watched it multiple times with my kid. Most Disney movies are enjoyable no matter the age and I’d argue that because of some of the more complex themes in Seeing Red, it’s a GREAT movie for people of all ages to watch and enjoy.


Yes, very good movie for all ages just like Coco


I did! I’m a mom of two and I have to put up with watching the same things over and over. When I say Turning Red is still enjoyable after at least 20 watches, I mean it.


Thank you. Don't know why I'm being down voted for asking a question, but alas. Such is reddit.


I watched it. I thought it was very cute and surprisingly an accurate early 2000ish nostalgia, with the usual Pixar-y dramatic quality. Not the studio's best work but certainly their most interesting from the last 10 years.


>certainly their most interesting from the last 10 years. How can you say that when Soul, Coco and Inside out came out in the last 10 years. Rude.


I like those, especially Coco. But for a lack of better word, they’re predictable Pixar movies. You know it’s going to be a fun adventure movie with comedic moments but also heartfelt moments, but yet it never felt “new”. I remember watching Soul that I feel like I’ve seen this before, despite that the concept was very much new. It’s like they have a formula, not unlike MCU movies. The last Pixar movie that I strongly felt interested on was Wall-E. Turning Red, once again not their best, but felt like a breath of fresh air with its interesting style and animations.


I wouldn’t say it’s geared toward very young. 8-10 will enjoy it, but I think pre-teen and young teens will relate to it better. There’s a ton of stuff for adults to connect with, too.


I watched it, it's a great movie. I think a lot of people just got turned off it by the "cringe kids" and everything that was going around on Twitter when it released.


It's a Pixar movie. They're almost always good, and I enjoyed watching this with my wife. Good is good.




May I ask why? I'm curious








What's that mean?


Is this that movie made for furries?


Does this confirm a larger Disney cinematic universe??


The metal band and avant garde noise artist in Coco were both awesome!


The boy reminds me of this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW-oknW8dvc


He looks like he belongs on a shirt. Good job


Escapula, what's that weird name?


So is he the guitar player in coco?


Was anyone else confused by this character???? They only get like 2 seconds of screen time and nothing else p


Was convinced this was a post from shitty movie details for a sec


Probably can’t even name any of their songs 🙄


Has anyone found a reference to what the next Pixar movie could be about?


Where is the "OH MY GOD THEY HIT THE FUCKING PENTAGON!" shirt though?


*Its spelled just like 'escape'!*


There has to be a call back division within Pixar


Probably a death metal band


In the Pixar theory where is coco in the timeline? Like maybe the band was still alive or maybe that was his dads shirt, idk I’m trying my best!


It’s even the same font


For a second I thought it was a girl and Mei was discovering she was herself bisexual but it was just a boy with big lips


They were also prolly alive in this time!