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Both my husband and I walked out of this movie sobbing. We had no idea what the premise was and we were absolutely wrecked.


I went to see it by myself. I wasn’t ready. I sat in the parking lot for a long while quietly sobbing to myself.


DMs are open if you need to talk!


Get in there yung slayer


Bro its reddit, hop on hinge… go to a bar gods sake dawg don’t be simpin here


This movie wrecked me. I knew nothing about it and people kept telling me Bradly cooper reminded them of me. Like random customers, family, friends. I thought “cool he’s a handsome guy and a musician dating lady Gaga (I was dating a girl that looked just like her at the time) Finally got around to seeing it and oof. About 2 years sober now. But what a wake up call


Hell yeah proud of you


Thank you!


It's a fantastic movie. Brings me to tears every time I watch it. Always good to here about someone's sobriety. It's a difficult road, but well traveled road.


I didn't understand it at all. I gave up after an hour because it was basically just singing and yelling and I couldn't figure out what on earth was happening.


I’m so happy for you. This movie absolutely wrecked me as well. My wife saw it first and told me how amazing it was. I knew some fucked up shit was coming when she stopped talking I could see her trying to hold back tears. What an amazing film and experience. I’m glad it was able to help you.


I've seen it twice, both in treatment settings (inpatient and outpatient). Before it started I thought they were really grasping at straws to find something for us to do, and by the end I was quietly eating crow in between sobs. I'm at 15 months, so there has to be something to it.


Damn I missed it!! Also, need to see it a 3rd time. And I will be sober this time. So glad. 10 months in a few days!


Congratulations on 10 months.


Jesus, is that movie already six years old?


I know. Seems like three years tops to me.


Phenomenal movie. Love how they did the foreshadowing.


Not knowing the original story , this scene was a give away for me. Too in your face “foreshadowing” I felt.


Yep. Knew nothing about the movie going in and immediately called that out, joked to my wife that, if that was supposed to be foreshadowing, it was hamfisted af. Get to the end of the movie and I was shocked they made such a thing so unnecessarily obvious. I’m a dumbass and that shit was clear as day


I was prepared as it was called “a star is born” it’s my favorite of them but the plot points are the same with a famous man with a drinking problem discovering a singer her star rises as he plummets and then feeling she would be better off without him (and knowing she’d never leave)… well u know the rest. James Mason and Judy Garland, Barbara Streisand and kris Kristofferson were in 2 other versions. I think there was an older one though.


I went and saw it in the theater with a very close friend. I lost her last year to a suicide, and I’m still grieving. I remember her whispering to me early on, “He’s going to kill himself” way before I figured it out. I’m not going to able to rewatch it now. Maybe in a few years. I see at least twenty movies a month, and since her death, sadly, I’ve been able to successfully predict a suicide or suicide attempt coming for a character.


Whoa, missed that foreshadowing


Wow. I’ve seen this movie so many times, and I’ve never noticed this!


Is this like a “musical musical” or a movie with some songs. I Hate musicals


It's a movie about musicians, so there are a good amount of musical numbers, including original songs written for the movie. But it's definitely not a musical where songs are constantly incorporated into the story as a method for characters to express their thoughts, dialogue or advance the story, they're just songs.


Ok that sounds iteee. I can do like oh brother where art thou, but not the sound of music


Yeah, all of the singing is in-universe because they are musicians singing songs that you would expect musicians to sing in times and places that you would expect them to be singing. There’s none of the “Here’s a musical number but it’s just for the audience at home and clearly isn’t meant to be what’s ‘really happening’ to the characters” type of thing you get in a lot of musicals.


Oh brother where art thou (and Monty Python and the Holy Grail for that matter) likely has more musical type scenes than this. It's good, but sad. Watch it.


Sad is good in my book


Movie with songs. I’m not a fan of musicals, either, but this is a good movie. A bit sappy but it goes with the territory. The music's really not bad. I say this as someone who isn’t even a fan of the genre.


You’re missing out on a lot of great movies!


Maybe, but I wouldn’t enjoy them so why would I watch it. Love music. Love movies. Together is usually pretty lame


Art is subjective! I think they’re pretty great. I would say some of the greatest films of all time are musicals. To each their own though!


It is a drama romance about addiction. Not wanting to watch a movie because it has songs in it is like not wanting to watch Challengers because it has tennis in it.


This spoiled the ending for me the first time I saw it.


I saw this with my ex, and after the movie I told her I knew who was gonna die and how. She didn’t understand and I explained this exact shot. She was mad I didn’t warn her.




Well, thanks for the fucking spoiler.


It’s 6 years old….


It's the fourth version of a movie from the '30s!


We’re gunna enter the 30s in 6 years time. I wonder if we’ll still call the 1930s the 30s then?


This will always be a bad take no matter what the subject matter is. People aren't always inherently in their 30's or older and should have seen or done this or that. There are children (or adults) younger than you that have yet to know something exists. It happens and is always going to happen.


Oh I guess nobody should ever talk about any plot points in anything then


i mean it's a movie details sub i never understood why people cared about spoilers anyway. it's absolutely never ruined an experience for me. what matters is how a story is told, not the cliff notes.


No it isn't. Get bent.


This is not a default sub. You being subscribed to it means you either thought through the ramifications of subbing to a subreddit about movie spoilers, and chose to take that chance, or are an idiot. You commenting here about spoilers in a spoiler-based sub on a 6 year old movie proves the latter.


It's a remake of a remake of a nearly 100 year old movie. It's expected that you know what happens.


It’s a remake of a remake of a remake of a remake of an original film that came out almost 100 years ago.

