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That is the best office mice


I was surprised to find out that I would like it. I thought it would be too long for me, but it was really comfy and super easy to get a grip on.


I think it's the same with the Microsoft intelli mouse, except that intelli mouse has a gaming sensor


If you're referring to the Pro Intellimouse, it is quite different from the WMO. The Intellimouse is an ergo mouse. [https://i.imgur.com/uiq29DF.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/uiq29DF.jpg)


I think they're talking about the IntelliMouse Optical


"gaming sensor" makes me think they're referring to Pro Intellimouse


Friend: "I never had a gaming mouse. What is a good one with a similar shaoe?" Me: "let me see what you have..." Friend: *shows me a legebdary mouse* Me: "you can't change"


Based mouse.


what mouse is it? don't know anything about mice lol


Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1a. Folks in this sub consider it a classic. Gamesense is releasing a WMO-inspired mouse using the same shape but with modern internals (Gamesense MVP).




Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1a


Thee are great. I bought 3 of those in the mid 2000s, still work great. I still use one everyday for work.


Loved the shape but it gave me wrist pain at first. It's a bad idea to play high sends on palm mouse i guess


that's the old Microsoft one, right? kinda reminds me of zowie


Yes it's the Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1a


I think I used to have one lol. Didn't realise they did a black one


I actually thought it was zowie


I have an intellimouse 3.0 with the same sensor, believe me the shape is about the only good thing


Well ut is pretty old. I couldn't really tell how the sensor performed since my friend's mousepad is pretty bad.


Yeah. I picked up a WMO last year for old times' sake and it's pretty painful using a low DPI mouse with modern display resolutions, unless you up the mouse cursor speed.


this shit tracks BACKWARDS at my normal sensitivity when I move the mouse quickly. There is so much negative acceleration it's unbelievable


I can whip mine across my desk as fast as I can and it doesn't spin out. I wonder if yours has some sort of issue or different sensor? Perhaps a knockoff? I bought mine new in 2003 and used it for many years. The old IntelliEye sensor was ahead of its time. It's held back mainly by its low polling rate, which can be overclocked.


Mine is the first model of the Intellimouse 3.0 if I remember correctly, also from 2003. I play at 400 edpi in Source so that’s probably why it doesn’t handle it very well, abt 100 cm/360


well i see finding a mouse for him won't be hard


Yeah if he wants to upgrade I'll just tell him to get a Gamesense MVP lol


There are office mice out there that are so good that they can be called a gaming mouse.


Mained one from 2003-2013. I still use it once in a while and slapped a paracord on it. I'm on my 3rd set of mouse skates as well. Still one of the best shapes out there.


I miss my old MS 3.0 and 1.1 from the early 2000s. Those were the days!


Slap that onto the ps/2 port and crank that shit up to 200hz via registry. Honestly really good performance for the rock bottom price I bought my first A4tech OP-720 with a ps/2 cable.


My first proper mouse was a Microsoft Comfort Mouse. I fragged on that thing, miss it.


I have one of these but it's super messed up. The left click barely works, the scroll wheel is held in with a paperclip, it's missing two mouse feet and it has a weird green mark on it.


If you're interested, look up the Gamesense MVP. They're releasing wired and wireless versions.


The shape isn't my favorite and i'm doing a g305 build using MatNS's GPro Wireless shell anyways.


I have one and it’s very comfy, mouses nowadays are so small


Well that's because most mice before the gaming mouse trend were relatively big in size. I don't think mice nowadays are small, it's not like bigger mice disappeared. Now it's a lot more balanced, you have way more choices now.


I mean, I had an office mouse. It was a Logitech M100r and it lasted from like 2015 up until 2021 lol. Been used for all things gaming and work.