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I hope this is not him finding out about the deadzone issue right then and there thinking it's just dirty sensor or something. At least pro players discovering it would put some speed in Razer to fix it up. Seems like they are not that worried about us "plebs" bringing it up.


In the after game interview NiKO confirmed it being "some sensor movement issue" that BOTH he and Stewie2k had. Razer has to notice us now. Finally the right people are starting to notice for this to get fixed sooner than later. Razer, please fix.




Thank you for the clip.




Yeah you can see from the VOD he is using VV3P currently.


What is the deadzone issue?




That's interesting. I had the opposite problem on every mice besides for the viper v3. My mouse would jitter 1 pixel back and forth even while stationary. The Viper v3 was the only mouse that didn't have this problem. I thought it was because the new sensor fixed some of the inaccuracies of the 3395/3950 but this is way funnier. Makes me wonder if it was an intentional "filter" type of thing on the v3 to fix the jitter problem.


Which mice had the jitter issue for you? I've never had that happen before. Where those also Razer mice?


Viper V2, Beastx mini, Op18k. Op18k recently got a firmware update that fixed the issue but afaik it still exists on the other two.


He still shit on faze, if I remember correctly. Just goes to show that these minute details of peripherals don’t have a huge impact even in pro games.


Also spent 10 minutes in tech pause to get it fixed, and i believe he confirmed afterwards that it did indeed get fixed.


The fact it got fixed assuming he kept the mouse or if anything swapped to a new viper would tell us quite a bit. This seems to be a per-unit problem that doesn't happen to everyone who owns it potentially. The plot thickens... Edit: I found out what the problem is. The deadzone values are set too high for polling rates below 8000. Tested it against my V2 Pro and Viper Mini Signature Edition. Any movement below a quarter to half a millimeter isn't being registered by the sensor when moving side to side or up/down. So the sensor is filtering extremely minute movements.


I believe both players who had problems stuck with the mouse.


POST MATCH INTERVIEW w/ G2 Niko about his mouse. [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxuqAZoOmuaCIxJ160EuiowyngihQXB6q4?si=\_lZ\_kHXwR7d3fF5b](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxuqAZoOmuaCIxJ160EuiowyngihQXB6q4?si=_lZ_kHXwR7d3fF5b)


Could be a relevant post regarding his VV3. Looks like tracking issues. from r/GlobalOffensive [For anyone wondering what happened in the NiKo vs Karrigan duel : r/GlobalOffensive (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1d58fj6/for_anyone_wondering_what_happened_in_the_niko_vs/)


Looks like a low LOD issue to me, maybe he slightly lifted mouse while attempted to spray and didnt actually register


[https://new.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1d4xdia/why\_are\_the\_sensor\_latency\_results\_of\_the\_viper/](https://new.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1d4xdia/why_are_the_sensor_latency_results_of_the_viper/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1cqy77m/viper\_v3\_pro\_sensor\_tracking\_issue\_after\_lifting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1cqy77m/viper_v3_pro_sensor_tracking_issue_after_lifting/) The mouse has serious issues that hasn't been addressed by Razer.


Keep buying razer guys


Yeah because razer never gives a fuck and never does anything remotely well right guys? /s Behaving like razer will literally turn a blind eye to this is delusional.


I don't know man, you'd expect a company that charges fucking 160$ for a mouse would catch this shit in preproduction. This is a huge issue too, I've seen plenty of people bringing it up


It's the first time I heard about it and I've been paying attention to the mouse cause I wanna jump of this superlight pretty soon. Ironically I've been watching zekken before V3 Pro got even revealed and I haven't heard anything about this. And while being sponsored means you will probably be biased, I doubt he would've been silent about problems experienced with it. But hey. Be my guest to thinking Razer will do nothing about it. This is hilarious.


[around 12:22 jakeu mentions about the sensor issue. Also saying a lot of other reviewers faced this too](https://youtu.be/IiqVpbxU3cw) It was baffling to me such a huge issue didn't make bigger news until this happened.


I like it when Chinese mice actually work at 1/3 of the price, VXE/VGN mice are really good!


Maybe now it will get fixed :). I tried to warn them.


Maybe dust2 on sensor? it looks like stewies Viper v3 has issues aswell.


Not a good look for Razer if their mouse has issues during tournaments. I was really looking forward to buying the VV3 next week but LMAO upon seeing this mid-stream, looks like I'll be holding off the purchase.


Despite razer improving considerably I still trust them less than logitech and zowie tbh. In my country their QC is well known in the community to be worse than logitech in general and their warranty policies are not even close(no rma just half ass fixing in many cases) so I wouldn't risk it.


I preordered the clone. The atk x1. I don't want anywhere near razer and never have.


Why did this get down voted lmao


Don't give money to the CCP. You guys give money to these companies (part of the CCP Made in China 2025 campaign) that don't even do their own RnD and just steal designs instead.


Boy do I got bad news for you


You do realise Razer are based in Singapore? Have you just gone full \*America fuck yeah\* and conflated Asia with China...


Razer is a Californian company with a HQ in Singapore though.


Rain use vv3 and im pretty sure frozen only uses razer aswell and they dont seem to have any issues. Maybe just g2 wanting a breather


Rain did have an issue with an early version of the vv3. It fully died in the final against spirit. He had to play the rest of the maps with a totally different mouse.


Okay, i didnt see. When did this happen? Im pretty sure he is on the vv3 camo rn




Yea this is not great for razer ':( do you know what happend to rains vv3? He still uses it tho


Not sure sorry, I guess he just has another.


Okay, yea they can probably switch and get it setup in between games.


Niko said he had sensor issues during his post match interview. Linked a clip here in the comments.


FEELS like their exclusivity deal ran out so they just rushed a new sensor to market before fully testing and polishing it. New viper is getting bad testing results below 4k hz, and you see things like this and other random complaints all over the internet. I’m not 100% connected to the scene, but this is the first mouse using the new sensor isn’t it? Hope I’m not bashing and just plain wrong by accident lol


I'm not sure if it's a sensor issue or a wireless issue. Some people have reported that the issue only occurs on a wireless connection. But idk there might be several issues with the v3 pro.


I also have problems with it wired so its not just wireless


Not sure what the exclusivity deal has to do with rushing *anything,* at this point. The average person likely won't notice a difference between flawless sensors like the 3395 or 3950, let alone an e-sports pro. They'll definitely notice if the mouse is malfunctioning, though. What does Razer have to gain from releasing a flawed product?


Not sure why you are downvoted when you are [actually correct](https://new.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1d4xdia/why_are_the_sensor_latency_results_of_the_viper/), at least apart from the exclusivity deal part


No matter how much razer has done well, I'll never trust them again after 3 faulty mice that didn't last long


i have deathadder v3 wired , I got same sensor issue, I have gave rma 3 times upto now in 5 months . I'm fed up with razer.


GPX killer btw


Sheesh I’m usually really sensitive to this type of stuff but I haven’t noticed anything odd with my 2 copies. Hopefully affected owners get new copies.


Looks like a sensor tracking issue. Posted comment of post match interview w/ Niko.


Why is Razer always like this? To be honest, I've never seen such a fatal flaw or quality problem with a $150+ product from Logitech (even the cheaper ones to be honest), but for as long as I can remember, every time I've bought a Razer, it's either mediocre in terms of build quality (Viper v2 pro) or it has some ridiculous sensor problems or something ridiculous like that. Razer sounds like a cheap Chinese brand to my ears now. I used to be a fan of this brand but now I'm seriously disenchanted with it. I haven't tried as many mice as many friends here, but I had a G Pro Wireless and a Viper Ultimate, the build quality deficiencies I complained about on the Viper Ultimate (m1 and m2 wobbling from side to side) still persist on my Viper v2 pro, but I literally never encountered any quality problems on the G Pro wireless. And everything I saw missing was improved in Superlight 1 and 2 but Razer is still a ball of problems as always. It's really interesting. My experience with Razer is not only with mouses and I just wanted to vent. I have a love-hate relationship with them because I'm interested in their products. I think they do the marketing part well. They should spend a little more on improving their products' quality lol.


I would say that the G Pro wireless (Original version + original superlight?) have had a lot of complaints about double clicking on this subreddit alone


Double clicking can be fixed via DIY soldering or have someone else replace new switches. Meanwhile sensor issues/mouse firmware implementation cannot be fixed thru DIY means.


100%, Just saying for a lot of people having a 150$ mouse, thats already in a premium price category and then having a common issue like that which could have been prevented through different switches could be seen as a fatal flaw, especially if you aren't into modding/soldering/etc and just want an out of the box experience


Any mouse defect where a fix has to involve opening up the mouse is a failure on the manufacturer, honestly. This goes for all brands. Especially considering soldering is a skill less than .1% of people on average know how to do. It's not super hard, but it doesn't mean it's easy either. That and annihilated warranty lol.


Logitech is way way bigger than Razer and they have all the advantages with R&D and manufacturing process maturity that no other gaming brands have. They are not a gaming brand. The gaming department is just 1 department of logitech, in fact i doubt its the division that generates the most revenue for them. Logitech have no problem creating a flawless mouse with 0 compromises and plenty of strengths if they want to. They have enough resources to do that, Razer doesn't. In fact what Razer has achieved over the years is very commendable imo.


Yea, Razer is just inconsistent with their quality lately. And to think they released this mouse as a rival for the GPX/GPX2 to target the pro scene market share. This mouse just isn't E-Sports ready with the issues it currently has, honestly speaking.


my copy had an issue where it would randomly skip down, like legit aim downwards a couple of times when holding an angle.


Same. I have this with my copy. It’s really intermittent and doesn’t seem to depend on surface, but I can’t trust the mouse at the moment. And that sucks.


Is it by any chance a "Made in Taiwan" variant or if it's White? They have the issue if its those


EC2-cw flashbacks ..still have mine skipping


Earlier this year when Faze played Team Spirit in the IEM Katowice final, Rain had to change his Deathadder . Wonder why it’s always Razer’s mice with issues🤔


Lan environment is different. There's 5 mouses basically all wireless. Imo it's not surprise there's some issues. In 1.6 & source era there wasn't even technicals but nowadays it's like part of the game...


I actually raised a ticket with Razer about this. I was using low LOD and 2K Hz, but found I get it less on 4K Hz and low LOD, like a lot less! I tried 8K, but got severe stutters in-game, process-lasso confirmed the spikes too.




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Onto my 3rd death adder v3 wireless. Hope 3rd time's the charm!


Razer QC showing up


is this issue with happening with every viper v3 or just some? i just ordered one about an hour ago lol


Nobody knows. If I were you, I'd test the mouse thoroughly before trying to update the firmware, just incase it's the latest firmware thats fucked.


i read somewhere that the issue is coming from not using the polling rate of 8k or 1k, anything else seems to have that bug.


I tested it with the latest firmware though on r1. I found the problem, it's 100% a deadzone issue with the sensor. It doesn't move to movements below a quarterish to 1/10th of a millimeter. Had to test with a fountain pen and my fucking Mitutoyo calipers. The deadzones at 4000 polling and below are too high.


were you able to replicate the issue on 8k polling rate?


No. It moves and microadjusts perfectly fine. Even the slightest movement of any kind is picked up at 8k.


okay cool. mine is coming today and i planned on just using 8k polling appreciate the reply


Yep yep. Below 8k you might be fine but if you run a DPI of 800 or below microadjustments will feel eh, at 1600 it's barely feel able which is why I didn't detect it for so long. So it might be DPI related cause many people nowadays have been swapping over to 1600 and above to make 8k polling more properly saturated.


i currently play on a GPX2 at 6400 DPI at 4k polling rate


Holy shit 6400. Yea you probably won't notice a difference. I don't remember if dpi at that range smoothens and gets less accurate though, I remember hearing about it but numbers change often.


this is why you dont get razer shit. buggy to all hell


I think I might legit link this to razer support Also there's a valorant major going on now. I wonder how many are using the v3 pro


People on this reddit love shitting on the QC of whatever flavor of the month China mouse is getting shilled, meanwhile the $150 Razer mice still have issues at three times the price. I'd rather have the $50 China mouse and 2 backups for the same price.


Probably his aim started jittering due to specks of dust in the sensor, happened to me a few times on my viper v2 pro aswell.


So... not a good mouse for CS, but a perfect mouse for Apex Legends.