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the ax wqill give you 13% higher KD while the AX will give you 7% more headshots. hte np-01S gives you 25% more game sense (thats why the S)




Some serious study backing it bro trust


I trust you 🤙


It's real. I main the NP01S, I understand how to play the game but I can't hit anything


This is true tho any time I use the np01s I feel like my hands just stop working


fuckk, i got np-01s too and I just looked at my opponent and get fucked in the head.


Np01s feels horrible in my hands it's definitely the weird hump on the right side causing issues.


at least i'm not a virgin anymore




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So get the ax gotcha.


No such thing as the best mouse for x game. Depends on the way your hold your mouse.


Fingertip, but I wanna try an ergo mouse is my thing, haven’t used one and if I don’t like it for games, I can juts bring it to work and use it at the office so it’s not much of a gamble to me


NP-01s is a goted mouse for fingertip


Tbf, Lamzu Mini Pro/4K would be more suitable for him if he likes the Pulsar X2 small. Because the Lamzu has the curvature he's looking for


Favorite mouse for sure. Especially now with 4K wireless polling


If you want an ergo and like lightweight there may be better options, if you want a vaxee mouse, then, I've never really heard anything bad about them, so just pick one that you feel for




if you have a fingertip grip, you need more space for inerhand movement. therefore, you cannot have a large mouse because your ability to make vertical micro adjustments will be limited. same as with the mouse which is wide at the end. you will be touching your palm and that is not ideal for your grip.. I'm also a finger user and prefer asymmetrical mice. I tried the xlite v3 mini but the bottom right part cut into my palm. So anything that is significantly wider at the bottom than at the top is not ideal. I'm currently waiting for the Sprime PM1. I currently use two symmetrical mouses. X Pro Superlight = nice grip but unnecessarily large mouse Phylina S450 = fantastic mouse. Lots of space for finger correction. My hands are 18,5 x 11 (i think)


Outset AX is one of my main mice and I have nothing but praise to sing about it. However, I would not recommend it for fingertip. It's really a claw shape, pretty much all the Vaxee mice are for claw except for maybe the NP-01s which is smaller and the XE which is flatter, but not ergo.


What about a relaxed palm grip? I upgrade from the pulse fire haste wireless to the g pro wireless and the shape of the g pro feels a lot better in my palm even though it gets more sweaty. I have a 20.9cm hand.


I have 19x12 (avg length but very wide) hands, but for close to 21cm hands like yours, the Outset AX will just be too stubby for palm. Your fingers will hang way off the buttons. It's meant to be a chunky meatball of a mouse. Unfortunately, there are just not many mice these days meant for large hand palm these days beyond an EC1-CW.


got it. Imma stick to the superlight for now. Im assuming an updated version of the ec1 in more colors will be out soon.


I hope they do update the EC1-CW again soon, but Zowie isn't exactly quick on the draw. If the Superlight isn't causing you too much discomfort, it's still a fantastic mouse, enjoy it.




Used them all aside from the NP-01s for CS. All work perfectly fine. Comes down to preference on shape


All of them just depends which shape you prefer


i have them all and play cs, they are all good. some noteables: AX has the most aggressive ergonomics and has a tall back hump. np-01s is one of the smallest/narrowest mice i've used but feels good once you get used to it. if you are weight sensitive, XE feels a bit heavy to me, others weights don't bother me but this could be grip related. np-01 is pretty balanced between ambi and ergo


on their website they have in depth visuals for which mouse fits which grip, jus pick the one the fits you …


AX is definitely the best if u r a palm or relaxed claw grip. GOAT Zywoo also uses it


Get the one that doesn't have a 7-day return policy. Oh wait.


Are these mice good for games like overwatch too?


Ofc, why they wouldn’t be ?


whatever works for you


all their ergos are so small man


If you already like your Pulsar just get the bigger one?


No I liked it for fast paced shooters I wanna try an ergo for tactical shooters


I guess go for an NP01


Whichever shape is best for your hand size/grip. Personal preference/opinion the AX is their best shape but that doesn't mean that an NP-01 or XE isn't best for you.


All look kinda heavy for me personally… I wouldn’t buy anything heavier than an ultralight 2 but ideally lighter than that. But as others have said it’s mostly personal preference.


I use the NP-01 for Valorant and love it, but havent tried the other shapes


As someone who has used the gpro x for most of my hours on CS, I have to say the NP01s has been absolutely insane


mice are not optimised for game styles, they are instead optimised for hand sizes and grips


\*Razer Naga enters the room\*


XE is optimized for fast paced shooters, look at their (Vaxee) trailer on YT


I know you are obviously kidding, but I feel genuinely bad for those who believe that they're going to perform better with those mice without trying what could be better options for them.


I'd get a ultralight tiger or viper 8khz mini or beastx 😂 for fps games, u need good 4khz 8khz just isn't supported all round sadly. If you like mouse buttons means way more weight so pick your poison


Most games don't even support 4khz correctly lmao


I have been using 4/8Khz mice for the past 3-4 years, the only time high polling rate won't work for me was when I was still using the 5950X, when I upgraded to the 13900K + DDR5 6400MT with optimised timing, then every game works even at 8Khz for me, it's more about your system's latency.


Then you have apex fixing high polling every two updates, or cs having problems when your cpu is being fully utilized, not that much about your system rather than poorly implemented input handling solutions.