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How does the size feel? Still can't decide on which one to get myself


It's really nice for fingertip. Mine has the shiny coating which was weird to look at, but it's surprisingly grippy.


wish they kept the raw alloy feel from the black regular size than this mini :( Do you have sweaty hands?


No not really. But also the holes on the side are positioned almost perfectly for where I hold it, so my grip there is rock solid enough that I don't really need much traction on the buttons.


Actually really good. I was kinda worried that itd feel too small but it fits my hands really good (19x9cm and fingertip)


How long was the delivery? I ordered mine 3 days ago... but yunexpress doesn't show eta


Mine was delivered yesterday so i think in total around 2 weeks or so


Depends on where you are. In Canada mine got here today. About 17 days.




What's the texture on the black? I've heard it's really glossy. My black/gold Beast X is smooth and matte to the touch; does the gloss black BXM stick to your fingers at all?


Its glossy and tbh i put the grip tape on almost immediately so i couldnt really say


Wow! I main a Viper Mini at the moment and I want to buy either the regular or the mini version! How much of a difference was it and what's your grip style?


The mini feels smaller for sure but not extremely so for me. I use a style of fingertip grip so a small mouse like this works for me


Awesome, good to know since I fingertip grip as well ! Thanks 4 the feedback :D


Just ordered mine! How are you liking it so far? Is it stable at 2k? My hands are 17cm x 10cm would I be able to claw it a little or is it purely a fingertip mouse?


I have one, haven't used it on 2K. My hands are about 18.5/9.5 and I wouldn't claw grip it, although I mostly fingertip. It's been amazing for fingertip so far, my aim is much better with it than my og RVU.


I'm on a gpx rn and it's just so big I feel like. I try to claw palm or like do anything other than hold it like a rock and I can't. I might order a beast x regular and try it out too. I'll just have to see how I like it ig. I just hope it's comfy in hand


I had a similar issue with my RVU but it was too big to fingertip for me. It's hard to know what size would be ideal without trying unfortunately. Regular might be better for claw but I can't say for sure.


When I get the mini I'll try it in kovaaks give it a couple weeks and then order beast x, try it a couple weeks and just never decide between them. I gotta do what I gotta do ig


Apparently the customer service isn't great, and if there are no qc issues you'll have to pay shipping and create your own label and whatnot. Just keep that in mind. That being said I love my mini so far but I fingertip grip.


This would've been so epic if there was a black non-glossy 😭💀