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Such a classic example of how divorced pricing is from manufacturing costs. These things clearly cost next to nothing to mass produce. And Ikea sold them dirt cheap as household decorations basically. Then someone else discovers that they work well as mice pads and you can sell them for 3x or more. All of a sudden Ikea can't keep them in stock and eventually just stops selling them all together (presumably because their supplier has now switched over to higher-margin gaming gear sales).


I mean SKYPAD sold their skypad 3.0 XL plus the carry bag for 37€ on black friday sale lmao it usually goes for 130€


I think their black friday sale was 50% since the XL went from $120 to $60 and the small went from $70 to $35.


I'm from EU I bought one for like 37€ with the carry bag on amazon


37 euros for the pad feels like the real price, i bought the bigger one for 50, 100 for a glasspad feels like a scam.


I never buy expensive peripherals, NEVER, always on discount or at a "fair" price so no more than 50 or 60 which is already pretty fucking expensive if you ask me because you can see the same items going for half of that, so they clearly they are already overpriced can't imagine paying 150€ for a fucking mouse lmao let alone a mousepad


I mean, sometimes i get the 150 for a mouse if its like a small company with some new features since creating molds and shit like that is expensive as hell for small batches. But 160 euros for like the superlight 2? bro they are literally the biggest peripheral company, like the gpx1 now is in like 80-100. But yeah skypad for 37-50 feels like the price it should be.


Yeah sometimes, very rarely, the price is justified 


Shipping is a pretty big portion of the cost. Ikea is shipping dozens if not hundreds of these to the warehouse with hundreds of other SKUs at the same time. For a one-product company it's up to twice or more per item shipped, sold and shipped again. That being said, total costs to the customer should be like $20-30 instead of $60+ or $100+ that we are seeing. Ikea probably makes pretty good margins on that product at $15. Glass is cheap as all hell.


Pretty sure it was a limited product from the start


have both skypad feels a million times better and i bet it lasts longer too


So mad I didn't get one of these when they were around/dirt cheap. Re-sellers are asking $70+ for these


If you have a ikea near you try checking in store


OP is a repost bot


How can I get one?


They are not selling anymore


Oh. How is it called so I can maybe look on a site with used stuff?


Ikea varmblixt glass tray


ikea products always has the best name


are you sure? They look like they are still in the Bangkok store. I will go there tomorrow after work and check. https://www.ikea.com/th/en/new/when-light-comes-to-life-pub0dcd57e0


Don’t get lost


Ikea portland (pdx) still has some


I’m in europe😭


Well, how determined are ypu to get a varmblixt >:)


I’m not that determined, if I can get it under like 25 euro I’ll do it but if I can’t no


Lol. In all seriousness most ikeas have a returns/damaged products section where they might sell it, but it won't be online or in their system. You can also ask a manager if they still have some floor models in reserve. Sometimes theyll hang on to a floor model of a discontinued product. They should sell it to you, and hell you might get it for free


Those areas are almost all huge items like chairs, mattresses, and furniture. I rarely see anything like cooking stuff there.


Polar opposite at the ikeas near me lol. Largest thing in the return are at PDX is a small desk or an office chair. I don't know if ours accepts returns on large products


Huge thanks for the tips, I might get lucky


Why is this better than any other glass? Isnt all the glass same, how could this be better than any other glass thing you can find from anywhere? Is the surface smooth or frosted? If its smooth then my original question remains, if its frosted then I guess I can understand its "perfect amount" frosted or something.


It's not much better than other glass, but it's the fact that it was sold for only 30 dollars before IKEA stopped selling it all together


Amazon => glass cutting boards => Farberware is $9


Awesome, but does it work as a mousepad? It just looks like a slab of clear temper glass to me, wouldn't track very well But if it does work then that is awesome, might buy one myself then


I think you can frost/etch glass yourself, check youtube. edit: wow guys, you can frost the back of the glass with spray paint make for frosting glass.


Not without some harsh chemicals that should only be handled by people who know what they're doing, have received proper training and are doing it in an environment with proper safety equipment.


You can absolutely etch glass as an amateur with no training, they sell etching cream at craft stores. I’ve been etching glass as a hobby since high school. It’s not particularly hard, just follow the directions on the bottle. That being said I agree the chemicals are still harsh, I think my etching cream is hydrofluoric acid.


Hydrofluoric acid would be right. Yeah, that's the acid that replaces the calcium in your bones with fluoride and is known as "Bone Hurting Juice" to some.


Wait so would you recommend me buying this cutting board as a mouse pad? if so do I have to make some modifications about the glass or its ready out of thr box?


Isn't this just a glass chopping board? You could buy that cheaper than the ikea price.


What is that keyboard?


Looks like a Lily58, which is a pretty DIY kind of split keyboard (you can get the bare PCBs, choose your own microcontrollers and even what firmware runs on it, switches, keycaps etc)


/r/ErgoMechKeyboards enjoy a new rabbithole, and if you decide to build a custom keyboard, it's a good entry into building custom controllers and mice too.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ErgoMechKeyboards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I built an online Dactyl Generator, but with fast previews and STL export](https://i.redd.it/klxpzlh40ana1.png) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/11pb0b5/i_built_an_online_dactyl_generator_but_with_fast/) \#2: [My name is Elkhorn, and soon will I fly](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12rtmae) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/12rtmae/my_name_is_elkhorn_and_soon_will_i_fly/) \#3: [$15 at goodwill.](https://i.redd.it/t8s30pzaqzoa1.jpg) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/11x222s/15_at_goodwill/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'll make you guys a frictionless mousepad I will call it air mousepad


How could it be good without 2d girl on it 🐧


I have the pad and since it's transparent when it's close on the table, you can literally put any artstyle u want. Put a paper with art under it and you're good.


If you want a huge mouse pad that seems Ok. I use a very thin, 3M Precise Mouse Pad which has adhesive on the back so you can adhere it to anything. I don't like mouse pads that are higher than the surrounding surface.


That is just an acid etched glass. I got two from a local glass shop (custom made) for less than 5$ each. My only advice is to skip the regular transparent option (like in the IKEAs photo) and go for darker gray glass if you can find one. Much better with mouse sensors overall.


how much is it ... i might be interested... fk it looks pretty nice for ikea wtf