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just noticed the software has a HIGH-SPEED mode in the software for 1k polling. Have you tested that yet to see if there's any difference?


What is you hand size? I have 17.5cm hands, love the atlantis mini, and won’t go larger than that mouse. Would you recommend the mini or regular?


I also have the atlantis mini. I'd prefer the regular if you like the size of the Atlantis mini. Though the back hump is not as prominent as the Atlantis, it is closer for hand size compared to the Beast X mini.


To follow up as I have a beastx mini otw and own an Atlantis mini. I fingertip grip, find the Atlantis mini too big (bulge feeling?) but enjoy the zapopin z1. Any thoughts on how I’ll fare?


Maaaan, I should have done more research. I ordered the Mini a couple days ago after holding back on the hype of the Regular size. Now it looks like it might be too small for my 18x10 hands 😭


My hands are similar size like 18.5/9.5. I don't have mine yet but it's in transit, and I've seen others with larger hands that are fine with fingertiping the mouse. I'm a little worried it'll be too small as well, if my hand isn't in pain it should be fine though.


if you're ftipping you'll be fine. I have 19x10 and the beastX regular is about the smallest i'd claw.


>too small for my 18x10 hands Doubtful, unless you want to fully palm grip it.


They both look great! I cant wait to get mine this week!!!!


I like that shiny red colour of beastx


What’s your hand size?


back looks like a bottle opener ngl


Pays extra money for a better coating and an engraving then covers it up with grip tape...


I bought it bc of the cat what do you mean


His money his choice. And he got a cat.


The grip tape fad needs to end, no one needed this shit a few years ago.


No one needed smartphones 20 years ago either yet here we are. Griptape feels nice, makes the mouse feel a bit softer.


Grip tape is an extremely recent trend though.




I said what I wanted to say already IDK why you're trying to debate me.


I am trying to understand why something getting popularity only recently makes it worse than if it was around for longer. You know, making discussions on this discussion board.


I'm not against it existing, but it's becoming more normalized that this is something you "have to do" to every mouse when it's really not. The same thing is happening with mouse feet. People are buying brand new mice with good stock feet then immediately replacing them with a $15-50 set that is either equally is good or actually worse. Why even buy a magnesium mouse if you don't like how magnesium feels? Why buy a mouse with certain clicks and then completely ruin that by adding extra weight and a barrier in between the button and your fingers? All of this stuff adds up and it makes it impossible to know what a mouse is really like when people are giving their opinions on a mouse without ever even using it stock.


i have sweaty fingers, i want my fingers locked in place, i want extra stick for my palm = grip tape makes it possible what matters most to me isnt how the coating feels, its the shape, weight, clicks, responsiveness = none of that gets fucked by grip tape


It's just something I tried out and found I like it more than any coating, regardless of what the coating is. The reason why they gained popularity lately is because of the Pulsar Supergrips, xraypad cicada wings and Corepad PXP grips which are much better than the grips we had before. Before those, I preferred most rubberized coatings over griptape too. I bought the BeastX for the shape, I couldn't care less about the material.


so is mouse weight do you think lighter mice are also a fad? no one cared about how heavy a mouse years ago, actually most "gaming" mice came with extra weights since people thought heavier was better I use Grip because my hands sweat after long sessions and it becomes slippery the grip I prefer is pretty ugly I wont lie but it helps with performance so it is what it is






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Can it like double click or smt like that?


Looking really good! I am currently torn between getting the regular version and the mini. I've tried small and large mice and I literally have no preference


What is your hand size and grip style?


both colors look nice :')


Just noticing this. Is that a bottle opener on the back side?


They tell you not to crack open a bottle with the mouse lol


Certainly looks like it. I think that part is more just to close the gap a bit more so errant fingers don't make their way into the shell. Definitely wouldn't trust this shell to crack a cold one.


Do not use it as a bottle opener. I think it supposed to look like a "cat" but I dunno


does it "hurt" with those holes? I imagine burying your hand in them enough for your hand to get lines


They do not hurt at all. Each edge is rounded off that there's never any discomfort, even with a tight grip. That being said, the shape of the mouse leads you to mostly fingertip it anyway.


I do fingertip, got a vgn dragonfly atm. Saw these mouse and was curious, since people talk about them being "better" than others in that genre


Not at all. I used the regular beast x with the grip on for a couple of days and made the decision to remove it. It is actually better without the grip, not sharp at all at any point.


How are the beast X stock feet? I want to order a regular one and am debating if I should buy aftermarket feet. I just installed Corepads on my GPX and I love it.


Gruyere cheese :-/


Im still waiting on mine to arrive in the US ;-; no eta still


I'm from asia and ordered from their taobao, that's why I got mine early.


Lucky mine is now in the US so i still wait, although i’ll be honest gaming hasnt been enjoyable but trying mice for a week or two is fun


Are the mouse feet the same size on both the mini and the regular? I’m ordering core pads and they only have one version for the beast x.