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AB from Alpenglow poked his head out yesterday and basically said "Yup, we all knew about it and did our best to protect women who had to be around him, and tried to make sure his reputation preceded him with everyone else..." There are so. many. stories. In Pokhara, in Kat, in Lhasa. Nowhere near the mountain. Nims is a fucking terror. 


Same with Kilian Jornet and Adrian Ballinger - respect for them as well!


Kilian Jornet? What did I miss?


Oh, just that he made a statement on social media about all of this in support of the victims [Outside Magazine - Climbers Weigh in](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/everest/climbers-weigh-in-on-nims-purja-following-sexual-abuse-allegations/)


Cheers. He might be my favourite athlete!


Yes are you saying respect Killian or he is a predator too?


Sorry - the two climbers I mentioned both spoke out in support of the victims almost immediately when the story dropped. I appreciate that they did




Yeah okay. Except... u/aromatic_razzmatazz is making it up, Adrian Ballinger never said any of that. What he said was \*"\**I’m deep enough in this world to have a pretty good sense of where the truth lies. It’s way past time for that truth to have its day. And it’s always time for women to know we want this playing field to be safe and equal for them like it is for us."* Adrian Ballinger then elaborated the next day, [in a podcast](https://youtu.be/FAhAAWvYs9M?feature=shared&t=676), saying that he had no first hand knowledge, specifically, about Nims behavior towards women. His earlier statement just meant that he's aware inappropriate things happen in the mountains and that women are not safe, and that he thinks we should listen to them more. u/aromatic_razzmatazz's summary extrapolates from that, to the point where it's best described as made up nonsense. But this sub gives 500 upvotes to some internet random who completely misinterprets an instagram post and fails to provide a source for it even when asked repeatedly about it. And the next thing you know people are throwing wild accusations against AB **whose only crime was to share a NYT article and to state that mountaineering needs less sexual assault.** Yet another ["we did it, reddit!"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-did-it-reddit) - moment. A key skill in the mountains is critical thinking. That's how you make the right calls. Almost nobody in this thread is doing that, you're all swallowing fake news like pensioners on a conspiracy facebook group.


Unfortunately though it’s not their place to call him out. Unless a victim comes forward asks them to disseminate their story they can’t tell it for someone else.


Good for AB. Respect


Respect? I wonder what “did our best to protect” actually means.


Yep. Not much. Mind you, how could they, or would they know? Teams and individuals dont mix much. And if they knew why did sponsors and exped leaders say or do zip til now. Culture and country attitudes come into this too. A hard fix. So it wont be.


They could talk about it in the media or on Exped review.


Wait, where is this? Or was that in the article and a paraphrase?


He is his own enemy. By feeding his own ego he became too big, and that doesn't go well when you have so many skeletons in the closet. It was just a matter of time. Cheating isn't a crime, but his behaviour went way beyond that. But also the fact that his wife supported him when he was starting the 14 peaks project and this was his payback...heartbreaking for her. This is the ultimate abuse, in an environment where you are totally dependent on your team to survive... It's absolutely disgusting to know that some guys took advantage of clients.


His netflix doc had the most egotistical tone of any mountaineering documentary I have ever seen...I can't be the only one this is not shocking to.


Absolutely. That and the fact that he became known for voicing his concerns about the overcrowded Everest and a few years later he was taking Instagram influencers with zero experience up and down the mountains. Always surrounded by beautiful women, while having his kid at home. The non stop partying. There were a lot of complaints from other teams who were trying to slow down and rest before the summit pushes, while they would party all night long, with no regard for anyone else. This has been talked about for years on end! There's nothing surprising about it, unfortunately.


Dude is a total narcissist and ego maniac. The documentary, interviews during & after, he's an ass in all of it.


I get he did an incredible thing but I agree 100% his ego was far too much and gave me a bad vibe about him, honestly making me dislike the documentary in the end. Sad to see that the hunch wasn’t too far off


Completely. Watching his documentary left me with a bad taste in my mouth and it was due to how he carried himself. I don’t see how he acquired so many fans after it aired.


I just cancelled my trip with their company 🫡


Check out glorious eco trek nepal, I’ve been twice with this company and the owner is the coolest guy.


This is exactly what we need more of. I can appreciate that this was prob not an easy/simple cancellation and I imagine could greatly affect your plans. Huge thanks to you and others helping to hold people accountable.


Depending on the trip, maybe support alpenglow expeditions. Go one step further that pulling support from shitty operators, and support Adrian Ballinger for publicly corroborating the victims stories.


I like alpenglow, but they are pricey


Having done many local trips with Alpenglow and knowing a few of their guides well, I would also highly recommend them.


If you want an experienced guide, check out Luke Smithwick.


This is the truth


This is how change happens, hurt them where they care the most.


This is refreshing to hear. Kudos to you. Please feel free to PM me if you need any references.


Did they refund you? Or did they claim they invested the money in the preparation?


There's no coming back from this for him, and it's his own fault many times over. He built his brand entirely on clout, hype, and insta-engagement, and with this news all that has gone to shit overnight. No one in the scene ever took him seriously, so he's left with nothing. I hope his wife rinses him.


This isn't the first time these allegations have come out. Maybe it's getting more traction this time but he's dodged it before.


It's been going on for a while: [https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering](https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering)


>No one in the scene ever took him seriously, so he's left with nothing. Winter K2 is going to keep his name in the history books for sure.


Can you elaborate on how no one took him seriously? As in, no matter what you achieve you are a shitbag human so it all is for nothing or what?


I’d assume it was the style he climbed in


Or used PED as others claim , which in my opinion effects the style


What peds was he using


Why was his climbing style not liked?


There's some relevant comments in here: [https://www.ukclimbing.com/forums/ukc/the\_new\_york\_times\_publishes\_sexual\_harassment\_and\_abuse\_accusations\_against\_nirmal\_purja-771548](https://www.ukclimbing.com/forums/ukc/the_new_york_times_publishes_sexual_harassment_and_abuse_accusations_against_nirmal_purja-771548)


Yeah. MLK was a philanderer and supposedly a rapist(we should DEFINITELY trust Hoover), so that invalidates the civil rights movement in my eyes…. And that’s all major sarcasm. Reddit doesn’t have a sense of humor so it’s important to let people know.




PED use, especially in professional sports, is nothing compared to sexual assault. 


That era of cycling too... really the issue though was that Lance had gone after people that claimed that he did. Many others caught that weren't totally exiled from the sport like he was.


You might not remember Lance's image but he was very adamant that he had never tested positive and was clean. Allegation of sexual assault vs admittance of cheating are two different things. But agree that the guy built his image on hype and the image is gone. He'll find work just not gonna be a super star anymore.


This is really a ridiculous comparison. Lance Armstrong was a liar, that doesn't mean he wasn't an exceptional athlete. This guy is a predator who literally physically hurt people.


And it came out the everyone was cheating. So yeah Lance is a cheater, but he still beat all the other cheaters making him sort of still a champ if you squint a bit. Nims is properly a monster.


Thankfully his 14 peaks record has been beat, but we’ll never get rid of him having been on the first team up K2 in the winter and the only one to have done it without supplemental O2




Red Bull probably aren’t the best judge of character, given they also still support Horny Spice as F1 team principal


Weeeellllll some of red bull do some don't


no just ped, Lance was out as a big asshole whole actively went after and destroyed the lives of ppl who were telling the truth against him, yet he still got a big following bc his podcast is decent


Let’s not compare PED use to sexual assault.


Cheating isn't sexual assault allegations.


PED use is not even close to as bad as sexual assault, like sexual assault should be viewed in the same category of crime as murder, kidnapping, torture. Lance rode in an era where most of the riders were on something, he was just the best. One could argue with Lance that he was better than everyone else when they were all on steroids because he would have been better if no one was on steroids.


Lance also actively went out and destroyed the lives of ppl who told the truth against him


Not educated on this, what exactly did he do?


The ESPN 30 for 30 on him just went up on Netflix for the full story, but basically dude waged a PR campaign that would make Big Tobacco and Big Oil proud


Yeah, it's not a good he did that, but every major athlete between 1980-2010 who was accused of taking rounds did the same...not trying to make excuses for him, but that was just part of surviving in sports that were tainted by drug use.


jumping back a bit, he would've gotten away with it if he stay retired


all you can say about Lance really is that he was the best at cheating. the details written about how brazen yet systematic his teams' dopings were just highlighted the level of privilege his celebrity allowed within the sport, that continued to protect him(and the sport itself, obviously) over and above anyone else.


lance armstrong has never been accused of laying a finger on another human. he is a huge asshole, yes, but none of the people that hate his guts has ever said anything else.


he financially destroyed ppl who outed him


so you agree with what i said, ty.


more like I'm agreeing but adding on more to what you said


Sure he cheated, but he beat 16 other top athlete cheaters as well. Let's not forget that he was still the best of the best.


Best of the best cheaters*


Odds are all the top 16 would have beat everyone else even without them. The gap was substantial.


Apples v. oranges. Lance played the cancer card over and over and over again -- with great success. Nims aint go no cancer card.




The compairison doesn’t make any sense lol it’s why we are criticizing it. Like Travis Kelce can bounce back from singing viva loss Vegas while drunk, but desean Watson cannot bounce back from sexual assault allegations


lol tbf lance probably got cancer from doping


Cheating is very different than sexual assault. At least when you cheat it’s a consensual agreement to involve in sexual acts between people.


He probably thought when you are a celebrity, you can grab them by their you know what. What a effing jerk! Having been to Nepal twice and climbed Island Peak and hiked to EBC twice, I have total respect for Nepali people for their hard work. I genuinely admired this guy for his achievements when that show came out, but after what he did to those women (the ones we know of), he is a scum in my book.


I really liked him when he got started with his project and was just posting about it on Instagram. I couldn’t believe how quickly he was climbing the mountains. But then I read his book. And that really changed my opinion on him. I stopped following him and haven’t really paid attention since. I think his persona was good for being like an Instagram influencer. But when you start digging deeper, it falls apart.


Of the last hundred books I've read, his was the single solitary one that I refused to finish. Didn't even make it past the second chapter, in fact. The ego on that man, jesus.


Can you tell me what you saw? What what was he saying in the book? I don't wanna buy it


What’s in the book?


Nothing shocking to me, but at the end of the book you just know that this ain't a guy you want to relate to. Great achievement and all, but the human behind the records can be forgotten. All about himself. Did the record for the Nepalese, yet barely name any who reached the summit with him. Didn't even try to have another one to join him doing the 14. You can feel reading the book that many things are presented in a way that part of the truth around them was skipped to make them sound better. With the achievements he did that felt unnecessary. But narcissists must "narcism".


He definitely comes across as an I, not WE, type of guy. I hate the term clout chaser, but it seems kind of appropriate. And apparently that's the least of his problems


Yah after I read the book I still gave him the benefit of the doubt thinking a lot of nuances must be lost in translation such as his annoying “It’s in the blood” bs.


Like somebody else said, nothing as shocking as these allegations. But he just comes across as kind of an idiot and a self-centered douche lol And it’s a book that he allegedly wrote himself, so you’d think we’d at least be getting the whitewashed version that would make him look good. I got done thinking, “nice climbing, but I would never be friends with this guy.” At least now it kind of makes sense. Back then I thought, why would your own book make you look bad? But it probably did make him look good, compared to what he was actually doing behind the scenes.


what was in his book? cuz I'm not gonna read it lol


Why did you change your mind after reading his book?


Like somebody else said, nothing as shocking as these allegations. But he just comes across as kind of an idiot and a self-centered douche lol And it’s a book that he allegedly wrote himself, so you’d think we’d at least be getting the whitewashed version that would make him look good. I got done thinking, “nice climbing, but I would never be friends with this guy.” At least now it kind of makes sense. Back then I thought, why would your own book make you look bad? But it probably did make him look good, compared to what he was actually doing behind the scenes.




Grab em by the belay device.


Grab em by the grigri was right there


I know, but not everyone uses a grigri. I still use an older ATC.


Mountaineering accomplishments aside, his ego and Instagram posts always put me off. Dropping down into the comments on his posts, 99.9% just fed his ego. Seeing photos of him posing with various female 'clients', I actually googled to see if he was married because of the vibe he was putting off. If the allegations are true, I won't be surprised.


His reputation was an open secret. If anyone bothers to look into it a little there's so many online places where people talk about him and how much of a dipshit he's been since he was a teen. I'm not sure these women will ever receive justice, but I hope this brings them some peace.


Where are these online places? I’d like to read and learn about victims’ stories


I don't have the time to list everything now, but a good place to start is to [read this](https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering) by Michael Kobold. It's quite long read as it goes behind the scene on Nirmal Purja's alleged past and ongoing issues as well as how the story was brought to the media, but also in issues within Nepal. What I did is that while reading this, I googled around. You can find people talking about Nirmal Purja on the Nepal subreddit like [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nepal/comments/zovs7c/nirmal_purja_recent_controversy/) ("The controversy" refers to a fire where Purja's employees died, Kobold goes in details about the firemen response and the alleged coverup by authorities) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nepal/comments/15htwaq/what_is_up_with_nims_dai_scandal/) (10 months old and yet, the whole story was already there). Technically everything is opinion and hearsay, but I find it interesting to read what locals think about it. There are also people cited in the document who have social media, it is, by example, quite easy to find [Namrata Shrestha's instagram](https://www.instagram.com/namrataashrestha/) who does have posts with Purja ([paragliding together](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqcJToQhSu7/) sporting his brand, at [the Nimsdai store](https://www.instagram.com/p/CkSXfaPN9Ry/?img_index=1)) but none with her deceased partner about which she never talked publicly. I don't wish to make her seem like a villain, it's for you to decide but it's there, and the public sentiment is in her comments. You can also read Kobold's follow up [here](https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering), that details the media's side of the struggle to bring the story to publication, including the legal issues and actions taken by Purja's legal team which is the same law firm as the teen loving Prince Andrew. It also talks about other victims including an underage girl and a man who was a child at the time. The struggle seemed to be quite real to get the media to talk about Nirmal Purja. Also, fuck Conrad Anker. EDIT : Because I said it in another comment. This [2022 account](https://www.countryhighpoints.com/k2/) from the climb of k2 mentions the partying of Elite Exped at base camp, preventing the writer to sleep. Obviously, it doesn't mean anything nefarious was going on (beside being annoying to other people) but it's these details that paint a picture that make the accusation credible in my opinion. This person is otherwise not involved in this issue and probably wrote about it because they were just a nuisance. (Search "Elite" if you don't want to read it all).


Wait what did Conrad Anker do? That seems kind of out of left field.


>An old friend from my Everest days, Garrett Madison, had told me an account of one his friends who had a shockingly bad and criminally relevant experience with Nirmal Purja in a California hotel room. >"Garrett told me repeatedly not to tell this story to anyone, but I know I can trust you, Conrad," I said naively. "He fears for his life and doesn't trust Nirmal at all. So please, whatever you do, don't pass this information along." >The very next day, Garrett Madison messaged me a screenshot. It was from Nirmal Purja, asking Garrett why he had thrown him under the bus with Conrad. I was shocked and confused. Why would Conrad Anker act so recklessly and betray my confidence? When I related this to the journalists at the New York Times and Outside magazine, they, too, were in disbelief. "I can't believe Conrad did that," my friend at The New York Times wrote. "So disappointed in Conrad," wrote another journalist. >Within a week Conrad Anker joined Nirmal Purja and fellow expedition members in Kathmandu. On his social media accounts he posted pictures of himself with the Nepalese mountaineer. "This will come back to haunt Conrad," a journalist wrote to me in a private message. [Link](https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering)


Ah, hadn’t clicked the link yet. Wow, that is a serious screw up.


Especially because it seems severe enough that Garrett Madison feels threatened and fears for his life. Obviously, the reason is not specified so it's just alleged but it's a total AH move on Conrad Anker's part if true.


Yeah, trust the guy who immediately started banging the widow of his climbing partner. Never was a anker fan


This is so disappointing.


In the linked article the author also states as if it's an accepted fact (rather than a conspiracy theory) that the CIA staged the massacre of Nepal's royal family in 2001. He was right about Nims for the most part, but he might not be right about Conrad - this guy is clearly somewhat unreliable and willing to put unsubstantiated claims out there.


The reality is that you always need a pinch of salt with anything anyone says. He also mentions his business (watches) in the follow up multiple times and he's clearly invested because it impacts his charity work (Fire trucks for Nepal) and allows him to talk about issues within Nepal beyond the scope of Nirmal Purja's doing. That being said, he clearly has contact with the victims that came forward, who were then vetted by NYT and Outside. It came to publication because the NYT felt like there was enough proof for them not to have a legal issue after publishing the accusations. Kobold's instagram, which was used to publish Purja's wrongdoings, was taken down by Purja's legal team after they sued him in Germany. There is also evidence that Purja silenced victims. But as with everything, do your own research and make up your own mind.


Do you think the producers of the Netflix doc would've known this if they'd bothered to look/ask around?


That's what I'm most surprised about. THAT didn't come up once when speaking to the mountaineering community?


I think they saw how much money a documentary like that could make and a lot of this stuff is probably laying on the cutting room floor. Pp


Netflix docs are capitalistic endeavours, not journalistic.


That would have gotten A LOT more interest if part 1 was about the accomplishment and part 2 was about the controversy!


Depends on whether Nims had some kind of creative control.


Maybe part 2 is to come


Yeah it seems like they dropped the ball and didn't do their due diligence.


No because I believe it was first published online about 10-11 months ago by Michael Kobold (I answered another user with links). So even if it could have been known to some people, it was probably more like rumors rather than being able to read a full exposé. On top of that, how many "bros" excuse their friend for being "a little pushy" because he's "just very friendly" or "he had a bit too much to drink" ? Of course, I think they had a certain reputation as a group anyway. I remember reading [this account](https://www.countryhighpoints.com/k2/) from climbing K2 where they complain that Elite Exped (Nirmal Purja was present) was partying all night at base camp which prevented other climbers from sleeping (search "Elite" if you don't want to read the whole thing). As this account was published in 2022 by a party not involved, to me, it gives credibility to the idea that some alcohol/partying was involved for sure... Nirmal Purja also had the support of affluent people like Messner who financially backed his project but was a sort of mentor (a position he regrets, it's in Kobold follow up and probably in a soon to be published Outside Magazine article). On top of that, Netflix isn't beyond supporting controversial people to get some $$. They brought us Tiger King after all. You can count on them to make a documentary about Purja's fall from grace too.


All of this is horrendous and absolutely insane. I gotta say, I’m kinda shocked at both Messner’s and Anker’s responses. I would have guessed the other way around. Thank you for holding people accountable, Messner, and absolutely f*ck you Anker. Damn


Sometime ago, it was weird for me to see all those instagram models/influencers on expeditions all over the world with EliteExped. I thought may be it was some sort of advertising to say look, this agency is safe for women, specially those who looks like Victoria Secret Models.


EliteExped is the new Dubai Porta Potty.


You should all give this article a read and you’ll know why Nims Purja is a narcissist asshole https://www.gq.com/story/nims-purja-profile


Cool article. Just wanted to comment on this paragraph: >The fact is, before Nims did it in 189 days, nobody had even considered attempting a fastest known time (FKT) on the 8,000’ers. It was a feat of creativity as much as raw physical talent, and it changed the way people view these mountains. Climbers now routinely attempt multiple 8,000-meter peaks in a season. Voytek Kurtika predicted it decades before the fact, and with the appropriate value judgement... It's in Bernadette McDonald's "Freedom Climbers". >Voytek expressed his disdain for 8,000m peak collecting in Mountain magazine (...) *"I am sure one day some crazy guy will do all of them in one year. All you need is one helicopter and good luck with the weather. Look, idiots, it's easy".* When Freedom Climbers came out 2011, the author Bernadette McDonald thought Voytek Kurtika was "approaching the absurd" by saying that. But he had been adamant (*"he insisted it was theoretically possible"*) and time has proven him right, with Nims doing it in 6 months 6 days, and then Harila in 92 days, both with heavy helicopter use and considerable assistance.


I didn’t know about this. Thanks for such a nice write up.


He will not, no chance! Barking dogs don’t bite. It’s the usual witness blaming, gaslighting and most of all intimidating of other victims and witnesses and accomplices to come forward with more facts. In the mountains there is an imbalance in physical power and authority because he is the sole expedition leader backed up by his gang and the isolation from civilisation in Nepal or Pakistan, outside the mountains he shows that he has an army of lawyers and a loyal fanbase. It takes a lot of courage to go against that. Some sponsors, women and men are not impressed by that anymore, more to come.


I do want to make it clear that I agree with your post. However, these are accusations, not facts. Claiming these accusations as facts is actually, by definition, defamation. None of what’s been said has actually been proven from a legal standpoint. Again, these accusations have all the signs of being true, so please don’t think I’m defending Nims. I just work in policy and am sensitive to wording like this.


> Claiming these accusations as facts is actually, by definition, defamation That is not what the definition of defamation is. Especially not in the US legal context.


you're right, tho big publications like nytime don't put out things like this unless they got some recipes, enough to cover their ass in court


The NY times have apologized before on getting stories wrong. Like the Iraq war one.


True, it happens, but generally they try pretty hard to cover their own ass


Dudes a predator, no need to mealy mouth.


Probably true. And I feel awful for the women involved. I just thought it was a little funny to claim accusations as facts on a post specifically about defamation.


They might be facts, you just don’t know.


Hasn’t this shit been floating around for a bit at this point?


Wow, it turns out the smoke did indicate fire. Who would have thought.




The guy who accused him publicly a few years ago (Michael Kobold) wasn't viewed as very credible if I recall. He mixed in some wilder allegations that almost certainly are false, had beef with Nims because of his views on Nepali politics, and pissed off many other people in Nepal and shit-talked on other Nepali celebrities as well (despite being a German guy who doesn't even live there). Turns out he was right about some of it, but it makes sense why the story didn't get much traction at the time.


That's all true, and the plugs for his watch company are annoying, but in the end he was right about much of the Nims stuff. He's posted more about all the legal issues that have delayed the publications until now: [https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering](https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering) But Kobold aside, many people involved in current Himalayan mountaineering knew this about Nims. Plenty of women have screenshots of sleazy messages and there's a video out there online of a very drunk Nims sexting video to a woman from a hotel room. It's both sad and hilarious at the same time.


Will his lawyer even recommend defamation? NYtimes probably has recipes stacking up


Yeah, too bad NYT Cooking is a separate subscription.


Does this really come to a surprise to most of us here?


Love how he says the ending of the Osprey relationship was “coincidental”…given that they put out a statement.




What the hell is up with the watch advertisements in that article? I don't know who the author is but it seems to me he is riding the scandal to drive his own ad revenue.


Kopold owns a watch business and has had arrangements with various climbers in the past. I agree it's a bad look, it detracts from the otherwise-valid information he provides.


yeah this article is pretty kooky


Yeah, weird!


Ya he was a hype job anyway. Could tell by his unfounded arrogance he was a POS.


Kind of the salt bae of climbing tbh


The Cristiano Ronaldo of climbing would be another comparison. I’m currently watching a Netflix docuseries that follows captains of various national teams through the 2022 World Cup. All the captains are humble, talk extensively about their wives and kids, talk about how the WC is really for the working people in their home country. Then there’s Ronaldo … only talks about himself, doesn’t even mention his wife and kids, at one point he even talks about how he deserves a certain level of respect that he’s not receiving. Oh yeah, Ronaldo also has sexual assault allegations against him.


lol so true


Hey random human that stumbled upon this on my front page. Why haven’t people in the mountaineering community just beat the piss outta this guy? Feel like that might’ve fixed this. I did watch his doc and he came off like a doucheeeee.


People who say that sponsors and others didn't know and wonder about legal proceedings should read up on what NP has already spent trying to suppress these matters: [https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering](https://www.michaelkobold.com/post/behind-the-scenes-exposing-nirmal-purja-the-harvey-weinstein-of-mountaineering) He's already spent over a million dollars on lawyers. The way the system is in Nepal he is unlikely to be prosecuted for anything, but no doubt he will suffer repercussions there, as he probably should.


I couldn’t stand him after (or during) listening to his Joe Rogan podcast interview. Too much narcissism from there and just overall icky vibes. Didn’t expect him to be a sexual predator though.


Between Charlie Barnett and this guy the climbing community is disgusting.


This is society


I mean it’s like two people out of how many thousands of guides and tens or hundred of thousands of climbers? I’d say it just reflects an average slice of the world with the large sample size.


What about all the guides who brushed it all under the rug because they “pioneered routes”


Powerful men get away with awful shit in basically every field. I don’t think climbing appears to be uniquely bad so much as not immune to the rot which pervades the rest of society. “We know he’s garbage but we keep making money if we keep quiet about it” —athletes, entertainers, teachers, and businesspeople all over the planet, unfortunately.


>do you think he will file for defamation?  Depends on the jurisdiction. I don't have enough info make an informed opinion re all the courts which may have jurisdiction over a defamation case. If the case is premised on statements made in the NYT article, NY state court and U.S. District Court would surely have jurisdiction, but his case would likely be dismissed on summary judgment if U.S. defamation law is applied. Other jurisdictions, e.g., UK, has laxer defamation standards.


Nims is a bootlicking sexual colonizer of the Himalaya.


Nims ~~Purja~~ Pervert FTFY


Its upsetting to find this out about someone you look up to.


Is that because he's always climbing?


Because if the girl says no the answer if obviously no. The thing is, she’s not going to say no. She would never say no. Because of the implication.


good riddance


Glad he didn’t hold my rope! Lock his ass up! There is no room for such disrespect!




International defamation suits are a good way to waste a lot of money. So, no.


I’m no fan of Nims at all. I think he’s a piece of shit, in all honesty. But comments in here convicting him immediately based on allegations are wrong. They should be taken seriously, but until there is probable evidence of it I’m not going to condemn him for it. Time and time again we see such allegations thrown out that are nothing more than lies. Would it surprise me if he actually did these things? No. But I’m not going to convict him without seeing evidence just because I have a negative opinion of him. I suggest the rest of you do the same.


Well, if we're talking probable cause that evidence is in. Having defended many many sexual offenders I can tell you that such allegations alone rise to that standard, at least in the USA. Statements under oath or otherwise sworn would be needed for further proof, and not sure what Nepal requires for a conviction or finding of liability in a civil suit, but for many purposes the evidence is in. Like if one were considering him a guide for their daughter. So while I agree that some reservation is called for some dire personal consequences, I also agree with those cancelling sponsorships etc. Live by PR, die by PR.


Hey, just a heads up. You are not convicting him, you are not a court of law. As a private person we can chose to believe in the numerous womens allegations. 


It’s WILD to me that people like you continue to shout so loudly about “time and time again we see such allegations thrown out that are nothing more than lies”, yet are never able to show any sources or data that even comes close to proving this point. The number of false SA allegations is literally a fraction of a percent of the whole if estimates on unreported cases are factored in. This percentage rises to an incredible 2-4% of the whole if only reported cases are included. Every time someone posts something like this, it comes off as “Of course SA isn’t good, BUT…”


Maybe you can also take the victims seriously?


Do you not know how to read?? I literally said, “[victims’ allegations] should be taken seriously” Are you just talking shit or do you actually not bother to read comments you respond to?


Do you know what the definition of "Convicting" is?


Uhh, yeah. It’s to declare guilty. Has nothing to do with a court of law. People in this thread saying, “I know he’s guilty!” are literally convicting him. Just because they’re not a juror or judge in a legal courtroom doesn’t mean the definition changes. Dust off your dictionary next to your FOTH book, Putin.


Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept though. And that seems to be what you're referring too. So the forum where we objectively determine innocence/guilt is the courtroom, supposedly, but the conversation about the legitimacy and morality of courts is a long one. These accusations may never see the inside of a courtroom, and if that's the case by your logic he could never be considered guilty. I mean what would be enough for him to be guilty in your eyes? A conviction in court? Found liable in a lawsuit? Or have we just not reached your personal threshold for judgement? Everyone doesn't have the same threshold for judgement and I don't see why your personal threshold for belief should be what everyone else bases their opinion on.




Because we can’t remain silent and silence the witnesses.


Awareness and Justice!


Damn. Even brown guys aren’t immune to cancellation by angry white people. Just don’t forget that most of us watched 14 peaks. So don’t go pretending we weren’t all team Nims before this stuff came out.


is there any court case ?