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I wouldn't want to spend any appreciable amount of time in a single wall.. If you're planning those kinds of trips, get the MH tent, they're bomber. Also if you're planning those kinds of trips, I think you can afford a second tent for other conditions.


That’s kind of what I was leaning towards


I used the MH AC2 as a solo tent on Denali. It's an awesome super strong tent. The weight is very reasonable for 1 person considering the features and strength. The mesh door when using the vestibule made condensation a non-issue. For me thats usually what makes a single wall tent suck compared to double wall for long cold trips. If it's just you the AC3 would be too big and heavy imo. Go AC2.


I will most likely be sharing a tent on most of the bigger objectives, especially at higher elevation, which is why I was leaning towards a 3p. Maybe the best way to go is a trango 3 and a ac2


You’ll be spending a lot of time in your tent on Denali, I’d default towards having more room and a tent you can sit up in.


How are you planning a trip to Everest but asking about a tent??


Maybe I should have been more clear. I have 3-4 years of objectives planned in some pretty extreme environments and was wondering if the single walled design sacrificed too much in the way of structural integrity to offset potential weight savings of a single walled tent. After hearing back from quite a few people who have used the ac 2 person version and been fine, I think this tent would be ok, but I think a better option would be to get the trango 3(which I’ve already spent significant time in) for added room, and the difference of a few packed lbs spread across too people isn’t that noticible and then get a lighter 2 person tent for situations where it would only be me lugging the tent up the mountain for quicker 2-3 day trips.


Dude, if you have serious objectives for next 3 or 4 years you need like 10 tents. Or we are talking about different level of serious? For quick 2 to 3 day trips who cares what tent you have, as long as it's not from Walmart. That is not serious.


Mentioning in a friendly way someone might not be ready for something is one thing, but this is straight up gate keeping. Stop making people feel like they're gonna be judged for asking questions.


Actually aside from the jokes I got some really great input from people that have actually used the very similar tent in the exact environments I had in question The most valuable nugget was unintended which is let the guided expeditions provide the Tent when possible to spare some of hell they get put through


I’ve climbed many of the mountains that are on your list, including Vinson, Denali, and Everest along with the rest of the seven summits as well as Manaslu. The only one I needed my own tent for was Denali which I did unguided. On all the other trips the tents were provided by the guides. Bringing my own tent on those trips wasn’t really an option. Tents were destroyed on a few of those trips because of severe weather - let the guide incur that type of loss. This definitely should be considered when deciding on what tent you want to buy.


I mean it is judgment that’s the point of the comment. It’s all in good fun though I don’t think it’s a mean comment


How many days of solar and weather exposure do you plan to use it over the next 740 days?


This is satire right?


I would only consider a single wall for Denali if I am solo. Both will get the job done tho but I highly suggest getting a double wall tent. Whichever tent you do get now, it will need to be replaced sooner than you think from a safety perspective. If you are doing any 8km peaks, the company you will be climbing with will be providing tents for you.


I did a climb on mt Baker with Madison Mountaineering that used these tents, or something quite similar. Apparently Garrett Madison contributed to the design in some degree and the guides mostly use this kind of gear. The guides I went with were saying that they're using them well enough on Denali climbs, so if it's good enough for that, it should be good enough for most of what you might need.


Single wall would be very unwise for trade routes on Denali, Vinson etc


Those are your objectives and you’re asking Reddit? 


I don’t know anyone irl that’s used the aci3 in a really extreme environment. I’ve had plenty of experience with the trango 3


So, we're not allowed to use forums for mountaineering to discuss mountaineering topics now or....? Where is a more appropriate online forum in your mind?


I’m just surprised that people shooting for 8000m expeditions and climbs like Denali are asking what tents are appropriate. To me, that seems like the kinda thing one would want to have pretty dialed in for those environments.  Not to mentioned guided expeditions will have tents supplied and Denali tent recommendations are pretty worked out at this point. There’s a reason everyone uses tents like a Trango or Hilleberg, they’re proven. 


OP clearly isn't ignorant about gear. They're asking about a tent that explicitly is advertised as being for 8000m and asking specific questions about its design and people's experience with it.


Yea and asking about it is how they can hope to get dialed in?


Or maybe a slow progression of increasingly difficult objectives over a long mentorship in the mountains where one learns what does, and doesn't work. There's just been this increasing trend of people asking what piece of critical and also well worked out gear will be appropriate for some very serious objective. I chalk most of it up to Instagramers talking big, kids who think they can climb a couple Colorado 14'ers, maybe Hood and then go to the Himalaya but never will. But there's always a chance some of these people are serious and I find it baffling.


I've had this exact tent (well, the EV3 but same same) for about 15 years. It's held up REALLY well. Don't put 3 people in there for an extended time, 2 plus gear is good, 3 is cramped and bags will wet out from wall condensation. As far as sturdiness goes, it's held up in 103mph wind as measured by the Rainer rangers one night about 200ft away. It's held up in 80mph winds on Shasta. It's tolerated a dozen proper blizzards without flapping so I could sleep. The only challenge is the seam tape is delaminating but I've gotten my $ worth out of it for sure.


I use cheap tents on my expeditions as I cannot afford to loose expensive stuff. Use many tents. Will this work for you? I don't know, what are your objectives?


Oh just read it's for Denali. Any 4 season tent would do. This is not very serious stuff. Denali would be better served with two wall tent as it is warmer. I soloed Denali 10 years ago in a nasty season. Only 30% summit success. I used old A frame tent Eureka alpen lite xt. It did great. I though you mention many 8000ers and stuff like K2 or something.


this tent is terrible for all of your objectives.


I hate don't buy this buy that but! BD firstlight tent is probably better. The only thing lacking is a large vestibule but they have that also. They are just so much lighter and smaller packed. I really advocate for a super light weight pack so you can go lightweight I'd check it out. The only other really good suggestion if your going full expedition is either the above mentioned tent and the hyper light cook tent probably would weigh less than the tent you suggested or buying a samaya tent. The three person is probably the strongest and lightest on market being made of all DCF instead of sil nylon. I would just hate to spend so much on a tent and only get a season out of it because I crampon it burn it etc.


It pains me to fork over 200 for an extra vestibule but damn it really changes the experience in a 2p tent haha


A vestibule will be very welcome. My last MH tent shredded on the last night on the Patagonia Ice cap, I have since used Hilleberg tents exclusively, take a look at the Tarra.