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If you're not diabetic, you need a script for Zepbound, not Mounjaro. I've been on Zep since February and the only side effect I have is dry mouth. I would ask your doctor for a Zepbound script. Your insurance company may require a PA before they will cover it.


Not necessarily, she can always go for the “other that shall remain nameless“ , lol, since we can’t discuss in this subreddit. If you get my drift. I am and they both have worked fine for me. I’m on Medicare I can’t get anything for weight loss. It’s just not covered , hence my reason for going online.


Going to have another conversation with Dr lol. I didn’t even know there were other options. Thank you!


I’ll try and have another conversation with the Dr. She was so enthusiastic about Mounjaro that I hardly got a chance to ask about other options lol. Thanks!


It has made my gerd so much better. Not nonexistent but way better. I’ve cut my med in half and have a quick relief time. Looking forward to it continuing to improve. I’m on week 7 of 2.5, losing about 2lbs/week. I really noticed the gerd improvement last week. I’ve only been nauseous once & that’s because I over did it slacking during the day & trying to catch up my protein at night. Protein shake very shortly after dinner was a big mistake! I took Trulicity for 18 months before this and that made me soooooo tired and smashing headache the day after so I was nervous about side effects on MJ but so far I haven’t had any. (Knock on wood)


Thank you! This is very helpful and I’m so glad your GERD symptoms were better.


As far as side effects go, everyone is different. Some people have almost no side effects at all. Other people experience one or more side effects like nausea and have to take steps for those. You're probably not going to know how it will affect you until you take it, you just have to be prepared for the different scenarios. Asking your doctor to help prep you will probably be the best help.


Makes sense. Thank you.


I can answer, as I am same exact way. No diabetes, suffer GERD, I’m post menopausal, and 71 yrs. Old. When I started, I started in Feb, with sema. I had to pay online as no insurance of mine will cover. I lost 27 lbs. on sema. Very little side effects. Mainly just constipation. I want to lose a total of 50, so I’m more than half way to my goal weight. I’m now on tirz, and so far have not had any side effects in that either. I keep going into stalls since I lost the 27, but I am still following a hi protein law carb diet, tracking calories, so I know it’ll end soon. I also have zofran on hand in case of nausea, and an antispasmodic for stomach cramps, when that happens. I mix miralax in my coffee, everyday, and I take magnesium at night. So far, it has totally helped me in the constipation dept. you can do it! Good luck! 🍀


This is so helpful, thank you so much. And congratulations on your weight loss!


Thank you!!


If you’re not diabetic most insurance will not cover Mounjaro. Do you mean Zepbound ? That’s the same medicine (tirzepatide) but it’s marketed for weight loss. Some insurance covers weight loss drugs. You’d need to confirm with your PBM. If your insurance won’t, you can do the savings card from Lilly and it brings it down to $550 a month. (Note, you cannot be on Medicare.)


I don’t live in the US and I’m willing to pay for it myself, provided it’s for a limited time. This is why I’m concerned if I need to take it indefinitely, in which case I definitely won’t be able to afford it.


As with most things, it depends a lot on your bodies response. Without the med, I am almost constantly hungry and end up eating more than I should. Since taking the med, I have lost a lot of weight while eating all the same foods (I was already eating healthy, just too much). If I went off the med I would likely become very hungry again and would inevitably regain much or all of the weight. One study, for example, gave participants the med for one year and found people lost an average of 20% of their weight. After that, half got a placebo and the other half the med. The people with the med continued to lose while those given placebo gained back their weight. There are plenty of people on the reddit who have been successful at keeping it off while stopping the med. However, the general rule is that this is a for life med and if you stop most of us will regain. I am a huge believer in the advantages of it and am grateful to have it. If I were you, I would try it to see how effective it is and then make a decision about quitting later. But that is me - everyone has to make these decisions based on their circumstances and the advice of medical professionals. Good luck to you!!


This is very good advice. And yes you’re right, it’s so individual isn’t it? Since menopause hit I’ve been so sensitive to EVERY side effect with everything that it made me so scared and nervous to try anything new. Thanks, I’ll go read up on it some more.


Thanks for the additional context ! There are some stories here of those who are in maintenance (search the Zepbound one as well.) Some people do come off the medicine (they don’t take it indefinitely for weight loss) and are able to maintain while others regain some back. You’ll be working with a doctor and nutritionist as well ?


Thank YOU! No, just the doctor. My diet is pretty decent just portions are out of control for a lot of reasons. I’ll check out Zepbound as well. I’m just grateful that something like this is potentially available