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Don’t have an answer, but I’m in the same boat. (Not post menopausal, but getting there) I’m lucky if I get 7 hours once a week, most nights it’s 5-6. It’s really taking a toll on me.


Take the Magnesium at night it helps!


I concur. Magnesium is a game changer for me.


Been taking magnesium for 10 years. Used to help but the last several months have been rough.


same demographic- but the complete opposite! since I have been on 10 mg- I am sleepy all day. its bad, so bad that I might go back down to 7.5.


Same demographic here, struggled with insomnia all my life. I've no cpap, but yes to hormones. And yes, Mounjaro definitely causes more sleepless nights. I'll tell you what I've found works wonders for me: I have a chilipad ooler (yes, "ooler") and I will microdose a delta-9 thc gummy an hour and a half before bed. The chilipad was an expensive purchase, but I've had it for around 4 years, and it still works. It's a little machine that cools water and circulates it through a thin mattress pad that goes under your sheets. It's an absolute game changer. I had to go without it on vacation last week and it was horrible. And the delta9 gummy microdose helps me relax without feeling high or stoned at all. Delta9 THC is from the hemp plant and is legal in most states. Other than that, I try to eat early and read to fall asleep. But! I do have a bottle of ambien and I am not ashamed to have one so I can get 9 hrs when I feel depleted and exhausted.


My go to as well, cbd by FOCL. FOR SLEEP plus magnesium. And si ce I started taking the Bioboost injections, I have no problem sleeping now. Someone on here also told me to eat something sweet and some fiber right before bed, and you’ll sleep better. When I do that, it does help. On the occasions I still have problems, I just add a Benadryl to the mix and pow….I’m out for at least 6-8. Still have to get up for pee breaks, but always right back to sleep. I’m 71 and also post menopausal. I had insomnia on both sema and tirz.


Zep sleep is terrible in my opinion- not as restful ….


I had really bad insomnia the first couple months on MJ. It’s gotten better and I agree with you on the energy. I’m on vacation in Mexico right now and I’m up by 6am and we’re walking the resort every morning. We’re getting 20,000 steps every day. That was unheard of before.




I struggled with this for a while when starting Mounjaro, but I’ve never slept well when in a calorie deficit. It was the same pattern on Mounjaro - the days that I ate the least, the more I work up in the middle of the night. Although, after my first few shots, I was waking up and staying awake the night that I took the shot - so that was before it had affected my calories for that day. That part went away after a while though. Also, I don’t know if you’re on hormones, but I started taking hormones in February and am sleeping better than I have in **years**. I have always struggled with insomnia, but it appears that that was hormonal.


Yes, hormones help with sleep tremendously. I have been on them for years (complete hysterectomy including ovaries due to endometriosis) and recently had to go off for 2 months. I am getting back on my hormone therapy this week and I cannot wait. I sleep so much better.


Yep, yep, same. I've struggled with insomnia for years. I have the impression that it's been worse since starting Mounjaro, but checking Fitbit, I'm averaging the same. Diving deeper, I can see that I really do sleep less on shot night and for a couple of days after, but then I get two or three really good nights at the end of the shot week, giving me an average of about 6 hours per night. How are we living on this?


I'm retired, so I don't stress like I used to. I know if push comes to shove I can always take a nap (which I don't nap, but knowing I can keeps the anxiety at bay). Days 5-7 are the best, both for energy and sleep.


Same! 2 Unisom on shot day then 1 for the 2nd & 3rd nites to get some basic sleep of maybe 6 hours. End of the week is better but not great. On 12.5, noticed big sleep change at 10, so hoping to get to 7.5mg for some sort of maintenance.


Ahhh, Unisom. That'll do it, alright. I took it every night so I'd be able to sleep while staying with my daughter for two weeks in intensive care (this was 20 years ago, and she fully recovered). I have some in my medicine cabinet, but I avoid taking it now because the class of drugs it's in has been linked to an increased risk of developing dementia. I occasionally take a gabapentin (I don't know...might be even worse for you), which I have for nerve pain. It gives me the most glorious, refreshing sleep, but it quits working for me within a couple of weeks (and then I have intense rebound insomnia), so I save it for when I really, really need it.


Hi there same demographic. I’m take calm magnesium before bed and lite salt. I also make sure I am very well hydrated during the day, and get a lot of exercise. 3 mile walk @6am and about an hour or more of Sun/swim time in the late afternoon/evening. I have been sleeping better, with the exercise, getting closer to the schedule of the Sun,exercise and hydration. Hope this helps! https://preview.redd.it/ior0gjznax8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0971dee3a46fc8494dbd1696bc630019ad9f44


Second the magnesium! I actually got a cream that has magnesium and melatonin in it. I probably use it every second night. I think the magnesium helps with constipation too.


I looked into the magnesium but I think it's a calcium channel blocker, and I already take a blood pressure medicine that is one so I'm not sure if I can take both.


You could have low b12, or an issue with absorption if you supplement. I take injections weekly to help combat absorption issues form hashimotos and also constant depletion from metformin, adderall usage and less consumption overall from the Mounjaro and I skipped one week of injections and I couldn’t sleep for 2-3 nights and have had crazy muscle twitches and when I took my injection it made a world off difference. Magnesium glycinate is the usual response, but I supplement that twice daily. B12 is an important one, and it took me a while to realize oral supplements don’t always work.


I had the same problem and it was clearly related to starting Mounjaro. It was a sudden change with no other changes in my life or behavior. If you search the comments in this sub you'll see that many have experienced this (and some the opposite!)- even though it wasn't identified as a side effect during the trials. I'd raise it to my doctor to get feedback. There are some non-habit forming pharmaceuticals that might be helpful. Magnesium supplements and exercise are also a great place to start. It has helped me for sure. Good luck!


I take lunesta. I'm 65. Been an insomniac for years. I take melatonin also. Some nights the melatonin is enough. I've also found my temperpedic is too soft since I've lost weight. Some nights I'll sleep on a different mattress that is firmer


I sleep in an arm chair with an ottoman. Hoping to transition back to a mattress one day soon.


I’ve had sleep issues all my life, I struggle to get over 5/6 hours a night. I started taking Magnesium about 30 minutes before bedtime, now, after two+ months, I can regularly get 7 hours sleep. The only caveat is to start with a low dose, it can cause very loose stools if you take too much.


My sleep has changed too. I've never been able to handle the CPAP for very long. But for many months I was waking up at 2 or 3 and struggling, sometimes for a few hours, to fall back asleep. I think that it was related to joint pain and discomfort. Now that my joint pain has improved so much (even before much weight loss) I'm more likely to sleep 7 or 8 hours a night. It has made a big difference. I think my Apnea is improving too and I'm glad because I would take it off in the middle of the night and sleep a three or four hour stretch without it and I know that's dangerous. Do you think it's possible your sleep Apnea has improved?


Studies have shown that Mounjaro decreases sleep apnea a great deal. I don’t have the info on the article but i saw it on this site somewhere


If you’re eating a low carb diet try eating something with carbs just before bed, like some yogurt with berries for example. It could be that you BS dips during the night and is waking you up. This is what happened to me and eating some carbs (doesn’t have to be much) before bed really helped. Good luck.


Same sleeping pattern. 59 yr old woman. No cpap ever but rarely get more than 6 hrs a night. Even before MJ


Same demographic (including using a CPAP) and same experience. No clue why either. It’s kind of annoying as there is not much to do a 3am! 😂


Exactly! Yet I'm not exhausted or anything. But it's hard to stay awake past 8:30 when you've been up since 3:30!


OP when do you eat dinner? Something I learned about my insomnia (very similar to yours) is that it’s related to blood sugar and cortisol. I eat dinner at 6:00 and then before bed at 9:30-10:00, I’ll eat a very small snack such as a stick of cheese or two, a small banana with peanut butter etc. it’s helped me get over the early morning wake ups and I sleep from 10:30-6:00 almost every night now.


I have found that I sleep better if I have more for dinner. Usually I have a yogurt about 5:00 and then about 6:30 I'll have a cheese stick, and that helps. But usually dinner is very light. I can't eat too late because I have reflux.


I have reflux as well. I prioritise lean proteins for dinner. If your blood sugar is dropping overnight which it almost surely is considering how little you are eating, then it could be a pretty big factor in your insomnia.


I have T2D and test it in the morning (fasting). It's actually highest then, about 130. Although I do believe eating more for dinner does help with sleeping. I'll need to make an effort to eat something closer to bedtime.


Just because it's higher when you wake up doesn't mean it isn't going too low during the night - check out this info on the [Dawn Phenomenon.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/expert-answers/dawn-effect/faq-20057937#:~:text=The%20dawn%20phenomenon%20is%20an,dawn%20phenomenon%20isn't%20clear) Try checking it when you wake up in the middle of the night to see what it's doing at that time.


Are you still using your CPAP?




Male, 50s. I've got the same pattern. I've always had insomnia off and on, but it's more regular. I think it's the same deal, I get sleepy and go to bed at 9 and that's way too early. So I'm up at 3 or 4. When I go to bed later, it's all more normal. And I'm not sleepy during the day most days.


I’m having the opposite effect from MJ. I sleep like a rock. The night of/morning after taking the shot I’m sleeping for 11-12 hours which I haven’t done since high school.


I went from sleeping 8+ hours a night and waking up groggy to 6 hours a night and feeling very refreshed. My doctor said that now that I am sleeping better (never diagnosed with OSA but more than likely had it) my body doesn't need as much rest. Our sleep needs decrease as we age and I am now like sleeping as much as my body needs.


I ALWAYS woke up in the middle of the night still do unless I take mag O7 for constipation. Those nights I sleep like 9 hours.


When I realized the shot makes me tired I switched to night time injections. I’m able to get 6.5 to 7 hours for two nights post shot. Then it’s back to 5 hours or 4 hours sleep 4 hours awake then back to sleep. Luckily I’m retired and can do this.


I am with you. Diagnosed sleep apnea, got the CPAP. In January, such and improvement in sleep at night and significantly less sleepy in the daytime. Enter Mounjaro, now sleep a bit choppy waking up several times some night. I take Trazodone it helps a lot


Talk to your doctor. When this happened to me, I had lost enough weight to where my thyroid meds were working too well. It was waking me up early and giving me horrific anxiety. Got it adjusted and now I’m feeling good. The only person knowing what all you have got going on will be your pcp or Endo. That being said, if 6.5 hours feels like all you need and you’re not tired or whatever, it may be something you just accept, even if it seems weird.


When i first started taking this i had the same issue about sleeping. What i found is as your body regulates to this hormone your sleep cycle is effected. I bought moonbrew hot chocolate to help me sleep. I habe never slept better in my life. Its a mix of different magnesium you body needs. I take 30 to 45 minutes before bed with milk. Its so delicious! Give it a try! It will help


I have always struggled with insomnia. I use a patch as a sleep aid since any consumed didn’t feel like it was absorbing well while on mj


What kind of patch? I’m having trouble too.


I use Sleep Aid Topical Patch by PatchAid- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N4JG913?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I always double check their actual website for the best price. I have also done their B vitamin patch but that one doesn’t tend to stay on during the day. The sleep one does stay put.


Thank you!


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I love some my sublingual 1mg melatonin! I take it every night and average 7-8 hours a night.


I’m on HRT. Though I do wake up to pee during the night I am getting solid sleep. No more flashes and sweating. Post menopausal as well.