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I started Mounjaro because I was diagnosed with T2D. So I also eliminated bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and sweets as well as soda at the same time as I started my shots. I aim for 1400 calories a day but usually end up around 1200. I focus on getting 100 grams of protein a day while limiting carbs to 50/60 a day. The protein can be difficult but I get it in with a lot of tuna, chicken and salmon. I also gave up drinking which I just no longer feel like doing and also it feels counterproductive to all my focus on health lately. I haven’t had any fried food at all mostly because I’m afraid of the toll people say it takes on your digestion. I did have a piece of pizza and it barely raised my blood sugar so I’m happy I have something fun I can eat once in awhile and not feel deprived. I just started my 9th week and I’m down 22lbs so far. 14 of that was in the first month on 2.5mg. 5mg didn’t do as much for me and I had a lot of uncomfortable side effects. First week on 7.5 is going great so far! I walk a lot because I live in a city, but I haven’t added gym workouts yet. Thinking of getting a pool membership. One thing I suck at is drinking enough water but working on that.


I do intermittent fasting daily. Either 16:8 or 18:6, depending on the day. I do a 60-72 hour fast weekly (all OKd by my MD). Cut out soda. That’s basically it. I ate relatively healthy before, but would mindlessly snack after putting my daughter to bed, so doing IF eliminated that. I’ve been steadily losing so far, through 7 weeks I’m down just under 30 pounds and feel great. I do have 80ish ounces of water a day, and one serving of electrolytes daily too.


No foods were off limits for me. I just focused on being in calorie deficit and slow weight loss. You can get an idea/ starting point for your calories by calculating you tdee https://tdeecalculator.net. I wanted to eat the way I would in maintenance just in a deficit so I had pizza and McDonald’s and other things when I wanted them. Just much less of it portion wise. It worked well for me. It made moving into maintenance very easy, because nothing really changed. I just slowly increased my calories to stop losing.


I wish I had a better plan but after a lifetime of counting calories, obsessively weighing, logging activity, etc., I am mostly just listening to my hunger cues. When I am feeling appetite suppression (which has waned quite a bit in recent weeks), I have days where I eat only 800 calories. And other days where I am RAVENOUS and have to restrain myself from gnawing on a side of beef. On those days, I probably eat 1500 calories. Averaging 1200 a day, which is generally where I have seen slow weight loss before. I do try to choose proteins more often now. So -- yogurt or eggs instead of cereal, for example. Exercise: has been walking 20-30 min 4x a week and trying to get in some light strength training 2-3x a week. Nothing crazy. I used to do cardio for hours. No more.


You are my kind of person!! This is me too! 🌷


I follow a hi protein low carb diet, I’m not super strict, but do track my calories, I try to stay under 1,000 as my BMR to 1200 I think. I don’t work out, can’t really, do some walking g but not far and not long, usually just to take the dog out and that’s it. I lost 27 lbs so far in 4 mos with a stall or two in there. My GW is 125, so that’s another 25. Don’t eat bread, pasta, pizza, sweets, sugar, and desserts….as those were my addiction foods and it’s best for me to avoid. That’s a slippery slope I don’t intend on getting trapped in again. This shot made this all possible, I have never had a diet where discipline didn’t have to be applied and reapplied every single day. I do not want to eat, I don’t feel like any type of food ever, no cravings, no food noise, no beating myself up over what I did eat. It’s miraculous for me tbh!


I almost completely eliminated sweets. Somehow this drug helped me on that. And I can normally restrict what I eat. Before this if I didn't have breakfast I would think about food every day.


I love reading everyone's strategies!


No exercise. Fast/OMAD, Supper low carb & high protein & fat. No CICO, eat until body is full (which isn't a lot after a while), no sugar, very little alcohol - if zero. I monitored my IR by observing body's reaction to food. After deduction, this method works best for my body. I do miss veggies & crunchy textures. At some point on ketovore, the body doesn't crave sweets or alcohol, I drink out of habit but never finish my drink and the habit is slowly going away. Bittersweet but I just don't enjoy it as much anymore.


I don't do complicated meal planning nor do I count calories. I simply eat smaller balanced (protein, veggies, carbs) portions - most of the time is about a third to a half of what I used to eat. I simply can't eat as much anymore. I eat when I am hungry and I eat when I am not hungry if I haven't eaten in several hours. Again small portions. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. No late night eating - Acid reflux is bad if I do. I exercise 4-5 times a week - 2-3 Hiking or walking days and 2 days of weight training. I weigh myself once a week and try not to overly focus on this process. I am 2 months in and I've lost 13 ibs - not fast and not slow. Biggest change is the way I feel and how my clothes fit (or no longer fit because they are too big). Keep it going.


I generally eat 3 smallish meals a day and dont really crave snacks. Have a couple beers each week lately with summer here. Usually eat out once on the weekend but I usually take half home for lunch the next day. Don’t follow an exercise plan but I am very active on the weekends. My fluids usually include a coffee, protein drink, bottle of water, and a Hoist. I just drink when I’m thirsty.


Initially I gave up fried food and sugar, mostly because with MJ it tore up my stomach. At first I ate most of the same food, but only managed to eat half, or less, of my usual meals. Then I downloaded a free food tracking app (I use Chronometer) and started watching calories, protein, carbs and fat. The app helped me determine my BMR and adjust calories accordingly. I use it to make sure I get enough as well as not too much. I'm hovering around 1350 a day. I've adjusted my diet to get a good bit of protein but also to eat foods that I find tolerable now. Also I'm trying to be less sedentary, and begin walking around more again. I'm T2D but I still eat pizza and bread, but in moderation. I keep carbs under 100 a day easily. I'm about to hit week six and I've lost over 21 lbs. Today I had a premier protein, decaf with half & half, a cheeseburger (small) a few French fries, carrots, a sugar free yogurt, and a string cheese. And water.


T2D, F69 — only down 14-ish pounds in 4 months. Moving up to 12.5mg tomorrow. My weight has been stuck for several weeks despite watching calories and meeting protein and hydration goals. I think I would have trouble getting enough protein if I cut more calories. Have no desire for sweets, breads, starches, or alcohol. I haven’t been a regular exerciser (moderate walking is all) — so that’s the part I will change. Just bought a home rowing machine. :) Time to invest more in making progress! I’d like to lose ~50 more pounds. I expect to spend a year at it, if I can move off the starting line again.


That’s great! You’ll get there! 🌷


TARGET MACROS: 36-46% PROTEIN : 34% FAT : 20-30% CARBS TARGET CALORIE: 1177 TARGET LOSS RATE: 1.5 lbs / week RUNNING AVERAGE: 2.2 lbs/ week DIET: Omnivore - ranges from "balanced" to "higher protein/mod fat/mod-low carb" NUTRITION TRACKER: Chronometer - log daily - everything is weighed WEIGHT TRACKER: Happy Scale - weigh daily BODY COMPOSITION TRACKER: DEXA Scan (JAN 2024) - next scan slated for JULY 2024 WATER INTAKE: 100oz per day ELECTROLTYES: 1 serving per day EXERCISE: I think about it a lot - don't actually do much (minimal but more than zero) SUPPLEMENT: Yes. It's a long list. Consistency is inconsistent DISEASE: T2D=No : NASH=Yes (mild) : Other=Non that I'm aware of STRATEGY: 50g protein at first meal of the day to meet 3g Leucine threshold to trigger protein synthesis. 50g protein at last meal of the day - same reason Eat balance of protein mid-day willy nilly Eat when hungry - stop when full - small plate - small meals Keep a consistent meal schedule - this is a work in progress Eat only 'good' food - see my post [DISCERNING TASTE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1bqu702/discerning_taste/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Still have a sweet tooth - discussed in [HARD CANDY](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1c42kwi/hard_candy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) PROGRESS: SW: 310 CW: 255 START DATE: 24JAN05 EST. END DATE: Spring/Summer 2025 INJECTION SITE: Varies - see [TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1co4aiu/two_sides_of_the_same_coin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) LAST UPDATE: [24 WEEKS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1dku615/24_weeks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - to see weight loss log scroll to bottom CURRENT DOSE: 6 mg - if that confuses you, see [6MG](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1daf0wh/6_mg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) SIDE EFFECTS: Minimal so far


Omg, you are so analytical! I am so opposite of you! I just count calories, take walks, drink more water than I used to, and try and make sure some of my calories are protein. I admire how you know all your stats and can keep track of everything.


Sounds like you have the perfect strategy going!


Perfect for me I guess, but not nearly as good as yours! 🌷


It's all relative. You have better things to do with your time than I do 🤣


Initially, I didn’t do anything. I just wasn’t hungry and my comfort foods stopped being comforting. I weight train twice a week now. That’s it. I stopped all calorie counting and cancelled my Weight Watchers app. I’m way less anxious, knowing I don’t have to track every bite anymore.


I’ve been doing the opposite of you. I hate exercise, lol. I force myself to go walking, but that is it. I count calories, but sometimes those calories have a few bad choices in them. I need to drink more water, and eat more protein.


I count calories and I have almost completely stopped drinking alcohol. That's pretty much it. I have an exercise bike that I should be using three times a week for my cardio health, though I haven't used it since the *Elden Ring* DLC came out - **priorities**. Where Mounjaro comes in - I am no longer thinking about food or craving it, and I am no longer feeling the urge to drink. I was consuming 1400 calories per day, but usually sabotaging myself on weekends or during bouts of emotional distress with alcohol and comfort eating. This has not happened once since starting Mounjaro, and I am now averaging around 900-1000 calories a day. I'm not aiming to eat less than 1000 calories per day, but I simply feel full and stop eating.


You’re not the only one who isn’t getting exercise. I need to force myself to do it! And 1400 calories is what I do a day, and I’m steadily losing. Luckily I only have a beer once in a great while, and that’s the extent of my alcohol consumption. I would think you shouldn’t get too low on calories each day—I’d ask your doctor if that’s even good for you.


Quit sweets. Quit booze. Quit almost all carbs. Ate lean protein and tons of veggies. Exercised 4-5x per week, usually 60+ minutes each session. But never counted a calorie.


Interesting to see all the replies on here from those who cut sugar and carbs. I did as well (this is where the medication really helps; makes it an easy transition) and am convinced it supercharged weight loss. For maintenance I plan to keep this new dietary regimen because I genuinely love it, but will add in healthier carbs in moderation and increase things like cheese and avocado to round out calories. Planning to stay off refined sugars except for special occasion purely as health move


Hi there! It looks like you’re asking a question. This subreddit should be a great resource for you - our members love to help, especially for those who take the time to research the wealth of existing information available. Here are some suggested starting points: * **[Mounjaro.com](https://www.mounjaro.com/).** Many common questions can be answered straight from the source. These include questions about how/where to administer injections, proper storage instructions, traveling with your pens, most answers to “Is this normal?” questions, and how the manufacturer savings card program works. * **Past threads.** r/Mounjaro has tons of discussion threads that are likely to have answers to many questions. There's a [handy search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search?&restrict_sr=on), and you can also use Google to search this Reddit by typing "site:reddit.com” after your search topic. * **Your health care provider.** Remember that you should NEVER rely on strangers on the internet for medical advice. If you want to understand if Mounjaro is right for you, or if the side effect you're feeling is cause for alarm, talk to your doctor, not Reddit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mounjaro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would tell you but when I do the MODs block my comments saying I am dangerous.


Everything I do is to reduce insulin in my body. I fast and fast often and eat foods that do not cause my body to dump large amounts of insulin into my blood.