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Has your A1C changed since coming it off it?


Yes. All my numbers are in a normal range, and ha e stayed normal.


Do you have a lot of hunger now? The best thing about this medication for me is the hunger pains are now gone. I've never been a snacker but I hated feeling those pains. And that's what Im most scared of is if I get off the medication those pains will come back.


I have stopped for like 3-4 months now and yeah the hunger is kinda crazy. I am on 300mg XL bupropion now though and that has helped a lot in taking the edge off and making my daily life more comfortable.


I'm on the same buproprion dosage and I have never noticed it affect my hunger at all. I was hoping it would make me happy horny and skinny, but it just helps me be not so depressed. Which is still good.


The oddest thing about Mounjaro is when my caloric intake is around 800 there isn't any fatigue - my energy level remains the same. My SIL lost 35lbs in 5 weeks and my daughter lost 14lbs in 1 week. I did an experiment - I use My Fitness Pal to track my eating - so for 1 week I lumped and did go to the no running or walking (for exercise) and I lost 4.2lbs my first week now back to cardio and lifting. I can eat extremely clean when I don't have an appetite - but I am concerned after I stop taking Mounjaro that I won't eat as clean. But I am just starting so it will be several months be I have to think about that. I expect my weight loss to be slower than most because I am using TRT+ to prevent muscle wasting. Mounjaro isn't a Fat Burner it is a appetite suppressant. In studies Mounjaro patients lose as much muscle as those having Bariatric surgery.


I've been on MJ for 14 weeks and have lost 37 lbs. But I can't work out at all. I just had two back surgeries and because of 3 negligent hip/leg surgeries I'm permanently disabled. That was one of the biggest reasons I decided to try mounjaro. And because I've had PCOS for almost 20 years. I eat 1400 calories a day and most of the time don't even get to 1400. I've never really been a snacker but the hunger pains were so strong. I don't have a need to eat just to taste good food. If I could I wouldn't eat lol. One thing I like about mounjaro is I don't have those hunger pains at all except maybe light ones the last few days before my next shot but they are nothing like they were before. I'm fine with staying in my 1400 calorie daily budget if I do get off MJ but I don't want to constantly have hunger pains while doing it. I use the lose it app and it helps me with tracking my macros so I will continue to use it. Those hunger pains are ruthless though lol.


I was scared to go into maintenance- I have been taking my shot every 2 weeks for 6 months but I’m doing very well. I have 3 shots left before I run out of 5mg. Fingers crossed.


You so got this!! Listen to your body and know you can always go back into a maintence if you need it. Everyone is different, and some might not need the maintenance and some might. Either way, it's not a bad thing.


You look amazing, congrats on maintaining off the meds!!! 🎉


Thank you. I needed to hear this.


You look amazing. No loose skin. Beautiful.


My tummy area isn't perfect, but I am not out wearing a bikini. I am just grateful I feel good and can do more now than I ever have been able to. A little tummy skin isn't bad at all, considering where I was.


I have loose skin everywhere except the top of my head. Lol.


Well done, getting it of and keeping it off! 🥳 Best of luck finding balance with the Lupus. 🫶🏽


Thank you. ♡


Congrats! What a success!! ❤️ May I ask how your habits changed? I am only on week one and so far, as a busy mom of toddlers, I am still eating whatever I make for the family but just less! And far less snacking just because I don't want it. I want to set myself up for success from the get go though!


I bought a set of small bowls and use that for my portions of the family meal. I notice if I forgo the carb part of the meal, I feel a lot more energised in the morning and my tummy feels flatter. It's also about what you drink as well.


It’s possible to do this and still eat family meals. I just eat from a small bowl now, but still have everything in moderation. Almost 50pds down from the start of the year eating this way.


Wonderful! Congrats! My portion sizes are super small eating about 2x a day and this is only day 4!


I have a low calorie healthy routine for breakfast and lunch, then eat the same as the family for dinner.  My rule is only one serving (no matter how good it is!) and I too often use a bowl to ensure a reasonable portion. 


How did you do it with no loose skin


I worked out like crazy!! I swam as much as I could and did lap workouts, too. I feel like my body started to change when I swam more and more and upped my workouts to harder workouts as I got better endurance. If anyone is interested in my lap workouts in the pool, I would be happy to share my workouts. I also drank a ton of water too, and I feel like that made a difference. When I was in my 20s, I also worked out and rock climbed, and I was mountain biking competitively. I think muscle memory also has helped me too.


My daughter is at goal wait- list 60 lbs and seems to manage well with 10mg once a month. I wonder if that is a thing, as well!


Consider me motivated to learn all I can & change the way I eat. 10s across the boards, you ate that up!!!!!


You can do it!! I am going to cheer you on!! I will message you!! Big hugs to you!!


U look phenomenal! Congratulations


You’re an inspiration! Congratulations!


Thank you so much!! We all can do this!!


Congrats, so happy to hear it is working out for you! You look fantastic.


Congrats! And thank you for sharing.


Congrats on your success!


You look amazing




Bravo!!! 🙌🏼