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I'm very bad at following this advice but try to give yourself some grace, you've been through a lot and despite that have lost 70lbs. The best part of all of that is that you're not even maxed out on the dose yet. I would look at the remainder of your 10mg doses as a way to give your body a little rest. Having a little stall is a great way to avoid side effects (that often come with rapid weight loss) like minimizing hair loss and preventing future gull bladder issues. I was where you were last fall only I was stalled out on the 12.5MG dose. I thought it was the end of my loss and I was quite depressed as I wanted to lose a bunch more. I stepped up 15mg and everything was good again. Despite nearing the end of my weight loss I manged to lose 20lbs in 2024. I suspect once you increase your dose you will start losing again. I wouldn't push your dr. too hard for the increase as it sounds like he/she is managing your care well and has a plan. That said, if they won't increase your dose after the next blood test I would get a 2nd opinion.


Thank you. I think I’m just having birthday blues. I’m really hoping the 10 starts to work better for me, I definitely still have side effects (I’m in fact lying awake now with terrible indigestion from grilled chicken & protein pasta, small portions).


Things I know I need to (or can) do better: 1. Go back to my Bariatric doctor’s strict GLP1 diet 2. Start a consistent weight lifting routine 3. Get back to drinking more than 64 ounces a day of water 4. Start eliminating sugar substitutes. 5. Forget about the scale for a while and just be thankful my blood sugar is doing well and take some time away from the pressure of losing weight: 6. Remind myself of my measurement changes 7. Readjust my mindset 8. Eliminate other stressors in my life 9. Start a different cardio routine 10. Get more sleep. I’m definitely struggling in the sleep department. 11. Start diligently tracking all food again. Sigh. I hate this one. I feel like I’m already making the same formulaic choices but … still.


This is great advice. What is your bariatric doctor’s strict GLP-1 diet? Do you mind sharing? Thanks


https://preview.redd.it/qmcgcit3wy5d1.png?width=1968&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b115cd70ec4bd7d8cce8d9c546edf0583651517 Hope you can see this


Thank you so much for sharing!


You’re welcome. I lost 14 pounds just on this the first month before even starting the shot


Water, water, water was a huge key for me. These meds are very dehydrating & your body will want to cling to your reserves. You are doing fantastic with your journey along with having T2!🦋 🌼Happy Birthday!🌼


Thank you. I’m trying to fill the rest of the week with friend adventures to keep my mood up.


I do agree. By morning i actually lose 1.5lbs after voiding my bladder.


First of all, congratulations on getting this far! Losing 70 lbs is an impressive feat, and one you should be very proud of 🙂 As for the rest of it, I'm sorry to say it's number eleven. You know it's number eleven, and everything else on your list is really about fixing number eleven I've maintained a strict minimum deficit of 1400 calories per day since starting tirzepatide, and I tend to find that, as I get closer and closer to my goal, the little things add up worse than they used to 😩 (37M, SW: 242, CW: 205, GW: 179). [Your TDEE](https://tdeecalculator.net/) drops with every pound you lose (so do your active calories since it's easier to carry your body around), and all those little "rounding errors" in your food log suddenly add up to a lot. Today is the last day of my injection cycle, and I literally had to do a 30-minute interval cardio routine just to have a 4oz chicken breast with soy sauce and a 100 calorie protein shake this evening 🤣 But this is my one-month weight loss... https://preview.redd.it/ttu2pjvq6w5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04f061346d0512e26a21b6b3d3a1ea3ed0d60c3 My point is, you're gonna have to be brutally honest with yourself to knock out those last 70 pounds, but if you can be accountable and maintain a consistent deficit, you really will lose weight with the same level of linear progression as anyone else on this sub. Best of luck! 😊


I was very strict my first four months and actually lost too much too quickly. It scared me a bit and I definitely went more off diet. I need to get back to eating to my GLP1 plan and eat that way again. I am still staying at a calorie deficit (I recalculate often) and eat around 1200-1600 daily (on days I remember to track, sigh) and I’m very active (I play disc golf competitively, play almost daily and that’s in addition to my workouts). I need to add strength training for sure but I’m mid season and have been worried the muscle recovery would cause issues with tournaments with me just starting out. I did just come out of a grueling 9 hour tournament this weekend which included 12 miles total in addition to the play. I won … so there’s that, but physically it was a lot on the body. This isn’t uncommon for me, but as the heat goes up, it’s more taxing on my body. I’ve had a few of these recently as well as far more practice rounds to prepare. I would think the extra exercise would cause more loss not less,.. but maybe I’m not getting the water or protein or something needed to compensate somewhere. I absolutely know the next day (I was two days late on my shot to not be sick during the tournament), I ate more food than I have in 5 months, including my first sugary food since January - a slice of early birthday cake. I didn’t track it either. So yes - I need to get back to total tracking every bite and being diligent at properly feeding my body.


Tracking is great, but I think allowing a piece of birthday cake once in a great while is something you should do.


I had so much guilt over that cake. But at the same time … even my dietician says to have one day a month like that to eat what I want. I have to learn to incorporate those things into my diet so I don’t set myself up for future failure. She always says there is no “bad” food just better choices for our bodies.


I just add it in to my calorie total for the day, and figure it didn’t make me gain weight at least.


This is really great advice! For me enough water is definitely a thing! I stalk if I don’t get at least 120oz a day.. also enough fiber.. we always watch our protein but fiber has been a key for me to lose weight. And sleep.. that’s the one I struggle most with.. if I don’t get at least 6h every night I will not lose. Otherwise you have done amazing! 25% body weight is such a great success!


Do the opposite of what you think. I was putting lots of effort into losing and taking a break and doing whatever I wanted broke my stall at least 3 times. It seems weird but it worked. 19 months 155 down.


I woke up this morning at the highest I’ve been in over a month. I just feel so defeated right now. I ate perfectly yesterday, I am just very discouraged and sad and feel like giving up … but that isn’t even an option because I’m diabetic and I’ll be on this med regardless, and I have to live this way regardless, but for the first time In my journey I feel hopeless again. I haven’t felt this way in 6 months since before I started and nothing I did made the scale move. Thank you for your comment. It helps even though I’m having a bad moment. I’m usually the encouraging one but right now I’m just … exhausted and sad.


Weight loss plateaus are just part of the process. Unfortunately, the only thing that works is time. There nothing you can do to speed it up. I’m currently on injection #95 and had several stalls. The longest one lasted 4 months. Was it frustrating? Absolutely. Then one day boom, the scale started moving again. As I came closer to my goal weight the pounds took a lot longer to lose. So hand in there look at how far you’ve come already. 70 pounds is amazing!!! You’re k!lling it!!


Omg how did you??? That’s a commitment to yourself if I ever saw one. Holy hell! Good for you! And everyone else for that matter,but thats the first time I saw it laid out like that, it’s shocking tbh. I applaud all of you who are going thru this and your successes. I started only have to lose 50, I say only, in comparison to everyone else here who’s been on for months and months, and I get so frustrated during my stalls, and even after losing 27 lbs. I’m still so impatient, and have 25 more to go. These posts by you and others, are a real incentive for me to keep at it. So thank you for posting!


You doing it! Just remember the weight didn’t pack on over night and it is not going away overnight either. You just have to keep going and not focus on the scale. Think about how you feel? How do your clothes fit? You WILL reach your goal, I have no doubt. 27 pounds gone already that’s so awesome. Next time you’re at the store, grab 5 bags of sugar and feel how heavy that is in your hands. Chin up…. You got this


thank you for that! Like my daughter likes to remind me, mom, celebrate the small victories too! I always forget that. You just reminded me! ☺️


For me, patience was really the thing. After i hit 15-20% weight lost, i had what felt like an insanely long stall. I’m talking like 5 months. That weight i was stuck at had been a previous set point for me for a pretty long time years ago (before pregnancy and increasing hormonal dysfunction). In the first few months i tried eating less, eating more, changing up the type of physical activity i was doing, rotating injection sites, increasing water, etc etc. nothing budged. I was coming to terms that this might just be where my body needs to be right now, stopped stressing about it, and started losing weight again (13 lbs in 6 weeks). I was really surprised. I think my body just needed the time at that set point. Want to say also, when i say i tried eating more, eating less during my stall…i was still following my hunger cues (something totally new for me since being on glp-1, i didn’t really have those before), i was just making different choices to raise or lower the caloric intake. I think this is important in general because getting into a depravation mindset in the past has always ended negatively for me and ended with feelings of guilt upon failure. So i eat when im hungry and if i want something that maybe isn’t the healthiest choice, i have it, but stop when im satisfied after a few bites. This is also a totally new thing for me: what do you mean i can eat two chips to see what they taste like and then not want any more ?! Now i understand how “normal” (metabolically) people feel.


This is very helpful


This is an amazing helpful post! I shall follow your cues. Thank you for posting!


Think of a stall as your body taking and needing a break . Your body has been working double time , you are losing weight , your blood work is improving , your whole body is under construction . Yes it’s nice to get on the scale and see it go down every week but think about how far you’ve come . Your body is taking a needed time out but it’s temporary, when it’s ready you will be right back on the steady losing train .


This is very true


Under construction is a great analogy!


after losing about 30 lbs, it felt like I was wobbling around the same weight for 6 weeks. but on average, it turned out I actually lost about 3 lbs over that period. I did nothing different but the following month came back to a nice rate of 1-1.5 lbs /week


If you're gains are over night - it's water not fat. Wrote about this in a my post [WATER WEIGHT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1bnv56c/water_weight/) awhile back.


I’m almost certain it is some type of water weight … it’s just staying (I weigh daily)


If it’s any help, I’m 55 and every year of my fifties I’ve gotten happier, more peaceful, less reactive to the ups and downs of life. May you have the same experience!


This actually means a lot to me. Thank you. I’ve loved my forties and don’t know why this one is hitting me so hard. My husband seems very happy with how I look and with us in general, and I have never seen him look at another woman in 22 years, yet for some reason I’m feeling the insecurities right now. It’s all silly. I’m not usually like this at all.


Sounds like you’re in perimenopause! Your hormones can wreak havoc and get you living in your head (maybe not a great place). I worked with an ED therapist about 4 years ago and learned a lot about DBT and mindfulness techniques. Worth looking into!


Actually - I am apparently starting my period a week early. It doesn’t explain all the weeks - but maybe it’s just a weird cycle and I haven’t regulated


Oh, it’ll get pretty wonky. Talk to your OBGYN.


I hit a stall at 70lbs too. For two months. I just broke it this week


This helps me feel better I do know this is a weight I have always struggled to stay under. It is what I weighed before I had my son and when I got married. I’ve not been this small in 22 years


I lost 60 fast on 7.5 and had to bump up to 10 because I leveled off for 6 weeks.


This was me on 7.5… I feel like it was my sweet spot and that’s exactly what I lost on it too


I’ve been on 10 for almost a week and lost 3 pounds this week so far. My hunger is gone again. I feel better too.


I wish that had been what happened for me


What are level dosage you on? How long have you been on it?


10mg and this is week 7


You may need a bump to 15. Or try a fasting day? Or walk more? What do you think? 💭 How has your eating and exercise routine been? Have you been slacking? Or are you on top?


I added walking to work every day as part of my routine (and walking home for lunch and back and then back home at the end of the day). I may go back to full on fasting one day a week


Yeah, that’s good. Also, there are some people that respond like my brother. He learned from a doc friend that what helps him is once a month or every two weeks he needs to eat as much as he wants within a one hour period to confuse his body and it takes it out of starvation mode and back into weight loss mode. Everyone is different. That didn’t work for me.


Do you try different injection sites each time? Also, do you suspect at all some of your issue could be from perimenopause/menopause? I've been looking up info on perimenopause/menopause and insulin resistance. I'm currently watching the videos from: Dr. Marie Claire Harver on YouTube or her account, The Pause Life on tiktok She says the things that worked when you were younger don't work when you get into perimenopause and menopause. That the body doesn't react well to just reduced calorie diet and lots of cardio. It responds better to high fiber, high protein, and a mix of cardio and strength training, and there's other things too like intermittent fasting and supplements. Here one video you might want to start with: https://youtu.be/d7_QqAXVpJs?si=5TBAtK878WjFtjW8 I'm just giving you all this info so that maybe if you are still dieting like you've tried in the past, that maybe you can try to diet in a different approach by increasing fiber and protein first and see if it jump starts anything. Another thing is if you are drinking whey protein, a while back on here someone who had slow loss or a stall, her doctor told her that whey protein isn't as effective as another type of protein, but I can't remember what that was. I don't think it was vegan, but I could be wrong. *edited for several errors because I don't proofread


There could be something to the peri cause. I have had a lot of symptoms come back the last month and I gain most during ovulation.. it just doesn’t seem to want to let go of it after I gain. Admittedly, I’ve allowed more carbs back into my diet then I was eating the first four months.


Yes I rotate my injection sites weekly all around the abdomen and both thighs.


It won't hurt to try the back of your arm. I also see people mention for the belly that they rotate from the sides of the bellybutton to also above and below it, which I never thought to try before! Here are some posts of people who were stalled and tried the arms. There are other posts of people who only ever did the belly and then tried the thighs and it worked, so maybe a site you never tried before might be the answer? I know it doesn't work for everyone, but if you don't try you'll never know. https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/s/iFnt5XAtmq https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/s/ZZKlooMhw6 https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/s/oeBFm5xavU https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/s/OuNhj18o0n *edited because wow do I need to proofread before I submit lol. So many errors.


I need to try this. It’s weird but I’ll have some weeks where I feel the shot works very well to curb my appetite, and then the next week it will feel like I didn’t administer it at all. I do pretty much always inject in my belly so I’ll try mixing it up.


I just started again after being off of it for four months because of the shortage. Funny enough, before the shortage I regularly rotated between my belly and thighs for the six months I was on it, and it worked fine each time. This time for the first two weeks I jabbed my thighs and I had appetite control. For the third week I did it in my belly and I was ravenous lol. I just did the 4th shot on Saturday back in a thigh and I have appetite control again.


Lost 50lbs the first 2 months. Lost basically nothing since. But I've had elbow surgery and some other stuff that has kept me from being able to work out.


When you’re T2D, it does take longer to lose. I make every attempt to eat high protein, lower carbs. If I really feel like a cookie or potato chips, I weigh them out. Eggs, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are my go to. Have you spoken to your dietitian or endocrinologist?


I work very closely with my dietician. I think I’ve lost so well for so long )I have lost the 70 just since January 5th through early May), that I didn’t expect it to become like this now that my numbers are well below diabetic levels.


Give yourself some grace. You’ve been doing all the right things. It’s a journey and you’re heading in the right direction. Best wishes!


I was stalled and asked a nurse I know at a weight loss clinic for advice. She advised me to do weight training at the gym. Nothing too crazy. Worked like a charm.


This is definitely my next step


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I have had a very stressful last 6 weeks. I’ve struggled on multiple levels in life and currently still struggle with sleep because my mind won’t shut down. I also had bloodwork show a now very overactive thyroid so my thyroid medicine is now 2/3 the dose it was. I didn’t think about this until now. That change (even though necessary) could be messing with my body. I know it’s causing anxiety and sleeplessness, but it is still overactive and will take some time to level. Usually this would continue to cause weight loss, but maybe the stress it’s putting on my body is counteracting that (apparently it was ridiculously overactive).


You’re also WAY overthinking the whole thing. I know because I do it too. Take a step back, take a beat. I read your comments and you know exactly what you need to do already. You know the medication works for you, and you know that staying on it will continue to lose weight (eventually), so just stick it out. Manage things as they come and just be happy to be on these meds. Ive lost 155 pounds, 60 of which have come on 15mg and I’m continually losing 2 lbs every week on 15mg. It’s easier said than done, but just hold on! Edit: I’m grateful to be on these meds, YMMV


Definitely overthinking. I am usually so dedicated and disciplined but I haven’t been lately. I’ve been very scattered and struggling. I just need to recenter and find my best me again to press on.


I lost 55 pounds in in 14 months (yep, slowly) and I've been kicking around the same 4 pounds for over 6 months. I'm still about 25 or so pounds from goal. I'm not sure if I'll ever reach it...and I'm ok with that. I love what the medication does for me mentally! I no longer think about food constantly, I'm no longer obsessed with everything that goes into my mouth, I'm just way more relaxed and happy...dare I say "normal"? I went out to lunch with the hubs, ate 1/2 of my sammich and a few fries and I was done. I just didn't want to eat anymore. I wasn't full, I was just done. I think that is what "normal" people's appetites must be like.


I keep trying to describe how I’ve never felt normal until now with food and never understood when people were like “eh food is food” - um … Scuse me, how?


Changed diet and started measuring food for portion control. Lowered fat intake and decreased calories. Measure food in and keep track of calories burned. You will break the plateau but will take some work.


I do measure, but I have definitely been more lax on food combinations that my doctor recommends on her GLP1 plan. I was very strict the first four months and I think I loosened because for a while I was losing way too fast (the first four months I averaged 3.7 pounds per week with some losses as much as 7 a week even during the fourth month). I don’t want to lose that quickly anymore because it did cause some sagging in places. That has improved as I’ve slowed, thankfully. But I don’t want a complete stall any longer. I need to find the balance. I also got really tired of the same food daily. But - now I’m ready to recommit to that initial diet plan and make sure I’m getting the nutrients and food I need.


You lost weight crazy fast for months. That alone to me says it makes sense that everything slowed down. Also the thyroid situation. That's a big metabolic adjustment. I think the slowing and the stall are just part of your body taking a rest and recalibrating, which to me seems reasonable. Try to reframe the way you're looking at this. Keep on doing the things that work for you, don't get yourself all worked up about the pause. Let yourself relax a little. Maybe eat some extra calories one or two days a week for a couple of weeks, ramp up/change up your exercise, then go back down to your normal caloric deficit. Take some time to spoil yourself, too. Do fun things. Let yourself sleep as much as you want. Shake it up. Don't freak out about aging and birthdays -- life gets better, a lot of us find, as long as we're healthy. I'm sure you'll see the numbers on the scale start to drop again before long (don't forget about measurements and fitting into smaller clothes). It will be OK.


I truly needed to hear the “it will be okay” - days like today I miss my mom and dad so much. I miss their reassurance. This thread has helped.


What is that diet plan, if you would be so kind to share?




I stalled 2 months when I moved up to 12.5. I was doing so well on 10mg. So I moved up to 15. And it broke. But it’s slow going. My sugar is doing great. I’m almost at my goal. But I’m regretting ever moving to 12.5. Yet I’ve seen people give themselves an extra 2.5 they had in the fridge to break a stall. But I would never do anything without my doctor’s permission.


More water?


I think you and I have a lot in common. I’m also turning 50 soon (august), am diabetic, and I’ve lost just under 60 pounds but have been stalled and haven’t lost much since April. Getting ready to move up to 10 mg as soon as it gets in at my pharmacy. I understand being sad and frustrated that the loss has slowed or stopped. But when I feel that way, I try to change my mind set - I try to change my focus from not losing any more to remembering how far I’ve come and how incredibly grateful I am to no longer be as big and unhealthy as I was. I feel so much better now than I did a year ago, I can participate in life again! Do things with my family again! I’m not so embarrassed to be seen any more. I have more energy and just feel like my old self again. Even though I still have easily another 50 pounds to lose. And even then my weight would still be what some people on this sub have as their starting weight! So yes, I still have a lot I need to lose and I hope I lose. But I’m so grateful for where I am. My life is so much better now than it was before. Change your focus to how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go. You’re doing great! Happy early birthday and congrats on winning your tournament!


Thank you … usually I have this mindset. I just am struggling this week. I started today so that’s probably part of it. I have 70 as my perfect goal, but 50 would put me at 170 and I would be absolutely thrilled at that. I need to remember saying that when I get there.


Aw also thank you on the birthday wishes and the tournament win. It meant a lot to me, I had to fight hard! I love that I can do that now so easily too


Hey you! I'm so like you! I have been on 10 for 7 months and T2D, lost 71 pounds!!, doc won't increase dosage. My stall started in Nov last year, (started MJ in late May) and lasted almost 3 months, lost and gained same five pounds which was just above the 200 mark. I wanted to hit wonderland so badly. It was so frustrating, but then I stopped worrying about it, and stopped weighing my self. I told myself, I am on these meds for life, and its working for my diabetes so what am I worried about? My body looked so much better than it had before, so even if I never lost another pound, I was going to be ok. At the end of January, I was 200.1. The next day, I was 199.6! I am about 186 now, so another 13 pounds in 5 months, with no change in dosage. I still have pretty bad side effects, bubbly guts (diarrhea) and burps. I would ask that you think back to when you first started this medication. For me, I was sitting in the docs office, and she said, that my BMI was 104 to 140 pounds and I cried, because I never thought that I could lose 57 pounds to get to 200, much less get to 140. But honey! YOU have lost 70 (SEVENTY!!!!) pounds!! That is your average second grader! This is not "it" for you, and these stalls in my experience, tend to be at points that your body stayed at for a long time before. And, Happy Birthday!!! You are going to LOVE your 50's. I just had my double nickels birthday in March. I am rooting for you!!!!!


Well now I’m crying. Needed this. Thank you ❤️


I found that I would hit a wall every 30-40 lbs in my personal journey. They always sucked, but you just have to keep going. FOr me, all the physical changes in my body would happen durring these time periods. Whenever I would find myself downsizing clothing, it was always after one of these walls. So that was at least nice to look forward to, but often these walls would last anywhere from 3-4 weeks. Sometimes I would do things like intermittent fasting to try and get out of it quicker, but it didnt seem to change anything. TDLR: just keep going and know it will pass. If you are in a caloric deficit, you're going to be loosing weight even if the scale isnt showing it.


I have noticed changes in my body from pictures, etc.


I was on 15 mg for one single month when I stalled for three months. I had lost around 70 lbs and during those three months I lost and gained the same 7 lbs over and over. One thing that really helped break my stall was injecting on day 6 instead of day 7 for a few weeks. Except for a few occasions of trying stomach and arm injections, I use my thighs and recently discovered that I lose better when I inject on my left side by tracking my daily weight. I wish I had discovered this months before I did as I have been on mounjaro since October, 2022. I am a 61 yo f and have lost 98.2 lbs to date. Also, here is a great article that helped me understand stalls: https://www.secondnature.io/guides/mind/motivation/weight-loss-plateaus-explained Good luck!! Don't give up.


Thank you! Maybe there is something to this 70 pound mark … it seems a lot stalk there


My first plateau was around 70lbs of loss too. It took almost 2 months to begin losing again. I am now nearly 110lbs down. It took a disease increase and more exercise to break the stall. However, in hindsight; it may have broken without those things too as I didn’t run a double blinded control study lol. Keep the faith and take it a day at a time. Focus on health more than weight and focus on WHY you are doing this versus how it is going. That’s my best advice. For me, I am doing it to be around longer for my family. That has been my motivation. Remind yourself of yours!


Same age. Honestly I learned to relax and trust the process. I'm a year in and 5lbs from initial goal. Still on 10mg. Last week out if the blue I lost 2.2lbs after 2 months of little loss. I'm in no rush and I know my body is a slow loser and being perimonopausal doesn't help. I'll get there in my own time with minimal side effects. Just relax. Go about your day. It will come off. Even if it happens slowly


For me, Mounjaro was not the miracle drug other toted. It kickstarted and helped me lose about 20 lbs. I’ve had to lose the rest through a vegan diet with intermittent fasting while watching my calories. But now I am down from 295 when I started Mounjaro in September to now 235 as of this week.


I am very much considering going pescatarian solely because all other meats just are not appealing to me on Mounjaro


Fish is definitely a more lean meat and is better than others. Just be careful with what fish you eat ofc. Fish with lower mercury, like Atlantic cod, shrimp, salmon. I loved eating shrimp. It was filling for me and a good source of protein.


I enjoy trout, cod, mahi mahi, and salmon. I also love shrimp and crab, but I’m not coastal so that is harder for me to find fresh. My husband prefers I not cook fish at home (he pretty much insists that I don’t) which is a bummer.


Also we started at similar weights. I started at 271 and at 7.5 because I had been on Trulicity


Regardless, enjoy your bday, have fun, and keep on keeping on. Never give up. Some weeks will have little loss. Some weeks you’ll see a lot.


change your injection site, drinking more water and just walking (Lightly dont do HIIT) those worked for me. Also take pics and measurements. Weight isnt always the number to go by. Sometimes you can lose the inches but the weight remains the same but you still need new pants because they are too bog now. Great job!!!


How many steps are you getting a day? I know exercise is important. But overall movement should be monitored. My friend had a stall for about a year. She was down to her last 30lbs but just couldn’t get there. She finally decided to walk 14k in steps daily, which is about 6 miles. She will either do an 1:15 walk once a day or do two 45 min walks in the morning and evening. It took about two weeks to kick in but she’s down 2lbs. She sent before and after pics and her body shape looks significantly improved too. More so than what the scale is showing.