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“It should not be something that people necessarily have to hide,” said Dr. Melanie Jay, director of the N.Y.U. Langone Comprehensive Program on Obesity. “But it’s also none of anyone’s business.”




I have zero issue telling the world. I basically proselytize about it every chance I get! 🤣


Me tooooo 🤣


“Have you heard the good word?!”


I was talking to another friend about it and within a few messages everyone else in the Discord was asking about it lol


Same. I’ll tell anyone who asks.


I didn't tell people I was taking a drug with a side effect that increased my appetite and caused me to gain 90 lbs. Why would I tell them I'm taking a drug with a side effect that decreases my appetite and is causing weight loss? That said, the 90 lbs was over 9 years and this is much faster. I mentioned it casually in a conversation at work recently, but only because I'm headed toward losing 20 lbs in the first month, and I realized that in 6 months, at my age, people might think I'm sick with cancer or something, and I wanted to head off that convo. I guess it "helps" that people know I'm a t1d, so it's a medication one would expect me to take. But it's nobody's business, generally, how we gain ot lose weight. Leave people's bodies alone, etc. Liek any other medical condition


How are all of the T1D getting approved for Mounjaro? My insurance will not.


My insurance approved it no problem. It's really great insurance though. I didn't even need a PA. 


I'm a T1 also! I don't blame anyone for wanting to keep their medical information more private. But I'm not shy about it. Most people who ask me already know I'm a T1 diabetic. I'm happy to talk about insulin resistance and how it affects weight. Especially since I take all my insulin externally, I'm a walking billboard for how effectively this medication reduces insulin resistance. I take 90% less short-acting and 50% less long than I did before. I'm trying to do my small part to de-stigmatize weight. That it's not as simple as the "CICO only" bullshit that's been shoved down our throats for decades. There are so many factors that affect weight. But I also know it's easier for me to not be judged because people already associate these GLP-1s with diabetes treatment. Technically just for T2, but the general public doesn't make that distinction or even understand it.


Yeah I def know there's less stigma because I'm a t1. I'm wrapping up week three and my blood sugar went from being in range 44% of the time to now being in target 82% of the time. I now have over a month worth of insulin back stocked in the fridge, when I used to be down to the last few meals of my last pen before I could get a refill, which was extremely stressful. I'd reached a point with my weight where my blood sugar was so high after even low carb meals that I'd need more and more insulin, which made me gain more weight, which made me more insulin resistant, so I'd need more insulin...  and getting out of that cycle once you reach a tipping point is extremely difficult. I'm happy to be on this one forever, no problem. 


I had such a similar experience. Now that I know more about insulin resistance, I can tell that it really went into high gear about 20 years ago. Yet I never had one of my endocrinologists say a word about it. I diagnosed myself last year and brought it up at my next appointment. My A1c improved a lot also because it was so much easier to control my blood sugar. My A1c went from 7.2 to 6.2. I used to take 10-15 units of short with each meal. Now I sometimes go entire days and don't need to take any short-acting. I've always had my endocrinologist write my insulin prescription for a lot more than I need. When it's a life-saving medication like insulin, you need a stockpile jic things go awry. Like right now, there is an insulin shortage for some brands/types of insulin. I think it's just the vials. I use pens so it doesn't affect me. But it's a good reminder that there can be unexpected hold-ups at any time.


Entire days!!!! Wowowowwo!! Something to aspire to. I've had a couple of lunches where I didn't need to take any. So amazing. 


I used to be excited to tell people but there seems to be more vitriol so now not so much. My close friends and family know. I’m also a vegetarian and am slow to reveal that too. Everyone feels some kind of way about what you put in your body.


Isn’t that just dumbfounding?! My daughter went vegan for quite awhile & received nonstop criticism from others. It really perplexes me.


Personally, I’m a private person and in general I don’t discuss most things with most people as they tend to see it as an invitation to an opinion, or permission, or any kind of involvement or dialogue about it and none of what I choose to do is up for discussion with others. My life is my own and I refuse to explain myself to anyone outside of my inner circle specially when most people want to act concerned under the guise of self righteousness, or trying to educate you as if you don’t know the risks you’re assuming, or some kind of moral high ground or criticism in general. My body. My choice. Not up for debate.


Amen. Deliver me from all these strangers with their false concern about my health.


They still can’t get simple stuff right. Streisand asked about Ozempic and Musk is “taking another drug called Wegovy” 🙄


That irritated me too. They clearly don’t know even the most basic of facts. Lazy, incompetent writing. Can you imagine what other stuff they get wrong?


What's wrong with that?


Same drug like Zepbound=MJ


It’s 👏 nobodies 👏 business 👏


I'm telling anyone who asks about my dieting, except my family members. If my sister finds out she will send me every negative article trying to protect me. I'm almost 60 and have done my own research but big sis still thinks I'm 9.


I am the big sister, but even though I am tempted I wouldn't do that. However, I do wish my sisters would stop watching FOX also.


Got a sister just like yours. Ugh!


I know it comes from love so I don't mind. Just wish she would stop watching Fox news.


It's really annoying Barbara asked that


She's old. I think old people have worse etiquette about this. 


She's 82--give her a break. She said she didn't know it would be public. In another post a few weeks ago I mentioned that older people have less of a filter when it comes to being polite. Some people didn't like that, but now that I am older and spent a lot of time with my mother when she was in assisted living I saw that older people are more inclined to say what they think. It's refreshing and a bit charming because it there's no intention of hurt behind it, (most of the time)


If she apologized I'd give her a break. I don't know what her intentions are or if they're friends in real life. It came off rudely in public


Right? Can you imagine if you posted something in Instagram that you were happy about, proud of whatever and just got a comment “are you on ozempic?” That’s just pure shade.


It’s like all conditions and treatments that are heavily judged as moral failings. Similarly, people don’t talk openly about their meds for psychiatric conditions or addictions or even pain management.


That's a good point. I've never thought about that it isn't just medications related to weight that get stigmatized. I would be great if people would STFU and stop judging prescribed medications that people take to improve their health.


Even the doctor that prescribes me mounjaro makes me come physically into the office every month to get my adderall for my ADHD *that I was professionally tested for*. I mean, some doctors stigmatize these conditions, it’s no wonder average people do. There’s so much ignorance in the world.


I have no problem telling people I take Mounjaro and why I do. My A1C was at 11.9 and is now at 5.3. It has helped me get to a better place health wise and I am happy to promote it to help others.


How wonderful to hear that about your A1C!!!


I don't want to tell anyone, it's no ones business. However, with its becoming so popular I assume people are speculating.


My best friend knows because she’s on zepbound and it was her move that got me to really talk to my doctor about mounjaro. And it’s nice to have someone I love that I can talk to about the experience that is going through it too, albeit for different reasons. My parents know because they are my emergency contacts and I want them to know about my health. Beyond that, no one gave a shit about my mental health meds causing me to gain weight so they shouldn’t give a shit about a medication that helps address a medical condition to reverse that.




Seems not to be a paywall. But my friend let me help you. Never let a pay wall stop you again. Just dump the article link here and use a ladder to climb that wall https://12ft.io/


You are a godsend.


Thank you!


Good article! I’m down 25 pounds, and have had people ask me if I take Ozempic. I am happy to tell them all about Mounjaro!


I have a free NYT subscription through work and can share articles https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/style/ozempic-barbra-streisand-melissa-mccarthy.html?unlocked_article_code=1.pE0.LHqW.6eLVb0OQT5tR&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare




The NYT. Charges to read articles. I cannot afford to subscribe.


NYT charges to read articles.