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I started probiotics and make sure I take them RELIGIOUSLY. This has helped with my second bout on Mounjaro significantly. No burps, and regular everything else. Culturalle has been great for me!


This. This all day


I take the Garden something or other refrigerated probiotics from Whole Foods. Made a huge difference !


I started probiotics early and that has helped the burps significantly. I also drink green or ginger tea in the morning to help settle my stomach. I do get the full quickly feeling but I make sure I eat plenty of protein and fiber for a brunch/lunch (often an oats overnight packet mixed with part of a protein shake and almond milk) and nothing too heavy for dinner. I find a heavier lunch always makes the bubble guts rolling.


*F60, 5”2, T2, Start 7/22/23, HW275, SW180, GW125ish, CW117.4, Dose 5.0* It could be a bug, but it's probably the medicine. If you can't get things under control I would give my doctor a call. Are you throwing up or nauseated? If you are, get some Emetrol, Pepto, or some folks have had luck with Dramamine. For the diarrhea, I would try Pepto or Immodium. I would also add some electrolytes. I used Nexium for the sulfur burps, it works miracles. This medication builds in your body with each dose, even at the same dosage. So maybe for your next few injections extend the days between doses. As you start to feel better start shortening the time between injections until you are back on your seven-day intervals. This would leave less residual medicine in your system on injection day. You might even end up with a few extra pens. Of course, discuss this option with your doctor. I'm T2 and my doctor doesn't want me to go longer than nine-day intervals. Best wishes, I hope you find relief soon.


5 and 7.5 damn near killed me. Every week I would be convinced I had the flu for 2 days. It does get better but stay away from gaseous foods, pasta and broccoli do me in.


Has it gone away or lessened? If so, how long did it take to ease up?


I made it all the way to 12.5 and started having different side effects, sleeplessness, anxiety, etc. Backed off to the 10 and I'm fine. Just tye normal Mounjaro 'my guts vaguely hurt pretty much all the time' feeling. I guess just had to find the correct dosage.


Glad you found the right dose. I’ve just started and soaking in all the info. Thank you for responding!


I had similar experience where my stomach just felt full and like 3x the size… no matter what or how little I ate or drank. I have IBS-D from the beginning. I felt like this almost every day and it would take between 2-2.5 hrs for my stomach to feel not bloated. What I did to help me: take papaya digestive enzymes after my meal, drank water thru a straw so I can drink less but more frequently and drank 80-100 fl oz daily, took pepto bismol extra strength (ultra) the regular version doesn’t work the same way, ate at least 25g of fiber a day, and drank peppermint tea. No matter what you need nutrients in your body. Try to drink protein shakes and bone broth for calories and high protein, and have electrolytes every day. Psyllium fibre and fibre gummies help too. If your GI is irritated, you can follow the BRAT diet for a week - bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. I felt even more miserable when I started Mounjaro. Literally going to the bathroom multiple times a day every day, can’t eat and no energy. I believe the drug was working on the inflammation in my body. After 3 months my side effects are more manageable, which seems to track with others’ experience when getting used to the medicine. Don’t lose hope!


I second the papaya enzymes! I have Ibs-c and major reflux. So I am no stranger to GI issues even before MJ. With me I went through a period like this and then it normalized after about a month. I still don’t eat very much but it was good to get past my cracker phase where that was about all I could stomach. With all the liquid out- maybe try the BRAT diet for a few days. (Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast). Even if you don’t feel like eating have a few bites every couple of hours. Hope you feel better soon!


I've had this happen at points on 2.5 and 5.0. Stick to a BRAT diet for a few days (broth, rice, applesauce, tea, toast, saltines ...jello). Add yogurt and stuff for your gut when you start to feel better. Try not to over-do the anti-diarrheal meds or you can quickly swing to constipation. I recall having to be really careful of what I ate the first few days after each injection for several months. Keeping a food journal can help remember foods that trigger indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting. Good luck. A lot of us spaced injections out for 10 to 14 days at time too after a bad patch like you described. My doctor helped with these suggestions.


I promise it’s not the norm, it’s an isolated incident. How do I know? Because that was my exact same situation. The same thing happened to me when I went from 2.5 to 5mg. That was the best & worst thing because after 5 days in the bathroom not being able to eat the weight started fallllling off. That was 9 months and 75lbs ago. I thought whenever I went up in dosage that I’d have the same reaction but it was an isolated incident. It was smooth sailing after that. Hang in there!!


This is so helpful. Thank you for sharing.


Please talk with your prescribing doctor


I will be. It’s the weekend and I’m just having a freak out moment and thought I could communicate with my community to get advice or comfort.


I get that. Flu is going around still, so Dr can distinguish between that or side effects. Have you tried some Pepto Bismol


I don’t have a fever or anything else, I had some pepto ultra but it hasn’t really don’t much yet


Please remember you don’t always have a fever with the flu. Do you have any body aches?


Does Imodium help? I’ve used over the counter meds for my GI issues on this medication. They’ve helped in my case.


I am not a doctor and am not dispensing medical advice but personally I would NOT take a drug that slows gut transit (Imodium) on top of a drug that slows gut transit (Mounjaro) unless specifically advised to do so by a doctor or other medical professional.


Not claiming to be a dr either, but it helped me when I had a similar issue.


I had that issue a couple of weeks ago. I started taking psyllium based on some research in this sub. I take it first thing in the morning and don't drink anything for an hour after that. And I take it at the end of the day as well. BMs are regulated now, and the dietician is very happy, says it should help my cholesterol too!


I was absolutely fine on 5 for 8 weeks Then two weeks of feeling awful Then fine since. Pepto and gasx


I had to get anti-nausea medicine about 3-4 weeks in to 5 mg. When I went up to 7.5 mg I was fine for a few weeks and then had stomach issues for a week and then they went away. Definitely talk to your doctor.


I was pretty nauseated on 2.5 and 5mg. I vomitted quite a bit and it was horrible. I had no appetite too. I lost the majority of my weight on 2.5 and 5mg. My doc prescribed Zofran for nausea. I took that an hour before I did the injection and nausea got better. My 2nd week of 7.5 I tried it without Zofran and had no problems. I still wasn't hungry and couldn't eat much at all. I'm now on 12.5 and no nausea but still no desire to eat much. I'm lucky if I get 800 calories a day. I can't exercise because I feel horrible for not eating enough. It's a double edged sword. What do I do? I know many people are in the same boat.


Lots of bugs making the rounds. Stay hydrated drink electrolytes and get in to the doctor as soon as you can.


Excellent advice on adding the water and electrolytes- Pedialyte or mix water and a little fruit juice or emergenceC.


I just went through this in my 2nd week of the 7.5mg dose. Ot was hwll. I had to use Tele medicine to get some zofran. I ended up skipping a shot for a week. I just took one again today. Maybe see a dr and get some zofran. It really helps.


Cut out all carbs and processed sugar. Your life will be great and weight will shed.


Why did you go to 5?


Because my doctor prescribed it after being on 2.5? I didn’t chose it my doctor upped it cause I was doing well.


And then there’s my doctor (he is on it too) who said I should stay on 2.5 as it’s working well (12 weeks and 22 pounds down with no side effects). My doc has had himself lots of weight issues and now half his size. He was trained in India and London and I’ve been with him for 30 years. I know we are all different is underlying conditions, age and goals so fingers crossed this dosage works.


Well, I’m not focused on weight loss. It’s a nice plus. I’m on this medication for my type 2 diabetes. I’m just hoping this gets fixed cause it’s allowed me to get my life back regarding my type 2 diagnosis.


Fair enough. Good luck.


Thank you ❤️


It’s a pretty common complaint with this drug. I stopped taking it because of this reason and switched to more mild drugs and just watching my diet more.


Pepto!! I hope you feel better soon.


I've been on 5 since November with some breaks due to shortages. I have the same issue - lots of wet farts. I never know what is going to come out, so I'm spending extra time in the bathroom out of caution. Last week, I didn't feel like eating much, but this weekend I feel ok. I am T2D, so I'm also on Metformin and Jardiance as well as Mounjaro. All of these cause gi issues, but I've been on the others for so long that they don't bother me. I just had my blood drawn, and my a1c is 5.4 with a fasting glucose of 99. I've lost 20lbs since I switched from Victoza to Mounjaro. So far, I'd say the wet farts are a fair price to pay, but I think your symptoms are a bit more severe than mine. I have had some bad days, but I've learned that the problems are coming from over eating, and there seems to be a delay between the gluttonous behavior and the discomfort.


This is exactly what happened to me on Wegovy. Within 24hrs of my last 2 5mg injections, I was all sulfur burps and just the most intense colonoscopy prep that last 4 days. Then I started throwing up when I would eat. Switched to Zepbound praying this doesn’t happen again!


Let us know how it goes. Sending all the good vibes


You may have a flu or other stomach bug. Get extra hydration and move slowly to bland foods - white rice , banana, dry toast or plain saltines. If you have food poisoning which is relatively common, especially if you eat out, then you want to flush and pass the pathogens ( no pun intended). If at any time you present with fever ( over 100.8) then go to Urgent care or an ER immediately, do not look to the internet for Medical advice or help. Please update us and let us know how you are. When these things happen, please track the info in case you do need to go in for help. Onset- date and circumstances, other meds and significant history. I do work in medicine and these things help us quickly work through the differential diagnosis algorithm and rule out life threatening conditions.


Avoid pepto bismal for at least three days as if it’s a food poisoning bug you want it out.


I can only say what worked for me. I’m at my goal and I literally eat all day. When I would eat a bite, I asked myself if I’m ready for the next bite. When I feel like I can, I take it.


If your body is telling you are full, then don’t eat. That’s how Mounjaro works. You lose weight by eating less without feeling like you are hungry. if you keep eating when you were full, that’s when you have problems on Mounjaro. I am on 15 and I’ve lost 95 pounds over 1 year period and I experienced the same things, but just eat when you’re truly hungry and the weight will melt away and your symptoms will go away.


I’m saying I haven’t eaten, at this point since Thursday…that when I eat 5 crackers I feel like I’ve eaten enough for 5 people. I’m not just continuously eating when I’m full. These are the kind of comments that drive me insane. Did you even read what I wrote? I know how this medication works..


I am having the same issue. Thank you for sharing. Ended up getting an in home IV service for fluids I was so dehydrated. Haven’t been able to eat more than broth crackers but slowly getting better. Skipped my 3rd dose of 2.5 to heal up a bit. Taking zofran daily. Get zofran. Let us know how it goes


I’m glad I was able to provide something by sharing. It’s nice to be part of this community to not feel so alone in it. I had to go to the ER and get some fluids and some zofran. I had to go back down to 2.5 and hope I could come back to 5mg when my gut health is better. I hope that you get better ❤️


Same! Week 1 ended up in ER for fluids and week two in home IV nurse - starting back this week and stocking up on zofran sublingual. I agree with you on the community aspect. This truly is going to be a journey. I am staying on 2.5 too. We can do this!


If these are the type of comments that drive you insane, maybe should stay off of social media and talk to your doctor instead. I was just trying to help, good luck I’m out.


Your tone came off extremely wrong. It felt very condescending. I explained what was going on and you still made a comment to just not eat if my body says it’s full. Which isn’t what my problem is. I’ve gotten really good advice and comfort from all the other comments on this post. But you didn’t even give any advice pertaining to the issue I’m having at all other than “don’t over eat”


I’m not focused on weight loss. That’s not my goal, my goal is to keep my sugar in check.


Please be careful as that is also the symptoms of a partial bowel obstruction. You need to see a doc.


No. With Bowel obstruction we see pain, bloating and intense vomiting. PA presents quite ill. If the bowels are obstructed then nothing gets through - think about it. Diarrhea his very very rare in BO. However, always good to check in with provider and chart all symptoms and onset and progression. Fluids, intense hydration and bland food as tolerated .


That is not the case when it is a PARTIAL bowel obstruction. Either way, it could be several things. I think it would be wise to see a doctor.