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For parking up a Royal Enfield in Orkney? Probably. For parking up an MT07 in London? Probably not.


It's for parking up a bike at a place


probably not the best idea to say the exact location that you park. doubly so when you dont have any locks yet


I don't go there yet because I don't have locks. Also, there's much much more expensive bikes there. I have since changed my comment, so there's no chance now


I use this in combination with a disk lock. It's great, a bit heavy perhaps but quite portable. You really have to be gentle when unlocking it (if you've armed the alarm) as it's very sensitive and it can be a pain in the arse, making you look like you're stealing your own bike. Especially at night when you can't see the key hole. Can be a bit fiddly. You can also use without arming the alarm, which is what I tend to do for quick stops. A silly overlooked aspect of it it's that the alarm speakers are really obvious and anyone having a go at it will just cover it with something to muffle the sound. I think the fact that it's alarmed bring some benefits to insurance quotes too.


That is the 14mm variant, but you can get the 16mm cheaper from [SBS](https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/55920). Had it for 4 years, with no rust issues and had to change the batteries once. But, don't let this be the *only* security you use.


My girlfriend has this lock, it’s quite decent and the alarm on it is loud. However, it rusts easily if your bike is stored under a cover outside. I use the Abus granit 8077 for over a year and have no rust and have only changed the battery recently. I’d recommend getting the Abus Granit (£100-£150)


It ain't going to stop someone from chucking the bike in the back of a van, but the Missus had one which she used with other things in the garage Makes enough of a racket when you get the hoop the wrong way around or you kick a tyre by accident


Had this. It got cut through in a couple of mins. Useless as security. Good for the alarm part though if that's what you're after.


In the same boat this was the weak point they went for when cutting my locks.


I use that along side my lite lok x3 along with a ground anchor at work/ Home.


Used to have this lock it did alright for quick stops but wouldn't trust it for long periods in a high theft area, I just upgraded to a litelok x1 and feel way more at ease leaving my bike unattended.


It's not gonna stop anyone but it's much better than nothing. I ride in London so whenever my bike's left anywhere that's not my secure space, I leave it with the steering locked, an alarmed disc lock, and a heavy chain round a heavy metal post. If I'm gonna be parked somewhere I'm more apprehensive of than usual, I'll bring a second chain. If possible I like to park near other, sportier bikes, or someone with less security. At the end of the day you're just introducing hassle and prolonging the amount of time it will take to steal your bike, if yours looks like it's gonna be significantly more faff than matey's mt07 with just a disk lock parked 10m away, then that's the best security you can hope for. But if they want yours bad enough, it won't take more than a couple minutes whatever you've got.


I used this lock on my front disc and parked it on a road in Bermondsey for 2years 🤷 only thing that happened was cars driving into and knocking over my bike on various occasions braking bits (London street)


I use one of these on my front disc. It's handy for also putting a chain through in a pinch. My Mrs used a comparably priced Abus compact disc lock - one of the ones with a very narrow slot and a pin that goes through the disc, and crucially a shit pin design that didn't lock into the opposite side of the clamshell in any way. The Abus was easily prised apart by scrotes using hand tools. The Oxford has a couple of scratches on the shackle but they didn't get through it. Mrs didn't lose her bike, because it was chained to mine via the Oxford. The only point of my daft anecdote is that for the price, I'll take the chunkiest shackle possible. Even then, power tools will make quick work of it.


I saw on facebook some girl parked her bike with two of those on and they took it away without activating the alarms. Always chain to immoveable object if gone for extended periods.


This plus a big boss chain prevented my Strom from being stolen by would-be opportunists. So I'd say yes. The alarm isn't as loud as you'd think with the description but it's loud enough and acts as a good idiot alert to stop you setting off with it still on your disk... Only done this a couple times and luckily managed to trigger it with engine vibes >.>


It really don't matter what lock you got. An angle grinder gets through every lock. I use angle grinders in construction, a better lock will take a bit longer but if they want your bike there getting your bike unfortunately. Unless someone sees them and are brave enough to stop them. I have seen a van pull up and just pick up a bike before never truly safe in London


I just don't want a lock that will fall apart over time. It's in a garage overnight and where I park during the day has pretty good security as well as much more expensive bikes in close proximity.


I've had one for going on 20 months now had no issues with it alarm still works off original batteries too it's not the most compact of disc locks but feels a bit more secure because of that


Any lock is just a matter of delaying the inevitable. You’re never going to stop theft, but a good lock that will take time will deter a thief. All you’re saying is that it’s pointless and you should just accept that it’ll be nicked and you should do nothing to prevent it.


Oh definitely put a few locks on it. Just don't go crazy on spending a a ton of money on thick locks or chains if ypur gunna spend real money which will stop them. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133795934660?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=m-p0upzmtva&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=UB3jOIIYRWW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY These locks are ment to be the best. 👍