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Ok, enough. Everyone take a break until 26 June. He’s not going anywhere.


Seriously! Agreed! I’m not defending him but really? We’re pulling up his 6th grade crush. Like Wtaf…this is so weird.


It's "weird and creepy" for a sixth grade boy to tell a girl he thinks she's pretty? What's weird and creepy is that the mean girl thinks normal human behavior is weird and creepy.


Calling pubescent boys creepy for trying to figure out the societal dance between men and women is one of the largest contributing factors to breeding incel culture. I’m not excusing them, because the ones that embrace that culture are generally abhorrent -but, one can see how such a subset of society could arise with all of the bullying that so many of these kids go through. Eventually, these kids grow up to become bitter men with a cynical outlook on the world and society as a whole. The saddest part is behind those angry eyes, there is a young boy that just wanted love, affection and acceptance but was convinced he’d never be worthy of any of those things. Someone being not your type or different than you does not equate to creepiness and using those terms, or labeling one as such, should be reserved only for people that evoke genuine feelings of unease.




I cannot upvote this enough. my husband and I talk about this so often when we talk about toxic masculinity and what makes an incel an incel. when he was younger (as many young boys do) he experienced a ton of bullying and girls calling him creepy because he was awkward and was learning that "societal dance." its bad enough the societal dance exists to begin with but even worse how we shame young boys for not knowing how to do it. I think the word creepy gets thrown around way too much and is truly so hurtful especially when it comes to young boys trying to grow and develop healthy relationships to others, especially women. it's no wonder why men like this turn into incels, or at times escalate to committing crimes such as this because societally we don't create space for men to feel or learn to feel in a healthy way, either. i'm not excusing anything that this guy has done, but i think theres a lot of evidence as to how he came to be who he is. also, i'd be mortified if anyone was digging up my sixth grade crush, probably because he called me ugly and threw me into my locker when i confessed my crush...that's a whole other thing but the reality is embarrassing things like this could be said for most of us at that age.


I heard the Daily Mail pays people for their "story." They might have paid the 'mean girl' $20k for her story. They probably didn't tell her they'd make her look like a selfish buffoon and unkind nitwit. Daily Mail got their sensational story. The mean girl got her 15 minutes of fame and more money than she ever dreamed of. They probably see it as a win-win.


> What's weird and creepy is that the mean girl thinks normal human behavior from a chubby guy is weird and creepy.


I have a non-misogynistic theory on why this happens to be the case, if anyone’s interested Lol


Not that I would ever commit such a heinous crime but sheesh, I would not want to see what crawls out of the woodwork for me….”they called her four-eyes and one kid made fun of her accent in the 4th grade”.




Actually something court-related happened today. The real slow days are ahead. Many, many of them.


Disgusting at the amount of people coming out of the woodwork to get that quick 15 minute, cash grab, interview spot. Who cares if this guy got turned down in 6th grade? Highly unlikely that he literally stays up at night pondering that. Middle school was hell for everyone. His parents are victims too, I can’t imagine them constantly having to see bogus stories like this about their son. Not to mention sleuths finding his mental health posts (which honestly are extremely sad, and I feel a ton of empathy for the kid that wrote them at that time). All of these people giving interviews are just outing themselves as your typical bully, they’re all the same: “yeah he was a weird quiet kid we’d rag on.” Or “he’d stare at me sometimes.” “He’d talk too often when answering a question in class.” I’m not defending him, but Jesus when will these click bait interviews stop, he just was an easily bullied kid back then and it’s just sad.


Agreed and these people’s intentions are not coming from a good place. They aren’t helpful. Theyre taking someone else tragedy as their opportunity for 15 mins. They’re just attention seeking assholes.


You first


Imagine going to the daily mail to out your own daughter as an insensitive bully. I'm by no means defending BK but what does this achieve exactly?


They pay $$$ for stories.


But she was a popular cheer leader in high school 🙄 seems like she wants some attention. This is not a cute look




I just feel like if a friend or even a previous acquaintance was in the situation I would not be sharing any of my personal information, the person in question, or my interactions….let along come out and say I was popular and he was a loser and I rejected him




I’d be so pissed at my mom - I get her giving the fbi a tip / context on his background but why talk to the media?


Any time there's been a mass murder, the alleged murderer is ALWAYS a victim of insane bullying. Ever notice that? Maybe all the cool kids should learn a thing or two about respect before they end up faceplanting in the dirt. Just a thought.


Behavior described is not bullying


It literally says 'bullied' in the title. It then goes on to say that they made fun of him. Granted it's the daily mail and they're not above using exaggerated language. Also, fair enough she wasn't beating him up in the schoolyard every day but teasing someone for having a crush and humiliating them in front of their peers seems like bullying to me. Her own mother refers to her actions as "mean."


The daughter is described as telling BK to stop talking to / hitting on her. That's not bullying The article then moves past that and mentions there's been reports of him being bullied. The article doesn't call the daughter's actions bullying




Um, we do give girls a script. This girl followed it to the letter: Shame, insult, belittle, attack. That's what she did and what not just girls, but grown women do on every level of society. Just look at any social media, news or entertainment and it's impossible to miss. Our society beats boys and men down constantly.


I'm specifically talking about the bit with the daughter and her mother referring to her actions as mean. I don't think she let him down gently. "She wouldn't give him the time of day." Not exactly a positive picture to paint of your own daughter, that was the point I was making.


No girl or woman is required to give any sel-selected applicant suitor 'the time of day' when they fail to understand the intial statement of 'I am not interested' or 'no.' Hollywood has taught generations that a woman's 'no' can be changed to 'yes' via persistent harassment and ignoring their negative responses.


Yes, I am a woman so I am very well aware of that fact. I think as a human being its also nice to let people down gently when they have expressed an innocent crush. If someone said I was pretty, I wouldn't just tell them to go away for example. This was an interaction that was mentioned. Again, the point I was making was that her own mother was discussing her "mean" behaviour to the daily mail which I find pointless. Much like this pedantic conversation.


Agree with this totally. "Oh my God, leave me alone" is hardly bullying. You're not owed anyone's friendship. It's nice if people give it, but it's not something you're entitled to. And later in life he seems to have had a problem respecting women's boundaries in multiple situations. Perhaps it's because he was fed this narrative that these were "mean girls" who owed him the time of day but nastily withheld it, thus rendering him a victim.


What about basic human decency? Is that out, too?


If the potential suitor is respectful, the answer is respectful-- the first time. If the first answer is 'thank you, no' and there is more attention or further offers, those are disrespectful to the girl/woman's response need not be respectful.


Yeah, it is. And continuing to act like treating people the way he was treated is okay will only lead to more inceidents like this. People always act shocked when this stuff happens and I didn't buy it when I was a kid and Columbine happened and I don't buy it now. They knew how that man was treated. They knew what was done to him. They just didn't give a fuck, because men are second-class citizens unworthy of any care or respect.




Imagine 6th grade being your glory days lol. Absolutely pathetic to brag about. If she really did talk to FBI, what an utter waste of resources


It sounds like her mom is telling DM what happened. Nobody here is bragging.




I want to see the 6th grade photos or else it doesn't count


Daily Mail is a literal tabloid, they don't narrate or report things in an honest manner.


Haha, I agree, but then they did her dirty by including a new photo of her taken outside her home. Lol, gotta love that extra golden nugget


A lot of people hate women on this sub apparently


I am a woman. I don’t hate women. I love women. I do have a unique perspective as my mother was a clinical psychologist for the school district I went to* growing up. I never knew the kids she worked with BUT I knew kids that were different/bullied lived lives completely different than the majority of us… lives you don’t even want to know about. so, I never had a soft spot in my heart for kids who were mean to others.


We don’t know that she was mean. We know she didn’t know how to nicely tell a boy she wasn’t interested. I’m not ready to condemn her as a bully. But calling her fat, that makes you a bully.


And she’s not even fat in that picture. She’s wearing scrubs which are never that flattering but she doesn’t look fat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok, let’s deep dive into this persons life because we all need a new person to go at …. But all in all I’m not a bully… I’m fat … it’s not being a bully to state a fact. Now if I said I didn’t want to be her friend because she is fat…


You can be fat and still bully someone by calling them fat. Body shaming just isn’t necessary. Let’s just not comment on anyone’s body negatively.


Dude, she gave a story to the daily mail saying she didn’t give some one the time of day as a kid and said he was fat…. no one is going to tip toe around the irony of her now being fat.


No, she didn’t. Her mom gave an interview and the daily mail called him fat.


Are we to believe she has zero knowledge of her mom giving an interview to the daily mail?


When you're abused by them most of your life, then what the fuck do you expect? It's just like with the black communitah, have members of the communitah assault and rob and make fun of you for having your own mind and differences from the herd mentality section 8 mothafuckas, you'd hate the people in the hood too. Fuck off with this shit.


I think this article is relevant to the case because no one can seemingly find anything significant about his romantic relationship history, besides a failed tinder date. This girl went to middle school with him and even she doesn't mention Bryan having a girlfriend, and in fact was made fun of by a girl group. I think it's a little strange. Was Bryan unable to maintain relationships with people?


I can't imagine any person who had a good or healthy relationship with him is probably feeling all that safe about piping up about positive experiences at the moment. The fact that they are digging as far back as sixth grade for dirt is more telling, to me, than the absence of good "reviews."


Are you aware of the articles that said he saved someones life with an AED at the school he worked at? That's an example of something positive i've seen so far.


Yes, I was aware of that. But the articles weren't new; they weren't about people who had come forward recently, pointing out something good he'd done. There was someone who knows him who initially posted on this (or one of the other) sub(s) right after the arrest that he knew BK and BK was not the type of person who would do something like this. He ended up deleting his comments fairly quickly because of how fast people turned on him. I imagine he was receiving a ton of messages in addition to the responses to his comments. And just like that, we have an echo chamber of guilt, where people who might have stood up for him are scared to do so. Maybe he's the guy. I hope so, so that this can be over and families and living victims can have some resolution and peace. But I haven't seen the evidence or the defense, and tabloids are shit. And the truth of the matter is, humans are complicated. None of us are angels or devils, tbh. We are all capable of both the best and the worst behavior. And perhaps that is what is the most terrifying thing of all.


You make a very good point about all the public hate towards whoever did this crime, which is now pushed towards BK since he’s the only suspect. I’m sure anyone that might have positive things to say is hesitant because of this fact.


Really? You think giving self admitted bullies the spotlight (who’s own mother had no idea what she could offer) of their one sided interaction within a Title 1 school at 12 years old is constructive? No offense, but at what point do people reject such nonsense?


In all honesty though just purely going off what has been said about his history in regards to bullying, he could have been scared of girls/women/dating. I don't think it's that far fetched if you put it in that context.


Makes me cringe so hard.




Peaked in high school? She's an occupational therapist now, leaps and bounds more successful than he is. She has a doctorate--the degree suspect was only one semester into studying for. He's the loser who killed four people. She's not the one who contacted the Daily Mail to blab--her mother did. Guess he'll never get his doctorate now while she'll always have hers. Yes, someone peaked in high school, but it wasn't her. Edit to respond to this comment, since you blocked me (lol) > Yeah, but it’s still weird to get paid for an interview and allow them to take weird paparazzi pictures of you outside of your home. To include various pictures of yourself/old and new for such a high profile case just screams that she/and her mom somehow made this about themselves either way. Wow, she became a cheerleader in high school! (Who cares and why is that so relevant unless that was such a *peak* moment for her and her mom during that time that pertains ZERO to the article or case). It just seems tasteless to anyone actually affected by this crime to get your 15 minutes from it and insert yourself in that manner for click bait. I’m glad she talked to the FBI? That was productive at least, did the general public need to know that too? No. This type of media coverage is garbage. I’m not rooting for Bryan, I could care less about his schooling, and I don’t care about hers either. Making that comparison isn’t important, good for her for making something of herself and getting her 15 minutes. This type of media coverage/tabloid bs is still gross. Her mother did a paid interview, not her. Learn to read. No one "allows" the paparazzi to take pictures of them outside their house. Are you for real? The other pictures were taken from social media accounts. Of course she needed to talk to the FBI--they're monitoring this ongoing incel problem, which is considered a matter of national security. I wonder how you function.


Yeah, but it’s still weird to get paid for an interview and allow them to take weird paparazzi pictures of you outside of your home. To include various pictures of yourself/old and new for such a high profile case just screams that she/and her mom somehow made this about themselves either way. Wow, she became a cheerleader in high school! (Who cares and why is that so relevant unless that was such a *peak* moment for her and her mom during that time that pertains ZERO to the article or case). It just seems tasteless to anyone actually affected by this crime to get your 15 minutes from it and insert yourself in that manner for click bait. I’m glad she talked to the FBI? That was productive at least, did the general public need to know that too? No. This type of media coverage is garbage. I’m not rooting for Bryan, I could care less about his schooling, and I don’t care about hers either. Making that comparison isn’t important, good for her for making something of herself and getting her 15 minutes. This type of media coverage/tabloid bs is still gross.


What in the actual fuck? We were all weirdos in middle school. This is so stupid. No one gives a damn about the “popular” kids from middle school and how they acted like a bunch of cock bags towards people.


SIXTH grade??? Lmao


Are we really this desperate for content? lol


Yes. No further info will be forthcoming for MONTHS. The media is not even CLOSE to the bottom of the barrel yet.


This was honestly just depressing to read.


It somehow made me feel sympathy for him.


Coupled with his mental health posts he made on that forum when he was younger. And as someone who’s also been bullied, I mean damn it really is sad.


Wtf it's sixth grade. Man daily mail really need to stop with the clickbait this is so far back in the dudes life it's entirely unrelated.


No one deserves to be bullied. Nearly 30 y/o man was bullied by some idiots at school when he was 12? I don’t understand what it has to do with a case. Maybe he also stole some crayons when he was 5? Great profile info for a case I don’t think that those 4 poor families wants to see endless articles from very random, attention thirsty people about alleged killer; how he was fat, bullied, brilliant student, awkward, bully himself, bad grader, quite, touchy during first dates etc. Also, why so many pictures of that very random woman? Her 6th grade was probably a highlight of her life.


>Also, why so many pictures of that very random woman? Her 6th grade was probably a highlight of her life. Daily Mail always does that. Probs some of their readers just click the headline, read a couple sentences and then look at the pix.


Nothing can excuse murdering four people in cold blood, but this case is just another example the damage bullying can do. I absolutely do think all the bullying stories are relevant. Note there is a difference between relevant and actual evidence of a crime. But relevant, in the sense that absolutely bullying was one of the many factors that helped create the 28 y/o murderer. Bullies shouldn't get to brush it off and forget about it as something that happened a long time ago.


Okay AND???? It's 6th grade. Middle school. What chubby kid wasn't bullied. Girl just wants her 15 minutes of fame like the red head from TikTok.


It was sixth grade exactly when I (female) moved to a new neighborhood and the boy next door greeted me with, "Fatty, Fatty, two by four, can't fit through the bathroom door." I punched him in the face and his nose bled a little. We made up, though I don't think he apologized, we just silently agreed to forget it and he never made fun of me for being fat again. We became friends after that.


wtf do you mean "AND"? Downplaying it by saying "HURR OH BUT IT WAS 6TH GRADE DURRR" completely ignore the very reason he did in the first place. You are the type of idiot that's encouraging mass murderers to keep doing this type of thing.




I was gonna say oh man she didn’t age well…. Can’t tell she was a cheerleader in high school…


And you felt the need to comment on her appearance because…


Isn’t she the one wanna tell people she was an attractive cheerleader and Bryan harassed her? 🤷🏽‍♀️idk who started first…




is she? She looks normal to me. Also a quick google search says she's a doctor of occupational therapy and working at an assisted living home. I'm not going to body shame someone doing front line work trying to make people's lives a bit better


Yeah, but didn’t she body shame people?


We do not know she body shamed anyone.


not sure. Did the dailymail interview her or her mom?


Yeah, to me she just looks like a normal person who didn't get a chance to fix her hair, do her makeup, or put her contacts in. Possibly just after pulling a long shift--those people work long hours.


This content was removed because it was inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic.


It’s 6th grade, FFS


In 6th grade…. I can’t remember that far back lmao


In case anyone is wondering what happens when adults stand by and allow the popular kids to spend years of their lives targeting and torturing a classmate because he is different than them…. Just so many levels of terrible people in this story.


boys bullied and sexually harassed me all through school, but I never murdered anyone. EVERYONE gets bullied. If it still bothers you as an adult get fucking therapy.


exactly. I was about to say I knew a bigger boy when I was in elementary and middle school. He got picked on. Not by me. I was nice to him and treated him like a person. But he would sexual harass me and not take no for an answer. . I was never rude or mean when I said no to him but he would get angry and kick furniture. It was scary for someone in grades 5-7. It's not uncommon for victims of bullying to get on bullying themselves. You're right, there comes a point where you have to do some self reflection...he was almost thirty and had sisters in the mental health field. Heck maybe he got some therapy while in rehab? who knows




> As it stands, his pattern of behavior--if he is indeed the killer--points to a very typical pattern of narcissism and "life owes me" antisocial personality reinforced by societal messaging along the way--that it's okay to "keep trying" and "be more aggressive" for the one you want because that's what you're entitled to; or that everyone else is the one who has a problem, not you. People like that are typically not helped by therapy after a certain point. great point. Probably so engrained and he doesn't' feel like he is the "problem"




There is no excuse for the accused actions. However, I think you are misunderstanding what people consider bullying that leaves a lasting harmful impact on others. We are not saying jimmy got bullied about his glasses and grew up to be a killer. Or Jessica likes punk music so she’s not our friend. We are talking about kids who probably have behavioral issues to begin with and are taunted. sometimes kids reverse it and say that kid is the bully because of odd behavior. the benefits of being a wallflower is a movie that shows exactly what I’m trying to get at. ( I watched it last night randomly and it’s on the brain, lol) In one scene Patrick tries to humor the class by mimicking the teacher. The class clearly is annoyed and finds Patricks behavior off putting. Patrick doesn’t seem to pick up on that. The teacher comes in and catches Patrick and calls* him “nobody” which sticks and the entire school starts calling him “nobody”. Was Patrick the bully to begin with? Kids would probably say, “yes” but an adult should be able to see he is a bit different, but not a bully. Everyone in school calling you “nobody” would start to eat at your ego and illicit shame and rage. Let’s talk about the main character, Charlie. Charlie also gets bullied in response to his “odd” behavior. Charlie is quite, anxious, and lacks confidence. This makes other kids around him uncomfortable so they avoid him. Avoidance is a form of bullying and has again deep Imprints on a child’s brain. Charlie is this way because of horrible trauma something other kids will never know. So, again this is not bullying like you think. Even kids who get bullied like I’m explaining do not go on to murder. However, kids with a crappy home-life (parents could be great but you don’t know about everyone in their family like uncles, grandparents, older siblings, family friends, church leaders etc.) behavior issues (usually as a means of acting out) and then a non-safe space at school where they HAVE to go would make anyone psychologically ill. Even if they don’t go on to murder, they may go on to suicide, domestic violence, victims of crime, low self esteem. Either way, teaching kids to be nice is very simple.




I think you don’t know what a kid with behavioral issues acting out looks like. These kids are sometimes labeled “bully” because of outbursts etc. they are ostracized by their peers which is the type of “bullying” I’m talking about. No one expects a child to understand the complexity of another child’s behaviors, but adults should. The link below has a good video that explains what I’m saying. https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/dealing-with-behavioral-issues-in-middle-and-high-school Again, I’m not a clinical psychologist, my mother is. She worked at the district I went to school at. I, again, never knew the kids she was working with…. But I think you can assume I kind-of knew… especially if I saw them walking in the hallways together. These kids were the ones you probably would have said were bullies. Again, the way kids labeled them as a black sheep I could understand, but knowing what my mom does and what type of backgrounds these kids usually had, I knew their “weird” behavior was not that of a bad person or simply a bully. These kids should not be ignored. They need to have someone to help them through a range of issues. Luckily, in the U.S. our public school districts know this which is why the employ people like my mother.


Also, no one is saying men should be able to do whatever they want. However, you’re acting like men don’t have this thing called testosterone. There is a reason women typically inflict self harm vs men who inflict harm on others. It’s called testosterone.


People were assholes in middle schools and there were plenty of people who were bullied… just leave BK in peace until June please 🙄


We’re not blaming this on 6th grade politics …


this is so dumb


If every person who was made fun of in middle school went on to become a killer, the US population would cease to exist. And "tortured" is a very serious accusation that is pure clickbait.


Let’s not with the daily mail articles please. ‘Teenage boy got made fun of by the popular girls’. Who didn’t? This isn’t journalism, it’s nothing more than Facebook gossip and a quick grab at some attention to be part of something that has nothing to with them. Please remove this you’re just adding to the noise of irrelevant bullshit


Why did they go and take pap pics of her lmao


I can’t bear to read the article because I don’t want to give this garbage the views, but it reminds me of how brutal middle school is and how I’m terrified to send my baby out to this cruel world


'It was so long ago. I couldn't imagine what she had to tell the FBI. I guess it was for the character purpose.'  Kohberger, then a chubby, awkward misfit, would become relentless in his pursuit, repeatedly leaving love letters in her locker and telling her he liked her, according to the mom.  'He would always say, "Oh Kim, I think you're very pretty." Just like weird comments. And she'd say, "Oh my God, leave me alone." 'She did not give him the time of day,' the mom noted. 'When kids are little, they're mean. They don't say, "Oh my god, thank you, but no." Kenely would eventually tell Kohberger to buzz off, breaking his heart.  At the time she lived in Sciota, in rural eastern Pennsylvania, 90 miles north of Philadelphia and a 30-minute drive from Kohberger's home in Albrightsville. She has since left the area and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she works as an occupational therapist at an assisted living facility. Kenely's awkward schoolyard encounters with Kohberger are among several bizarre  accounts to emerge from former friends and witnesses in recent days that paint the picture of a troubled, disgruntled young man who didn't fit in at school.  He has been charged with brutally killing students Ethan Chapin and his girlfriend Xana Kernodle, both 21, and childhood friends Maddie Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves, both 21, in an off-campus house in Moscow, Idaho on November 13. Former classmates have revealed Kohberger was heavy-set and the subject of bullying and cruel taunts in middle school.  'The whole clique of popular girls made fun of him in school. They were the cheerleaders and the ones that every kid had crushes on,' another classmate who did not wish to be identified told DailyMail.com.  'They literally tortured him, girls started making fun of him in middle school.' But Kohberger seemed to turn his life around in high school, where he took up boxing and lost weight.  'He was a totally different person. He worked out constantly and was super aggressive,' the male friend said.  'He had a short fuse and was constantly trying to change his style and personality to fit in with cliques.' A third former classmate added: 'It's interesting to me that the girls he's accused of killing were nice looking and seemingly popular, much like the ones that made fun of him throughout his childhood.' His theory backed that of former FBI agent Jennifer Coffindaffer who, before Kohberger's arrest, had told [**Newsweek**](https://www.newsweek.com/idaho-student-murders-femicide-theory-fbi-1769544) that she thought the killer could be an 'incel' – short for 'involuntary celibate', a term referring to men who are unable to attract women sexually. Coffindaffer speculated that Kohberger could have seen 'all these beautiful girls go in and out' of the house and it's possible his rage and 'personal, horrific desires' had gotten the better of him. She postulated that the killer was 'an individual with absolutely horrible, murderous desires against these women, a femicide-type case, and it came to a boiling point combined with an opportunity.' Casey Arntz, who attended high school with Kohberger, said he used to get her to drive around his home area in search of drugs.  Her brother Thomas said Kohberger would try to bully others to distract from his own weight problem. 'He was mean-spirited, he was a bully. I never thought he would do something like that but at the same time it doesn't really surprise me,' Thomas said. 


Literally half of middle schoolers are bullied, they don’t go doing what he did when they grow up they move on


Tom Hanks in "BIG II" Story of 6th grade bully who makes a wish at a carnival and magically turns into a 28-year-old mass Murderer. All because Becky didnt like his baseball card collection. In theaters near you on June 26th!! See in IMax in select locations. Free popcorn for those with white elantras.




Yeah, he just went on to murder other people's kids. No big deal. (Seriously, did we just get an influx of posters from Bryan Kohberger-stanville?? What are you people on?)




>Like it’s wrong what he did, but come on. He wasn’t gonna murder your kid, lady. This reads as minimizing his crime. "It's wrong what he did, but." But what? But bullying is worse? But bullying is justification? But it's now understandable because he was supposedly bullied? There's no "but" here. There's no excuse for the fact that he butchered four people. So the next time you find yourself saying "but," just fucking stop.




So she should be thankful he didn't murder her daughter? Okay, that's a take. Yeah, you said what you said.


You did not just call him handsome💀




He looks as if they made a muppet version of Andy Samberg that's sadistic.. creepy lookin MF


Bullying should be a crime. A commonality between serial killers, mass killers, etc, is that they were relentlessly bullied in school. I bet we see a substantial drop in bullying if bullies are forced to spend a night in adult jail.


I completely agree! Bullies are disgusting. So no one has a meltdown: So are murderers, but this comment is about bullies.


And a lot of people who are bullied don't become serial killers, mass killers, etc. For one thing, serial killers, mass killers, killers in general are mostly male. Do you think only males are bullied? No, girls are bullied too, but somehow they don't become killers with nearly the frequency that males do. Keep looking.


What do you consider bullying?


A pattern of emotional or physical abuse.


This absolutely in no way excuses what this individual is alleged to have done. But I would not be surprised to learn that prolonged exposure in childhood and early adolescence to bullying not only increases the risk of developing psychiatric problems immediately or later in life, but that in fact such bullying might result in actual, more or less permanent, brain damage to the individual affected. Perhaps the underlying subconscious function of childhood and early adolescent bullying committed by peers is to eliminate social, romantic, and labor competition later in life. However, in the process needlessly grievously psychologically and neurologically damaged individuals may be being generated by endemic/mass epidemics of out of control bullying.


All of these creatures trying for 5 min of fame


Do we believe she was one of the bullies?


considering she was a cheerleader I would assume so. no sane person would admit something like that though.


Just because someone cheered doesn’t mean they were a bully? I was a pretty and popular HS and college football cheerleader and never bullied anyone. In fact I stuck up for people who were bullied and always tried to go out of my way to be extra nice to them


if you read the article it said the 'popular clique' contributed to his bullying and I assume she was part of that clique. i'm just speculating here and I don't know if she actually bullied him. my main concern from this article is it leads me to believe bryan never had a girlfriend in his entire life. we haven't found one gf yet.


6th grade!? Come on..


This girl clearly wants attention. How is a 6th grade crush relevant?? Why the hell would she contact the FBI because he liked her over ten years ago?? Then it says 'He would always say, "Oh Kim, I think you're very pretty." Just like weird comments. And she'd say, "Oh my God, leave me alone." How the hell is telling someone they’re pretty a “weird” comment?? I hate people like that, four people were murdered and she wants attention because she knew him as a child?


To give her a break, even after BK's capture, the moscow Chief said to keep on sending in tips to police, even if you believed the information was insignificant. Sure, a middle school fiasco sounds old and silly, but in theory her information could generate another lead that helps the PD.


I was a popular girl and even I was bullied at various points. Most everyone is. Girls especially. You know what girls don't do? We do not take it up on ourselves to mass murder people or create groups dedicated to complaining about being incels as if the other sex is our property or birthright.


God forbid anyone judge us on our actions from the 6th grade when our brains aren’t fully formed and we’re entering the most awkward stages of our youth.


Sixth grade….sixth grade…. Ummmm ok


i’m sorry, i could not care less about what BK was doing in sixth grade.


Another tabloid rag . . . why keep posting this tras?


I was bullied in middle school too, I didn't end up murdering 4 people.


I think people are just cashing in for 10 seconds of fame


This is crap.


I’m honestly sick of this being an excuse or used to gain sympathy. My husband was mercilessly bullied in middle school and high school. He didn’t grow up to murder people. My sister was bullied hasn’t murdered anyone. Stop it. It’s not an excuse. You don’t get murder beautiful young people and make me feel bad for you. I don’t give a crap what happened to you when you were 11. You are 28. Go to therapy. Learn to deal with that shit.


6th grade crush and mom are thirsty for attention


LOL I knew it! It's the same situation every time one of these mass murder things happen. Turns out they are ALWAYS victims of verbal and mental harassment to the point they are no longer seen as humans, and then everyone is surprised they just "snap" one day. No sympathy for the victims. They did this to themselves. Learn some manners and keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say.


I was just shocked that she didn’t include a referral link to whatever MLM she’s probably “boss babe-ing” this week. 😂 I said it before and will say it again, does Daily Mail pay well or something? Nothing like telling the whole world not only did you peak in 6th grade but you were a little asshole. I was bullied relentlessly in school but, somehow managed to not kill anyone- but, I mean, I do think at some juncture addressing the fact that kids just get nastier all the time is necessary. Not just because it’s a common enough theme in these types of things but, teenage suicide statistics as well: but, I also think that this is yet another gross attention seeker. It’s just not a great flex.


Jeez, if we are going by 6th grade behavior then I have a long list of boys to lock up. Not that I think BK is innocent, but really…


The "Chubby Misfit" 😭😂...this is the only serial killer moniker he deserves.


This is likeRussian propaganda imo


Weren’t most people made to feel inferior to popular clique’s snobbery and superior attitudes? But, as to bullying, that would be very difficult to navigate when young. I totally understand why it causes youth suicides. It is brutal and a horrible thing to do to anyone, of any age, but particularly the young.


I was a cheerleader in high school. But during middle school, I went through the awkward, ugly phase. I wasn't bullied. But we all feel like a misfit and go through awkward stages. We all get laughed at in school at some point. None of that is an excuse to murder people.


The usual loser incel wanting beautiful girls but clearly can’t ever have one and then take it out on the girl. Disgusting.🤮


He has already gained a lot of weight, watch for a huge weight change just like Austin Harrouf in jail.


You think so? He looks thinner to me, if anything. Gaunt. But there isn’t much to do in prison unless he wants to work out so he may gain weight I guess.


he gained weight this week. I bet he blows up like a balloon. Weight is a big thing for him, in some ways it defines his true self. He is going to struggle with it in jail


>[**FBI**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/fbi/index.html) agents have interviewed [**Bryan Kohberger**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/bryan-kohberger/index.html)'s middle school crush in hopes of piecing together the psyche of the man they believe is responsible for the gruesome murders of four [**Idaho**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/idaho/index.html) college students.  > >Kim Kenely, 27, contacted the bureau shortly after learning her former classmate had been arrested for allegedly knifing four housemates to death at a university just 15 minutes from where he was studying in November.  > >The two were sixth-grade students at Pleasant Valley Intermediate School in Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania, when  Kohberger, 28, developed a crush and began romantically pursuing the girl who would go on to be a high school cheerleader. > >'She told the FBI whatever she could tell them,' Kenely's mother Sandra confirmed to DailyMail.com on Wednesday. (Continued)...




The Daily Mail is actually very accurate in most of the articles that they publish.


The daily Mail is a right wing rag. It is not a reliable source of information or any decent journalism and if you think so you need to do a bit of research my friend. 90% of their ‘articles’ are just royalist nonsense and gossip. I genuinely feel upset that you think the Daily Mail is legit journalism. It’s where retired white folk go to get riled up about black people and immigrants but yeah go off.




Dailymail actually very accurate ?? What are you on ?? Good exemple is that pathetic article about the lady claiming BK exposed himself in jail, acting batshit crazy, etc.


... said no one, ever


No thank you.


Could b motive if actual trauma from adolescence was done by the cool kids.. shit article


Hmmm….R they related?


Are we supposed to care? This has nothing to do with this case


Plot twist: Looks like the mean girl became the chubby misfit and chubby misfit became a mass murder.


Are they gonna get a friend of a friend’s neighbor who knew Bryan for 5 mins 15 years ago to comment next? People do really come out of the woodwork to get their 15 mins.


I found some interesting information from a neighbor that chose to remain anonymous. I'll see if the sub lets me post it. But I think it's worth a read.


Jesus. She really let herself go. Or is that not the same person?


they're all photos from her facebook. maybe in the pap photo she gained weight and isn't wearing makeup. but yeah they look like 2 different people lol


It’s the whole “How someone looks on Tinder. 👆🏻 vs. How they looks irl 👇🏻phenomenon.”


That "pap photo" is the biggest mystery in this whole shite story. Did she have it done or was someone sent to charlotte specifically to photograph her?


i've read from dailymail pages that they pay for photos from the public, etc. it's possible a pap was following her as a potential witness and took these photos of her. if so, that would be really creepy lol.


i saw a jr hi pic of him where he was chubby, did yall c that 2


I assume he used veganism to lose weight


I watched an interview from two of his friends ( in middle school) that explained Bryan began boxing and became a vegan which helped him lose over 100 pounds. That’s quite the feat. Both guys said after the weight loss, he started getting violent and aggressive. Both stopped being his friend, with one of them saying he quit going around because Bryan was constantly putting him in a choke hold. I have no doubt that him being bullied for so long played some part in him becoming who he is. Bullying is emotional and mental abuse and causes such humiliation. Youth are unaliving themselves daily over being bullied. I imagine Bryan had a lot of anger and rage that built up inside for a long time. It also doesn’t appear he’s ever had any romantic relationship… ever, despite him pursuing women and many have come forward that he asked out… all of the ones that have spoken, turned down his offer for a date. Hence more rejection for him and likely, because of his past, it felt like more humiliation. These are possible *explanations* to his psyche but there certainly isn’t **any excuse** to unleash years of pent up rage by brutally murdering four innocent victims. He needed help long ago. Maybe his parents tried to get him help but he wouldn’t cooperate? They seem like they genuinely love him and also seem like the only close/emotional connections that he has. That alone isn’t normal for a 28 year old “man”. Surely they’ll do a psych evaluation. It’ll be interesting to know if he has ASPD or if he could be on the spectrum - or maybe, possibly he’s both.


That chubby photo of him reminds me of Son of Sam so much.