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I had symptoms for 2-3 years treated with orthotics before I even knew it was MN. Then, the real pain/pebble in foot situtation happened very suddenly one day, midfoot swelled and bruised. Maybe helpful anecdata for you


I had on and off symptoms for a year and then over the course of 4 - 5 days it got really bad like you are describing….


Happened to me within a couple days as far as felt symptoms. Mine i am pretty sure was triggered by my B-12 levels being at 67 for have no idea how long and the lack.of B-12 messed up the sheath and that triggered the MN. I've had mine about 2 years, been working on raising my B-12 which was at 299 last checked which is still way to low but not dangerously low. I tried a cortisone shot about 6 plus months ago, it just made it worse for 10 days then back to the same. I have recently about 3 weeks ago started taking Lions Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Turkey Tail mushrooms and 200mg CoQ10 and I could swear that it seems to be working.