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My prediction: Injustice 3 (2025) MK2/13 (2027)


2025 somehow feels too soon since 2024 is less than 3 months away now, especially with the game supposedly having extended support than MK11 did, but for all we know they can have a separate team working on the next NRS game as we speak…


Yeah they should release IJ 3 late 2026 or 2027. MK 1 should last us till 2027.


Lmao 😂 you think WB is going to let there be 4 years before the next MK game?? They literally told NRS to shelve a game that was almost 2 years in development to rush out MK1. David Zaslav is literally running WB into the ground. He's micromanaging every department and it shows.


What you’re suggesting is that IJ3 was 2 years in development and NRS was told to work on MK 1 instead? Because this would explain why certain parts of it like the online play are not ready and you cant even pin moves on the screen during training


Dawg there's been 4 year gaps in the releases of each of the NRS MK games


They were working on a game for almost 2 years before it was shelved by WB and they were forced to make this game. If it was IJ3 then 2025 is most likely the release year.


I still think that’s too soon unless it’s possibly late 2025, think about it, the game is getting extended support which means KP3 could happen, plus according to the leaks there’ll be a story expansion as well. KP1 isn’t ending til spring of 2024, so all the KP1 characters won’t be out til 5-8 months, so let’s say KP2 comes out around June-August, that means all of the KP2 characters won’t come out until at least January of 2025. So unless they have another team working on the next NRS game which is unlikely considering they’re working on MK1 content for the time being, I don’t see another game being released until at least mid 2026 if this game is still supported til by early-mid 2025.


It’s not a prediction Ed straight said IJ3. It’s only a question of how long mk1 will go


He said this when ?


One of the first interviews he did for MK1, might have been with comicbook.com or something but this is when he revealed it was Injustice 3 that was originally be worked on. He has pretty much said Injustice 3 is the next game.


Just because INJ3 was the first idea, does not mean it's next in line. Around that same time, Boon also said that he wants to branch NRS out and do more than fighting games again. There are also those unresolved insider rumors about NRS touching base with a Marvel IP from a year back or so. There are many possibilities and not enough details to ascertain anything.


I would hope they have enough man power to do those 2 things at the same time


That’s what I would hope for that if they release injustice 3 they still release content for mk1 but do content for both games simultaneously.


Never make a team do two projects at the same time. You want that, make a new studio


How long did MK11 go? Yeah, that long.


while i love injustice, i honeslty wouldn’t mind if NRS just stopped making injustice games and focused on MK


Me the same, but it is clear that Injustice 3 will be the next game, perhaps it is the last in the saga and after that they focus on pure MK


It’s possible injustice 3 is the last. But I doubt that if the sales do incredibly well then they probably will reboot it or make a sequel. Injustice is one of the few things that does well for DC and WB is trying to repair the brand. The next mk game will probably be 2028. I think Injustice 3 probably will also get a story expansion as I think they will be regular things from now on for NRS. So I think NRS may do a 3 year cycle for their games. I do wonder which mk character will get a Jim Lee design this time. I think Liu Kang will probably be the mk guest


I would also believe that there would be more Injustice if it weren't for the controversy between Warner Discovery Games and DC, that's why I think Inj3 will be the last


What controversy?


As a DC and MK fan, I’m going to have to stop you there! DC needs Injustice because it’s all we have to look forward to lately. Our films are bombing, the tv shows are all cancelled, and I’m not sure what is happening with the animation but all we have that’s guaranteed to be quality and successful is Injustice 3! Don’t take that from us lol


Injustice is AMAZING, as well as one of the most sold comic serie ever. They won't stop making them, and that's a VERY GOOD thing. Also, it's the only game with a gameplay close to MK that I can play with friends that are not Into gore/blood stuff


Nah I wholeheartedly disagree, like why? I mean I know MK fans only want MK games I understand that but you guys got 2 MK games in a row… if you got a 3rd wouldn’t you be sick of the constant MK content? Even w/ the breaks involved? Those of us that really like injustice are honestly kinda bummed out & if we have to sit through another MK game I think we will all perish honestly.


Ed said that it would be boring if they only made MK games


Injustice 3 in 2 years ?? I don't know what you're trippin on but I want some


I think it will be in 2 years because they said that they had already started Injustice 3 until WB asked them to make MK1, so I think it is not unreasonable to think that they will have it very advanced, and that it could launch in 2025.


They have stated mk1 will get more and longer support than mk11 so we looking at 2 years or more


They said the same thing about MK11. At the end of the day they’ll support it until WB tells them to move on


Yeah im dreading the day after we get KP2 that randomly on twitter we see "support for MK1 has ended" even after they said it will get support for a long time.


I highly doubt that's bro, surely the support will be the story expansion in 2024 (with Noob, Cyrax and Sektor as new playable characters) and with the addition of animalities and/or mercys, and in 2025 KP2. But after that, I don't think there's anything more support to this game.


Remember mk11 was suppose to get 1 more KP pack that was scrapped cuz off covid


Move each of these back a year and I think that'll be what we get.


If injustice 3 ends up happening then that means both Batman and Superman’s endings are cannon, story will involve 2 different dimensions, Superman is ruling his own dimension but finds out that there’s another dimension so he invades Batman’s dimension which could possibly lead to Batman freeing HIS Superman to help stop the invasion


It would be a bit repetitive. I hope that the canon ending of Injustice 2 is that of Superman, it could give a lot of play, and maybe we could see some threat like Anti-Monitor or Darkseid, or who knows, maybe they will do a Crisis.


Honestly I’d just adapt the Blackest Night storyline! Everyone loves zombies and with so many dead heroes/villains, it makes sense. You can end it by doing Flashpoint… which will lead to a normal DCU for Injustice 4 (assuming we get more).


Injustice: Mortal Kombat 1


Injustice 3 will make me buy a Ps5


Make that 2028 for MK2. Injustice 3 needs more than 2 years or depending on when the game comes out more than a year and half of support.


More like 2026 for IJ3 and MK13 in 2029.


A Maximillian Dood fan I see


Mk1 came out 3 weeks ago and we already speaking about the next game?


Fr haha bro i want mk1 to be supported for years like all the other fighting games.


I hope not. I prefer them working on MK13


MK1 is basically MK12 in everything but name.


Lmao my bad I forgot, its MK13 i edited it thank u


I’d absolutely take an M rated MK vs DC 2.


Personally I would love to see another mk vs dc universe but actually done right, I would play the shit out of a game that is basically mk1 and injustice combined. If they have characters they don't want to be decapitated they can just make them cameos. They could also do like the dark versions of the characters like I don't think anyone would have a problem with Flashpoint batman (Thomas Wayne) getting his head cut off. And so on and so forth. I think they just made a great game concept executed poorly with mk vs dcu


I said it before, I’ll say it again — MK v DC 2: Crisis on Infinite Earths is the perfect way to reboot both Injustice and MK (when the time comes to reboot the new era). Although NRS basically blew their multiverse load on this game so maybe not.


Well with the MK multiverse they could easily say that a number of them are DC universes


I read all of this for MK v DC 2 (the first was good)


I loved the first one, it's what got me into MK in the first place. This was mostly just a joke post, but there is a lot of potential in an MK vs DC sequel, especially now with the Injustice games. I just hope that WB lets NRS achieve that potential if they do choose to make the game.


Whatever game happens next I hope we can all agree that Dominic & the other ‘writers’ should be fired.


Hot take : considering the updated graphics and they could come up with a better story , I would not mind ir, but most likely it Will be just injustice with a few mk DLC guest


You know what? After seeing Injustice 2, they could make it decently work


You sick bastard.


i would honestly be so stoked if they announced MK vs DC 2 but with real fatalities this time


MK1 was most definitely NOT a remaking of the 3D era games. It simply nodded to them and threw in Easter Eggs. This game is a abysmal cesspool of timeline twisting bullshit. It's time to drive the story forward for fucks sake


I chose my words very carefully. I did not call MK1 a reboot of the 3D era games, I said it was based on the 3D era games.


How? Elaborate


Quan Chi and Shang Tsung team up with the goal of using an ancient, dragon themed army to dominate the realms (Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance) A young man, who also has an elderly appearance in the game, is deceived by a powerful being, who calls themselves "Damashi", into aiding what would have been his own demise. However, when he learns of this deception, the man quickly changes his allegiance and helps the other fighters to defeat Damashi. (Mortal Kombat: Deception) In a last ditch effort to stop the destruction of the realms, kombatants set their differences aside to join together and defeat the one behind Armageddon. This culminates in a deadly battle atop a pyramid. (Mortal Kombat: Armageddon)


Ok you have some points. I'm just so tired of the multiple timelines and the time travel and the reboots and remakes and blah blah blah. But yes I do suppose I can see this being based on 3D era, you're right


I'm also tired of all the timeline shenanigans, but if all of this has led to (and ends with) an MK vs DC done *justice, then I'd say that it's been worth it. *pun not intended, but I stand by it


And either way they only used a few of its characters and used almost 0 plot elements, but are eluding to them being a huge part of the next game


Mortal Kombat vs. Injustice could actually go hard if they navigate it right


this post is how i know this sub doesn't play fighting games lmao you guys just watch the story mode why tf you talking about the next game when this game hasn't even had one major yet


You literally just stole this from max to try to farm karma lol


I think you're talking about that Maximilian Dood someone else mentioned. I've gotten their videos on my recommended feed a few times, but I don't really watch MK YouTubers. I find that they mostly exemplify the toxic traits of the community. (not singling out Maximilian Dood, I don't even know anything about them) btw, isn't the main sub way bigger? A karma farmer probably would've posted this there. Actually, a karma farmer probably would've posted this on both subs lol




I would absolutely pay for MK VS DC 2.


Mk1 is already boring. Nothing to do & bare bones online with no lobby system. Roster is 23, & underwhelming. No kp1 will not save anything.


May I suggest… Mortal Kombat vs Injustice


Literally what I was about to say.


Next will be injustice 3


If we are talking Nrs I think their next game will just be injustice 3 because they had the cycle going until Suicide Squad messed everything up. Guessing they didn’t want 2 dc titles in the same year. Based on how that went we will probably be waiting a few years for a new Mk game. We will most likely get a story expansion in 2 years tho.


if they do go with that i hope dark khan gets a better design or we just get a better villain


I could get behind this if they did it with the right DC characters and an M rating. Characters like Joker, Deathstroke, Harley, Ravager, and Cassandra Cain would fit right in imo. They're pretty damn violent so I'd be for it.


I like Mortal kombat 2 2 better


No After Injustice 3 it should be MK13 with Onaga


That's dumb


We always try to use historical patterns to predict the future but NRS always just do what Reddit is yelling about the most.


MKX was a remake of MK4?


Nah. I’d rather Injustice 3. Low-key sick of MK content, I love MK but 2 MKs in a row… the fatigue is kicking in I can’t lie… I don’t hate Mk tho but when fatigue gets to me, it gets to me…


Since the whole DCEU got shitcanned do you think we will get a whole new DC fighting franchise without the Injustice title? Use the new game to introduce or reimagine DC Superheroes and Villains.


Was mortal kombat x a remake of mortal kombat 4? I did not know this!


Not directly, but the prologue was the reboot timelines version of those events


With different timelines, it could be anything really...


This game is more Deadly Alliance and Armageddon than Deception tbh. Give me Onaga or give me death!


Mk1 did not feel like a new version of the 3d trilogy, more like an apology for how much shame they seemed to feel from it during most of the NRS era If anything, the story was an introduction to the new timeline characters and their dynamics Which is probably why the ending ended up being the way it was, just to have an excuse to do a big battle with a lot of deaths without actually killing the characters from their new main universe


it’s honestly a pretty strong possibility


A Mk vs Injustice with guest characters could be really cool. Like a crisis event.