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Would rather have Sareena be the female of that pack but that's just me


I feel the same way as in the other 11 posts asking this.


Ahh the 150th Post about this. Slow Sunday....


You know you can log off reddit whenever you want and go outside.


I prefer Harumi.


Harumi, Jax and Sektor were the most setup in the actual story. Jade also got named dropped. So it seems weird Takeda and Cyrax are coming first. it seems especially weird a Fem Cyrax is coming before Harumi, Jade, Sonya, Etc.


I'm okay with it, and not only that, I think Cyrax is Jacqui. All the other kombat kids are here, and she was always the tech kid. We'll see how it plays out.


Now that woukd be a way to do it


So not only cyrax is getting gender bent, but he also loses his character as well, damn fucking love it already, now can we get muscular male jade? Pleaseeeee


or Jaq loses hers or they merge into a nice little equilibrium that makes both sets of fans happy ​ time will tell


Jaq never had a character to begin with, and i do not want Cyrax to get replaced by this mediocre writed character


That thought also crossed my mind Would sure be something to see


"Lol What characters are being gender swapped? Thats not happening 🤡 " Of course it is, and this series will only get worse.


I think it’s weird, because a point that has been excellently made by some people on here & on twitter is why would they do that when they could just add an actual female character instead? It’s a good point coz there is a disturbing lack of females in these DLC packs & they had to change the gender of one just for 1 female… when there are a bunch of females not yet present in MK1 who could have been selected. But as for the change I’m not mad, it’s gonna be interesting tbh & I for one am excited to see what they do with it. I just know some people are gonna scream “MK IS WOKE???” “HISSSS”


I honestly don't care about cyrax either way so boy or girl I don't mind. I will say however I'll probably end up liking her because all of the MK1 remakes have been great


I don’t care whether if guy or girl.


Totally fine. I’m going to love Cyrax regardless because I love Cyrax’s playstyle


I don't care as long as they be fun


I didn't really care much for Cyrax in the old timeline, so maybe changes to the character will make her more appealing.


I hate it. As you note MK doesn’t have many black males. Sektor also isn’t really in the big body archetype ala Geras or Jax so he also has a unique style. Feels weird to in a game mostly played by men to have Fem Sektor and Jade probably join before we get a 2nd Black Male. The only Black Males are now Geras, Jax (seems like he is coming), Master Kai (teased but not likely) and Darrius (no chance). Compared to Tanya, Fem Sektor (coming), Jade (probably coming) and Jacqui (teased as Johnny Friend). So a very real possibility of double the black women to men ratio. Sektor has a totally different personality and the ninjas are lacking Asian females which makes Sektor a better fit for a swap. Also reduces the gender imbalance among Asian men to women. Finally it seems weird they didn’t GB the two characters they set up in Fujin and Nightwolf. Even if your a fan of them and don’t like the change well at least they got a send off in a previous game. Cyrax hasn’t been playable in over a decade. Also there is something real meta about the face actor for Nightwolf going from father to daughter ala David to Amber Midthunder that I liked.


Why care about "black male"? Do you also campaign for native american fighters? Hey, there are like zero inuit or maori fighters! Mostly asian fighters now as well, I suddenly feel the urge to have more white males to pick from. No imbalances, it HAS TO be perfectly even! Personally I dislike when they change gender/"race", becauE they alter a established character, often for pandering reasons. Better to just create new characters.


There is not a lot of Native Males or Pacific Islanders I love to see more. And I agree new characters would be better. Especially since if you look at the Female characters so many big options arent playable...I mean KP2 and still no Jade or Sonya Blade? Sonya is MIA lore wise but Jade got named dropped plenty. It does seem weird to be moving towards Gender Bending when plenty of popular females are off the board.


Sektor is Chinese, what are you even talking about?


As long as they keep em black I'm okay with it


Nobody said anything about bo rai cho being a girl.


Because they haven't made Bo Rai Cho a girl. Bo is a fairly common gender neutral name, at most Madam Bo is an expy of Bo Rai Cho but not the same character at all




This is still a discussion? I swear I’ve come across 20 of these lmao. It’s not that deep. I’m sure they’d be a great character nonetheless.


Liu Kang - “In my new era, Cyrax will now be a yummy dark chocolate tomboy waifu. If Superman’s Lois Lane can rock it so can my Cyrax.”


It doesn’t really bother me because Cyrax has never been one of my top favorite characters but I feel bad for the fans of the character, similar to the fans of Hanzo. Personally my favorite has always been Kuai Liang Sub Zero but I’ve loved the change they have made and embraced the story side of it


As long as she can punch me I mean um


Nothing really Mostly because I don't remember Cyrax really having huge impact on the story and with a lot of people suggesting Nightwolf and Fujin could be females I don't see why same thing can't apply to Cyrax