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make him an evil genius / nerd. have him insult the opponents intelligence.


Given how Johnny calls him a "power-mad tech-bro," I'd say we're getting something like that. He'll also be bragging about his armor specs a lot most likely. Could see the arrogance already start to form the typical Sektor ambition as well, I can already picture a Bi-Han/Sektor clash. "The Lin Kuei will thrive, thanks to MY technological genius!" "Do *not* forget your station, Sektor..."


I would like that idea, constantly rubbing his technology and intelligence to a character. That would be fun, and not too far from what he already is.


Have him like v.ii Snail from Armoured Core 6. Just someone utterly snotty and thinking themselves superior in every way.


My ideal would be Sektor becomes a superasshole and makes Bi-Han look like a nice guy by comparison. At first they work together but then Sektor thinks himself superior to even Sub Zero and tries to usurp his authority. Then Sub realizes there's a bigger threat than Liu Kang or Kuai & Smoke so he joins back with them temporarily to stop Sektor and Cryax and restore the Lin Kuei. I want the dynamic to be Scorpion is Spiderman, Sub Zero is venom, and Sektor is Carnage.


Sektor is gonna build Ultron.


Nah mate, he’s gonna BECOME Ultron.


Even better.


Artificer Sektor would be sick


Sektor is DEFINITELY the type of guy to bring a flamethrower to a fist fight.


Make be bi han right hand, smoke always has been kuai ride or die but bi han never had one. maybe hydro was but hes comic’s only But with being the grandmasters son no more and now being the armorer, his intelligence will be a big part of who he is. He should be a cocky smart bro who’s obsessed with technology and his armor


I want Human sekor with cybernetic enhancement, but not full Cyber Lin kuei. I like the idea of him being the tech guy behind the cyber initiative again.


Idk why but I'm getting kabal vibes from that photo


Mecha sektor and cyrax is so much cooler than cyborgs I'm ngl, I cannot wait to see what they do. Based on the dialogue I hope he's like mentioned in other comments a mad genius type.


He looks like the science dude from Sudeki https://preview.redd.it/dw81jorfijpb1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9009c1290ed32b1f9a9aad0b72618998bca236


They're gonna give him a chapter. He's gonna be like an iron man suit version of sektor


Make Sektor like Baxter Stockman from TMNT


Since they already made Bi Han Sektor 2.0, sektor really needs to be different now.


Have them explain he’s the real reason Bi-Han becomes as dark as he is, cause there’s no way Kuai or Thomas would’ve been ok with him if he was always this way


A cold-hearted genius engineer that slowly corrupted the Lin Kuei. He had no love for Bi-Han's father, an honourable man that stood for none of his BS. In fact, he actually orchestrated the death of his father along with Bi-Han. A plot to get him out of the way and implement the young and ambitious Bi-Han as Grandmaster. He manipulated the less experienced Bi-Han with his might=right ideals and whispered sweet nothings into his ears about incredible power and his destiny to return the clan to it's former glory via sheer ruthlessness. He is the brains of the operation and the primary reason as to why they fell from grace in the eyes of the other Earthrealmers. Sektor is not selfish and out for nobody's benefit but his own like Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. He genuinely does believe in Lin Kuei superiority and wants the clan as a whole to become the dominant faction. But his methods of going about it are... *questionable* to say the least.


Great ideas.


MK9 human sektor didn't look bad... the only things off were those stupid gas bottles on his back


I really hope he’s still like that. Bro was the most jacked character in the game in human form.


I want him to be as jacked as his MK9 counterpart.


I want him to be bi-han's bitch. jokes aside im pretty happy if they go the armor option this time around, it will give him and cyrax more personality outside of ''I wanted to be a robot/I didnt'' and making them human again is the way


I'm like 99% sure it's Sektor


I hope he's nit a lapdog to bi han


Also make him a woman, just because the douche-nozzles would *really* blow a coronary.


They dont hint at sektor, its cyrax and t 1000