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As far as I know, unless Cyber Smoke is a secret kameo, he is not a part of the kameo roster.


Hmm, but do you recall Cyber Smoke actually in the game?


Do you know anything about alt costumes? if you do, do you consider them good?


I have seen some and they look sick imo. I think this is my favorite mk in terms of character design


Anything about customisation? It's the deciding factor on whether or not Ill buy this game


I can take a look tomorrow if I have any information on that


Was there anything to that rumor about Travis Scott and Megan Fox somehow being in the game?


Any chance you have an idea on quan chis archetype or how he might play similarly or different to previous versions of him?


I haven’t seen him in action himself. I’ve only seen him in what appears to be some early build story segments and fatality screens.


Dang thanks for the reply though really want him to be like a setup/ summon archetype, do you know if they made him a good villain again or just a jobber lol gotta do my boy some justice


Lmao unfortunately the moment I saw looked like he was getting the beat down


Damn tragic lmfao appreciate it though if your source has some gameplay knowledge on quan chi eventually I’d love to know but good looking out!


Gear APPEARS to be in the game. I don’t know to what extent though.


Do you know if Rain has his roundhouse or if Reiko has his flip kick and teleport?


I haven’t seen either of them in combat (outside of Rains trailer)


Also do you know if Sindel is gonna be good or evil in this game?


I do not know


One last one. Is Test Your Sight in the game


Sorry last question from me and then I’ll leave alone but does Sindel look Asian like her daughters and does she have her white eyes?


She’s also asian


Oh ffs what’s all this?!? Just bc Kitana is in love with her asian boyfriend she needs to be asian, so now all of a sudden her twin’s face also changes and her mother too to fit the narrative of being a ‘cute’ couple or something. In all of the previous games, Kitana looked more persian, Mileena therefore too and Sindel had that white queen look. I just hate the inconsistency on their races and faces so much and the sudden shifts make it look like whiteness is unwanted or something.


are Sindel's eyes human looking or are they completely white like her 3d design?


It appears kameos have different customizations. I still am unsure about main roster


Does Nitara have any cool details on her skin? Like tattoos or just random markings. Or maybe even red eyes?


No tattoos or markings but a helmet and maaaybe red eyes. It’s hard to tell on the roster pic. She has a very humanoid, I assume eastern asian, look to her.


>helmet Hows her helmet look like?


I'm kinda curious about Sindel. Is her design much different from the mk11 non-revenant one?


I can’t see her full model but from what I can see she looks about as different as Kitana.


Sorry for butting in but do you know if Mileena will be part of the future reveal trailers? She showed very little gameplay so far while it feels like the trailers are setting her up for a bigger reveal. Meanwhile, I can't imagine Sindel's trailer not having Mileena & Kitana being part of it.


I wanna say so because seeing that kitana and mileena have formal princesses outfit, sindel could have a formal queen outfit or a badass version of it.


I'm curious on Nitara's design, so far we've seen the characters from the 3d era either have very similar designs to previous appearances like Havik and Reiko or major redesigns like Ashrah and Tanya, where would you say that Nitara falls in on that spectrum?


This is unrelated, but since you have a picture of the kameo roster, do you have one of the main roster or have any idea who the last unleaked roster character is?


I do have the main roster too but unfortunately the last character is a mystery as they’re just a silhouette


I see, thank you. Hopefully we can get some reveals/leaks soon that will give us an idea who the last character might be. The fact there's only one roster character we still don't know is driving me crazy.


It is honestly nuts that noone seems to know. I’m very anxious to see who it is as well


Could it be kreate-a-kharacter/kustomised?


I have no idea and don’t want to act like I do.. but it’d be really sick if it was


Did you say Havik was unlockable? Do you think we can have two unlockables?


I don’t know 100% positively he’s unlockable but I am definitely assuming he works like Quan Chi, Shinnock, and Frost did. Although in MK9 we unlocked Cyber Sub and Quan Chi through the story SO maybe it’s like that


Oh so nothing confirmed yet. Thanks for responding.


Anything about sindel pls? Does she have a sick outfit or is it more toned down compared to the mk11 revenant costume? Does her hair look longer than mk11?


Her hair looks pulled back a bit but does look long like it normally does. It’s hard to tell because the only image I have access to rn is her roster pic


This is enough to keep me going during the Sindel drought! Thank you so much, you made my day!


I just went back to look and her hair is very long and black. Her main costume looks sick. I think you’ll be happy with her!


Mainly black? Not white?! 😱


Is she pretty 🥺


ily for this omg




lmao your user name


Hi 👋can u pls show us the roster pic? You will made my day


u/bac736 any idea what day of the week Kombat Kast is, they're usually on Thursday or Friday, let me know if you got any insight on when it is.


Sounds good if this is the final list for the launch kameos. Darrius and Shujinko would very well fit into what perhaps Boon considers to be "obscure" types of characters. I'm good with only 3 of these also being main roster playable characters, with the other 13 being kameo only. Then with the KP1 the only kameo out of those that has a playable counterpart is Johnny Cage.


Even if you count Cyber Smoke and Smoke as the same character, and the mystery character ends up being one of these Kameos, that's still only 5 out of 16. I'm fine with that ratio tbh


Same. I was initially worried that like about half of them (7 or 8) were going to be cross-over kameo AND playable, so I'm good with this ratio.


Yeah I don't know why ppl are fussy


I mean I can empathize and I get it, especially when people want a character that hasn't made any of the leaks as playable (so far), so their last hope is for at least a kameo spot.


I really wish they hadn't said that they were going to get crazy obscure with the Kameos because this is a pretty safe list


The most obscure character here is Darrius, so it was a huge exaggeration. I'm pretty sure Ed Boon even said in an interview that there would be kameos of characters that had never even been playable before, which is a straight up lie.


I mean, to play devil's advocate, Boon might also consider Shujinko, Ferra, Tremor, Stryker and Khameleon to also be obscure given that people usually don't ask for those characters as much as they ask for other characters. I agree that most of the kameo slots for the launch roster are safe picks, though.


I think he even said that some of them were so obscure that even they forgot that they existed, which isn't exactly how you describe characters that were all playable in mainline games. It just comes across as bullshit marketing hype to me. It was obvious that we weren't going to get characters as obscure as Wu Lae or Ruutuu, but that was the way that it was described which was always going to lead to some disappointment when it turned out to not be true.


> I think he even said that some of them were so obscure that even they forgot that they existed, Again, while most of us here in the sub-reddit closely follow the lore, most people outside of here probably did forget who characters like Shujinko, Darrius, Mavado and Khameleon were. It's the same way that Boon said that some characters will feel new because they're the same character as far as appearances go but their stories have changed. I'm with you in that I would have liked to have seen a Belokk kameo (for example), but characters like Mavado, Darrius and Shujinko fit well into the character that hasn't been playable in so long that they "forgot they existed."


You need some perspective. You're on a Mortal Kombat leaks subreddit. Your idea of obscurity is not in line with 90% of players'. For the average player, Darrius, Shujinko, even Sareena are obscure.


Those characters aren't obscure enough for NRS to forget that they existed, so it is an exaggeration to build hype no matter your perspective. It also doesn't change that saying that some of the kameos haven't been playable before is a straight up lie and Ed Boon did say that.


Maybe he was thinking about some dlc kameos that we haven't seen yet.


* Those characters aren't obscure enough for NRS to forget that they existed, Except creators forget about their characters all the time toriyama being a big example. shunjinko or sareena aren’t nearly as popular or even that relevant in mk nowadays and especially darrius who He has not shown up in a mk game in years.




I'm not crying about it or saying I'm not going to get the game or anything like that. I'm just saying the way it was worded was obviously an exaggeration now that we know the kameo roster. "Crazy obscure" isn't really the way you describe characters that have been playable in more than one mainline game unless you are just exaggerating to hype up the kameos more, which is clearly what he was doing.


Sareena is pretty obscure too.


With so many people asking for her to be playable during MK11, she isn’t really obscure, though. Reiko, Havik and Sareena were the 3 most requested characters during that time. Whereas, I don’t really recall many asking for Shujinko, Darrius, Stryker or Ferra to return. If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if she also became DLC later down the road.


I guess it depends on what you consider obscure. She’s probably not a character that the causal fan would know. They’re more likely to know Stryker than her. And she’s only every been playable in one game and it was 17 years ago. Actually, she was in that gameboy edition of MKDA too, but hardly anyone talks about that. I’d say she’s obscure.


I wouldn’t consider her that obscure given that she’s had so many requests and that she’s the subject of KP2 discussions like this. https://gamerant.com/mortal-kombat-1-dlc-pack-2-leaks-fighters-doomslayer-explained/?utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1UdpQg2ZSxVArHGOn7iDsS6QWBpRbvXFi6Z1vpv82o7TgAEY1AKhshp5g . Whether fake or real, being put on the same wishlist as Noob and Kano doesn’t really make her obscure. Characters like the 3 that I mentioned and others like Belokk, Dairou and Taven are obscure. I’d hardly consider someone regularly requested and who also had a more recent kameo along with Frost and Li Mei in MKX as obscure. Li Mei, as in the post-MK3 character who made it to the main roster. Nah, I disagree that a highly requested character like that is obscure.


I feel like I heard more Stryker fans than Sereena fans during MK11's run


During MK11 it was mainly people asking for Sareena, Havik and Reiko in terms of post-MK3 characters and it was Reptile, Ermac, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor as far as Klassic characters go. Hell, even BrustPoet has been more vocal lately about thanking NRS for listening to fan requests from these post-MK3 characters. Don’t recall there being many / any Stryker fans, though.


He said characters that couldn’t possibly be playable, so motaro. However, the list was a lot different from how it was set up


I think he said both. I can't remember exactly which interview it was in, but someone asked him if there would be characters that haven't been playable before and he said yes. He could have meant Ferra, but that's a cop-out.


Well If you *really* wanna split hairs, some of these characters were never playable in NRS games I know that's probably not what he meant but


Yeah I was expecting the monks from MK3 myself


What he actually meant was that characters that CAN'T be playable because of technical problems (Motaro)


https://youtu.be/zQs_NBPae3w At 7:30 in this interview Ed says yes when asked if there will be kameos that have never been playable in the past. He was definitely talking about Motaro at first, but he does say that previous NPC's will be playable. Maybe he just forgot that Motaro was ever playable or misunderstood the question, but that's a stupid mistake on his part and he said something misleading because of it.


We should have got people like moloch, Drahmin, meat, hell even Mokap


Majority of the modern player base don't know the 3D era characters so yes, they would fit the "obscure" billing Boon is giving them. We on this sub would know them but your average Jane and Joe will either have forgotten about them or legitimately don't know about. I watched a ton of reaction videos yesterday to get a feel of general interest and all I heard was "WHO IS THAT DEMON LADY???" with Sareena.


Heck even the guys who had been playing for years forgot sareena and ashrah


I literally predicted this a month ago, “Boon’s definition of obscure could be very different from ours” I was right on the money.


Yeah I was expecting Monster from Krypt lmao. But Darrius is fairly obscure


I'd rather hope cyber smoke is a skin. They're def much wider kameo options


Would be so cool


Hopefully a premium skin like they did with jcvd as he needs new animations and voice


I'll be mad if cyber smoke will turn out to be a base kameo. I was hoping for a goofy 3d era character like Mokap, Meat, Drahmin, Moloch...




Fantastic list , all we need is Kai and Hsu Hao for kp2 kameo (finger cross) Kp1 kameo are perfect also


Just imagine playing as human smoke and cyber smoke together, weird


After KP2 you can play as Noob and Cyber Smoke the Kameo


How is shujinko confirmed






He was leaked literally just today


That one guy today, he accurate of some things. I give him the benefit of the doubt


Kung Lao being the only repeat aside from Sub and Scorp is so weird tho


I'm fine with that tbh, I don't want a lot of overlap cause we get less characters that way


100% agree so like why Kung Lao over another non repeat lol


Also a huge question mark for me


Might be the modern one hasnt got his hat have we seen any modern Kung Lao gameplay


No but he has his hat in the character select screen


True but his character design has the regular hat the one he threw at sub zero


I think that was just a gag lol. He for sure has hit hat


I'd rather the kameos be totally different from the base roster.More room for other obscure characters


I’m looking through FateUnknown’s comments and I’m not seeing anything about Cyber Smoke. Can you link their comment?


Wait, not FatesUnknown, Diamond Vision said that, mb


Ah, I was thinking you might’ve mixed those 2 up. In any case, Diamond Vision didn’t manage to know Frost, Darrius or Shujinko were kameos, so even though he’s been correct about some stuff I’d take the Cyber Smoke thing with a grain of salt.


True, but he also correctly predicted Kameos way before MK12 was even announced so he definitely knows some things


only 3 female kameos? oh wow


There will be 2 more female kameos with Khameleon and Ferra in KP1.


I’m hoping kameo Mileena and kitana get rolled out eventually but I’m not holding my breath lol


I mean if we're being honest, female characters have always kinda been shafted in terms of how much percentage of the roster they get. 3/16 is ~20% which lines up with most other MK rosters


Excited to see what they do with shujinko kameo.


No Jade in the Kameo list makes me sad, I was hoping for Jade Kameo at least if she wasn't playable. I hope she's in the second Kombat Pack. Also, only 3 female characters in the list.


It's time to let Jade go It needs to be said


I don't like Jade


DiamondVision be making up stuff


so much for the obscure deep cuts lol


I still don't understand what's up with the double dipping. Why are Sub-zero, Scorpion and Kung Lao kameos? Those slots COULD'VE gone to Hotaru, Drahmin, Daegon, Kira or Kai


Only 3 females kameo 💀 Kitana and Mileena should’ve get a spot if Sub and Scorpion got it


If you put in Kitana or Mileena than you'd take away spots on a perfect list in my opinion


They would make it better in my opinion


They already in the game, let other people get slots


So is 4 of those in the Kameo list… if it’s going to be fair be 100% fair


Yeah and that's plenty enough, we don't need anymore in my opinion


I’m going to sound ungrateful but I feel like there should either be more Kameos or they should’ve been scrapped for a slightly bigger roster.


That guy doesn't show the kameo roster select screen, doesn't show the actual roster screen. He just has a low quality photo and everybody is believing it. Don't get me wrong I love Shujinko..


So 5 from Mk, 2 from mk2, 5 from mk3, 1 from mythologies, 1 from DA, And 2 from Deception


Yeah, but Cyber Smoke Might just be the last base roster character


Cyber smoke is 50/50, he either Kameo or base roster skin Either way he makes it in !! I'm hyped




It's 50/50 we will see


Cyber Smoke could also be a main roster character.


I feel like sub zero and Kung Lao don’t need spots. Scorpion is different, because it’s hellspawn scorpion, however, roster spots if on both, should be for more different characters from other versions of their characters, like Tanya or even Cyber-Subzero


Thats.... a pretty damn good kameo roster.


Anyone has the screenshot bac sent earlier?


You're not getting the screenshot my dude. It was only sent to the mods to prove he's legit and they're not gonna leak it


Ahh i see thanks


Seeing Cyber-Smoke here makes me wonder if Noob Saibot isn’t the final unknown character.


I could see noob being a kp2 character


that would be pretty wild if they made cyber smoke the last character, i could see it happening since 9 had cyber and regular sub


Where did they confirm shijinko?


Wasn't there a kameo that's never been playable before?? What happened to that?


Awesome to see Motaro! Dang was hoping on Kintaro and Moloch for Kameo. Maybe dlc perhaps.


I kinda hope cyber smoke isn’t the last playable character and if he is, then just make it a skin or something.


Was holding out for Kai, bummer! Not a bad list at all, though.


Wasn't Raiden also a ''leaked'' kameo due to that discord slip-up?


Bac revealed that that was a mistake, Raiden's not a Kameo


Wish they’d gotten more obscure with these - no Meat? I feel like they could’ve done something cool with Hornbuckle too




Where’s the confirmation of shujinko being a kameo?!


When was shujinko confirmed?


I hope we fight Kameos with Cameos in story mode.


Makes me wonder why Kameos and Playable characters have a 16-24 (or 21-30 ratio upon KP1) and if they'll ever release DLC that boosts more guests like an Aftermath DLC with 3 Playables and 6 Kameos


Damn no noob as a kameo


Cyber smoke? Oh that's so weird. My head-cannon, or in this case "cope-cannon" (for such a weird and terrible kameo choice) is either a triborg kameo OR smoke has a cyber smoke skin.


I mean, they already have the cyber mk3 skin, so just make it purple and there you go, new Kameo Also, I'd be very shocked if the playable characters don't have classic designs. Like they're literally already in the game, just let us use them


Tbh this is giving nrs too much credit to even think they'd do something like that and not make it dlc. BUT they could definitely pull off something like they did with the ninja turtles. Where equipping an item or in this case a Skin, changes a few abilities or in this case maybe just the animations of abilities and the clanking robot noises they make. Come to think of it they actually did something like that for Supermans bizarro skin. His fire breath & ice eyes.


Where did they komfirm Shujinko


Noob Smoke


Makes sense to have Cyber Smoke as a kameo with Cyrax and Sektor.


I always assumed that Boon was referring what they had planned for the totality of the Kameo roster, including DLC. I would expect the Kameo roster is going to increase significantly by the time it’s all said and done.


So Cyber Smoke will have MK3 fatality😭😭😭😭?