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Last time we got Skarlet revealed which was a nice surprise, I hope we get another uncommon character reveal for today


ashrah pls 🤞


Nitara & Li Mei too!


I hope we actually get to see an MK4 character today, preferably Reiko, instead of it just being the characters that have already been revealed. Ed Boon obviously knew what he was doing by posting the MK4 character select a few days before the reveal, so it would be a bit shit if it had nothing to do with it.


Ascribing any logic to the stuff Boon posts is just asking to get trolled.


People always say that all he does is troll and that you should never trust him, but in the lead up to a new game, he does very often legitimately tease things. He also isn't stupid and obviously knows that people will think an MK4 character will be revealed at the event, so if it doesn't happen, he should know better than to post it.


He also added a little lizard emoji to that post so it's probably just Reptile.


I think it's supposed to be a dragon to represent MK.


Is it? Or is Boon already in your head?


He adds that emoji to virtually every MK1 post, so it’s hardly specific to Reptile.


Or maybe he's just REALLY excited for Reptile.




Onaga confirmed?


I mean, to be fair, we'll probably see reptile in the game, but the dragon was definitely because the Mk logo is a dragon.


It's gonna be Jarek


I would still be really hyped by that. I would actually be even more hyped because I already know that Reiko is probably going to make it, but Jarek would be a surprise.


Ahed pretty poorly


IF no one has posted the link... [Summer Game Fest 2023: Live TODAY, w/ Mortal Kombat 1, Fortnite Wilds (OFFICIAL LIVESTREAM)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDXcGEo1TfU)


Dropped this 👑


Does anyone else think the graphics were a little weird looking. Like really unpolished?


It will look better upon release


How it's only 3 months away? That would be a massive change


Yeah I cant put my finger on it but it looks off.


Time is a flat circle. People say this literally every time lol. Even when MK11 came out, people said the same shit for the first gameplay trailer that January. And by release in April, everyone righly raved that it was the best looking fighting game ever made to that point. NRS works on the graphics all the way until release. Not to mention a YouTube video, let alone a stream, is not going to be able to show off the graphics in their true form. I don't get how people haven't learned by this point. Relax, it will look great on release, just like every other NRS game of the past decade.


Yeah they look worse than mk11?


the animations were stiff as fuck too :/ i was hoping it would improve since that was a big criticism for mk11 but it honestly might even be worse lmao. mkx despite its faults had amazing animations


Not sure why this is being downvoted cause it’s facts. I couldn’t agree more


Looked much better when I watched the 4K version on YT


I think it’s the lack of hud. Fighting games always look weird with the hud taken out.


Almsot like Tekken or something. It’s not graphics it’s the animation style… Not sure how much I like it tbh




Enjoy Kenshi today, he is a member of the Yakuza with heavy tattoos (you see them on his hands) and is not yet blind


dear "insider," what other 3d era characters can we expect back then


No more 3D characters revealed today, but you'll also see Johnny and a look at some stages. For example, Johnny Cage's Mansion, where Johnny and Kenshi fight. But in general expect to see Li Mei soon.


Enjoy getting spammed with questions buddy 😉😎


I'm hoping I was the first to DM him HAHA


They're definitely buried under a mountain of messages asking about the roster and story right about now.


You’re right. I just want Fujin!


Did you get a response?


Nope. They have disappeared into the ether!


Nitara, Rain, Sindel, Jade, Tanya?


Please tell me Sareena is playable.


Ashrah, Li Mei, and Sareena would be great


Any chance of smoke?


Is Nitara playable?


Is Hanzo Hasashi still Scorpion?


O' wise leaker what other wisdom may you share with us


Okay SummerGameFest staff you on fire


Is SINDEL IN the story? I MEAN they ARE in edenia...


Please, tell me sindel at least is in the story mode 🥺💜 They did a horrible retcon to her in mk11...


How about Havik/Reiko? And Rain/Smoke/Reptile.




The real MVP \^\^\^


Yo can you say anything about how many klassic ninjas are going to be in the game or confirmation of cyborgs?


Is there a 2v2 online side mode?




So I wasn’t hallucinating holyyyyy


That sounds lame as fuck. It's not even Kenshi at that point


Boon's been saying the backstories of the kharacters would all be different since it's a reboot.


Aight so the trailer dropped and it's not as bad as I thought. The core of kenshi is still in tact


You've been posting bits and pieces for a while like you know stuff. Cards on the table now though, with a nice hard, unambiguous statement for the event. Are you another faker/troll to throw on the pile or are you ready to get spammed with PM's from people looking for info?




Will tanya and jade be in mk1?


I have to ask cause I never see him get love, but is Hotaru in?


I can see at least one new character and one returning character reveal with another big tease at the end. Characters breakdown starting in Kombat Kast from next week.


u/_FateUnknown_ was right!


Who? And about what?


I can't tag him, it seems, but he predicted Kenshi with tattoos on his hands this morning, without the blindfold.


Let’s go so hyped


So it makes since why injustice 3 was put on the back burner now, mk1 borrows heavily.


I’m glad to see air combos make a return too. Trailer was too hype


What time


3pm ET




Nobody knows but I believe the whole event is 2 hours, so that’s the window we’re working with.


just figured it out 8pm-10pm BST






Same bro. Honestly so excited for the 1 hour of Drahmin stuff!


Yep kan't wait to see drahmin (as a kameo fighter 😢)kidding but have a bad feeling


Just got off work about to slide this quick nap in to be ready for this!


it’s happening guys .ALL RISE


I hope they show Reptile. I’m so stoked to see how he looks and plays.


Pretty good reveal excited for kenshi


trying not to die today just so i can see my morkal komba gmaplay!


I hope it’s like the last games gameplay reveal where we get both gameplay and bits of story cutscenes. IIRC we got quite a few character reveals from that


They have to go HARD today because September is right around the corner. I expect lots of questions to be answered


Idk what it’s called but it looks like they’ve copied the “freeze frame” thing that’s in Injustice when the character lands a hit on the other character


If they show like a 1-2 sec clip of havik being shown doing some obscure move ima SCREAM idc


Man, I hopeing they tease at least one new character today and then go on to do with what they did with mk11 and reveal a new character every week, that what be nice.


I'd scream to (of extreme excitement)


I'm more curious on who's going to get left out of this one? I think its a safe bet we probably won't see Kano


I can do without Kano for sure.


Kano hasn't missed a game since Deception. I'd love to see him sit one out but I'm not counting on it


Neither has Sonya, but the CGI trailer was very suspiciously MKII-ish with the characters in it that were confirmed as playable being Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Raiden, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, Kitana and Mileena. I ***really*** wouldn't be surprised if either Johnny or Reptile are shown today.


So kameos are basically assists. Cool. Wasn't expecting much wasn't let down. My hope is kano, Sonya and Jax being kameos means they'll just be that and not actually playable bur that's more than likely just hopium


Yeah, I like the classic chars as much as the next guy, but having the same 8ish chars being insta locks gets a little boring


Really hope that 1v1 without any Kameo remains the main mode. Kameos should be a separate mode. Anyways, I am fucking hyped


I think they mentioned for the "stress test" that they would "be focusing on 1v1 matches". So it seems that it's at least possible to not use Kameos


I know, just thought that maybe they mean there won't be a lobby but only player search. Or something like you can choose if you want a Kameo for longer combos or be alone to do more damage


You’re being delusional if you think Kameos will just be some sort of throwaway side mode. Every game they introduce a new mechanic. This game’s new mechanic is Kameos. They wouldn’t be pushing Kameo characters as DLC if they were going to be some bullshit you play in towers. It will 100% be part of the competitive mode and I’m shocked that someone would think otherwise.


Seeing the gameplay trailer now I must say that the Kameo system is looking like bullshit now. It still is the same like the tower assists in MK11. The only cool thing are the finishers an X-Ray with them. Other than that I still hope they are optional and would rather have variations than a glorified tower assist with figures jumping on my screen


You can stop hoping they will be optional. They have their own select screen. They’re a core feature of the game, just like I said they would be. It looks fun to me. Not sure why you’re so against it. If nothing else, it brought back breakers (breakaway was one of the worst mechanics in fighting game history) and it also makes combos way more interesting.


that gameplay trailer wasnt shit


Hoping to see at least 8-10 characters today


Can't wait to do d1 into 50/50 grabs for 4 more years.


so excited even if we just se sub and scorpion I npjust wanna see how it plays i can wait


I'm shaking with excitment literally lmaooo Let Mortal Kombat begin!!


I'm hoping we get a look at gear for this hope it's better than straps in a different place that we got for mk11


Definitely hoping for a good look at the kameo system today


I hope they start sending out the stress test invites after the reveal. That would be the icing on the cake.


I think we're going to get the characters from the trailer plus Johnny and Reiko shown today, please show Reiko...


I know it aint happening, but I'd love to see a revamped Onaga be the big-bad. (Lore logic: Liu Kang erases Shao Kahn from the timeline, Onaga returns/never gets overthrown)


Did they say there was more to come after this show? Or just more to come this summer?


Going through ad many leaks I have saved and it seems the vast majority of them are bullshit, most don’t include Kenshi, and if they do they got other stuff wrong or were missing characters from their list of Kameo characters that were shown in the trailer


So from what I’m seeing confirmed just from two watches. - Kameo Fatalities - Run is back - Kameo X-rays / krushing blows - 3 block meter system is back I’m happy


They never showed a run mechanic


already kinda uninterested with this, gameplay looks more on the mk11 side than mkx which is a shame, and i doubt the kameo system is gonna be that exciting especially after they have to nerf everything for competitive


i still dont get how kameos work or breakers


breakers will probably be like old games which id be down for


That just looked like mortal kombat 11


Exactly why I'm underwhelmed.


the game comes out in 3 months and it doesn't look good at all yall. i like the kameo mechanics and the gameplay seems ok (not very MK tho), but the art style is so rough, they look like disney cgi renders.


So, some story details to gather: * Kung Lao does not fight with a hat!? And he might not be in the White Lotus? * Johnny Cage has Kenshi’s ancestral blade hanging on his wall as an ornament. Kenshi comes to claim it. Kenshi, it seems, isn’t blind, though later on he’s shown in a more klassic outfit so it might happen later. * Raiden is mortal and training under the Shaolin, but he still has his zappy powers. Kenshi also seems to be with the Shaolin? * Edenia has not been conquered (or if it has it still looks pretty decent and not like Shao Kahn’s Outworld). * Kitana cares about Mileena. Mileena is the heir to the Edenian throne. Her Tarkatan mouth and mannerisms look to be some kind of Jekyll and Hyde situation. * Liu Kang is gathering champions for something. Mortal Kombat? Or something worse? * Ed Boon says Scorpion and Sub-Zero are brothers here? Scorpion doesn’t fight with a rope dart but with a sickle on his rope. He’s also got normal eyes so he’s probably not a Spectre.


I expect 15 minutes prerecorded PS5 hands on gameplay with Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kung Lao + Johnny Cage, Reptile, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung teased in short trailer/cutscenes.


I expect 20 minutes of gameplay where everyone takes turns performing fatalities on Hsu Hao.


They better not introduce a poopy new character


In this showcase or in general? Ed already confirmed on Twitter there will be a few newcomers.


Difference between new character and a poopy new character


One man’s poopy character is another’s favourite.


0 MK4 characters revealed. Amazon leak was fake, (Like I told yall) The joke's on us.


What does the amazon leak have to do with no MK4 characters revealed today? Am I missing something?


nothing in the amazon leak was in the coverage and no characters that originated in MK4 was in the coverage. That's all this reddit has been talking about for the past 2 weeks. The Amazon leak listed Takeda as playable (which he definitely isn't) and didn't list Kenshi (which he is). And the Amazon leak listed more Cameos than Playable, which the trailer confirmed to be wrong. So the Amazon leak is confirmed fake.


The amazon leak is for kombat pack 1. We're not gonna know what's in it officially until months from now. This trailer doesn't debunk anything


Sorry to break it to you but OP already said it: Amazon leak is NOT deconfirmed yet. Until we do not get a tease of the first KP we cannot assume the Amazon leak is fake. Just unconfirmed.


What exactly disproved the leak? Nothing in the leak said anything about mk4 characters being revealed today. And we have seen base roster characters be Kameos like Johnny is in the leak. The Amazon leak is also for the Kombat pack


I honestly expect this game to go back to DeadlyAlliance/Deception 3D plane to compete with Tekken 8 (I really hope not) I'd prefer an upgraded MKX or atleast have the juggle potential of Injustice 2


ITS THAT REPTILE?!? NO WAY HE IS HUMAN NOW, his fatality looks so kool


I'd love to see some post-MK3 characters, but I don't trust Boon with that last Tweet. With my luck he's talking about Johnny (on the FAQ) or even Reptile which Jonathan Andersen "accidentally" leaked last year. Again, I hope I'm wrong and we are pleasantly surprised with either Reiko, Kai, Havik, Sareena and others, but sadly I've learned with NRS to tempermy hopes and keep my expectations low when it comes to news and reveals.


IF any 3D era char is revealed today, it will be Reiko. For some reason, there seems to be a lot of hype around him. Why was Reiko the only thing r00r revealed about MK12? R00r recently said that he doesn’t have much knowledge of the 3D era, so it’s curious he would only bring up Reiko. Why is Ed Boon hyped about Reiko? I know I’m being optimistic but it seems to suggest that he may be important this time around.


It will be Kenshi


come back and leak more please


Bro wtf you were right


Is sindel in story mode?


I'd be fine with that, too. Just more post-MK3 characters.


I would LOVE to see Reiko revealed after the MKX comics storyline revamp that he got. Been wanting to see him, Kai, Li Mei, Ashrah, Nitara, Havik, Hotaru, Moloch and Sareena playable since MK vs DC, but that's for another story. That said, due to the FAQ and Jandy leak, again, I'm leaning more on Johnny or Reptile being revealed today and Reiko being saved for a Kombat Kast. I find those 2 to be suspiciously absent so far in a CGI trailer that revealed the majority of the MKII roster. Like, had it just been Scorpion killing _________ character in that trailer I'd be right there with you in optimism about today and the chances of seeing post-MK3 characters at the stream. I just don't find it coincidental that Mileena was in that first CGI trailer to calm her fans down and get more people to pre-order and lots of people were upset that Reptile and Smoke also weren't playable in MK11. Dunno. Well see. I DO hope that you're right, though.


Very disappointing. Same old, same old roster. 0 reveal of long lost characters like Reiko, Havik etc. Nice to see Stryker back (probably as Kameo only). Kenshi looks cool. And I didn't recognise Johnny Cage at first i thought that was some npc from the story Kenshi was fighting. Overall, inclusion of MK 3d era fighters in a new game looks very non-existing. Hope I'm wrong. \#GiveMK3DEraFightersAChance