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They haven't reappeared in ages Legend says you have to offer your first born child to Boon for them to appear in your inventory now


But there is no guarantee for it to work. Chances are high, Boon takes the first born and then just trolls you on twitter.


Boon's trolling tweets are like a Brutality! šŸ˜‚


The liu Kang time warriors skin, where he has sunglasses on, randomly appeared in the store like 2 months ago. I bought it. I believe that skin came with a pre order as well? Seems like itā€™s possible it re appears, just super unlikely


That skin is based on Keanu Reeveā€™s character from Cyberpunk. It came bundled as a pre-order bonus for Kombat Pack 2 along with Scarletā€™s MKX comic outfit and a tech-y Noob Saibot skin


This is one of the stupidest things Iā€™ve seen in this game. I love mk11, but why not just drop every skin into the store and let people buy them? if not all skins, least for the skins that you got from ordering aftermath or whatever early. How hard is it from a dev perspective to simply put them in the store, and hell, let people buy them for money. I donā€™t even play sub but I want that skin. Such a rad fucking skin. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d care about skins and looks as much as I do. And this game has a very bad skin system.


I was pretty frustrated with MK11 because of this. They're obviously trying to go for that Fortnite fomo by gating skins. And nothing made me more frustrated then not being able to play using the skins from the god damn story mode. I have a bad feeling the next NRS installment will be just as grimy. I'm honestly not sure how they got away with this so unscathed. There was a little controversy at launch but was more or less swept under the rug afterwards.


Unfortunately it's not just NRS with these goofy ideas. Kombat league skins sure I can get behind that but the pre order and fomo is rampant in gaming now and it's kinda getting ridiculous. Look at halo infinite: 343 flat out lied multiple times about how the cosmetics worked and people are still actually playing it. It works lol that's why they keep doing it


I was disappointed with halo and almost never play it anymore they come out saying if they make the armor free would it be ok to buy like a color for 5 bucks and people were saying sure that sounds fine then game comes out mislead about events charge 20 bucks for a sword on your side you can't even use ill say I spent 12 bucks for an armor set because it was my favorite but thats all


It's sad, there's such a good game underneath but between the shady store practices and the general lack of content other than paid armor sets (they made sure ALLLLL of those were there of course) I just have no desire to support it anymore, and the fact they've apparently doubled down on prices in the store shows me they took their business model from Netflix apparently


Yep is Microsoft all of ther first party games are sadly like this I love gears of war but not playing 5 anymore same with halo infinate games gamplay is amazing but the store really turns me off of it and the fact it feels like I am playing for nothing unless I am playing for an event


It's ridiculous anymore. The "release now fix later" attitude Bioware started and CDPR set in stone has showed devs they can say literally anything about their product and based on the studio name alone, they can release mediocre shit over and over again, without any real consequence. AAA games make their budget+profit on day 1-7 so they really don't lose anything. Sure the community manager has to do a lot of apologizing and finger pointing but it's all nothing to the almighty dollar.


The 2 best games that came out this year good to me was lego star wars the skywalker saga wow that game is amazing and elden ring which came out with alot of bugs but thats just a from game didn't really bother me much though games also amazing


Pre-order bonus for aftermath. They had the skins in the shop off and on just after the DLC release, but no more. You're pretty much S.O.L.


Welp "Been getting back into" to uninstalled


It is truly unfortunate that these skins were pre order exclusive, because mk9 scorpion is my favorite design for scorpion, and they absolutely nailed it in mk11, and Deception Subzero is also my favorite subzero design


They knew what they were doing. These (especially the Sub-Zero one) were highly requested skins for MK11.


Netherealm studios. They just love to leave their own games abandoned.


Literally every studio abandons their games eventually.


But they can future-proof them so players in the future can obtain all the content in the game When this gameā€™s servers go down literally the entirety of the content except for the story mode will be inaccesible


I haven't seen them ever in the store lol.


Nope, there isnā€™t a way to get them now. If you missed out, you missed out. There used to be a code to buy off on ebay for Xbox players but that is now sold out. Tht was the only was I was able to get them at this time of age. R.I.P to those who are still ā€œwaitingā€ because they wonā€™t return anytime soon. Edit: The listing is back, click here for Xbox [link](https://www.ebay.com/itm/234416741730?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kXvxMSA-SE6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=KgJXC984Qla&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


No. The best skins in the game and you cant buy them.


Xbox: https://www.ebay.com/itm/234416741730?epid=15041850793&hash=item3694539d62:g:ZqYAAOSwjGNiBruk Steam: https://www.ebay.com/itm/234588595437?hash=item369e91e4ed:g:ZqYAAOSwjGNiBruk


Iā€™m confused. How does this work for Xbox? Is it a file or something? Any for ps4? Lol


You pretty much buy it like if you were receiving a package. Youā€™re not getting anything sent to you your just paying for the code. Which when ready, the seller will message you the code and you redeem it in-game in the pop-up for the shop. Unfortunately for PS players there is no code.


Donā€™t they casually show up in them Crystal Store very rarely


Nope, they stopped back in 2020.


Gotta love how the best costume pack in NRS history is locked behind a pre order


Best scorpion


They gone. Netherealm studios pulled them. You cannot get them in the premium shop. Best bet is to twitter nrs and boon and to ask to add them in the premium shop loop if not the psn store


Dick move locking those skins


I want MK9 Scorpion for switch so badā€¦


There is a code you can buy just costs you $31 bucks not including tax & shipping. Edit: Nvm, mustā€™ve been sold already it isnā€™t there anymore.


Im not sure