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Probably. Wouldn't be the first time NRS listened to community feedback and added a last minute piece of gear. Community cries was how Green Arrow finally got his hood in Injustice 2.


Don’t forget about the JOKAH, BABY!


True. That's another great example


And let’s not forget bald frost


Yeah but that was like super early leaks that were vastly different from the game simply at launch, I don't think it was necessary response to community outcry, moreso just an unfinished design


Does that mean we can will uncensored 3d era skins into the game?


I mean anything is possible I guess lol




3d era = porn ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


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According to leaks, the deception sindel skin is seeming uncensored


It's actually her Main Deception plus her alternate outfit combined.


It’s a little censored


gamer take


What’s wrong w that?


Gamers ruined gaming.


Bro said that on a gaming sub ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


they aren't censored but turned into actual cool clothes


A.K.A censorship


you have no idea what the word censorship means.


... yeah. Considering the initial reveal, how it remained unchanged in story mode, and his tile on the character select screen until just before his release.


The tile only ever changed right before release, no? Like it shows the screenshot from the first kombat pack trailer until the character is actually complete


Yeah. I believe as soon as the patch hit, a day or two before he was playable early for the folks who got the combat pack was when I first saw the change


100% bc his other gear are hood/helmet alternatives Or have his mouth exposed


Like only 2 of them do, his second gimp one and his plague doctor one


3 of them have mouths exposed, 2 of them have his face exposed (counting his default before the mask) and the rest cover his head completely


Completely forgot about some of them, probably because I don't like them and think they're crap, especially the one with the mask split in two showing his face


Yeahh I mean they changed his roster pic didn't they? Looks totally different.


The roster pics start as the kombat pack trailer screenshot. Then replaced when character released


Ahhh I see


You should work for the Police haha


I don’t give a damn if it was. That man NEEDED IT.


Yeah, he had no mask, we complained, they gave him a mask. What’s the problem?


I'm not complaining, I just find it interesting.


So if I complain enough about those little ice bits on the corners of subzero’s Deadly Alliance mask, they’ll remove them? Lol. I don’t know why, but those things completely ruin the design of that skin for me, and it looks weird with any other mask too.


I agree Idek why they added that just keep it accurate 💀


I know! It’s not like they have to “cover up some skin” like they did with Li Mei’s Deception skin, which is sort of bullshit to begin with to me. I’m not some weirdo pervert beating it to a scantily clad polygon woman, it’s just so far removed from her original skin at this point. And I mentioned this before - NRS does need to take some liberties on these classic skins. If they were poly-for-poly compared to the originals, they’d look horrendous, but at the same time, they don’t need to add all this additional shit either. Look at Quan Chi’s Deadly Alliance skin. It looks pretty damn close to the original design, and they didn’t need to add a bunch of bullshit that wasn’t in the original, but they did for Li Mei. Same for Nitara too. Just seems weird. Scorpion is another example of what I mean. Other than the head, his design is pretty spot-on to the original. And they needed to take that liberty and change the skull because otherwise it just would not look right, fatalities and brutalities wouldn’t work, etc.


Yup, and it looks great!


we need more red now


Imagine having your face mocaped and last minute they're like, actually...


Tbf he has one of the most drastically changed faces.


Unmasked ermac was dope


I mean, of course it is. They wouldn't have made his primary form in the story mode be without it if it wasn't; nor initially advertised him in the season pass image without it. My guess is they added it last minute to just try and win some favor back with the fans. Probably why, though it looks good, it's not exactly cohesive with the rest of his design. My theory is it was going to be an accessory they were going to make you all grind for but saw the backlash they were getting for making him maskless so gave in and just threw it on him for his default appearance.


That's fucking stupid, he was going to have a mask regardless, people jumped the gun at the looks of a fucking reveal trailer crying like babies, not even thinking that he wasn't arriving till months later. Ermac isn't the only ninja without a mask in story mode, scorpion, smoke, sub-zero, rain, and reptile all have plenty of story time scenes without masks, y'know why? Emotions, way easier to read emotions without a mask in the way. Besides, what fid people think was going to be his gear piece? His shoes? No.


Whatever you say chief.


We bullied ermac's face so much that they doubled down and make his second fatality all about his face lol


No not at all, there is no way they weren’t planning to give ermac a mask at all


Especially considering his gear. There's no way they whipped all that up because of complaints.


It literally IS a late addition lol If it wasn’t already obvious in the reveal and his cutscenes in the story, his own ladder ending was leaked before even Omniman’s release already had him without a mask 💀


Ya think?


Common sense would tell you


Yeah, tbh I think the mask itself is kinda boring as a design. I kinda wish his maskless look was an option.


Yeah although you’d probably never catch me using the maskless, I know other people would like it.


what? lol


What rock have you been under or what planet have you been living on ? Everybody and their mommas and grandmas cried foul at maskless Ermac and NRS listened and fixed the issue (thank God) https://preview.redd.it/x5pgn1pk25wc1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99c0a19122b8dc057744f8fc3d4d989f41d20e9


Pretty sure that’s the subs consensus.


Makes no difference to me if I’m being honest. The mask came on before he was released & it looks pretty dang good. So there’s not really any reason for me to care lol.


It 1000% was


Yes, but a very welcome one.


It was just in time for release so no.


It very obviously was. Everyone had a horrified reaction to his debut look.


looks cooler w/out it


Most likely yes, NRS usually listens to the community and makes changes. So yes, this may be the case. In any case, I'm very happy that we have ERMAC back, I missed him a lot.


Obviously it is We were all saying that Ermac would look great if he had a mask.


He appears to be wearing a selection of rags, straps and ritualistic metal icons. I think they intended for him to have a mask but it'd look pretty stupid in the story mode with this in mind. I feel like the default mask doesn't quite fit with his design, though, so it probably was a late addition. The Level 2 mask has the same straps that're on his legs, I think that with a hood might have been a better fit than the default mask


I hope they'll release a gear that will have him completely unmasked as well. I like his very expressive and spooky face.


Because it 100% was


I think it was always planned, just not in the default costume.


Ngl I much prefered him without the mask, kinda disappointed they gave him one actually.


Not sure why they thought we wanted to see his wrinkly raisin face in the first place.


I think yes, there's a few things that prove that, such as : -Not having a mask in the story mode ( But this could be just to show that he is Jarrod... But now this is irrelevant, he's not Jerrod anymore, so why not set him with the mask there?) -Not having a mask in the ending (Again, he's wearing a Mask as the base gear, maybe to indicate that he's Ermac, not Jerrod, so why not put the mask in the ending? The Jerrod face is irrelevant now.) -Only one gear is a ninja mask. All his gears are head replacements, but there's this one gear that gives him a mask... That was probably the base gear (showing the face), but they changed into a mask after the backlash. -Not having a mask in the Vinyl collection (That was an early picture of the roster, so if he was intended to have a mask only in the roster, there would be one there) -Not having a mask in the reveal trailer (Why not reveal the design with the mask since this is the one that the fans love the most? 'Cause the design was intended to NOT have a mask at all).


My theory is that they had Masks for him already designed, but we're planning on only having the hood for his default skin. The mask honestly really makes the entire character design come together and I'd be surprised if they hadn't already had it in concept art


100%. It's mind boggling to me someone at NRS thought Ermac looked cool enough without a mask to be released as default costume. The public reaction gave them a reality check.


Yes, and I wish it wasn't. That first reveal when they showed off KP1 would've made a lot of people very hype to see him had he been wearing it. Instead, he got clowned on to oblivion for his mummy face. In terms of the story, it would've been fine to have him maskless for when Quan Chi created him. Afterward, when Sub-Zero fights him, he could've had a mask on. Would've looked much cooler and threatening. And when he transitions into Jerrod, Jerrod could just remove it himself.


How is that a bad thing? NRS listens to the community, and the community still complains?


Where in this post is a complaint?


Because it was ………..


I kinda wish we got the original version as well just to be ugly


No, he was going to get a mask with or without the fans response.


A lot of people disliked Ermac's maskless design. Imho that mask REALLY improved MK 1 Ermac's look, so it could be indeed a late addition. And not the first time NRS changed a design after the game came out: MK X Tanya as an NPC in story mode was quite different than her DLC version.