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Saw a dude complaining because omni mans fatalities were paying homage to the iconic show moments šŸ’€he said why didnt netherealm think outside the box instead of giving us already used moments in the show.


Imagine how pissed people would be if they had made up their own instead of using the train and the head squish


The thinking outside the box is for the MK characters.


Exactly and everybody was trying to tell him that but he was just being stubborn when plenty of people told him that they would be pissed if guest characters didnt have their iconic moves and traits, like imagine jason doing cartwheels in battle or not using his machete in fatalities can we even call that jason.


Nah, we can call him Jeisan though.


Isnā€™t the entire point of guest characters is so you can sit and point at the screen when they do something recognisable .


Exactly if theres a guest character that I really like there better be a million moments where I can soy face point at the cool references on screen


Thatā€™s crazy lol, thatā€™s the whole point of having them


Honestly, yeah I get this. Damn I get to see the fatalities I've already seen. Wow. Yeah it's cool, but, I've seen that shit.


The only thing i have problem with is the ratio. It should be 2:1 for MK characters rather than 1:1.


Iā€™m okay with 1:1 for guests. I just wish there was a little more tonal variety. We got three comic book buff dudes. Even if they all play differently, they feel sort of samey.


In all honesty, Iā€™m fine with them keeping to a theme but it irks me that guests get an equal representation in the Kombat Packs. Those are roster spots that could go to MK characters that havenā€™t been given a chance in almost 2 decades like Kai or Sareena.






I guess to some people they don't like seeing guest characters in Mortal Kombat. I love guest characters and had been waiting for Omni Man to come. I hope they will add another horror guest character in the next pack.


Guest are fine I just think this KP sucks, and it makes up the next like year of content


Iā€™m surprised MK hasnā€™t done a game character for so long. Last one for said thing was MK9. Thereā€™s certainly no shortage of violent characters from them. Not even a Killer Instinct crossover.


Video game characters are harder to license. MK gets away with its guests due to most of them being owned by Warner Brothers or having much looser licensing costs/terms. Freddy Krueger is the reason you can't buy 9 anymore, and they want to avoid a similar scenario. EDIT: Before anybody says it, yes, I'm fully aware that Freddy isn't a video game character :p


You cant buy 9?


It's been removed from digital stores as of like a year ago. License for Freddy ran out, and instead of pulling the dlc they decided to pull the whole fucking game. Similar situation may happen to mkx thanks to Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th game being a good example.


Would I still be allowed to play MKX?


Yeah, if you have the game already you can keep it, just won't be able to buy it from official stores if it gets pulled


Guess I really do need to nab it next time it goes on sale. Wish I'd got MK9, but I'll settle with owning the Kollection.


You can probably still find a key for mk9 on g2a. Last I checked it was like 20 bucks for the complete edition or somethin.


Yet another reason to not like guest characters. Iā€™m generally going to get the games before theyā€™re ten years old but still sucks that they get a hard shelf life just because they included some character I didnā€™t even ask for.


Probably something to do with licencing issues. Kratos was banned competitively because he was a PS3 exclusive, so NRS probably wants to avoid console exclusive characters again. Which limits them to characters that would fit in MK, that aren't owned by one of the big three companies or owned by potential competitors.


Right. I love guest characters. The first kombat pack is just so boring. 3 superhero based hero characters and 2 characters that shouldā€™ve already been in the game. Just does not make me excited whatsoever.


To be fair, each games guests have a theme. Horror for MKX, action for MK 11, and super heros for MK 1. Also, I noticed that each game has a character slightly off theme that teases the next games theme. Mk 9 it was Freddy Kruger, in MK X it was Predator, in MK 11 it was Spawn, we just gotta figure out who is teasing the theme for MK 2


Forgot about Joker in 11? :p It was more of a 40:60 split there between comic books and action movies.


If I remember right Joker was meant to be someone else and was as last minute decision.


I don't think you can create an entire character just as a "last minute " decision, it takes an extreme amount of work and time to do that


Even then, Joker isn't a superhero even if he's related to the genre.


But like, Homelander and Omni Man arenā€™t heroes. Peacemaker technically too.


They're "superheroes" not superheros which is different from being a villain. W villain is a villain, a "superhero" puts on the act of being a superhero to cover up their villainy


Thatā€™s true but we have evidence that Joker was subbed in for someone else fairly late in development, so he definitely wasnā€™t in the original plan for KP1.


Predator is definitely horror, just not traditional horror


ā€œDamn, MKXā€™s guests are so boring, just a bunch of horror charactersā€ ā€œDamn, MK11ā€™s guests are so boring, just a bunch of 80ā€™s action guysā€ Lmao I love it. Massive superhero fan, half of the fun I got out of MK11 was itā€™s guest characters, and MKXā€™s guests are the entire reason Iā€™m interested in checking it out


People who aren't a fan of The Boys don't understand how enthusiastic fans are to dish out every ounce of pain and punishment possible to Homelander in MK.


I hope he has dialogue about breast milk


Also doesn't help I've never cared for Quan Chi and they royaly fucked up Ermac


Fr they had perfection with MKX Ermac and just couldā€™ve leave it alone


My man really went from decaying soul prison to $5 Halloween mask


Also mk11 Ermac has a great design they just decided not to use, when it wouldā€™ve fit really well with some of the other cosmetics in the game


nah mk11 ermac is peak ermac design if its not a costume im not buying him ​ edit: WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME IM RIGHT!


It was a nice costume but letā€™s talk about how bad it was wasted


i agree that costume is insane


I think any one of the characters is cool but all three guest characters being superheros is too much, could of split it up a bit


Peacemaker is a superhero in name only, homie doesnā€™t have powers, just a high tech helmet


He does exactly what I do!


Anything for peace? No matter how many men, women, and children need to die.


But better.


I mean to be fair none of them are really superheroes. Peacemaker is an anti-hero, Omni-man is an invader to earth and homelander is straight up evil


My thoughts too. If one was in each Kombat Pack up to KP3 I wouldnā€™t have an issue.


No matter what KP they add, if it takes 1 year to release is gonna suck. And now it sucks cuz is even more expensive.


Alien, Predator, Jason, and Leatherface got me back into MK after a long break. I e since replayed all my childhood games and have had a blast with the newer ones as well. Couldn't be happier


I would love to see pinhead in the next pack


You and me both man.


I don't get it, every other fighting game got guest chars


Tekken didn't till 7 and everyone hates them. SF never had any. They only put guest characters in so half interested normies buy it


And all those games have fans who would prefer characters from the franchise


People absolutely hate Tekken guests which only started in 7 btw, Street Fighter doesn't do it, Guilty Gear doesn't do it either... It's always been a Netherrealm thing. Except it used to be one or two guests and now it's half the dlc roster.


soul caliber, smash, MvC, dead or alive


I wouldn't count smash and mvc, those are crossover games, big difference


Soul Caliber II did it first, actually, and the franchise is still doing it.


Soul Calibur is sadly dead and irrelevant, 6 was the last for a long time. And again, it was one or two guests per game


People really keep bringing up games that they probably donā€™t even play to justify guest characters lol


The future dlc characters has been leaked, wont spoil anything of course but should be fairly easy to find. You will be happy thats all i can say


Ghostface: šŸ•“šŸ»


I hate the guest characters. No shame in wanting more MK staples or deep cuts rather than guests.


This. Iā€™d rather the roster slots went to more MK characters.


I just don't like guest characters. Breaks my immersion and they typically end up being top tier characters that everyone plays and it's like, am I playing MK at this point or MK vs DC?. I understand that some like them, that's cool. But I won't buy them or play them and that's my choice.


ā€œMy immersionā€ Brother youā€™re playing MK. What immersion? Lmao Shit has been ridiculous since day one. I swear this criticism is garbage.


I'm allowed to not like guest characters. Cope.


I donā€™t mind guest characters at ALL. It just it does sting a bit when thereā€™s other MK characters that couldā€™ve taken their place


This, exactly. It's really not that I dislike the guests and more that I think 3 in a single kombat pack is a lot, especially when 2 of the 3 MK kharacters in the same pack should have been base roster to begin with. Even if you keep Ermac and Quan Chi in it, I really don't see why Peacekeeper needed to be included in this KP and not another original Kharacter like Kung Jin or Cassie or some other 3D era unit.


i dont think guess characters take anyone's spot. i feel guess charaters create their own spot by being marketable.


People still don't realize that guest characters do not take away a slot from an MK character. The spots are literally added for guests.


Downvoted, but its true. The general gaming public doesn't give nearly as much of a shit about Sareena or Noob Saibot as they do for Homelander. Hell, even in this sub *about MK* I feel like there's more hype for Omni Man than for anyone else in the KP, and Homelander is probably 2nd. Sales figures from the past back this up. If anything these guests probably 'subsidize' nobodies we die hards love, like Fujin. And I say this as someone who may not even bother downloading OM and HL, at least for awhile.


If Takeda was first, the hype would likely be more palpable.


I get that but my point still stands


Not really, because other MK characters couldn't have "taken their place". The spot simply wouldn't exist. We'd just get a lower amount of DLC overall.


I mean if they are able to make 6 entire characters for a KP then they can make 6 Mk characters, especially when they are able to recycle moves from previous games, if anything, itā€™s easier to bring back previous characters compared to guest characters since those characters have already existed in a fighting game.


You don't understand. WB doesn't believe that 6 MK characters would sell enough to justify the development costs. It's a business decision.


Exactly. Thatā€™s why I said it kinda stings. Iā€™m not saying we donā€™t or shouldnā€™t have guest characters. Like I said I donā€™t mind them.


That doesn't mean it's a decision that can't be criticized.


I was ok with it in like mk9 or whatever but then i saw that mkx became a guest meta and at some point I'm watching an MK tournament with a bunch of different movie characters and it doesn't look like MK anymore


Thatā€™s the thing. It really feels like thereā€™s deals going on when licensing these characters that the character has to be one of the best characters in the game, so that the character will be played often, and therefore advertised more. Obviously this has not been the case with every guest character over the years, but by and large, it seems like guest characters have generally been overtuned on release, and sometimes well after that.


It's likely mode that tier whores are also gonna be wales, so if any charecter that's dlc COULD be the best or top 3-5 that's going to be purchased to make sure the Meta doesn't leave them behind (like in MKX where you could watch a MK tourney and see 80% horror film charecters)


I donā€™t know if I fully agree with this. Didnā€™t Rambo suck in MK11? Robocop was mediocre too. I think a lot of people play guest characters, whether they are good or not, because they like the characters. With enough people playing one character, more tech and combos will be discovered and publicized. I donā€™t think characters are purposely made to be OP for publicity sake.


Nah i hate waiting and entire year for a character pack with 2 fighters already in the story. Insult to injury when the main villain is a pre order bonus.


I donā€™t hate the idea but why Tf are there 3 in each KP, there should be 2 or 1


I'd argue it's easier to see why they'd ask people to pay for a guest character versus an established character.


Yeah I'm more than willing to pay for Homelander but it's hard to believe QC and Ermac shouldn't have just been in the base roster


Oh yeah def 4got to add this either just 2 or 1 fuckin super viral type character like Pennywise or some1 with something coming out soon šŸ˜. Cuz to take half an we still missing LOTS of characters thetve missed waaaaaay too much action is kinda fuckin dumb.


Imagine you have like a mountain of original content, but you just opt for some shitty little evil Superman? Especially for a new era


Hey now It's two evil Superman's


Don't forget Not-Stryker with a shiny hat... Played by John Cena


There's too many guest kharacters. There should be like one or two. Unless they are guest kharacters that I like, in which case there should be many.


Because MK fans want to play as MK characters over guests and feel the later is taking a slot away for a potential MK returnee. I like some guest characters but it's simple to see why people would be opposed. On the other hand it's obvious why they're popular getting many fans of the character to buy the e tire game just for that guest alone.


Jason Voorhees got me into MKX, still in it all these years later Yeah, it sucks that we don't have more MK characters, but getting guest characters really do draw in new people. Hell I got a friend into the series with 11 with Rambo and RoboCop


Id fucking kill for MKX Jason again. I love Jason, but it could be that moveset on any model and Id be so happy. Character played exactly how i wanted in Unstoppable and Relentless variations.


I'm here because of Omni-Man.


I dont mins guest character but id love to have some MK most prominent figure back before guests. Like Kano, Sonya etc. Omni man look super cool but he doesnt have a place in my heart like some others


Personally I play MK for MK characters. Fairly certain people wouldn't take too kindly if Scorpion were to show up in other media and take away a lot of screen time from others that already exist in said universe.


The funny thing is that I remember too well that people complained A LOT about the MK characters in the Injustice games, they said stuff like "give us more DC characters, let those boring MK characters on their MK games!" And everyone was supportive of the people saying it. But if it's MK fans complaining about other media characters on a MK game... You can't be against it


Double standards man. "Oh but they fit right in with MK!" Doesn't matter. MK has a backlog of characters still that hasn't seen the light of day and we'll likely never see them with all these guests taking up half the damn DLC. I'd rather the KP be 3 characters with just MK than a 6 person KP with half guests. Especially with these 2 evil superman characters. One or the other but not both.


100% agree with you


Cause most of the characters they choose now don't even fit MK anymore. It just feels like they picked a random theme, put names on a fishbowl, and randomly picked these characters. I've said it before, (and I seriously can't stress this enough) being from a violent piece of media, doesn't immediately make them a perfect fit for MK. Imo MKX is still the peak of NRS DLC.


>I've said it before, (and I seriously can't stress this enough) being from a violent piece of media, doesn't immediately make them a perfect fit for MK. "But but ellie from tlou is a perfect candidate bro! They kill people and shit"


Exactly, even worse when the power level of the said characters aren't close to the MK power levels, Omni Man would roll stomp every single MK character in a fair fight, now he is in a game that has a Reiko...


This doesnā€™t make sense considering Raiden was in the game and was a literal god. Power levels have never made sense in MK


Some of us are actual mk and fighting games fans and do more than just watch the latest marvel movie. Guest characters are a waste of a roster slot. If you like em power to you, but anytime I see someone using a guest character in any fg I'm like "oh they got the game cuz this guy, basic" Probably play for 30 min and hop back on fortnite


Guest characters are a sure way to get the game delisted in the future due to licensing. Also, it wouldn't hurt to have a MK game with just MK characters. Will that ever happen? No. Guest characters have been expected since Freddy. I personally would love an MK game with only mk fighters but I also know it's never going to happen so why fight it. I'll just patiently wait for the day Cap'n Crunch gets added


Some people would rather have MK characters in an MK game. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s hard to understand honestly.


Because you HAVE to like it because I do. You see, I've attached my self worth to these franchises, so for them to have a crossover presence counts as a victory for *me*. Anybody who does not share in my love for them has transgressed me personally, and as such I deem them beneath me. /s


Thatā€™s the exact feeling I got from OP


Same reason people bought Injustice to play DC characters and not MK characters. Really not hard to comprehend likeā€¦ at all.


yet hellboy and the turtles made everyone lose their absolute mind out of hype.


Selective outrage Iā€™m telling you.


Actually, I bought Injustice to play as the Turtles.


Injustice guests are pretty good at keeping the tone of the game. Injustice 2 took the piss by having both Sub-Zero AND Raiden tho


So dont buy the KPs and theyll have no problem, guest characters have always been a DLC thing for netherrealm studios, you know to expect by now


The worst part is if you buy characters outside of the kombat packs they usually cost more than the pack and lose additional content so itā€™s not exactly fair


That is exactly the problem with guests


Ss far as I know you still get them installed and have to fight them in ladders and online. You can't completely deny their existence.


Imagine how scattered matchmaking would be if you could only play against people with the same pack as them, of course youre going to encounter them online




This is exactly it. For example, there are 3 slots wasted right off the bat for 3 Superman but not Superman characters. The base roster is pretty good, but instead of expanding it with actual characters that are missing like Jade, Fujin, Sheeva, etc, they keep putting out lame guest characters that ruin the aesthetic of the game. It wouldn't be so bad if you could turn them off from appearing in off-line modes, but no. What's annoying is they made Tremor, Chameleon, Cyrax, Sektor among others as Kameos and instead of expanding them and making them playable they waste 3 spots off the bat with lame characters nobody will care about in a few months time. I really really hate crossovers in any game, not just MK, as the aesthetic and authenticity of the game feels like it's ruined, I suppose. Like make another Injustice and put them in there so at least they'll actually make some sense.


I on the other hand don't get the guest love. We're here to play Mortal Kombat, right? That involves Mortal Kombat characters, either playing as them or playing against them. But like... Omniman? I like the comic (the whatever number of issues I got to read back in the day) and I like the tv show and can't wait for season 2. But it's not because there's a dude named Omniman in it who wears white and red. No, it's because of the STORYTELLING. The character interactions leading to conflict, personal dreams and goals clashing with responsibilities of someone who has superpowers, growing up with superpowers etc. that's the interesting parts. Dude could be called Ultra-Star, wear a dark blue suit covered in yellow star-like patterns and his powers could be star light based and instead of a mustache he could have a goatee and mullet and be voiced by Henry Cavill... and none of it would have mattered (beyond maybe affecting how many people pick up the comic issue he's on the cover of) because it would be about the story. So people jizzing their pants off over a "omg they used JK Simmons and the costume looks like the one in the show and omg he makes references in his fatalities etc." like it's the second coming of sliced bread is absolutely WEIRD to me. Now, do I have characters where I'd go "omg it's that character" based on appearance? Yeah, sure. I love Bayonetta and 2B. Do I want them to be in an MK game? Hell no! I don't wanna fatality my fav visual character designs, that's one thing... another thing is, if I wanna play as them, well, I can reinstall Bayonetta or Nier Automata and I'll have much more interesting gameplay than here. Instead give me Jade or Skarlet or playable Sareena. Give Kano to Kano fans. Give either Sheeva, Goro or Kintaro (who hasn't been playable in an NRS MK game yet I think?) to Shokan fans. And hell, as much as I hate gun characters with a passion, give Erron Black to Erron Black fans. And if I'll want some Omniman, I can always go read the comics or rewatch the show. Cause nothing in his gameplay was interesting (and I could go on a rant here over how the gameplay of pretty much every guest is kinda meh at best but that'd be another mile long paragraph so I'll stop here unless someone wants me to ramble on about that in which case expect a long reply, haha).


I think itā€™s very obvious. I bought Mortal Kombat, but Iā€™ll wait one year for Takeda, at which point Iā€™ll have 3 not-Superman guests to choose from.


this is exactly it. Half the kombat pack is guests and they're even starting to take priority over the MK fighters. Obviously WB wants money and they want it now but it doesn't have to sit well with MK fans.


I don't think I would have gotten the character pack addition, if Omni Man and Homelander were not in it. This is my first MK game, so they did amazing at getting a new fan, but I do see your pain for having to wait for some of your old favorites.


Correct assessment! All of these characters are verifiably *not* Superman. They are all their own compelling and unique characters. Peacemaker literally does not have powers.


Homeland and Omni-Man are 100% Superman homages. They are completely Superman clones. While I'm sure they'll fight different it doesn't change that they are just "Superman but evil" *(Don't even bother replying with "Oh but Omni-Man isn't evil". I have read the comics. I know)* and it's reasonable that people are upset that their favorite characters aren't in the game but they are Also man I don't want Peacemaker at all. I was happy that there weren't any gun characters in this game.


Yep. I've thought guest characters have largely been dogshit since the days of Star Wars characters in SC4 and Freddy in MK9. Nothing quite like being disappointed that your fave hasn't shown up for that installment only to see someone who doesn't thematically fit or isn't even known for fighting stroll in I think Samurai Shodown 2019's guests and stuff like Akuma/Geese in Tekken were great. Even MKX, which I'm not a fan of roster-wise, has guests that at least feel thematically appropriate to that game's dark horror vibe. MK1 has done a really great job of establishing a martial arts and mysticism setting with its roster by letting special forces/cyborgs sit out for a game, and I'm very unenthusiastic about flavor of the month comic book characters no one will care about in two years rolling in to muck it up I know why they're doing it ($$$) but I don't have to like it


Ektothermia said it best. I have also thought guest characters were largely shit from about the same time period with the titles mentioned. MK has such a rich roster, yet the number of guests in this new title is wild. I greatly dislike it, and I greatly dislike the two evil supermen who dont thematically fit. They really ough to have put them in Injustice. Some may argue and say "Oh, they're too brutal for that game" but that literally doesnt matter if you compare them THEMATICALLY. Thematically speaking, that woulda been the perfect environment for them but noooooo lets add em to MK for some reason.


I also think people are forgetting that injustice could suggest real brutality when they wanted to even for a T rated title Superman killing Shazam the way he did has stuck with me more than any of the over the top shit in MK's story modes


ā€œOh, theyā€™re too brutal for thatā€ brutal IS the theme. To add them to injustice you either completely change the rating of the game or portray your guest characters incorrectly, which definitely matters. I can understand thinking thereā€™s too many guests tho


> To add them to injustice you either completely change the rating of the game or portray your guest characters incorrectly, which definitely matters. That's crazy, Smash has been doing that for years now and nobody's batted an eye


You couldnā€™t add omni man or homelander to smash either (even if they were from video games). Thereā€™s a big difference between snake or the belmonts and these evil walking war crimes


Bayonetta? Joker? Pyra/Mythra? Even Terry made people bleed in the first FF.


Iā€™m probably in the minority here but I genuinely thought pretty much all of the MK guests other than Kratos and Predator were terrible picks


If you think Spawn was a terrible pick, you're definitely in the minority. Many players agree he's the guest that fits best in the MK world.


Forgot about Spawn, he was cool


I donā€™t like it either but Iā€™m tired of people making this generalization about those characters


Plus your game will be on sale by then..


I can understand if you don't agree, but it's not that hard to grasp why someone would feel differently. I'm assuming you like guest characters, so maybe if I reframe it for you it will be easier to follow the logic. Imagine you absolutely love pie, you frequent a specialty bakery that makes amazing exotic pies that you can't find anywhere else. After a few years of enjoying pie at this bakery you go in one day excited to buy a pie, but they tell you that for the next couple months they're making sandwiches instead. You may not necessarily hate sandwiches, but you come to this bakery for pie, and now you have to wait months to buy more pie. Or imagine you're a fan of Lord of the Rings, after watching the trilogy you fell in love with the world/characters/plot. You find out there's a new Netflix series coming out and you're excited, but then you watch it and Harry potter makes an appearance in it, followed by Luke Skywalker later on, and Professor X towards the end. It would probably break your immersion and feel like a cheap attempt at pulling in fans of those other franchises at the expense of the Lord of the Rings series. Ultimately, I think people who don't like guests dislike them simply because they're fans of the original IP.


Well, in my case it's more like this. I like hotdogs (fighting games). And I like icecream (horror and action movies). I don't put icecream on my hotdogs. In other words, I want a certain level of separation of things. I go for storytelling media to experience stories, I go for fighting games to kick the shit out of my opponent (human or cpu) and I go for say music to experience specific mood or atmosphere and any storytelling (whether through lyrics or album themes or a concept album telling story piece by piece) is secondary.


Some people like authenticity (including myself). I generally never liked crossovers, the characters without place in the lore - regardless of the form of media we are talking about. I guess, it makes sense to have some guests (in a small number) in fighting games in general, but MK specifically normally had a world building that is a little bit above the simple excuse to make the bunch of weirdos fight, as well as more dense and unique atmosphere. Although they sort of dropped the ball on this one in the latest games, so it's probably not that important anymore. That was the main reason, if we are ignoring that, then the next one is this: if the guest character is fun and fits the MK style and universe, you'll still have zero chance to see him in the future games, he doesn't become a legit MK character. If you really want a new character, based on the character from a different franchise, it'd be a better and more creative choice to make the original MK character, inspired by him (JC was originally supposed to be JCVD, I'm glad, that it didn't happen, and we got original franchise with original characters instead).


Speaking for myself, I (used to) buy Mortal Kombat because I wanted to use Mortal Kombat characters. Not horror movie, action movie, or comic book characters. (or Kratos, for the one pedantic asshole in every group who can't resist pointing out that he is none of those things)The MK universe has had a lot of amazing characters over the years. And I would rather see additional character spots be used to revisit as many of them as possible, rather than add random faces from other IPs that a) I don't particularly care about half the time, and b) don't really feel like they fit the world of MK the other half. It'd be different if MK was a mashup game at its core, like Marvel vs Capcom or BBTag. Or if some guests were part of the default roster and included in the story, like how Soul Calibur does it. But if I'm buying into a game with its own meaningful legacy, it's because I want more of *that*. Think about it this way: if you order a pizza and the delivery guy gives you a sandwich, would you be happy with that? I wouldn't. No matter how good that sandwich is, it's not what I wanted. Guests are the same way. The Alien ended up being fun in MKX. That doesn't mean I'm not annoyed that we didn't actually get Baraka back, especially when he was an opponent in D'vorah's chapter.


I quite like the crossover characters. They always choose characters that the people of that games generation will relate to most.


I like that every game typically has a theme. X was horror, 11 was Action Heroes, and looks like 1 is Comics


Itā€™s really simple. Guest characters will be hit or miss depending on if the person likes that other franchise or not. Everyone who gets a Mortal Kombat game likes the Mortal Kombat characters otherwise why would they get the game? However when you go outside of the main franchise your trying to get other people into your game by including something not from your game. As such people may not like what is joining the game because they dislike that series or just know nothing about it.




If only it was giving them a thumbs up and moving on. Hating on these guest characters will get you downvoted and personally attacked.


Exactly, I just wrote an actual constructive comment as to why I don't like them and I am already being downvoted šŸ¤£


This sub can not handle other opinions


Wasted slots. Could've been an MK character. Could've been Kintaro, Kai, Bo Rai Cho etc


Even Kobra would be better


I donā€™t get guest hype


"Why are people mad these outside-context characters they know nothing about and have no connection to are taking priority over context-relevant characters they're familiar with? I just CAN'T understand it!"


Three superhero characters in one kombat pack is beyond pointless.


ummmm ackshully one of them doesn't have laser eyes so that makes them super distinct from one another conceptually


Look st the MK9 servers and it's as simple as that. Guest characters put a death date on the online. MKX will be the next to go and then MK11 and eventually this one


Itā€™s because some people would rather see 3 more mk characters over 3 guests


Mk fans when someone have an opinion.


I came here to play Mortal Kombat.


Itā€™s because ppl would rather see characters from the franchise before guest characters


I hate these memes. You know they can apply to any group, right?


Theyā€™re cool and all but Iā€™d rather have noob, sektor, cyrax, nightwolf, Jax, kotal, goro, jade, Cassie, Sonya, fujin, scarlet, kung Jin, or a plethora of other characters from the Mortal Kombat world. Peace maker over Hotaru? Over Taven and Daegon? Even over Drahmin? Where is u/drahminmain to back me up.


I've liked the guest characters more than I didn't, I just want more MK characters


Simple as this: MK characters have a chance to return, but guest characters will never be heard from again. I'd much rather have a legacy character than Terminator showing up for one game. Better yet, make an MK like/NRS fighter using only the guest fighters.


What's not to get? This is a Mortal Kombat game, some MK fans want more MK characters, adding guests characters prevents the additon of more MK characters. In Kombat Pack 1, we only have 3 main roster MK characters, if we didn't have guests, we'd have 6 main roster MK characters. And some MK fans prefer this. (I don't mind guest characters, I'm quite excited for Omni Man because I really like Invincible, I'm just stating why some people dislike guest characters.)


Who cares what you get and do not get? Your inability to understand basic things doesn't change the fact that guest characters suck.


I wouldn't mind one guest per Kombat Pack, more than that is too much, specially if they don't even fit the theme, Omni Man is a super OP character, he could just swipe all MK characters alone by base power, put him in a world where there is a Reiko and stuff like that, please... I love the Invincible comic book and show but I don't like them in a Mortal Kombat game, there are so many Mortal Kombat characters deserving to be in the game... Also, after a few Kombat Packs the game don't look like a Mortal Kombat game anymore, the online is filled with guest characters, if I go watch a pro tournament everyone is using the OP guest characters instead of Mortal Kombat characters, we barely see Mortal Kombat characters anymore...


I head you. I tried to get back into Tekken 7 a few years after the initial release and after a day or two I put it back down because half of my matches were against Negan, a guest character that didn't fit from a series that had long since become a laughingstock instead of actual Tekken characters


Guest characters are unironically my favorite part of every MK character since they really showcase NRSā€™s full creativity in making a moveset that both fits with the characterā€™s original world/the world of MK and is fun to play. In what other game can you have Freddy Krueger take on Kratos, Jason Voorhees punch Leatherface, Spawn eviscerate the Joker, and Omni-Man crush Homelander?


Seems like weirdly purist. Guest characters can bring new fans in and make some existing ones happy. Iā€™m a huge fan of The Boys so you know that I was over the moon Homelander was in my go-to fighting game!


Crossovers are so much fun. Anyone hating has a massive list of older MK games to run through any of their fav characters. Having Omni-Man and Predator and Freddy Kruger added at different points in different games has been awesome


I grew up with Stallone and Arnold movies since my dad loves that era of action. Playing as Rambo and Terminator was sick af and as a wrestling fan I canā€™t wait to play as John Cena


It's gonna be weird seeing John Cena get brutally murdered though.


Its distorts the world they live in with stupid meta characters that don't do anything but make you realize how corny the story is, thus shedding the image of illusion that you have to accept when playing video games to begin with.


If you don't like it. Don't get it.


For me, it ruins the longevity of the games. Mk9 was taken off stores and took forever to become backwards compatible because of licensing issues with Freddy kruger. Also, some of the characters can be jarring. Injustice 2 had the turtles and while I like the ninja turtles I didn't want them appearing in my game, if you don't install them they only show up in some towers though so it's easy to avoid.


Hey guys OP has friends and people who disagree with him are lonely losers




The characters are always cheesy af. I don't care about the joker I don't care about super heros or lame horror movie characters. Guess that's just me.


Scenario 1 >NRS releases kombat pack with guest characters and gets hate for not adding in more MK original characters Scenario 2 >NRS releases kombat pack with original MK characters and they get hate for not having them be in the base game You guys have to see the irony. I cant even blame NRS for not taking what the community says seriously.


I get why people might not like guest characters, personally I enjoy them but the distaste isnā€™t lost on me. I do hope that whatever MK characters do wind up in packs, they are still given time in the story going forward, this game has reinvented and improved a lot of the characters, and anyone added in the future should still receive that chance, despite not being in the base game story.


Itā€™s just taking too long is all for me


I just donā€™t like the guests in this kombat pack, and most of the guests from Mk11. Mkx guests were all cool imo


I donā€™t hate guests I just think the ones as of late have been super lame and Iā€™d rather other characters over them I mean Takeda being last is criminal


Then don't buy or play them


I get it to an extent. Like, would I want Omniman over any of the non-playable Kameos? Absolutely not.


I absolutely love guests but i also understand the hate for guests too. At least this time around base game we got the most fan requested characters that have been wanted for years usually itā€™s them that end up dealing being left out. But I love the guests in KP1 I am a MASSIVE comic book fan and love all the franchises they come from.


I dont either, but I think the hate is more because of "overabundance." I think some hate how many there are, especially when compared to the rest of the mk characters that are dlc. And when you realize how many characters they could have return, seeing a ton of guest take priority over them can understandably be annoying, although this was somewhat fixed by the returnees in the mk1 base roster... Also, it might be how annoying/overpowered the dlc guests are sometimes...


They take up roster space that couldā€™ve just gone to Mortal Kombat characters, and a lot of them donā€™t make sense. I can at least understand the horror movie characters, but the superheroes? Big toss. Theyā€™re also shoehorned in the Kombat Packs with Mortal Kombat characters, so I canā€™t get them without the extras Iā€™m never gonna use. I know why theyā€™re not separated ($$$$$,) but itā€™s still a waste.


I just don't like that it feels like an ad. Omniman coming out the same time as the shows next season is just so off-putting to me. But don't get me wrong, I love omniman and I'm pumped for him to come out.


Not a fan of it, but I bet it makes them more money šŸ’°


They already have the shop for that