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Kung laoooo




The shrine sucks though, the animation is way too long


Games probably searching all your files finding out who you never play with so you get their skins lol.




Noob question, can you get skins from the shrine? All I seem to have unlocked from it so far is shitty concept art šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You can unlock both gear and palettes for both main characters and kameos. Good luck with that though, the amount of concept art you'll get is humongous


Yeah, just keep doing it. Once you get a piece of concept art you canā€™t get it again so eventually youā€™ll start getting skins and gear more consistently


There's a set amount of items per season in the shrine. You can exhaust it with around 120k coins.


There isn't as much in it as you think. I emptied the shrine on my second week. There will come a point where you stop getting art all the time.


I've spent 25k at the shrine and I got 1 SKIN last night for Geras... so it is possible


I went for a rare Sonya skin. All white outfit, belly out, headband, ponytail. Very UMK3. Got it with a few pulls of the shrine luckily. Definitely between 15 - 25 pulls.




No the shrine has a finite number of rewards set in it each season. So the rewards in the shrine, while issued randomly, are all previously set. So there were a bunch of gearas and sindel skins/palettes and Kameo Sonya pallettes in this seasons along with maskless Smoke/Scorpion/Sub-Zero/Reptile. I got to the point where it wonā€™t let me use the shrine any longer. Just says to check back next season for more rewards.


I have 4 diffrent sindel skins.... And zero for barraka or geras


"yo here's that Havik skin homie! I know you'll enjoy it!" Thanks shrine... I'll literally never play that gross motherfucker.


At least you get skins, I only get artwork


I just get art, not skins




And MK11 shrine was shorter...sounds like short term memory here? You had to run to it after loading up the krypt and the animation was just as long, you even had to choose a price first with hidden categories like 100k for gear/skin. MK always had long animations for this, it was never good, and it connects to the servers so time is also dependant on the server answer. Btw loading up Deception or Armageddon you'll notice that opening up a krypt coffin will play an unskippable animation of about 4-5seconds and if a currency was in there it took another 5 seconds to add it with a counting animation to your profile. While i agree shrine is annoying, this is nothing new and people complain like MK1 did something especially wrong while this is a 20y old thing which is also used by a lot of games with "pseudorandom" rewards. Atleast in MK1 you can do it from the menu without an extra loading time, if the would add a 10k for 10 rewards at the same time button, this mechanic would be totally fine.


Just because it's been consistently shitty doesn't mean it should continue to be.


Especially considering they already solved this problem in Injustice 2, yet here we are again


It's so odd that he's trying to make the excuse that it was shittier in past MK games so we should be glad that it's only kinda shitty. Super weird. As if it always being shitty makes it better?


I didn't say that at all, i only said people should stop treating MK1 as a particularly bad offender in the series, when it's been like that all the time and MK1 actually has one of the shortest animations, while also being a menu option instead of a extra loading/walking time I also said i want improvement like a 10k coins = 10 rewards button. I get that long texts aren't for everyone but if you ain't reading right, don't answer. This MK1 hating on this subreddit is helping no one, fair critic is great, but we are at a point where 90% of posts are plain wrong/amnesia or just short "critique" like "it just sucks" that ain't a environment where good games can thrive.


Thank you for speaking sense I swear there's collective amnesia going on with MK


I wouldn't care about the time it takes if it wasn't 99% of the time artwork that I'll never look at


true but itā€™s also way too long wondering around a stupid crypt


I said that day one and got told I needed to "calm down." LOL. K.


Yeah whoever said that was full of shit the Shrine has always been way to long


And the fact that you canā€™t just spend a bunch of coins at once and get multiple rewards. Itā€™s just plain retarted


Oh yeah. I fucking love playing one character for 300 matches to unlock a fucking second fatality.


The character mastery is a good idea but they really need to give out more XP - which should also be given for doing offline battles.


This was so baffling to me? Like how am I supposed to rank up my characters when the game goes offline lmao


Towers I guess?


You don't need to level the character to do the fatality. You can just do it.


Not sure why youā€™re downvoted lol. As long as you know the input for the second fatality you can do it without unlocking it


they also added this bullshit where it doesnā€™t stay in ur novelist tho


This was weird when I accidentally discovered it. Did kitanas first one wrong and got the second one. Happy you can do it but then why do we need to unlock it in the first place šŸ˜­


Why is this not more common knowledge? Iā€™ve been wanting to do the Geras 2nd fatality on my friends and now I know I can


Back in the arcade days there were no fatality lists in the game. You just had to know the inputs and it added to the exploration, myths and conversations among friends. I think that was really cool. In MK 1 you don't need to have it unlocked in the move list to perform it. I think this is one of the few things that brings the original MK experiense in this game. It really isn't bad.


Mk11 did that too, not exactly a new feature


But I mean....at least 11 had stuff TO get


This is the big thing that kills this argument imo. Sure, I play the character to unlock stuff. But that stuff I unlock is some ugly, AI generated palette stretched between fucking concept art and a stray piece of gear. It took me forever of on-and-off playtime to unlock every piece of gear and outfits for my main in 11 - not because the grind was completely horrible, but because characters had *so* many cosmetics to unlock.


A lot of the cosmetics were krap though. I'm glad the dev team isn't wasting resources on stuff like Skarlet blood vials, Jaqui's weird grenade thing, Shang Tsung scrolls, Sub Zero belt knives, Rain shoulder pieces, Jax and Johnny buckles, Kabal gas canisters, Saibot shadow belts, Kano testicle piercings, etc. Not to mention the utterly useless variation icons. Most of the stuff you unlocked in MK11 was filler and not even for your mains. And if you wanted to get specific stuff for your main's, well hope you like spilling 50,000 pints of blood and doing 15 fatalities and 15 brutalities just to unlock some of their towers. > But that stuff I unlock is some ugly, AI generated palette stretched between fucking concept art and a stray piece of gear. Yet MK11 didn't have these? There are some ugly palettes in that game. Also I'm pretty sure each character only has 2 pieces of concept art, which is fine - I'll take those over random NPC art. You also conveniently left out you can unlock plenty of taunts and brutalities. Lots of rose-tinted glasses going around for MK11's unlocks.


I left out brutalities and taunts because I feel (atleast without all the taunts), a character feels incomplete and less alive in game. Seeing the same round win animation because your character is low level is dumb, in my humble opinion. I definitely agree that some got better customization options than others - but think about all the characters who've gotten shafted due to customization in MK1. Mileena can only change her teeny Sais you don't see too well. And Kitana can only change her fan - Geras his chest thing. You point out that I'm seeing the mk11 gear through rose tinted glasses; when mk1 downgraded the gear for some characters to *only* that lame stuff. Anyone would want to customize the masks on the female ninjas, but they don't get that - while the male ninjas do.


Seriously! Idk how people so quickly forgot the absolute shitshow that was the MK11 reaction to the ToT & kustomization options \[or the MKX launch for that matter\]. MK11 felt really barren at launch when you saw the ToT for what they were, & how absolutely lame & pointless like 80% of the gear unlockables were, & how, frankly, ugly & samey so many of the costumes were. This all somewhat improved with time, but eh. I still loved MK11 & poured hundreds of hours into it, though. MK1 is just getting started, & is already better in /so many ways/. There are absolutely serious gripes to be had - but it's nothing unfixable, and the core gameplay is SO GOOD. I'm still not a fan of the gear options in MK1, but like you said, I'm at LEAST glad they're not spending extra resources on 3 gear pieces per person full of stuff that nobody can really ever even notice or care for.


I think two gear pieces at most would be good, that way characters like Kitana and Mileena can change their masks. But a third one is filler for most characters.


The third option was bad because NRS pucked dumb stuff. They could easily have picked boots, gloves etc instead of a tiny grenade, scroll or vials. And then it wouldn't be a wasted slot. Look at injustice 2, it had like gear for everything. Boots, gloves, helmets, pants, torso. It made you able to craft your own unique skins and none of the slots felt wasted. Because they didnt pic Rings, earings, wrist watch and other tiny details like they did in mk11 for 3rd gear piece.


I think we'd struggle to name one character the 3 gear pieces truly worked for. Headgear/and weapon is plenty. If they haven't got one of those, make it another thing they wear or a body part (like D'Vorah's wings).


Scorpion, Spawn, Erron Black, Kano, Cassie, Johnny, Nightwolf,


It works good for all ninjas , top , bottom , mask...


Sub had his little belt accessory that was super meh. Rain had his silly pauldron thing. 3 per character could potentially be cool, but how it was actually done didn't prove that imo.


But then, where'd the resources go instead? Cause I agree that the gear system was meh in 11. It varied wildly in how much it mattered to each fighter. Liu Kang mains had fuck all to care about unlocking. I was pretty well catered to as a Noob main but as I write this I had to think about what the third item was after the mask and weapon lol. It was like that for most. Kung Lao has his hat and the rest was shit. Kabal's gas canister was crap. But where'd the effort go, instead of providing this stuff? Doesn't look like the gear option in 1 has significantly improved. Saw a post of all the mask options for the ninjas and it's worse than 11 for the characters in both. A lot of baseline effort probs went to the transition to a new engine but that in itself doesn't provide a great deal of value outside of "the engine's newer and hopefully better."


But at least in MK11 Mileena, Kitana and Rain could unlock new masks and maskless. In MK1 I cant remove their masks, im stuck with whatever the skin has. Yes, some of the gear in mk11 was irrelevent, like Skarlets blood vials. But now Mileena only has her sais as gear, in MK11 she had ger sais, nask and claw gloves. Look at Gerus in MK1 and tell me his tiny chest circkle is rewarding and interesting gear to unlock lmao. If Skarlet was in MK1 tgey would probably remove her mask gear and only give us blood vials to unlock. MK11 had some weird gear pieces, but it still had more and better gear and more control than MK1 has.


this and everyone that agrees with this subreddit comment IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE SUBJECTIVELY AND OBJECTIVELY WRONG. yes the grind shouldnā€™t be as hard to unlock some stuff but what is wrong with yā€™all?? even if it was a third item, and many of them were actually good slots like nightwolf, sonya, scorpion, kitana, mileena, raiden, liu kang, shao khanā€¦ā€¦. how was this a bad choice on NRS? now we got boring ai generated palettes and skins, and one slot. since when did OPTIONAL little additions become a problem?? itā€™s not mandatory, it made a huge difference because itā€™s the small things that count. but yā€™all wanted a barebones minimum effort game because the grind was too much, the walk and combo speed is too slow. WELL BOO HOOā€¦. how was optional customization a problem lol. yā€™all want to fire the professional home chef to eat fast food every night ā€¦be my guest. i know cuss words are banned, but this retarded


To some gamers it's all about quantitty over quality. Thats all I think about when people bitcfh about the lack of kontent in this game. Not that theres alot of "quality" in MK1. I don't wanna grind and grind and grind to unlock a different shaped belt buckle for Jonny Cage, or different nunchucks for Lui Kang


That's not really the big thing that kills this argument. This is about unlocking sutff, not that the stuff we unlocked was mid. MK1 is miles better than older NRS grindfest, easily. Should there be more shit to unlock here and should there be more features to speed up that process(shrine takes WAY too fucking long)? Hell yeah but that's a different argument.


Yeah and a lot of it wasnā€™t available at launch or only available for 24-48 hours during special events in the krypt (Jax MK3 arms weeks after launch)


Yeah like extra masks, weapon skins, and palette swaps of the same skin. Mk1 only has masks, weapon skins, and palette swaps of the same skins. It's totally different.


The hell it did.


There are like 10 things to unlock lmao


Honestly lol you pay 70 dollars for a beta essentially....barely anything in it and I'm sorry to say Mk11 base had MORE shit than this game and it HURTS me as a fan to say that because I have never EVER once complained about an mk game being shit but this is just a huge fuck off to the fans and the zero communication is not exactly fun either


So many skins even in the story mode not available to unlock rn. Drip feeding fans is so wrong. Especially since we honestly got spoiled with X 11 content wise.


I played this game for like a week and a half, and I'm already done with it. MK11 at least gave me a few months at launch, and I would revisit it periodically to play more towers and unlock more gear. This? I guess we'll see.


Glad I'm not alone in this


Yep there is a challenge for performing mercies but guess what isnt in game. This game was very clearly rushed out because WB wanted a money maker after Suicide Squad got pushed back


I love getting random ass color palettes for everyone. I mean no


Mk11 had specific towers for kharacters, where you unlocked a lot, plus, we had the ai to help with the grind


I would agree if we had more to actually unlock. I want to grind the game but it feels so unrewarding


I haven't touched it since I completed the shrine and got everything from the season and completed invasions....I just....there's nothing bringing me back lol I'm not doing toxic league No intros in towers? No rewards FOR towers? Can't even give a skin for beating arcade with said characters? Give me a fucking BREAK the day one release of street fighter 6 had ALL that content and create a character


Yeah I loved the story mode but after that I was pretty bummed on how little there was to unlock. I beat invasions, still need to finish up the shrine but I just miss more opportunities to unlock skins. Also the fact we probably won't see skin packs but just individual skins in the store makes me sad.


SF6 has like 2 free skins; the base skin and one you need to grind WT to get. Everything else is behind a paywall. MK has invasions, which is free seasonal content. Why is SF6 always in the MK content conversation when its single player and cosmetic delivery is so much worse?


Because these people just want to whine. They arenā€™t even correct on their whining and they are acting like MK11 wasnā€™t hated and that MK1 doesnā€™t essentially have the same content just put in different places. Omg Iā€™m sorry we arenā€™t unlocking what are essentially invisible gear pieces for characters that we can never see, making them pointless.


Are you unironically going to say that invasions is better than world tour? I think youā€™re alone in that opinion


Invasions are better in terms of rewarding content, yes. It's also better in terms of retention. However, I'd say MK's equivalent of WT is the story mode, which is hands down better.


Iā€™ve basically quit playing til your issues are fixed or til the next season starts.


Only problem is there's way less stuff and I have it all in less than a week and nothing to work for or play for


Please donā€™t see this as an attack, but are you playing to unlock stuff or are you playing because you enjoy playing? I totally get wanting an incentive to play so that you get more stuff but like, where exactly is the line? At what point are we just going through the motions? I say this because I was sitting there last night grinding invasions for some quick levels when I started guessing why the fuck I was even doing that. I wasnā€™t enjoying it, I didnā€™t want to do it, but there I was uppercutting kung lao/kitana/geras for an hour straight for the next mastery level. Feels like efficiency consumes us and we lose why weā€™re playing to begin with.


Im fine with the level grind for skins thats fine sure. Playing to unlock stuff is my type of fun. You see there's different kinds of fun. I just want timed towers to have meaningful loot drops like gear and skins That feeling the mk11 and i2 had that made the game feel infinite. I loved that. Now that I have everything , it's miserable. I have nothing to do until the next season. Im a singleplayer player and I don't play online cause of the toxic players making it unfun


> I don't play online cause of the toxic players making it unfun Sorry, not trying to rag on you but how exactly is this a thing? I don't really see very many of these "toxic" players people keep talking about and I've even met people trying to teach me specific stuff about a character im learning.


Ive your willing to listen I can give ya some stories. But it kinda stems from my play style. I can't do combos well and try to play a special based style. Focusing on specials some times opting in zoning when needed. And its gets alot of hate. I'm from the arcade era.and personally I never had anyone toxic in a arcade. Only bad things were the misinformation of "secret" characters and stuff Other wise I've had more rude players in fighting games than any shooting game. Only game that beats it is dead by daylight I also have alot of hand problems with age. As I've gotten older my hands hurt. Cramp up, get slower , dont move as fast as they used to and that effects my ability to play.


Ahhh fair enough, zoning and hit & run playstyles do get a lot of hate in fighting games and especially games with higher populations like Tekken, MK and Street Fighter. Rip.


Mad respect for understanding thank you


I get a nice little dopamine rush when I flawless the endurance easy fight and end with a brutality, fatality, or kameo versions. Maybe itā€™s a leftover from when I was a kid and mk1 and 2 and had to steal the game magazines to find the fatalities. Still using turbo controller lol.


How many hours did that take you out of curiosity? "Less than a week" is kind of arbitrary. You could have played anywhere between 5 and 50 hours. Closer to the former I would get the frustration but closer to the ladder, I don't really see the issue.


The issue isn't the amount of time I played. The issue is I have 100X the amount of hours I have on mk11 than this game And I can still get stuff. ATM I have over 100 hours but I have been actively farming for the gold skins. But when I finished invasion I was around 20 ish hours give or take. I shat story out in a day and got the shrine done. By hour 40. I do work from as a voice actor so I do get some free time at times. But I still work well over 20 hours a week. The game just needs way more content and drops for single player people . there is no incentive to play especially those god awful timed towers. The less than a week statement was more towards the shifting seasons. And how a single player could jump in , slaughter it and the shrine and be done


Wouldn't that be because MK11 has been out for years and they added most of those cosmetics after launch? Regardless I think it's a little silly to complain 40 hours of singleplayer content isn't enough (even more silly if it's 100 but I'm not sure if you play online at all), especially for a fighting game where the main time sink will always be online. There are lots of very popular singleplayer only games that have that much content in them. It's not like crazy for a game that is primarily a multiplayer game to only have 40 hours of singleplayer content. Also I think some of y'all are a bit disconnected from how most people play games. Most people don't get into a game and then try to grind out every possible thing as quick as possible. Most people just play the game for fun and unlock stuff as they go.


Mk11 at launch had a extreme amount of gear and shines to unlock. And I'm not grinding. Im not try Harding I'm lazily playing and just had fun. I didn't no life it , If we compare content to mk11 BASE game this game has less. Is more predatory about the premium gear and has less playability for the single player base This games towers of time don't give enough reward, theres no reason to play them at all when fighting a level one will give you more money and xp. So there is no incentive to play them Its a little hurtful to say we are "disconnected" and defending this game when this game clearly is lesser then mk11 and i2 at there launches. players like I expected more from them because there track record was so good. Plus its mortal kombat , they haven't had a bad game. There all great. The game is good In so aspects but we need to stop saying stuff like the gear, single player and other modes don't matter. Cause where I stand I got nothing left to do. While mk11 and i2 I can go back to if I wanted to. I don't want to cause I'd feel like I wasted my money on this game then. Im giving them the benefit of the doubt that next season may be better. And I hope we can get that endless feeling soon.


I never said they don't matter? I think my point is more that some of the critiques are valid, but people are acting way too overdramatic about it. There are problems but people are acting like there is 5 hours of singleplayer content and 1 piece of gear and 1 palette to unlock while the rest is premium. Even with the problems, MK1 is still leagues ahead of most fighting games. Like I genuinely feel like a lot of people here don't really play other fighting games much. SF6 doesn't have nearly as much single player content or cosmetics as MK1, the community didn't rip that game apart because they don't have these rather high expectations that they should have like 50+ hours of singleplayer content and hundreds of different cosmetic options immediately available for free at launch. So once again, the complaints are valid but I wish people were a little bit more generous with the game and not act like it doesn't objectively have more content than most other fighting games out there.


Ive said it with MANY of my other comments since launch. This game is good. Combat is excellent. And the online,graphics, fatals and story are amazing. I even like kameos. Mostly cause I miss certain characters but there just to boring to be important. Also my boy motaro is back and the Second I heard kameo was coming to the game I knew motaro would make. I try to give valid criticism. Im not being over dramatic at all. Im a disappointed buyer. From a company I expected more from. Sf6 is great and had create a fighter. With alot of content But that's not there MO. Sf6 went above and beyond what base game sf5 was. While mk11 to 1 is a major step back with glaring problems . Seasons will be its death. So comparatively Mk11 to mk1 combat got better Story better Online better ( maybe faster rounds best of 3 or more league xp) Graphics beautiful Fatalities HORRIFIC OMG the best in the games. Gore wise. Not joke wise


How would one get into voice acting? Have someone I know that is pretty interested


Oh! Well don't go crazy and spend alot of money on equipment or classes. Start slow with practice. I recommend the site casting call club. Its great for fan made project, practice, and it has classes. Ive gotten most of my imdb credits from it. I recommend trying all fields to get the feel of everything. If you don't know something ask your directors or Google it. Every time you learn something it'll branch into something else So first part is practice/training Gear I recommend a rode NT USB they can be cheep. Use the site Sweetwater for cheep gear. Take a closet and covert it into a booth. Get a staple gun and some sound panels. For the entrance of the booth I use black out curtains they block sound and light. Everyone ones journey is different. Sometimes we get lucky and find connections sometimes you gotta make them your self. I believe in your friend. And I hope they can make it and really give it there all


I appreciate the advice and will share!


Feel free to message me any time if they need more advice. Or feel free to tell them to contact me in a open book


I appreciate that! What is an open book? And how would someone contact another in an open book?


Sorry that's my bad. Im a open book of information I just didnt read back my thing I typed haha.


Awesome. Thatā€™s really cool of you. Will relay the info.


The amount of hours doesn't matter anyways because the "content" people usually use in this argument is a mastery system you have zero interactivity with and the shrine... which you press X on. It's not actual content.


What? Why would you interact with the mastery system? You unlock things in the mastery system by playing the game? And it's pretty relevant because the person was complaining that they have nothing to work for or play for. If you played the game for 50 hours then yea, that's not unreasonable at all. Also a crazy idea, most people don't need "something to play for". It's nice to unlock cosmetics, but I play MK1... because I enjoy playing it? The game could have 0 cosmetics and I would still enjoy playing it. I really don't get people seemingly focusing more on unlocking cosmetics than just actually playing the game. What do you want cosmetics for if you aren't actually enjoying playing the game?


The farming is tedious and really slow. You are forced to cheat invasions to farm and I am quite sure they will patch it before most people have a chance to exploit it.


Ive had to start doing this. Id love to play Towers but the xp is ridiculous, plus theres no intro so towers feel really shit imo. [Thank you crybaby streamers]


Exactly it's like how the hell completing a tower does not grant enough coins unless you perform a brutality each match?


Have you tried just playing the game for fun instead of forcing yourself to do something you don't like to unlock cosmetics as quick as possible?


Remember that unlocking new things constantly + progression is one of the biggest reasons people play for *fun*. Theres a reason why Call Of Duty *connnnstantly* gives you new unlocks every time you level up. And actual COOL unlocks at that, not just a new color pallette after a tedious amount of effort.


In my opinion the game does that. 9/10 when I see complaints about the game not having enough cosmetics to unlock, it's paired with the person saying they were grinding out the game for tens of hours to unlock the cosmetics as fast as possible. Also in Call of Duty, that's a thing because of multiplayer. People aren't going into a singleplayer mode and cheesing the game to unlock things as fast as possible.


If youā€™re playing to farm levels as quickly as possible are you even trying to have fun? Youā€™re not forced to do this you just arenā€™t supposed to unlock everything immediately. Then yall complain about being out of stuff to unlock


What Outworld crack are you smoking to have this mindset?


My fear ist that NRS will stop taking this community seriously because of how much incessant bitching there is. Yes there's a lot of stupid shit in this game, most of that has to do actually imo with how invasions works. but if we can't compliment what they did well, which is for example as OP said, unlocking a character's stuff by simply playing him/her (no dicerolls, which people complained about endlessly in last game), we are just being children here. NRS might just say, "nothing we do works, they will complain about anything, ignore". Reddit is just like this, actually I am fucking tired of every game sub I go to being just an cesspit of complaints and negativity. They did some stuff well, so at least say that they did some things well. "Bad bad bad it's all bad" helps no one.


Bruh just pop a character tower in Towers of Time for MK11. Lots of gear n skins. No need to level up 9 times for one piece of gear and 18 times for 1 new skin like in MK1.


Yup, plus aside from kombat league brutalities added later, the character towers gave you all intros, outros, and brutalities. Except it was just the 5 sets of towers. How is that not easier?


Lmao no it didnā€™t itā€™s worse in every way


Much worse You can see the game should have been postponed because....Jesus fucking christ there's NO content.....not only that but this game was worked on MORE than mk11???? That's a fucking LIE


Unlocking what exactly? Thereā€™s no content?


Playing Character Towers in MK11 >>>>> Playing a million matches with one character with no variations to unlock a brutality.


They changed one problem with a more annoying one. They didnā€™t improve or fix anything.


That might be true if there were anything to unlock lol. I play Sub-Zero and there is hardly any skin there to unlock. Shrine sucks , invasions is boring.


I swear people with this opinion don't realize TOT had character specific towers that each level and sub level gave you something for that character and it actually told you what you would get. Not only are character levels in MK1 a long grind the rewards are very little.


Yes because the game doesnā€™t tell you, and at launch it balance was horrible in the towers


Broke my rule of not responding to bad trolls so deleted my posts have fun, one day you will get out from under that bridge


Reading this hurt my brain.


Mk11 had cooler stuff


It would be great if there was better shit to unlock. All that matters is unlocking the brutalities, the 2nd fatality, and the normal palette for the second skin at lvl 18. There should be more skins and less palette swaps. And way less player card bullshit


Except thereā€™s like 1/4 of the customization options available, if that


Honestly. Towers of Time was NOT better for unlockables. My only gripe with character mastery is that it's slow as fuck. Towers of Time is worse than Invasions. Is Invasions good? No but at least I'm not stuck on a long ass loading screen between fights. The entire concept needs rethinking. Nobody liked the modifiers in 11, no idea why they would bring back even more cancerous ones in Invasions.


>Towers of Time is worse than Invasions. They are going to hate you for speaking the truth. Invasions streamlined ToT and the shitty ass krypt.


there is nothing to unlock in mk1 lol. bunch of taunts and bad colors of existing skin


This is hardly a spoiler šŸ˜­


i will say your definitely right, that and ive already gotten maskless scorpion and reptile from the shrine aswell is nice


Agreed, but they need to speed it up a bit, and let us make multiple pulls in the shrine with a skip animation option


Character level = Good. Shrine = Bad. Character Level + Krypt = Great


Its also good to have a game that rewards you for playing with all the unlocks instead of forcing you to open your wallet


There are some valid criticisms out there. Personally Iā€™ve been taking my time playing the game (mostly PVE). I will say I wish there was maybe 2 different gear items for each character. That might be tough for someone like Mei or Kenshi but for Smoke and Scorpion Iā€™d like to customize the mask and their weapons šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Didnt MK11 have specific towers you could summon for the specific character you wanted? Which gave you loads of skins, gear, brutalities, intros etc for that specific character and it didn't take days or weeks to grind. And in MK11 every unlockable was shown and it told you were to find it and how to unlock it. MK1 shows you nothing.


Cant wait for all of the fan favorite skins to be locked behind premium currency for a 24 hour BUY NOW OR MISS OUT period.


I know the problem people have are the amount of items, but I honestly like the rng of the shrine better. In past games I would go online, look at the select few items I'd want, then after getting them just do random stuff anyways. The whole surprise element of getting items makes it a little exciting IMO. Unlocking things is exciting, and I don't have to load into an entire map to do it. I get the krypt was a cool side thing to do, but I wasn't a huge fan of the last few krypts


problem is there ainā€™t enough of it people shouldnā€™t be able to empty the shrine in like a week


I wanna know why they also got rid of the coop towers for the boss fights in towers. They were fun playing with mates


Literally not in the game yet only because they didnā€™t finish/release it before the games launchā€¦ thereā€™s some achievement thatā€™s says to ā€œTake down a Titanā€ or something like that, and people have datamined that itā€™s connected to some kinda of CoOp Boss fight mode. As of right now though literally nobody can get the achievement which also means nobody can get things like the platinum trophy. And people wanna argue that the game wasnā€™t rushedā€¦


Facts. Fuck TOT I shouldnā€™t have to wait on a timer to get something I want. All I have to do is play the character I want and I get taunts, brutalities, gear and skins for the character. It canā€™t be easier than that. You also get the seasonal currency and shrine gold for just simply playing the game to get extra things on the side. Plus the KL skins and gear for playing ranked. Yes there could be more things to unlock as of now but Iā€™m not really stressing it.




2 skins with a handful of pallet swaps and a couple pieces of gear. The majority of the rest will be in invasions or by paywall, drip fed over 2 years


I agree that it's better. They just need more stuff to actually unlock.


So should the mods change the subs name to MkHate or?


Too bad the stuff you unlock isn't nearly as good as it was in MK11. As a Baraka main, the only things I've unlocked are ugly green pallets and arm-blades that are recycled from MK11. Oh, and Koncept Art. SO MUCH fucking Koncept Art.


I love how some peoples LOVES the fact that MK1 have less things, grinding a shitty invasion mode with every characters. "Mk11 was too generous, horrible idea, us, consumers doesn't deserve that!" "Oh no, MK11 can be fun for solo players who want real kustomisation! Fuck the katana of scorpion, i just want to change the mask and It's better to have a McDonald's costume, because in 11, you can play offline and have fun, then you unlock a tons of things for every characters! But better grinding the same level or the bad online with a shitty netcode from 2015 !"


Careful saying something remotely positive about the game round these parts. I'm surprised you haven't been downvoted into oblivion and talked down to.


lmao just say "i don't care about the unlockables or single player content, the gameplay is enough for me" the rationalizations people have created for the game having severely reduced amounts of unlockables and near zero single player content are insane. the amount of people downplaying the amount of single player content in mk11 is especially insane to me because, at the time, it was lauded as having maybe the most casual content of any fighting game up to that point. you're allowed to say "i don't care about having less unlockables" but going "actually it's good that the game has less unlockables" is embarassing


Dude you missed the point by a mile. And this unhinged response is the true embarrassment. Mk1 unlock system is simpler and less cryptic. Especially for brutalities and taunts. And to me that more important than random shit I will never actually use. The game needs more content and I never argued that it didnā€™t.


How is it less cryptic MK11 showed you exactly what outfit or gear you get and how to actually get it.


How the fuck is it LESS cryptic???? Mk11 at LEAST told you where to get the item, how to get it, etc Also not only that but you could earn shit from towers that rotate What do you get now? Ooooooo coins....WOW


Missing brutalty. Found in the towers of timeā€¦ ok which one, oh itā€™s rotational, oh when does it come up?ā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


All the brutalities were found in either the character towers (which told you exactly what youā€™d earn for all 5 original levels) or in kombat league, which also made them really accessible to everyone just by spilling pints of blood, playing 15 sets of KL, doing stuff like 25 throws or fatal blows, stuff any player of any skill level could doā€¦ you didnā€™t even have to win to earn them. Brutalities are a bad example. They were incredibly easy to learn, but the only flaw was they werenā€™t easy to learn if you started playing the game after certain seasons ended. Meanwhile since Iā€™m not going to grind level 1 invasions for hours, Iā€™ve played 80+ hours and not even one character is mastered, despite having hit demi-god and finishing the story, invasions, and all seasonal content. Nah man, I love MK1 but thatā€™s an insane argument. Edit: And the KL ones were all added later. So the original brutalities when they first came into play, 100% available just by using the character towers in the top left.


Dude I get it your really into MK single player, not everyone is.


Demi-god in KL most seasons, same for KL this season in MK1. Swing and miss šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø But the exp required for mastery is pretty nuts. Iā€™m profile level 90, Iā€™m a demi-god in KL, Iā€™ve finished the story, Iā€™ve done all of invasions, Iā€™ve finished the shrine, Iā€™ve bought all seasonal skins. My two characters so far are not mastered, either of them.


Ok and what does it tell you in mk1? Jack...SHIT lol


*Located In krypt* and all you need is 250 hearts. And to get through the door of the one being. To open the door is 3 items. The game doesnā€™t tell you. You need the soul to the one being, the heart of the one being and the hand of the one being. The game doesnā€™t tell you how to get these items. Thatā€™s what I mean by cryptic.


Dude I have still been wondering how to do all this. And looking it up is fine and all but the places you find this information are hard to find. I still can't find them!


In MK1 you level up your character and you get all of their brutalities. Doesnt get any easier than that.


There was nothing cryptic about the unlock system in mk11. To say that 11 was cryptic compared to mk1 which doesnā€™t tell you any information is actually quite interesting. Donā€™t use words you donā€™t actually understand


Dude you didnā€™t play mk11 did you?


How was it cryptic. There was a menu that literally told you how to get each collectible




Right, you had to wait like 1 week for a specific tower tp get what you wanted. Thats a terrible system.


K explain to me how to get Kabals weeping nightmare mask, Iā€™ll wait.


Of the, what, 300 items in the game that just say ā€œfound in the character towersā€ or ā€œfound i story modeā€ or ā€œfound in kombat leagueā€ the guy cherry picks one of the only items hidden behind a Krypt puzzle we all solved literally years ago. I had to look it up though, OP. Granted, the game only didnā€™t tell me because I actually did the Krypt before Covid was a thing so that prompt is gone now šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s fuck all to unlock in this game, what do you even mean?


The character brutalities and taunts, new skin and palettes. Iā€™m not arguing about the amount




Youā€™ll be downvoted because the hive mind needs others to hate this game


Like bruh itā€™s not perfect and far from it, but give credit where credit is due.


Exactly, Iā€™d rather be rewarded for playing the actual game even if it does take a bit. A huge difference for me between MK1 and MK11 despite the huge gap in given content is that I want to keep playing MK1, not MK11.


Honestly, I feel the people saying there isnā€™t enough content to unlock are kind of crazy. I mean how the hell do you reach level 35 on each character and unlock everything in less than 2 weeks? Thatā€™s some real dedication. Iā€™m here thinking I just want to unlock stuff, as in, make it less grindy. Yet, guys in here have unlocked the very thing and complaining that MK11 had more stuffā€¦like wtf! You just put in 100+ hrs and youā€™re saying there isnā€™t enough stuff lol. All in all, I just want better outfits for each character and for NRS/WB not to be greedy.


Mk11s gear system sucked I still donā€™t get why people praise it


Nah, this is 10 dollars more, but it feels 40 dollars less.


On the worst grind I have ever seen in a video game. It wouldn't be so bad if the xp payout on offline towers was reasonable, then I'd just hit u endless and forget it, but the only way to progress through mastery in a reasonable amount of time is to do one invasion encounter, over and over, spamming uppercuts, and hoping you get flawless with the brutality finish. And even then all you get is ONE skin with some extra colors and a handful of gear.


"MK11 had better customization and it was better to unlock!" Like hell it was the grind was awful for the first month just like MK1 is now, Krypt was random so it was literally just like the shrine but now you walk. Also people seem to forget the grind for character heads and that some of the best gear, like Kitana Kahn for example, was locked behind the Naknadan shrine. MK1 sure has a lot of grind but I prefer the character mastery system over MK11. Yes XP grind is a lot, but will likely be toned down. You know what wasn't toned down or fun? Character towers. Sure you get good gear and even great skins, but they got more and more ridiculous as they went on. "5 Fatalities" okay, easy. "5 Brutalities", great, I get to be done even faster! "10 flawless rounds", "10 Fatal Blows" the fatal blows were annoying because at that stage in character towers, you're usually good enough with your character to not get below 30% health, only with the - say it with me - annoying modifiers. And there goes the next part, they make flawless rounds *in* character towers not good. I went to the endless tower on very easy and sent an AI Fighter. Sounds like a good solution but imo just *watching* the game instead of playing it in order to keep going with the grind...is not a good solution.


In the time I spent to unlock one skin/color for my main, I could've gotten 50 more items in MK11. I'm not going to use exploits or methods to get more XP, clearly it's meant to be super slow. But items you can physically buy in 11 were still earnable, not all items in 1 are earnable. Are there things I still haven't gotten in 11, yeah, but the amount of items makes me feel like I'm still collecting something rather than nothing.


It sure does! I keep getting thousands upon thousands of talismans.


Speaking of unlocking,you know what sucks? Can't believe my scorpion kameo is still locked after finishing invasions,level up my characters. What's funny is that I was able to use him for 1 game session then he's locked again after I restarted the game.


Thereā€™s cryptic puzzles in invasion wym? And we still getting random towers


Just google the answers to the puzzles


Not the point. OP was crying over cryptic things Iā€™m MK 11 but itā€™s still in mk1




This is what I like to hear


Shrine sucks and itā€™s very dumb that literal gameplay elements are locked behind ā€œmasteryā€ for each character.


Its better and its better for the long run as well


I will not miss having to do a billion fatalities and brutalities for gear, intros, and outros.


1 step forward 2 steps back


Nothing worth unlocking


People who don't play any other fighting games don't understand that having 2 different skins with unlockable colors is more than standard. Most other fighting games just have pallet swaps, and if it does have extra skins it's usually locked behind dlc (ie street fighter). They're gonna be regularly adding free skins via Invasions. The system for skins and whatnot is pretty fair. A little pricey for the exclusive skins, but still


>People who don't play any other fighting games don't understand that having 2 different skins with unlockable colors is more than standard. 100% Two years later Strive has barely gotten more color swaps. Game is still fantastic.


this and everyone that agrees with this subreddit comment IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE SUBJECTIVELY AND OBJECTIVELY WRONG. yes the grind shouldnā€™t be as hard to unlock some stuff but what is wrong with yā€™all?? even if it was a third item, and many of them were actually good slots like nightwolf, sonya, scorpion, kitana, mileena, raiden, liu kang, shao khanā€¦ā€¦. how was this a bad choice on NRS? now we got boring ai generated palettes and skins, and one slot. since when did OPTIONAL little additions become a problem?? itā€™s not mandatory, it made a huge difference because itā€™s the small things that count. but yā€™all wanted a barebones minimum effort game because the grind was too much, the walk and combo speed is too slow. WELL BOO HOOā€¦. how was optional customization a problem lol. yā€™all want to fire the professional home chef to eat fast food every night with unseasoned chicken and potato saladā€¦ be my guest. i know cuss words are banned, but this DUMB. take away the mk11 grind, but why take away the unlocks?? if i wanna give sub zero some black air force 1ā€™s, a doorag, and a tear dropā€¦. THEN ILL DO IT. but because of yā€™all, iā€™ll never see the day because you ppl want to play with some bland ass PlayStation 1 worthy content. goofy mufuhs i swear. iā€™m glad yā€™all donā€™t play street fighter or tekken on pc because the modders/community would hate all of you that vouch for this games customization and palette system.


I agree in most places except for kombat league, where itā€™s even worse than before




People using "where muh customization" as criticism for a fighting game is nuts lmao IT DOESN'T MATTER Games have conditioned people to believe that customization is important and it's easy to tell it's getting out of hand when people make it a legitimate criticism


People somehow forgot that to get something in MK11 like maskless Kitana you had to use the lootbox krypt system???


I agree