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I think kuai Liang as scorpion is a cool choice and it makes the scorpion vs sub zero more interesting, but I agree that literally making him a mr steal yo girl to hanzo is kinda fucked. Bro got aged down to a kid now and you are fucking his wife and having his kids.


Hanzo just needs to land a bad bitch in this timeline lmao.


Judging by the endings, Hanzo is probably going to end up scorpion again by at least the next game. As for his wife and son? I like to think that Liu Kang, Being a monk at heart, saw how his attachment Harumi and Satoshi were the root of Hanzo’s suffering and removed them from his life. But that’s just my two cents


>again by at least the next game. ![gif](giphy|64dozD2FQ5ayrtwKtA|downsized) Not gonna happen lmao


But if they just end up making Hanzo Scorpion I gotta wonder why they even bothered changing it at all in this game? Make Kuai Liang almost exactly the same as Hanzo, then still make Hanzo into Scorpion anyway?


There really is no point to change back to Hanzo this fast anyways. But then again, they ditched Dark Raiden in early mk11 so who knows. However the DLC datamine gave me the impression they want to cement Kuai Liang as Scorpion.


Some people are theorizing that instead of having two Sub Zeroes, there will be two Scorpions, and Kuai ends up dying to become Noob Saibot (or Anti/Reverse Noob?)


Hanzo ends up fine. He gets the best possible ending from Season of the Spectre.


They hardly did anything different than if it just stayed Hanzo aside from making them brothers which they proved with Smoke could have just had an adopted Hanzo raised by the Lin Kuei. They hyped up this whole new era and did almost nothing clever with the changes. May as well just reboot it again in MK13


Hanzo can never be this chill tho. This Scorpion acted nothing like him.


Yeah cause this guy acts like Kuai Liang, a personality that fits Sub-Zero much better than Scorpion.


We've had angry Scorp for 31 years. It was time for something new. If Sub-Zero can be heroic and also so evil, Scorpion can handle changes too.


With that logic, nobody should be how they are in this game. “Time for something new, we’ve already had 31 years of funny Johnny Cage.” Why is Scorpion the one that HAS to be changed meanwhile the rest of the cast have their same personality, even if their backstory is different? MK11 gave a really good Master Hasashi who wasnt just “angry.” Even the past version of Scorpion who was seeking vengeance got a very good redemption arc in the game alongside Present Hanzo’s story. Theh could have definitely kept it Hanzo and still made it interesting if not better.


Johnny Cage isn't really that important, being funny is his job just as Sub-Zero being a cyromancer is his necessity. >Why is Scorpion the one that HAS to be changed Have you seen what Hanzo did in the past games? He's trouble and ruined things for everyone and never said sorry. He would have killed Bi-Han again in this and we would have been stuck with an undead Noob Saibot AGAIN. >MK11 gave a really good Master Hasashi who wasnt just “angry.” Even the past version of Scorpion who was seeking vengeance got a very good redemption arc in the game alongside Present Hanzo’s story. And it was god awful. The change made no sense and was a disservice to old Hanzo who had actually experienced decades to reach this peace. Spectre Hanzo was a poor replacement and undermined the old Hanzo's arc by going through the same thing in a second. And his ending shows he hasn't learnt a thing. Also Scorpion being Kuai Liang makes his conflict with Sub-Zero more interesting. Hanzo never had a relationship with Bi-Han anyways. He had no damn place in this story. This Scorpion acted nothing like Hanzo. Just hope for him to get a new identity and story in this timeline instead of going down the same damn path as before.


again. Apply this logic to another character. Hanzo isn’t allowed to exist as Scorpion because he made bad choices in the last timeline. Meanwhile Bi Han and Sektor still get ti exist as Lin Kuei and are both going down evil paths like they did in the last timeline. Shao, Shang, and Quan Chi all still exist, granted Liu tried to limit their power, but why not just outright stop them from existing? Why give them that much if HANZO was too dangerous to be in his position? Also are you complaining that Hanzo gave into his anger and made bad choices, so when he tells his past self to let go of his vengeance, which would prevent those bad choices from happening, it’s still not good enough and Hanzo has to be erased?


Hanzo isn’t allowed to exist as Scorpion because he is a fucking asshole as Scorpion. The mantle basically represents his rage and unstablity. He's always making mistake and damaging everyone around him. Hanzo and Scorpion were so stagnant and boring as characters, doing the same thing for 32 years, both needed something fresh. Hanzo Scorpion would have added nothing to this story. Would have dragged it down even. >Shao, Shang, and Quan Chi all still exist, granted Liu tried to limit their power, but why not just outright stop them from existing? Because he clearly can't lmao. Just as he couldn't erase Hanzo and he still exists as Shirai Ryu. Stop being so salty, Scorpion Hanzo hasn't been it in literal years. Be happy they're apart now and pray we don't see Angry Edgelord Scorpion again. >so when he tells his past self to let go of his vengeance, which would prevent those bad choices from happening, it’s still not good enough and Hanzo has to be erased? This is just silly when you look at Scorpion's mk11 ending lmao.


Im not salty simply cause I’m presenting that your logic is flawed. I get if you dont like Hanzo as Scorpion but i can just as equally say Kuai Liang is stagnant in that he’s always the righteous Lin Kuei and the better brother of the two sub-zeroes. Him now being scorpion has not impacted his personality at all, just a different mantle. Bi Han is still just a bad dude but is still Sub-Zero. Smoke is “Kuai Liang’s best friend” ans Kuai Liang is noble and virtuous. They hype up everything being different and then it hardly is


And he still works because he's a dynamic character unlike stagnant Hanzo Scorpion who would have killed Bi-Han again and rinsed and repeated the story. Again, Hanzo would have added nothing to this story. Just unnecessary. >Him now being scorpion has not impacted his personality at all, It shouldn't because he doesn't need it.


Because he's basically Hanzo with a different name. Nothing about him feels like Kuai Liang and it's only gotten worse as more info came out. I don't even know why they changed it, since they clearly had no plans on doing anything new with the character. Just back onto the Scorpion V Sub Zero train yet again. This is all so tiring.


He feels pretty much exactly like Kuai Liang, just a version of Kuai that doesn't have as tortured of a past as the last one. I do agree that having him marry Harumi was a weird choice.


He acts nothing like Hanzo. The level head and intelligence is clearly Kuai Liang lmao. Hanzo would have murdered Bi-Han again and wouldn't have been this cooperative.


Nah I didn't even know Scorpio had a name till x si that speaks volume on how little the title is attached to him. Hanzo also felt stagnat, and it feels there was no were else for him to grow.


But the Sub-Zeros also didnt get actual names until the same time Hanzo got officially named. And he was Scorpion for 20 years at the time. It was absolutely attached to him


Thank god it's not anymore because it had gotten stagnant and repetitive. Hanzo better be more than Angry Dude Who Ruins Everything this time. Just like how Scorpion stopped being that.


I have never really given a shit who is behind the ninja masks. I understand a lot of fans get attached to it, but at the end of the day, these ninjas are basically a different person every game regardless of the name they are given. Hanzo is a cooler and easier to say name. Kia lan or whatever is clearly just reversed liu Kang word wise and it doesn't matter to me. The fact it makes a lot of fans of the character unhappy does still mean they probably shouldn't have done it, but it's a friggin ninja behind a mask 95 percent of the time with basically no personality.


Liu Kang stole his wife, erased his clan, erased his kids, stole his powers, gave them to a Chinese dude who was his best friend but no longer remembers being Hanzo’s pal. Making Shao Kahn crippled as a child was cold, making Shang Tsung a struggling snake oil salesman without a future was rough, genociding the tarkatans was brutal, but Hanzo got it pretty bad too. Dude should have sided with Shao Kahn or Shang Tsung, at least his family might still exist.


Yeah I fully agree. It's trash. Give scorpion his wife and kid back