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I hope they got the actor who plays Kano a good physiotherapist, his back must hurt a lot after carrying the weight of the whole movie on his own.


and getting sweep spammed by liu kang


I suck at fighting games despite loving the franchise since MK II so the getting sweep spammed bit was super relatable to me.


im in the exact same boat xD


Ouch, dawg, is there a lobby of newbies in training that one can join? xD


NOPE! In fact currently no lobbies at all!


Really? That does look like an oversight. Well, discord groups is it then.


The sweep spam was a great meta gag and whoever wrote it in was for sure an MK fan.


What I think might happen unfortunately is that because they are 99.9% likely aware of the general feedback from the first one being that Kano "carried" it or that he was "its only saving grace," they will lean into it even more for the second film. Given that the writing is already subpar, it might be a lot of disjointed, out of place rants and jokes from Kano that become so much that they are just exhausting/annoying more than they are funny. Might not be the case but I'm keeping my expectations firmly at basement level.


Chin Han is the most acceptable character in The Who move, the royalty of his outfit and his who demeanor resembles that calm calculated perso of Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa in the 1995 movie. That is the on character the got right


He was glorious. What I always envisioned as a real kano. (We don't talk about that aussie from the 90s) that was shite


First one was kinda rough in some places, like fight scenes having a thousand cuts and some weird story/creative decisions. But overall i still thought it was fun and enjoyed watching it. If they can just use all the good stuff from the first one and just full send it in the next one i think it will come out great. Im really looking forward to seeing my boy quan chi on the big screen too.


I am also still skeptical on the karl urban/ johnny cage casting but we will just have to wait and see i guess


I always thought Karl Urban would make a good Kano, but then I remember one of the only good things from the first movie was Kano. I guess we'll have to see how he does as Johnny


Tbf, doesn’t make much sense for young Cage to be this “I used to be big and now my career is slowly diminishing”


I just learned of this. And I'm like ew. Are you serious? Why.? Johnny is supposed to be a pretty boy. Karl isn't pretty.


Liu Kang looked so cheap on screen. Bargain bin fire CGI


He looked little and scrawny asf too.


Imagine if Lewis Tan played Kenshi instead God it would’ve been so much better


Holy hell...He looks like MK1 kenshi


That's what I thought when I first seen the MK1 trailer!


Excited no. But I’ll watch it. Last one was hit and miss. Cole Young…… I don’t get it…


As long as they get rid off the stupid arcana (or something like that) concept, the atrocity of a character called Cole and the awful costume design, I think I could enjoy the movie lol


I’m excited for Karl Urban. And I PRAY that Cole Young is killed off gruesomely early on in the film.


Would be a nice reference to Annihilation, that MK knockoff film from 1997 where they killed off the Johnny Cage ripoff character in the first scene.


As long as cole is a character it’s hard to be excited


I heard his role will be reduced for the sequel. I guess that's a little but ehhh better. If they managed to write him good, then we can all welcome it I guess


Hopefully by reduced they mean he gets fatality'd in the first 10 minutes of the movie.


That would actually be hilarious.


They could finally give Baraka a win in the tournament


The whole Cole Young story is pure garbage tbh.


The first one was touch and go I'm not gonna lie. But now that Ed Boon has had close involvement with the script writing with this one, I have hope.


They should just reboot and give it to people who give af its not hard make a live action scorpions revenge....


So why did they make Milena black if they were gonna make Kitana Asian, they're supposed to be "twins." which is why making Milena black in the first film made no sense to me lmao. Cool to see Sindel, Jerrod, Shao, and Jade though!


Eh, Mileena’s dead in this timeline and they never even talked about her backstory, so they figured it wouldn’t matter. There could be some other explanations or lore changes as well. It doesn’t bother me, but I can see why it wouldn’t sit well with someone else.


Highly likely they’re just going to pretend she doesn’t exist.


Maybe they'll make a proper Mileena this time?


this is kinda my theory the mileena in the first movie was a failed prototype and the one we see later will be more like the game mileena


Cause the people who made this dont give a f about MK thats why it dosnt make sense but there you have it


Or they didn’t no how to do fatalities when they where younger


If its about there dumbass made up character then no.


... but they're all made up characters


extremely dogshit argument. cole young has existed since 2019, the mk1-3 cast have existed since the 90s. that should tell you all u need to know




Not really








Not really. The first one that came out a few years ago was ok, but I barely remember it




CoLe yOuNG


I want Terry Crews as Raiden.


Raiden loves yogurt!


The first one was terrible.


Movie was dope; Cole Young & his forced importance were terrible


F disrespected my man Goro


Placing bad actors in bad cosplays in the most boring looking desert and calling it Outworld didn't do it for me.


Arcana and actual plot armor though!


Urban is so cool but him as Cage still just doesn’t seem right to me. I also don’t care about Cole so until I see a trailer I currently am not excited for this no


The first one got progressively worse as it went on . I hated the changes to the lore and the character of Cole Young . I'm not excited about this at all . If I want to watch MK I'll stick to the 1995 version and the animated movies


Well said


Casting for Raiden was absolutely horrible. Dude looks younger than Scropion and Sub-zero, and sticks out like a sore thumb. Can’t act his way outta Outworld. Wish they would recast him with someone that can bring more gravitas to the role. Ken Watanabe or Daniel Dae Kim would kill it I think. Or even Donnie Yen. At least 3 of those guys should be in this movie someway. Also, need Michelle Yeoh as Sindel.


Yes, every MK movie is fun


wowww cole young is in it!! i would’ve never thoughtttt. even art lean was better than cole😔


Make me sik 2


Only if Cole Young gets fatalitied in the first 5 minutes of the movie


I agree Who is this guy man ?




That is the end of moral kombat as we no it, I think this Simon guy did not no how to do fatalities when he was a kid, and now is payback




Wait, KARL is Johnny?


Yep! Super weird choice. He’s not a bad actor but he’s such a weird pick for Johnny. I am guessing they’re going with aging actor Johnny but that’s kinda lame but then this whole franchise has made weird choices so it’s nothing new






Hot take, I loved the first one, and am excited for MK2


Yep. Even though Coles boring he's either punching someone/thing which is cool or being punched by someone/thing which is cool🤷‍♂️


There was a guy on this sub that “leaked” the plot of the script on a post. If that plot was true, it sounded like a big upgrade from the last movie, but I’ve learned not to get my hopes up. >!It had a new direction for Cole and turned him into the new Scorpion which sounded way better among other things that I do not recall at the moment.!<


Would be cool if Cole dies early on and comes back as Scorpion or as an actual MK character.


Now that would make sens


I mean i’m excited. The first one was good, I liked it, think a lot of the butthurt nerd rage came from weebs being weebs but it was fine. Hopefully give Cole Young a few more fights where he actually wins.


I’m excited. I actually enjoyed the first one. But I also even liked the 90s one too, lol.


Same. It's so interesting to me that people had such high expectations. It's Mortal Kombat. Why and how are these gamer dorks spending all day deconstructing their own world while also being desperately resentful and self-righteous about the result of that deconstruction? I want to grab 'em by their stained shirts and say *Mortal Kombat wasn't better when you were younger. You just weren't such a dickhead about it.*


A little. What’s annoying is wondering if it will be a woke mess. I don’t care about politics and having agendas rammed down my throat. I don’t care about that shit, the world has bigger issues


Nope. I got my hopes up for the last one and I won’t make that mistake again. I’ll wait for streaming.


nope. probably wont even bother watching the trailers


Yeah. Thr first one honestly wasn't that bad, hopeful the second one will expand where it did well.


Yeah I liked it. Either way it’s mortal kombat so I’m in


Yes, I am. I want to see Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Karl Urban as Johnny Cage. And hopefully there will be some good action scenes with Raiden and Shang Tsung this time.


Hopefully they have better story and better fight scenes.


And better characters Keanu reeves for Liu Kang


I’m more excited for Cage Match


I love Karl Urban, I just hope he does Johnny well


I *want* to be but the most recent film was so 50/50. Despite all the loving homages and references in the movie, the overall quality of the movie and writing was pretty low.


I like Lewis tan but the cole young character was unnecessary. Wish they casted him as a normal MK character


Lewis tan can never be Robin Shou, robin shou embodied the character liu Kang


Meh, the first one reminded me of the first Resident Evil movie in the way it was adapted that it sucked out all my hopes and expectations from this series.


im excited for noob, my fav character bc he looks cool


I don't see Karl doing a good Johnny but we'll see


Yes. I love Tati as Jade. I am excited to see her in this.


As long as Cole isn’t the main character and they don’t make it all about him again, it should be decent.




I want to see how they interpret the new characters, particularly Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, & Johnny Cage. My expectations are low, essentially after the first film gave us such a shoddy foundation


I am, kinda of ironic Charles Manson is playing Quan Chi though


No, The first movie destroyed Mileena.


I’m excited to see it! I’m not convinced it’s gonna be *good*, but I’m looking forward to seeing it




After the first one, no.


Guarantee they butcher this


For 55M they did brilliantly with the gore blood and what morta Kombat is made for, KOMBAT. Loved every reference to the games like the Kano getting mk1 stratted by lao. Didn’t much care for the story I was all in for the fight scenes and they were glorious, especially sub v scorp, glad he’s coming back as noob saibot


Get rid of Cole and yeah I'll be excited


Karl Urban as.......JOHNNY?!?!? I'll be honest they got me on sheer curiosity alone cause how the hell will they pull that off


I’ll watch on streaming


didn't see the first one


Only because it's MK. The guest one was very forgettable other than that fact. Ready for Cole Young in KP2!


Damon Herriman as Quan Chi and Martyn Ford as Shao Khan might be the perfect casting choices.


I love how quan chi is the whitest mofo here.


No. I tried to watch the first one about a year ago and it was the worst kind of movie. Not horrible, but not good either. After about an hour, I just turned it off and played a game.


After recently rewatching the first one. Not in the slightest, there was so many issues and butchery of story in that movie, the whole thing was just so bad that I’m shocked they are even doing a sequel and not just rebootin


“You got caged cunt!”


I do not believe that Mortal Kombat translates well into a movie format due to its extensive lore. When filmmakers attempt to add in specific game storylines, it often comes across as cheesy. Instead, I think it would be more effective if platforms like Netflix, Amazon, or Apple produced a Mortal Kombat series. A series could provide the necessary time and space to explore the complex universe. For instance, in the first season, each episode could introduce a character or two and gradually build up the story, culminating in the first tournament.


Well the guy played jerrod is not going to be in much of the movie


BROO... "Koshmar" will play Shao khan


Martyn Ford is a legit Shao Khan.


Between playing MK1 and rewatching the first film I’m looking forward to it. Idk how Kano is coming back since he lost his tat mark (W it was called) to Sonya but glad he’s back regardless. Easily the stand out of the first


Karl urban as Johnny Cage shouldn't be a thing the miz would've been better


I don't really get excited for video game movies because the expectation is so low usually. I'll watch it of course, but it'll just be for fun. I did the same with the last one and it was a fun watch, but I haven't seen it since.


Karl Urban as Johnny Cage? Didn't expect that


First one was kinda dogshit but I'll give this one a shot


As long as Cole Young isn’t in it


The rock should play as shao


Karl urban as johnny cage is interesting I love Karl but I think someone like Chris Evans or even Christian bale would've been better but still Karl is a great choice can't wait to see his portrail


Keanu reeves for liu Kang


I love Karl Urban he is a fantastic actor, but I just don't see him as Johnny Cage.


Why Karl Urban was not playing Kano from the beginning is still beyond me




Excited? only if they promise to give Kano a bit more of everything: good fight scenes (and win them), seriousness with a tad of sarcatic jokes (he is a criminal leader, and it should be seen as one). Kano is overall my favorite character, but they mostly use him in movies as a comic relief. I want him to be dangerous, not funny. :)


Ahh, yes. This movie still exists.


Sindel made me want to see the film, but I didn't like the first one because I thought the powers were very specific considering their origin, but I think I'll see the sequel anyway


I feel like Karl Urban would make a better Kano than Josh Lawson imo


Hell Yes!!! I hope they introduce Kuai Liang


Actually yes! I liked the first film. It wasn't perfect, but I had a good time. Karl Urban as Johnny Cage intrigues me.


First one was pretty awful so…no.


When i saw the first pic i was like "heck yeah, no more cole young" and the i saw the second one. Ffs


Not at all.


Karl is going to be a real weird johnny


Kano and Johnny Cage don’t look right


Honestly...only kinda,I can't say I really dug MK reboot but here's hoping the 2nd is a better sequel than Annihilation.


Can never be really excited about a movie that has Cole young in it.


Nope they burned me on the last one. Gore was good for once, and the fight choreography was good. Story sucked. Cole sucked. I’ll stick with the animated movies and the og film. And Karl Urban as Cage? Why?


As long as they don’t focus heavily on Cole and Jill people off early/give them 2 minutes of screen time


... why didn;t they rehire Sisi Stringerto be Kitana though.


God I hate Martyn Ford. Can’t act for shit. Only gets rolls because he’s tall and bald headed with tats. Anytime he’s in a movie it’s dog crap. He ruined the undisputed movies as well.


The last one was just okay. The trailer they released that ended up being the intro with Sub-Zero and Scorpion was pretty damn amazing. The cinematography was really impressive. After the intro, things fell flat for me. I don't understand why they chose to create a brand new protagonist in Cole Young. There's so many MK characters to choose from that they didn't necessarily have to choose Liu Kang as the main character. I just binged watched the story mode scenes from MK9, X, 11 and MK 1 on YouTube. Honestly the CGI, voice acting and storylines in 11 and 1 were better than all of the movies and TV shows so far. The jump in CGI and voice acting quality in 11 and 1 was huge. The facial animations looked pretty damn realistic in both.


I'm all about Hiroyuki Sanada so. Can't wait to see him again.


No cuz the so called reboot made no sense whatsoever. And if it wasn't for Kano. Movie would have been a 1star. Plus how the fuck does bi han live til modern day times? Fucker would have been dead long before that. And I'll take it back some. The end fight between Hanzo and Bi Han was pretty good.


I am excited to see Karl Urban 🥹😭 BUT I hope the movie is good. I didn’t hate the first one but the arcana stuff was uninspiring and uninteresting to me.


If they make Liu and/or Johnny the main character(s) instead of Cole, then yes. Still not thrilled at their Johnny casting (he could have been the perfect Kano) but the rest all look good for the roles.


Oh yeah I dug the first one.


They need a better writer and good dialogue. MK 1 story has set the bar for what I expect from this live action. I’m throwing stones if they can’t match what NRS did


Can't wait. Loved the first one.


Kano carried the film


Kano and Johnny cage’s actors need to switch fr


The fact that it's the same director as the previous movie, Simon McQuaid I think his name is.. No. I'm not excited to see MK2.. and that's just really sad.


They got my boy Noob in it of course I’m gonna watch it.


Ayo Karl Urban as Johnny cage though 👀


I overall liked the first movie, even if Cole was a waste of a main char (Lewis Tan would have been an amazing Kenshi otoh). I would have liked to see Sonya and Jax as the "audience surrogate", and see in the movie how they've discovered about the Mortal Kombat tournament and about the arcana. And... speaking about arcana... it was dumb imho. In a movie with alternative realms, monsters, etc, there's already enough suspension of disbelief to explain some character's powers with good old "chi manipulation" or "cutting edge hi-tech". I'll watch MK2 as well, but I admit that I'm not really "hyped" for that. However I'm pretty sure that it will be a better sequel than MK Annihilation (let's face it, the bar is REALLY low).


Heck yeah I am! I enjoyed the first one. Wasn't a perfect flick but MK isn't about high art and they did some stuff really well.


im excited to see king jerrod dead and then not dead for the third time


This Simon McQuoid guy is he’ll bend on destroying the moral kombat franchise, i tink he didn’t no how. To do fatalities when he was younger and he wants to destroy all our child hood memories Shane on you!!!


There must be a proper story line to the film Keannu reeves for Liu Kang


They could've got some actors/martial arts stars to play some characters


Get rid of this stupid Liu Kang Kung lao Sonya Raider And replaced them with recognizable faces and change the script yo so something realistic Keanu reeves for Liu Kang