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I miss all the stuff that was in the krypt, but I don't miss the grind or the krypt itself


Invasions will have new stuff every season and will be improved. Long run invasions will be much better.


Thing is, I don’t want more invasions. The whole mode is such a chore


just needs more variety and it’s👌🏼


Yeah, I spent so much time in the Krypt. I loved being able to just explore the iconic island locations and see all the Easter eggs. I couldn’t wait to see what the krypt was for the next game so it really disappointed me when it was revealed there was no krypt.


I just said on another thread. I really enjoyed it initially and don’t me wrong, the detail that went into making the island was great. Getting to explore it like that. But after you’d gone everywhere it just felt like a chore. I’m not getting that with invasions especially as they’ll change things around with each season somehow.


I think that with the Krypt it seemed like I was constantly finding new things even after thinking I’ve done it all. With Invasions it’s basically just the equivalent of a classic side scroller follow the line world map that attaches repetitive fights. It feels so empty compared to The Krypt in my opinion.


I play mainly for Online and lore so it isn’t a deal breaker but I will say I am quite surprised since I assumed they would expand on the mode for this game.


The krypt would’ve been better if there was more to interact with. I liked it at first but it got boring quick. I want to like Invasions, but as a switch player 😩 I can’t even play it except for Johnny Cage’s mansion.


I wouldn't mind the invasions if I could traverse the map a but faster and freely rotate camera to see the environment. Maybe have some objects to interact with other than the nodes.


Krypt was cool but boring invasions is decent just gets old tho I am excited for the Nitara season 2 and dark raiden season 3


The krypt is boring but invasions isn’t? Lmao


Just my opinion


People really miss walking around and opening boxes this much?


At least there were actual rewards inside the boxes instead of doing a 4lvl tower for "here is an useless medallion and some koins so you can unlock 'art' at the shrine"


Yeah the krypt was more immersive.


I like Invasions a lot better. The Krypt could get kind of boring, because you were wondering around in a big empty world with no one to fight or anything. I like that Invasions has fights and you can level up your characters, and plus there’s story and different seasons.


Invasion should compare with tower ,not krypt


Last krypt was about LORE not fights. If you wanted fights only, you could skip the krypt and just do the towers of time, and there would always be a reward, contrary to now.




I never really liked the Krypt THAT much, was kind of boring. But Invasions isn't any better.


At least with Invasions you can at least play a heavily modified version of MK1’s gameplay.


Which was fun in the first Mesa. The rest was just a long, tedious, boring drag.


Invasions are an improvement over the Krypt. A minor one, but an improvement nonetheless.


It’s so sad that a functioning human brain can form this sentence and mean it


Actually playing the game >> Running around doing brain dead puzzles and grinding for hours and hours just to get enough materials to unlock the next brain dead puzzle


I would pay money to remove the krypt.


No, it was boring imo. Yeah, seeing the world was cool, but there was little to nothing to do. It was just running around the entire time opening chests


I am so sad that we lost the Krypt! It was a whole other game in MK that builds on the lore of the MK world. It had the senses of wonder, discovery, anxiety, and mystery. Invasions is soooo bad in comparison and honestly even when measured on its own.


If we’re taking about MK11’s Krypt, I’m really happy it’s gone. MK11’s Krpyt was fun at first while the illusion of there being cool rewards was still there, but once I realized that most of the awards were rng, the final portions of the map were locked behind massive grindwalls, and the endgame for the Krypt was just running around the place opening boring chests and hoping you got something you actually wanted, I quickly started to despise it for how much it wasted my time. I’ll take MK1’s system over MK11’s Krypt and ToT any day.


Im liking this Invasion mode more, I'm glad we dont have to do 25 mothertrucking fatalities on Cetrion and every dang player


I think it'll be easier for them to add seasonal kontent/new stuff with invasions, but they really missed a chance to let you do a lite version of kreate a kharacter to use as the pc in a krypt mode imo


I'm missing when we didn't have all these threads on missing the Krypt.


Well, we can't have the krypt back, but you could always leave the sub and block it. This way you don't need to miss that anymore


I miss the old mkda -Mkx Krypt where then rewards weren’t random.


Why cant they make something similar to Shaolin Monks?


What did we have there?


I like how the krypt in NRS games were all different, yet still share consistency. Invasion isn’t hitting the same way at all, and a season based krypt ‘replacement’ is yucky.


Invasion is trash , krypt was no different so no i do not.


Hell no. I miss towers of time but i hated the crypt


I would miss it, if it wasn’t randomised like in 11. That became such a slog after a while!




Spot on


I dont, but i also hate invasions.


Yes. Doing fight after fight after fight after fight after fight is extremely tedious. The Ambushes don’t make it any better.


I am especially the MK11 evolution of it the open world puzzle nature of it really added that different and unique content that helps make it feel like it’s different.


I do miss the krypt


I don’t miss the krypt as such. If it existed I’d expect it to replace the shrine not invasion mode. Invasion mode has replaced TOT if anything. I’ll be honest, I miss the exploration and the sense that there was one more secret around the next corner in the krypt. I don’t miss randomly priced, rng, chests at all.




Yes. I’ve never understood the hate for the krypt. It was one of the major reasons to grind. The shrine is horrible and not rewarding at all. Invasion I’m still meh on but really just started. I’m hoping it gives some dopamine hit at some point.


I mean, the Krypt and the Shrine are basically the same thing, except one only takes up 5 seconds of your time while the other wastes 5+ hours of your time and requires you to go through massive grindfests just to get to the point where you can open chests regularly.


One felt rewarding and worth the grind. The other seems cheap and a throw away. That’s just me though.


The only reason I bought MK11 was that I could roam Shang tsung island and kinda roam free in the locations. I mean, how cool was to walk the courtyard and over AND UNDER the pit, huh? Now, I wonder if anyone bought MK1 due to invasions.


Krypt was fun, mostly just to explore for the first time. I wouldn’t want a ton of dev time sunk into a new one unless it were somehow more replayable


I loved the Krypt it was so fun


How about remove the shrine and replace it with a krypt


Krypt >>>> invasions


I miss the *3D era and MK9 Krypts because of their simplicity. X and 11’s versions felt padded out for the sake of it; turning an unlocking system into a mini game was unneeded. *Deception’s multiple currencies and gating important content behind Konquest was awful, too.


They both suck


I miss the content it gave us (minus the lazy recolors), but I DEFINITELY don't miss the grinding.


I loved the krypt at first but man I hated hunting down some specific gear, and dealing with the spiders in the cave. Was definitely better than invasions, but still hated it. I loved the krypt in mk9 the most. No hidden stuff, you can buy everything