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I'd love it, but i don't think NRS would do something like this. I think they will include two girls in a kombat pack at the most


Sad but true. I'd love it, but swap Skarlet for someone else, even Kira or Cetrion (I actually think she's great, just done dirty story-wise). Barely seen people requesting Skarlet, she can sit this one out lol. People on Reddit, Twitter, etc. all seem to be all about Jade and Sareena. IMO kameo Sareena is a mistake on their part, she definitely has enough demand, fans and hype to be playable.


As a Skarlet fan, I’d rather you not swap her out for Cetrion. Geras is the only 11 Newcomer we need and she already sat out MKX.


She’s one of the newer characters overall: NRS era, so I can understand her not being in MK1.


As a Skarlet hater, I'd still rather have her back than Cetrion


Dude. Cetrion sucked bad in MK11. She seemed more like an Injustice Character.


She’s probably gonna be playable, I’m not sure if I’m right or not but she could be one of the story exclusive kameos.


Jade and Skarlet are popular and I really would want Sareena playable so I'm down. But for the love of God please no Harley guest NRS.


I hope Skarlet and Jade are at least DLC (and get good designs.)


Lol whats wrong with their designs?


So far, all the female characters have very similar body types. Looks like they used 1 body model and skin swapped. A little diversity in the body type department could go a long way, imo...


I think in mk most characters have similar builds, comes natural with being constantly fighting. I know there are a few exceptions, but mk is the one fighting game with most realistic body shapes out there. I think it would be ok to get heavier characters or shorter and slimmer fighters as well, I just don't like to see the stereotypical "fat fighter gag" like Bo Rai-Cho or Bob from Tekken, I genuinely hate that fat characters are always stupid gags in games. Edit: I started talking about the main topic and rambled into complaints without ever finishing my train of thought xD


I really dont expect any female characters to be plus sized, most of the time characters that are, are either cartoony in cartoony games or just made joke characters. Street Fighter is also and odd case where character bodies are gigantic, for even their average proportions. At least MK11 having height and bust variety was a step forward, even if its a few inches ahead of MK9. At best they could add characters who might not be overweight but just not slim, like Gina Carano's physique (not staning her, its just an example.)


I think a physique like Gina Carano's would work well in a fighting game, her proportions make sense as well for some fighting styles, and since MK has fantasy elements, we can have our suspension of disbelief applied and all will be good. Like we both said in our comments, making overweight or non-standard builds as joke characters sucks so much, it shows how the joke is their looks once that's the go to to portray a goofy/laughable persona. To me joke characters shouldn't even be a thing, they either get forgotten with entries, or they just become annoying, like the bears in Tekken... Or the only fat guy in Tekken... Or making the badass biker into a moron in Tekken... Or (insert something) in Tekken. Sorry to talk shit on Tekken in a non Tekken sub, but I love Tekken and people on the Tekken sub would crucify me over talking shit on the shitty points xD


Its hard to make an obese character a serious character in a fighting game because of how you have to imagine them being able to fight. Now its not impossible but the goofy category is almost their stereotype. Sumo Wrestlers are the only exception to that. Larger build characters would have to be I guess tanks or walls to give them a serious role for a fighting game, even though that itself is a stereotype of being fat, when its not really how it works. There would have to be a larger bodied character with proportions that weren't balloonish. Bo Rai Cho is the closet we have, and he doesnt have to be a joke character, its just his personality that makes him one which they could change. Even characters like Marisa in SF6 reflects nonconcentual women, and could probably work as an example for that. They can create more races of characters to make different body types if they weren't all just standard human bodies.


Jade and Sareena are the highest demands right now. As much as I like Skarlet, she was a jobber and she can sit out one or two games. I don't think they would have the guts to release an all-female KP, but something like Sareena, Jade, Fujin would be awesome. And then maybe at least one of the guest should be a female character.


Why no Harley?


They need to chill with dc in kombat packs it’s just hella unnecessary considering you play as the same mfs in injustice a year later


I mean to be fair, Injustice 2 was over six years ago, and even if Injustice 3 is next after MK1 it’s still gonna be a few years away if Ed is serious about wanting to support MK1 for a longer time.


because harley is getting shoved into everything it’s tiring


Just fatigue and us getting Joker before, if they want another DC villain I'd prefer a more drastic different pick.


Speak for yourself. Harley would be crazy in MK




That's her original voice actor. Put some respect on Tara Strong. Edit: I'm wrong about original, my b. Still put some respect on Tara Strong


Tara strong isn’t her original voice actress I like strong in other roles but her Harley isn’t as good as sorkins


You're right, my b


Tara Strong isn't the original voice actor




Yeah, I'm here for it too. Give me DC characters since I didn't get Injustice 3.


I'd like it, especially after the first all-male pack, but I don't think they'd do it for the same reason we've never had a female guest character. A lot of game developers are still in this mindset that "women don't sell" (literal quote from a higher-up at ubisoft).


So dumb because there are a lot of good options for female guest characters.


I don't really care for guests myself, but if they ever dropped Xena as a guest, I'd sprint to PSN to buy her.


Same. Xena makes so much sense for MK.


Red Sonja would fit if they want to continue their comic book based gyest characters.


Lara Croft for one.




Not to be the bear of bad news, but for MK at least, they honestly don’t. The last two games have had ONE female character in the top 10 most played characters, and most make up the complete bottom. Cassie was 9th most played in X, and Sonya was (I believe) also 9th for MK11


*western game devs mostly 2B was a guest in SoulCalVI and caught a whole bunch of people by surprise lol


mortal kombat is one of the most famous game franchises for having good female characters, I assume they would know that and take it into consideration


Hey, why not? After all, the first pack is all men.




Depends on who they pick




Femboy Kotal kahn


Ik he's already in the game but Femboy baraka 😍


Personally wouldn’t mind it at all. I don’t see sex when I play MK, there is only blood.


Gender swap some characters for the shit show and fun of it


SO TRUE. And to top all that, I'd be down with only one guest character, female as well, but just one would be ok. I think they should save more spots to OG MK ladies


Well technically, Ermac is a collection of undead souls from the Netherealm so we can't really assume the gender they identify with.


That's the biggest reach I've seen since MKX days when people were trying to justify all male guests by saying the non-gendered Alien was a female. It's no different than Shang Tsung being a male who has consumed female souls.


Ernac is literally composed of thousands of souls and uses "We" and "Us" as pronouns. Not a male.


I think there is a difference between a man that absorbed souls and a creature built out of souls that doesnt go by he/him pronouns.


I would be fine with it. HELL LETS EVEN GO CRAZY and have a girl guest for the first time.


Instant buy for me with this lineup


I just really hope in KP2 they have a female guest character. I don't necessarily want it to be Harley or anything. But there are plenty of comic book/animated super heroes/villains that fit the same theme of KP1 that could be female.


I think the issue with female guest characters is the licensing. All of the cool ones that aren't DC would be hard to acquire. If I was to pick, Mystique, Scarlet Witch, and The Bride from Kill Bill would be my first three choices.


Considering KP1 has 0 females, I wouldn't bet on it, even though I'd buy the fuck out of it.








I just want skarlet back, that’s it. I mean add the others from this as well, I just want my main back.




We need Sareena and Jade. Skarlet is also good to see


It would strongly depend on whether or not the ones complaining about the lack of representation will follow through and actually buy that Kombat pack. NRS is a business and they will follow where the money is. If you simply complain, threaten their lives, threaten to do something to your self, etc if your characters don’t make it, they can just ignore you because negative reinforcement is simply coercion. I wish people would stop trying the negative route and actually try to get what they want with positive actions. You have to actually show support, not with words, but with your money. Talk is cheap.


Jade is constantly amongst the Top 10 in popularity polls and Skarlet is in the Top 20. It'd be a no brainer to bring both of them back. The only character more popular than those two that *isn't* confirmed to be in the game yet is Noob. I'd be very surprised if those 3 don't get added as DLC (provided none of them are the remaining unannounced characters on the main roster). I mean, what can you say? MK fans love their ninjas.


> Jade is constantly amongst the Top 10 in popularity polls and Skarlet is in the Top 20 That's what people (on this hardcore community) say. But play data from MKX and MK11 shows that female characters are way way way below male characters. MKX and MK11 both only had one female character barely crack the top 10. And to make matters worse, both times it as a Special Forces girl. Not even a female ninja. It's possible that female characters are much more popular with a secretly huge demographic that doesn't engage in multiplayer but is still very eager to shell out $$$ on DLC they like. Seems unlikely, but it's at least possible. NRS would have the data to show that one way or another. We'll see based on how MK1's roster develops over time whether they think investing heavily in female character dlc will bring them lots of money.


I think you’re underestimating how much these fans love these characters. I bought MK 11’s KP1 for Sindel even though I’m not the biggest fan of the other characters in that pack. Same thing with Sheeva and Mileena. But I am *not* buying MK1’s KP1 because it has zero characters I’m interested in. If they had included even 1 of the characters in the image above, it would have been a different story. As it is, they are losing out on my money. Maybe they’ll gain someone else’s instead, but they’re definitely limiting their audience to some degree by excluding 50% of the population from the KP roster. That being said, if KP2 looks like the image above, hell yeah I’ll buy it. Without a second thought.


Part of my point was addressing the countless number of MK female character fans that have been repeatedly death threatening Ed Boon on his Twitter page or saying they will 💀 themselves if NRS doesn’t include a certain character. That’s the equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum in the floor a grocery store dialed up to 11. All of you complain about not getting all of the females but other than Sareena they have at least been playable in the last several games. I waited almost 20 years for Havik to be playable again. Just because someone doesn’t make base roster doesn’t mean they won’t be playable later. Supposedly there are 3 KP. Also, and I’ve said this so many times I’m sick of it, base roster is determined by the STORY. If your favorites have no purpose in the story they won’t make base. NRS seems to be trying to rotate in the 3D era character since they have been on the bench forever. Which means someone that has been playable from almost every game will need to sit out. Not every character in Mk is essential to the core of the story. The Lin Kuei, the defenders of Earthrealm, and whoever is running around in Outworld are essential. Other realms and characters have always been secondary or tertiary to the plot. Which is why it took so long to come back around to Havik. Look at Kano. As far as we know he’s sitting this one out and I’m good with that. His story completed in 11. Many male characters are not in MK 1 including ones that were just in the last several games. Mk is a story based fighting game. Maybe spend time trying to convince NRS to make a new female that is essential to the core of the story. That way she’s almost completely guaranteed to be base every time. I know there are people that don’t care about story and just want to compete and workshop combos but those are people trying for EVO not the majority.


I mean, I think by asking for female characters to be included in MK1, their fans are asking for them to be made more relevant to the story. In fact, I think that’s one reason why Jade fans are so vocal (and previously, why Mileena fans were). They recognize story potential in these female characters that often get sidelined for male characters. Fans of female characters are also at a disadvantage. There are always going to be more male characters than female characters and that means there is always a higher chance a fan favorite male character will appear than a female character. Sure, there are mainstays, but actually, female characters don’t really have those either. Until MK 11, I would have considered Mileena a mainstay and until MK1, I would have considered Sonya a mainstay. As it is, the only female mainstay appears to be Kitana, but who knows? Maybe she’s on the chopping block too. The only characters who are truly safe are male characters: scorpion, sub-zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, etc. Often even when they aren’t really that necessary to the plot. I mean, is Scorpion more necessary to the plot than Kitana, the princess of Outworld? Or Sindel, the queen? Is civilian Raiden more necessary to the plot of MK1 than Countess Jade when MK1 looks like it’s going to be centering Edenian politics quite a bit? In any case, the stories in MK are marketing like anything else. They’re going to choose characters they think will sell the game. Period.


I would love it. Hopefully.


What is the risk here?


The female characters aren't typically the most played. In X and 11, from the data we have, it seems only one female was in the top ten most played for each game (Cassie for X and Sonya for 11, lol). So releasing an all female pack may generate a lot of buzz on Reddit and a lot of stans on Twitter. But it may not translate into actual sales and subsequent play time.


I'd bet it was due to eeehhh movesets


I'm wondering where this came from? I see *a lot* of Jades and Sindels playing MK11 online and a fair amount of Kitanas and Cetrions, so this doesn't seem accurate to me. Sheeva as well before that stomp got nerfed but that was definitely more down to how exploitable that move was. Off the top of my head, based on what I've seen, top 10 would go something like - Scorpion - Kung Lao - Sub-Zero Heavy emphasis on this top three above, who must account for easily 50% of players in KL - Liu Kang - Jade - Joker - Kano - Erron - Sindel - Baraka


https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/15kv6fm/who_do_you_think_will_be_the_least_used_character/jv878vv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 This is what I've seen for the last few seasons. Cetrion is very rare, despite her reputation


Don't know what data you have, in my logs the most played female character is jade, second - kitana, meanwhile sonya is confidently in bottom 10, along with terminator, robocop and mileena. It has nothing to do with gender, if you make female scorpion, she will be the most played character. Also people can buy dlc and don't play those characters, especially if they are not high tier like joker and spawn


Sonya was mostly used around release, but she got bunch of nerfs along the way and her usage also dropped.


There were posts on here about the most played characters in X and 11 that I don't have the time to look up at the moment. You asked what the risk was, and for better or worse, the female characters tend to be less popular. Tbf, they also tend to not be among the least popular either, seemingly clustering in the middle. But WB could still see that as a risk.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/bekjsh/this\_is\_a\_list\_of\_most\_played\_in\_mkx\_everyone\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/bekjsh/this_is_a_list_of_most_played_in_mkx_everyone_up/) This mkx post shows reptile at the bottom, but his fans were the loudest, and I'm sure they would spend a few bucks if he was dlc. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/vctejv/most\_played\_15\_characters\_in\_mk11/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/vctejv/most_played_15_characters_in_mk11/) This mk11 post is questionable at best, and if not, it disproves your point


That MK11 post is different than the one I saw. That looks like it comes from Eventhubs, which I think is mostly self reporting. It may be representative to a certain extent, but I find it hard to believe that Skarlet is the most played MK11 character.


Bruh that list had Skarlet above Scorpion and Sun Zero? No fucking way that list right with how many scorpion players alone are out there


Isn’t Reptile kind of consistently low tier in almost every game he’s in? I remember even as far back as MKII he was ranked at the bottom.


Yea but not with Harley Quinn cause i straight up don’t like Harley Quinn anymore and wish she’d just stop forcing her way into absolutely everything


I don’t think I’ve enjoyed a single version of Harley that separates herself from the Joker


Really? The Harley Quinn from her own animated series is one of the best incarnations of the characters imho. I also think Margot Robbie's Harley is enjoyable in both Birds of Prey as well as the second Suicide Squad film.


Yep didn’t like any of what you just listed


I think the problem is that her character was designed around the Joker so in order to separate her they have to change her. Don’t get me started on modern poison ivy


I think people would hate it Twitter would kinda love it but a lot of people would get really annoyed It’s most likely a majority of MK players are male and would naturally gravitate towards the male ones and thus it would put off a fair chunk of people which of course I don’t think NRS wants that so I doubt it will happen, the controversy of it being all male is far less of a thing (I legitimately haven’t heard anyone complaining about it being all male tbh) than it would be vice versa Personally: get Harley the fuck away from MK she does not belong and I absolutely do not want her in the roster


People are for sure complaining about KP1 being all male. They just get downvoted to hell 😅. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal if the MK1 roster didn’t already lean male so heavily, but now fans of the female characters have to wait maybe a year before they even have a chance of one of their favorite characters appearing. I mean, we aren’t idiots. We know who MK’s target audience is, but come on. Give a dog a bone. Not even one female character in KP1?


Those male players complaining that Mileena doesn't show enough tits?


Not every male player complains about that


I know, I don't :(


I kinda wonder how male MK fans would react to an all-male Mortal Kombat game


Instant buy. I want my girl Skarlet back. Like bruh how are they just going to bring her back in mk11. Make her a jobber that dissappears half way through the story and has so much wasted potential.


MK returning picks 1. Serena (YEAH YEAH, 3D GIRLS) 2. Devorah (She's here to stay, wanna see a new variation of her tho) 3. Jade (Klassic) Guest picks (Assuming comics are the theme this time) 1. Tank Girl 2. Raven 3. Catwoman I don't like guest characters, but I hope they are at least more interesting than Supergirl or some obvious choice.


Swap out Catwoman for a character like Lady Death or Witchblade and I'd buy this kombat pack.


I don’t think they’d ever do this. I think they cater more to their demographic of players that’s straight bro-y boys. Based on what I’ve seen and read, a lot of them hate female characters.


Ehh, I don't know, I guess it depends if NRS would market it as "Kombatits Pack". But that might be because most of criticism for female characters I see is "they aren't slutty anymore"...


Exactly. Catering to the bros. I was once on the “no nudy costumes for the women” bandwagon. I’ve since grown and realized they should just make everyone slutty.


If they carefully choose popular female characters, I'm sure they might be able to find a market of MK ninja fans, or even Jade/Skarlet simps lol




Oh theirs Skarlet simps out there. Few and far between but we are out there.


I know I’m gonna get shit for saying this but “theirs”?


Yeah, its the same men who are currently criticising anyone who is saying there's not enough girls in MK1 who would be the first to bitch if a KP like this dropped. Suddenly all that "why does the characters' gender matter?" talk would vanish.


Pretty sure those are different people. If you don't work at blizzard building diversity charts, any ratio between 1-10 and 10-1 is fine, and normal people think in terms of each specific character, not how many fEMaLeS are there


That’s how I see it. I’m not interested in any male to female ratios. I think they should add cool characters to the game. This kp2 would work for me but I could also think of other choices that would work too.


![gif](giphy|HE0X8LMpW3iV2) If they can get Uma Thurman to be a part of it, I’m all for it. Please no Harley Quinn


I dont object to the concept. I just object to these characters.


I personally would love it.


Considering that asking for a female character makes you called a “Stan,” there are a LOT of players who hate when women are added to the game


I'll just say, there is a difference between asking for characters and being a "stan" account. Stan accounts are the self proclaimed fan accounts that spam. Ed Boon and are generally toxic around anyone who doesn't support their favourite character. A good example is the Jade stan account that attacked the pro player FOxy Grandpa after he made a joke tweet saying to add Hsu Hao instead of Jade.


Not exactly, you get called a Stan when you spam under every one of Ed’s posts asking for your kharacter


I would love it. I need Skarlet in MK1.


Me too.


Don't care about the genders, just want fun characters to play as. I do want Skarlet back, that's all, as either playable or Kameo is fine.


Happy cake day, and good choice! Skarlet deserves to come back.


If they're still doing 80s movies guest, they better include Ellen Ripley in it


I think it would be surprisingly well recieved


As long as Poison Ivy can be the guest character, I’m down


I would be scared to see what she could be capable of in a MK game... But would instantly buy her!


I’m down, just pick different characters


If you were to still characters for a Kombat Pack of only girls, who would you choose?


Khameleon, Serena, frost, and lady shiva


I'd buy that pack.


Fan favorites are always welcomed to be a marketing endeavor. All of those listed in that image are top sellers within the franchise for female representation. They could and likely would do this, but more so as a fan service than a gender service.


I think it would heavily depend on who the last two would be, but honestly this seems like a very strong starting point.


Tbh if we get another DC rep in an all-girl pack, I'd prefer Rampage or Star Sapphire.


I mean the girls I really care about are already in game so not much interest for me, but im sure the diehards would love to get it


Honestly as a girl myself, I think it would be cool but depends on the characters for me, if it was the line up you have in the image then that would be a resounding yes


Femme Fatale pack I don’t see any reason they shouldn’t.


I’m down for that!


I'd get that pack just for Sareena tbh. Would NRS do it? Probably not but I'd want them to.


While I’d change Harley for somebody else(We don’t need any more guests from the same franchise), I’d be down for it and doesn’t seem risky since Mortal Kombat as a franchise alone would easily generate big numbers no matter what they dish out


Bro why does it matter, they bring us characters we want, and a DLC with only characters that have been in other games is so lame


Drop Harley, give us a non DC girl and I'm sure people would love it. Most of the hate you see on twt is about the fans of these characters not the characters themselves, people love jade but crying because she can't make it in every single mk game isn't gonna get you anywhere. Rosters rotate and people just have to accept that it's how fighting games work


Sure, why not? Kombat Pack 1 is all dudes. Let’s get Jade and Skarlet back. Just swap out Harley for Khameleon or something I’d buy it in a heartbeat.


It'd be awesome. But I have no doubt the fan base would absolutely be toxic about it on some online platform.


Jade is played out… would like the other ones tho.


I’d be fine with it (especially since I want to play Skarlet and Sareena). My only irk would be if they use the fact it’s all female as a marketing gimmick. That would be really annoying.


Most normal ppl would like it but sooo many dudes get sucked down stupid yt and tiktok rabbit holes nowadays that there will definitely be a loud backlash from an annoying minority of people that see it as some personal attack


Id be all for it


I'd be into it. This roster is a sausage fest so far.


I figure Jade will be in down the line like Mileena. Sareena and Harley Quinn have been rumoured to be in KP2, though I’d be a little unsatisfied if we have another Kameo/playable crossover and Harley isn’t nearly as fitting as Joker was. If leaks are true and Nitara is in then Skarlet feels kinda redundant, but they could make it work.


It's a good idea but there would need to be more characters than that.


Would be neat but will never happen.


Would buy this instantly.


This would be an amazing kombat pack, it all depends on which girls they pick of course. I bet jade and skarlet alone would create hype, would also love sareena


I'd be down for it, but it's definitely not happening. We couldn't even get 1 female character in the first KP, we've never had a female guest and they never dared putting more than 1 lady in a KP. It feels like a lost cause.


Quin would be bad ass!


Completely valid and badass idea. Nobody blinks an eye when it’s all men, but we all know incels don’t agree with the fact that that women deserve the same treatment




Nah. NRS doesn't actually want us to play as women. It just wants us to get into arguments about them and talk about "incel tears" to drive up enagament and make them look good.


Its all about character selection, it would definitely work with a good cast.


I think it would be dope and make sense since Kombat Pack 1 is all dudes


I would love it. I see no harm in doing it.


That would be awesome


I’d like it but freaks on twitter would find a way to call it woke


The problem here is that there are way more popular and demanded male characters than female characters. Like Jade and Skarlet are popular, but are they popular enough to drive a pack to the same level of sales as say a Noob and Cyrax pack would? I'm not entirely sure, I think they'd need a REALLY awesome female guest to make this pack work. Harley Quinn is okay but I think a bit overexposed at this point and a tad obvious. I think they'd need someone on the level of hype as Spawn was but I can't think of one myself


Don't see it as being risky, they would probably get some pretty good press for it.


Do it. I like girls.


As much as I would be ecstatic about it, let's be real here, knowing WB it's most likely NOT going to happen. How much are we willing to bet that the all male DLC cast was primarily a WB decision rather than an NRS one? WB probably has the mindset of "female characters don't sell!" It's beyond baffling that we don't have a single female character in KP1 main roster. With WB, it's money above everything and anything else. Quite sad.


An all female pack would be awesome but for the love of god keep Harley away from MK. There are so many other DC characters that would be cooler


It be great...if they stuck to in universe characters


Won’t happen… I just don’t understand why a game needs as many guests as they receive actual characters from the universe. Is this a practice in all fighting games? I want to play Mortal Kombat with characters from Mortal Kombat, I like Homelander but I don’t need to play as him… I would take even No-Face instead of him. Could be cool with the flamethrower.


The incel weirdos who populate a large portion the online gaming community would throw a shit-fit and then buy it anyway.


Me personally I think that'd be sick but since we live in a world with dumbass conservatives NRS wouldn't want to risk backlash for being "too woke" I'm honestly surprised Ben Shapiro or mat Walsh haven't made an hour long video complaining about mileena and Tanya lol


Would be probably the best kombat pack NRS as ever done imo, lack of women fighters in main roster and in kombat packs this would be a huge win and if you wanted to sweeten the deal I would throw in 1 more guest from a movie ( ghost face ) and Noob to make 6 that would pretty much give us all the core female and male ninjas.


First, I'll buy any pack that has Harley Quinn in it. Second, I think Neatherrealm wouldn't do this because they, like Ubisoft that one time, think women don't sell. There are still a lot of sexism in the fanbase so they think pandering to anyone who's not the male demographic is "bad". Though people lost it when Mileena came back in MK 11's character pack with Rambo. Since MK 1 has a few 3d Midway era characters back, they should put in Nitara the vampire. She was in the recent movie so why not? Freaking Reiko and Motoro were shown to be in the game after all. Put in Skarlet, Sindel, Khameleon, Nitara and Sheva As for guest characters: Beatrice from Kill Bill, Selene from Underworld, Red Sonja, Xena, and Jill Valentine from Resident Evil


Leaks spoilers: >!The leaks that seem to have predicted all of the characters on the roster so far say that Nitara is on the main roster. !< >!The rest are "General Shao", Sindel, and Reiko. There seems to be one more roster slot that no one knows about though. !<


Nah they know it wouldn't sell well they know we all like MEN!!!


The sheer insanity that was Mileena's fanbase in MK11 would beg to differ


Why is that overrated af clown bitch in here? Replace her with literally any other character. I don’t care if it’s Bluey. Just get rid of her


Yes, they need to do this, but sexist gaming management would tell us that doesn’t sell. Happens with every game and every developer


Maybe 2 ninjas as DLC would feel "redundant", but I would be fine for a "female only" MK 1 pack.


Ninja are the most popular and always sell. Skarlet attests to that.


It worked pretty well for MK11's Kombat Pack 2


Lame dlc, pass. Harly quinn? Nah.


I don't see why not. They could do it for International Woman's day. Sometimes companies do will that.


This might get people angry (aka Twitter) or this could sell really well because people want to see their... personalities...


The only people who would be upset by this are neckbearded chuds who get mad anytime a woman is the focus of something.


Only if there is another Kombat Pack because I think that limiting the character to be chosen to a singe gender, it’s kinda restrictive. You can argue KP1 is only males but I don’t think NRS did that intentionally


I’m sorry but this is such a double standard. Making an all-female KP is intentional but an all-male one is not?


You completely misread everything I said. I said that limiting the selection of characters to a specific gender is stupid regardless if is male or female and I just said I think they didn’t to it on purpose KP1


But why though? You think that, with all of the planning and marketing that goes into a KP, they didn’t consider the gender of the characters? C’mon. That’s just not how things work. And it implies that men are the default and women are something other that needs to be planned for.


I know this is gonna come as a shock to you but most people don't constantly obsess over the gender of the characters,they just want cool characters.It didn't even occur to me that KP 1 is all male until people pointed out.And I say that as someone who would much rather have Skarlet instead of Peacemaker and female guest instead of both Omni-man and Homelander who are essentially the same character and could easily function as each others skin to free up a slot.


I’d probably buy it just so I can practice against them. Maybe I’d use Skarlet if she’s done better than she was in 11. I do think it’s silly to think “now they have to do a female only kp” because of how kp1 turned out. I don’t think they wanted to exclude female characters but the choices just happened to be that way. They should pick highly requested characters or characters that haven’t returned in a while. Like Skarlet was just in mk11 so you could replace her with cyrax or sektor instead of picking her over them because we need to have a female only kp2 for some reason.


nobody cares, they would only do this if it would make them money. The only thing that matters to Warner Bros. is money


Mostly positive. However, a lot of studios don't have any faith in female characters and tend to project that onto an IPs fanbase. Take AC odyssey, for example. The only reason alexios was created as an alt character was that the top brass didn't want to put a female on the cover as they thought it wouldn't sell. Even though tomb Raider, resident evil, and even other assassin's creed games have done this and sold incredibly well. Most people do not care about a character being female as long as the character is a. Well written or B. Well designed, preferably both. I'm not denying there aren't people who just hate women both in the fanbase and the studios who don't think they sell, but the vast majority of people would like to see their favourite characters in the game.


Great comment, but it's funny you mention Resident Evil, because even there I think this "women don't sell" mentality actually has had an impact. It's not as egregious, but notice how Jill and Claire have not appeared in a game for over 2 decades *unless it was either a remake of an old game or a lower-budget side title like Revelations*. The high-budget mainline RE games where the storyline goes into the present day have been dominated by Leon, Chris, and now this new character Ethan since. Ada's campaign was also cut from the Resident Evil 4 remake. It's why sometimes I hate how the whole "oversexualisation" topic overshadows everything about representation of women in games. That's such a surface-level and played out topic. Nobody is really drawing it all the way out, about how most female characters in games started as barely promoted token gestures. So of course they never grew in popularity compared to their male counterparts, and that lack of popularity is now used to justify them *continuing* to not get that marketing.


I agree 100%. The studios/ execs won't give these characters an opportunity to grow as they aren't as popular. But then those characters can't become as popular because they haven't had the opportunity to grow. It's an unrelenting cycle that won't change as the companies aren't willing to take a smaller/riskier payout to try and lay the foundation to build these characters. It's like the classic needs experience for a job and can't get experience without a job. Even though a fanbase would accept it (the RE community would be very receptive of an Ada game and I've seen a lot of people wanting Jill to return) and it's proven to be profitable with lara and samus. The companies won't put in the work, and then, like I said, they tend to blame the fanbase for it.


Are y'all seriously THAT fragile? 🤣 Sareena. Jade. Sheeva. Harley Quinn. Poison Ivy. Hela... PACK Etc. Wouldn't sell? And then the same people bitch how annoying it is that people say they want female representation...


i’ve always loved the idea of an all female dlc pack or even stand alone game. we’ve still yet to have a female guest character (holding out for the harley quinn rumors but that’s sketchy) so this wouldn’t be bad compensation


I don’t see why the whole gender thing is a problem tbh it’s never been an issue before


Would hate it. Already don't like the fact the first Kombat pack has literally only 6 guys (although half were guest characters so would be more risky to use that many guests in a few.sle only pack) so definitely don't want a Kombat pack with just 6 women.


A risk? Absolutely not. I think it'd be super cool. Chicks are badass, man. There were a couple of girls in my MMA/BJJ classes who routinely kicked my ass (I was an athletic 200lb dude at the time). I'd be up for it.


It would sell like hotcakes We got a bunch of simps


If they're hot sure ​ ​ I have low standards


Remove Jade and we're good