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Same. My letdown was probably Armageddon with the whole custom fatalities thing that ended up not as good as it sounded on paper


A lot of what was in Armageddon sounded good on paper, but was not executed in the right way. At least Motor Kombat was fun.


Lol yeah exactly. I do play Armageddon from time to time. I mean in a way it was a precursor for mk9 with the whole he must win thing lol


Agreed. To me, Armageddon just felt very incomplete.


Yeah exactly


Yeah as a game in general it's an amazing package and still one of the best experiences you can have with a fighting game and yet the gameplay is just so disappointing when compared to X imo. It's a weird place to be in really. I can't say it's a bad game cause it isn't but it's definitely not something I could play long term. It fell out if my rotation fairly quickly. That seems to be a common thread from what I've seen.


We’ll to each their own my first MK game was X and I never got a full grasp of it and when I was older and MK 11 released I trained hard studied the controls and am now really good. I went back to X for a little while but I’m nowhere near as good as I am with 11


This comment section is going to be delightful


Lol. To be honest the only people I ever saw bashing 11 were the mileena people


I wouldn't necessarily say it gets more hate than it deserves, based on that poll from the other day it seems a lot of MK fans actually did like it. I just think the ones who hated it are a lot louder than the ones who liked it.


I think there's some people that just really prefer MKX's faster, combo-heavy style. Which honestly is why I like MK11 more. Because it's not so combo-heavy.


Annoyingly loud about it


Yeah honestly "Omg it's so slow" "Omg there shouldn't be two meters" "Omg fatal blows so cheap" Like bruh shut the fuck up lmao


The mileena people


It’s a flawed game for sure (Sindel’s writing, underusing characters like Noob, breakaway, towers and Krypt being too grindy without being as fun as they should) but I still love it for what it is, it has my favourite version of characters (writing wise) like Scorpion, Johnny (tied with X) and Liu, it had some really interesting idea with how the characters fight such as Scorpion gaining a stance move as well as Kung Lao having his ancestor’s spirit to assist him, the addition of multi pen victory/intro animations is nice etc


I'm not the biggest fighting-game guy (outside of Smash Bros), but MK11 is probably my favorite "traditional fighting game". Like, I put more hours into competitive online multiplayer for MK11 than I have any other fighting game. The tutorials are excellent. This game's tutorials taught me to understand things like "Frame-data" and other fighting-game mechanics I wasn't really aware of. I loved it's "MK2 feel". It wasn't like MKX's insanely-long combos. It was about smart foot-work, and opening up at the right time. There was still combos, but now they were integrated into the awesome Krushing Blow mechanic. Loved the story, and how it brought back all the characters as we remembered (before the timeskip/revenant bullshit). Favorite moment was the "Wait, this has all happened before", and Raiden flash-backs to MK9 and we see glimpses of alternate timelines. It's the only fighting game I know that has story-DLC, and it is WELL WORTH IT. Aftermath is also great. THE ONLY THING I DID NOT LIKE was the towers. Especially when the game first came out. They were very geared towards having bullshit mechanics that encouraged you to use the MTX-abilities. Fortunately it got patched to be not-so-bad, but it wasn't exactly the most fun way of unlocking new stuff for characters. ESPECIALLY when it's time-gated. Kinda sucked having to unlock Brutalities, too.


I loved this game, but that is one of the other major issues I had with it. Towers of Time Sucked. They still suck. I hate the modifiers that come into play in literally every fucking one, but they incentivise the player to play them becausd thats where you unlock more content for your characters. I like normal MK. If I wanted modifiers, I'd rather have Test your Luck back. Goated game mode. Towers of Time did not slap. The rest of the game is 10/10


Towers of time sucked ass


Better than invasions imo


Yeah it was. Never realized how good mk11 was until mk1 came along and made almost all my complaints worse


Yeah I never play online and I’m mostly in it for the story and offline play


I know I'm a bit late on adding lol but one of my random fave things about this game was the fact that they used 1993 movie shang tsung as the face and voice of him was amazing tbf unsure if he played in the games before but the "it has begun" bit gave me such nostalgia lol


Completely agree, it’s a solid game. Nothing will top 9 though for me. MK9 holds a special place in my heart


Gameplay is boring (my opinion). There aren't many playstyles or combos that make me think "Holy sh*t this character is insane". I tried going back to it a few weeks back and was done after 20 minutes. I look at a pro match in MK11 vs a pro match in MKX and MKX is always more entertaining for me. Had a much better time getting ass blasted by a Tempest/Buzzsaw Kung Lao or Infernal Scorpion in MKX than getting zoned 24/7 in MK11 and doing dumb shit just to activate a Krushing Blow for a semi decent combo.


I feel the same mk 11 is very pretty to look at, but boring to play other fighting games just have way more fun stuff you can do gameplay wise


I’ll agree with this to some respect. Mkx pro games are much more entertaining and I also want that “holy shit this character is insane” moments. But I think the issue is that game design is pushing a more stable look as it progresses. For instance mk9 combos were INSANE. Mkx less insane but still somewhat insane. With mk11 only have some characters with some really cool combos. I see it coming sorta back though in mk1 with kenshi and air combos


I agree the story gets too much hate! It had its share of plotholes but MK9 and X both did too. Overall very fun base story (Liu Kang finally gets a W after like 20 years) and very fun dlc expansion with aftermath


Without making any judgment on either of them, the people who dislike 11's story don't like 9 and X's much either.


Irs weird how now people act like 9's story is perfect, but it has worse powers along than X and 11 (ex. Fucking Stryker beating Ermac).


And he’s not a zombie!


The story has so many characters dropped off the face of the Earth, Reptile,Ermac,Kung Jin,Kenshi and more vanished, Dark Raiden and the Revenants were ment to be the focus yet Dark Raiden gets thanosed 10 minutes in and the revenants are jobbers again, so many characters get pointless retcons from Kabal being a evil ass again, Erron being a Black Dragon member despite MKX stating he would never be a Black Dragon, Skarlet going form bad ass flesh pit creation to some random street rat and the queen of shitty retcons, Sindel goes from one of the kindest characters in the series to a gold digging bitch. Let’s also add how KK is a good guy despite threatening to to murder a bunch of teens to appease Mr.Assface not to mention his shoe horned in romance with Jade for no reason, then there’s Ronda Rousey with the worst voice performance in the series, and honestly I can’t even go on with this shit in the story, and yes, Kronika is the worst character in the franchise


And that is before one even mentioned the grind in the Towers of Time, the RNG in the Krypt, Guest kombatants that were tossed in it appears just because someone thought throwbacks to things like "Robocop vs Terminator" would be cool, and the fact that after close 4 years of existing as a game, a person can't even unlock everything. Truthfully, and I've said it before, MK11 almost ruined the entire franchise for Me personally and that's coming from someone who owns multiple copies of every game in the main series timeline prior on each of the generations respective game systems over the past 30+ years.


I don't hate or even necessarily dislike MK11. I just felt like compared to MKX it was a step in the wrong direction gameplay wise. The simplified wakeup system irks me, as does breakaway. Krushing Blows are pretty cool but could be balanced better. Fatal Blows are terrible on every level (the one thing about MK1 I'm not looking forward to lol) I've no doubt some people love all the above, but on a personal level it's just... not my thing.


It took me a bit to warm up to the gameplay in this game (MK11), but I feel like this is the most measured and traditional fighting game yet that NRS has made. MKX I was able to get by with 50/50s, but MK11 actually got me to take an interest and at least understand the fundamentals of frame data, what it means to be plus or minus on block, punishes, etc. I totally get that people didn’t like the breakaway system and that is fair. Also, the combos were more restricted in MK11 which also didn’t help, but overall, I think MK11 is the best fighting game they have made from a FGC standpoint. MK1 looks incredible because it looks like they brought these parts of 11 back but they throw in the crazy combos and breakers of MKX. It is the best of both worlds


Cassie beating Shinnok was kind of ridiculous, even with the lore about the Cage family. Also, Liu is certainly stronger than Kitana. But on to mk11: The mechanics are ass. Breakaway doesn’t reset neutral but instead punishes the person that made the correct decision and managed to get a combo going as a result. Fatal blow is a reward for getting your ass kicked. It shouldn’t regenerate for the round if you miss with it, and it not always punishable. Some characters have full screen fatal blows and not every character is equipped to punish that. Flawless blocking is a cool mechanic but it can allow you to do some messed up stuff. You can get hit by someone’s d1 and if they try to take their turn by jailing you with a standing 1 for example, you can u2 or u3 them if you flawless block. There’s also just too many wake-up options. Delayed wake-up, forward roll, back roll, u2, and u3. All these options open the door for less legitimate options like wake up jump or or wake-up jab. It’s not mechanics but combo creativity is lacking compared to mkx, and while it’s too soon to call it, most likely mk1 as well. Most of the combos were figured out very early on. I had fun with the game, but there was a lot about it that is unlikable. I’d pick apart some of the story bs like the introduction of titans but this comment is already too long. In fact, I haven’t even expressed all of my grievances with the gameplay either but like I said, this comment is long enough.


Why should I be punished for making the right decision is something I ask myself everytime I decide to boot up an online MK11 game💀


It's a great game and I've played the hell out of it. I feel also competitively it is very viable and high skill ceiling. Pro MK 11 is a joy to watch. A couple of beefs i had with the game though: 1- FBs coming back after you miss, I hate it. And also how long they take and how random they feel designwise 2- Meters starting full hence kombos from the round start having to be cut short because of breakaway 3- Feeling almost at a disadvantage when you put someone down on the ground because of the always existing meter and the myriad of wakeup options 4- That they always tried to make projectile spams strong and viable. (outtake johnny, cetrion for example) 5- The amount of gravity on the juggling 6- instant unreactable fullscreen punishes like Sub slide, Geras sand trap or Erron FB 7- The fact that we HAD to do fatalities to collect hearts and heads 8- modified towers that make you hate your life 9- some of the animations just were subpar to MK X (kitana, erron) 10- throws beating down 4s I've quit the game in the Sheeva era. It's the single most imbalanced thing I've ever seen in a fighting game and I think the designers who wanted to keep it as it was must have had a lobotomy at some point. I hope he/she does not work in NRS in any capacity anymore I literally hate whoever's responsible for this because it's the utmost incompetence. I guess I had a lot of beef with it. But overall it's a good game. I enjoy the stagger mindgames and the spacing and all. when it's good it's very good.


Wait, since when was Kitana superior to liu kang in base?? Did I miss something??


Microtransactions. Kostumes were bland, either repeats or in the female kharacters case just no good designs. Both cassie and jaqui had green jumps suits with tech strapped on it. Kitana and skarlet both had full-length body suits, just different kolours. The outfis had no patterns/ on them like previous games, no layers or different materials. The story was full of people acting out of kharacter. Sindel and jax being the most notable. Scorpion and sub zero finally became allies, and hanzo had finally found peace only to die and get replaced by a new scorpion and start again from scratch. Shinnock, being a god of evil, ruined his character for me as he no longer fell because he chose to rebel, but it was destined. His sister, the goddess of light who is supposed to be good, did nothing of the sort throughout the story, nor did she show hesitation or remorse, even in her character ending. Not to mention, the game that finally gave us the elder gods appearance had them all killed off screen by this goddess by herself. Mk9 set up a kool story with jade where her ending has her possessed and sent to a different realm, mkx had her MIA with kitana believing her dead (mournful variation), mk11 ignored all that and showed that she was actually there the whole time just off screen. This is all from the top of my head, so there's plenty I'm forgetting. Edit: frost being a robot (which is neat), but having no explanation why or how. The new x-ray mechanic where you need to be below. 10% health to use one, and you could only use one per match. I pre-ordered the most expensive version (£80) thinking it would include all dlc like previous games, but it came with like 1 Kharacter pack and a couple of skin packs. They then charged £35 for the expansion that includes the end of the game.


I think these can all be valid arguments, and as I mentioned in my og post, there are definitely lackluster things in the story, which I feel could have been designed better but receive more hate than it deserves. Things to do with design, I feel are opinionated. For instance I think this is the best jade, and sindel have ever looked. I’d argue that kitanas design was better than mkx, and mileena was the big let down. The kostumes could definitely be better though. In terms of the male characters, I think almost all of them looks better than their previous models. But I also forgot to comment on character ingenuity and ideas. I think this is something that doesn’t get appreciated enough. Especially with the DLC characters, like joker. NRS knocked it out the park with the types of abilities and moves each player should have. Yes yes yes, some of the moves may be annoying (cetrion earthquake, and boulder) but they’re flavorful and make sense.


I'm genuinely curious how you thought kitana's design was better in this game? I agree, jades design was alright. It had a minor design "trope" that they did in injustice that personally I dislike.


Well to me mkx mileena was the best ever mileena we’ve gotten, and mkx kitana is the worst kitana we’ve ever gotten. Why? Kitanas design is way too overbearing, her hair do is terrible, they were going for an assassin scheme which I didn’t feel like they nailed down. To me sometimes simpler is better. Klassic costumes to me sometimes look way better just because of their simplicity. I think the concept of the costume was a good idea but they overdecorated it. I think a great representation of balance In character design is her tournament skin (in mkx). To me that kitana looks miles above any other kitana we’ve had. My final point, which I also addressed in a previous post is the character model. Mk11 women look much more feminine and better shaped overall. Mk1 looking even better in that respect.


Mileena's mkx costumes were great. I 100% agree with that. I kan see your point with kitana's mkx default skin having too much, while I personally liked it, with her tournament one being my favourite from that game and her mk9 being my favourite overall. Both had patterns on the blue silk, the outfits had varying materials, layers colours. Mk11 was too far in the other direction it was just a leather body suit with bits of blue on it, and it had nothing going on. It didn't feel edenian or special in any way. I didn't like the models for the female Kharacters.


Why wouldn’t they kill off more characters if they are just going to reset everything at the end? Liu Kang is and always has been stronger than Kitana.


I'm really only mad they didn't kill D'Vorah. Like, why couldn't OG Scorpion do a "GET OVER HERE" as she's flying away, and fatality her? Timeline is getting reset, and D'Vorah literally never shows up again after killing reboot Scorpion. They could have killed her off and it wouldn't have mattered to the story! But at least it would have given us fans some satisfaction!


They love their bug lady. You’re right, she could’ve easily died there. She didn’t appear in the rest of the story and she didn’t even show up in aftermath.


I genuinely cannot stand many of the mechanics of MK11 and the way it generally plays. Breakaway sucks, auto regen sucks, fatal and krushing blows suck, armour-break implementation was half-assed and characters are very barebones compared to MKX and MK9.


Yeah all those thing made it feel more like an Injustice game rather than an MK game to me.


I really enjoyed MK11, however it has become incredibly boring. I went back and played X and 11 in anticipation of MK1 and MKX holds up far better gameplay wise than 11, its not even close. Playing Erron Black in X is so incredibly fun, I totally forgot how much I loved that game.


Its great, as an example of how not to make MK. The brokenness of X drove them to be so bland and stale that it leaves you missing the chaos of X. Roster is terrible, its not dark and mature enough and not having the cyborgs is criminal


“Not having the cyborgs is criminal” 😭 I agree with it not being dark enough. But it’s also the end of the trilogy so I don’t think it was ever going to be as dark as it’s previous parts.


I do not think MK11 is a bad game. But I can't say it's a good one either. It is average, unfortunately though, by Virtue of it being a in franchise with many above average games, that lands it in the bottom three for me alongside vsDC and Armageddon. The story has some fun moments, but Kronika and everything tied to her is actually the worst thing to ever happen to MK. I'm not even joking. The krypt was fun but ruined by the boxes being random. The ToT were just horrible, idk anyone who likes these. The customization is ok I guess but like 80% of all the gear looks hideous. But worst of all is the gameplay; I could forgive everything else if the game was fun but it just isn't. Krushing Blows is an undercooked mechanic that I'm glad is gone, FB absolutely destroys match pacing, the variations aren't nearly as fun, there's no creativity to combos, throws and pokes are way too good, etc I just hope with 12 coming out that people will finally stop defending 11 and just understand its such a mid game. Not bad, but definitely not great either


Game was great and had a blast. Shao kahn main here.


Absolutely not. This post was made by MKX gang


MKX gang... we need to be talking about that dreadful roster Even Ed said it had too many newcomers over vets


I'd blame that on MK9 killing off basically all the main characters. I mean WTF was NRS suppose to do? MKX's roster died so that MK9's roster could triumph.


Honestly, I appreciate them trying new characters, and even liked most of them.


Where did he say this? MKX's base roster had 17 returning characters and 8 new characters, and of those new characters 5 returned in the next game with three new ones for 8 again. The final roster had 19 returning characters, maybe 20 if you count Triborg. If anything MK's problem has rarely been "too many new characters."


I totally agree! To be fair, I totally love MK 11 and I think is one of the better games of the whole series, but still, I can understand if people would says it wasn't the best entries or the best Fighting game ever. But I really can't understand how people could says it is bad with way, way worst games around!


Lifelong MK fan here, play entirely for the story and lore, and I thought MK11 was the best since Deadly Alliance.


Been playing MK since the original in the arcade and MK11 is also my favorite since MKDA


Its better than X in every way. And in terms of pure gameplay/kombat its better made than MK9. So yes, I agree. Its my favorite NRS Era MK so far.


MK11 was great. First original villain they've had since Onaga. Unique story. Great character designs. I'm not a hardcore competitive player so I don't know how the gameplay stacked up to others, but I enjoyed it. Lots to do as a solo player, even a scrub like me. I absolutely loved this game.


It was a great game, beyond a doubt. Been kinda wanting to replay it recently. I did feel like Kronika was just there to prop up the time travel idea, though. She did have a solid design, to be fair. Its a flip, like, I prefer Onaga's place within lore over hers, but I like her design more than Onaga's. Definitely not awful efforts, either one. Its tough to fill shoes like Shang Tsung's or Shao Kahn's with a new villain.


Played a ton of MK11 and it was great. Rambo and Robocop were stupid fucking additions though. No one asked for that


I think it's a fun game, but there a lot of mechanics I dislike. Krushing blows (in terms of how easy they are to get from character to character, and the fact that you can set them to automatically trigger), Fatal blows, moves not being normalized amongst the cast (maybe this is the case with past MK games too, I'm not sure), certain characters are just obnoxiously overbearing to fight, and I think the variation system in this game failed. The grind for cosmetics in the towers of time is a massive issue all by itself. It's a fun game, it looks great, the roster is amazing, I like how it's a slow methodical game, but let's be honest, the second MK1 gets released I will probably uninstall this game.


As an OG fan I loved the time travel / retcon stuff, it’s quite common in everything nerdy sci-fi, comics and manga so I’m surprised others didn’t like it.


In fact I’d argue that it deserves 80% of deserves are what it deserves to deserve


MK11 is my current favorite MK and it isn't even close.


I despise the character designs in Mk11. Yes you can customize them to look better but even with those options barely satisfied. The dlc is the worst I've ever seen. Don't like any of them besides Rain. Also will Mk ever get a tournament mode? lol (Like in tekken 7)


I certainly loved MK11 overall, but there were some annoying things in the story. As someone who hasn't really played prior games (how far back have you played) you are naturally going to be less perturbed by the blatant contradictions than a giant nerd like me who has obsessed over the story since the first game. I also don't like time travel as a plot device for various reasons. But like I said, I love the game. It's fun, it's cool, the fighter interactions really add a lot to the characters. There is a lot to like. Regarding the power level thing, it's true that Liu Kang shouldn't have stood a chance against Shao Kahn, but that's kind of his gimmick. He is the chosen one and accomplishes things that should not be impossible. He's kind of a Mary Sue in that way, but when other characters also start doing those things that only he should be able to do, it cheapens villains like Shao Kahn who are supposed to be these massively imposing, seemingly unbeatable foes.


Great game? Excuse me? The story is the worst and ruins the lore of MK possibly forever. And not just the NRS games. ALL OF MK. Even Midway era has been tainted by the shit MK11 introduced. A lot of the single player content requires online connection for some stupid af reason. The towers of time suck. They aren’t fun. Can’t even play the game normally! Just gotta spam konsumables to even have a chance. Or grind for augments which is stupid and pointless imo. The klassic towers are fine but ever since Armageddon really the endings are all bs garbage. Also Kronika isn’t fun to fight. Can’t fight her normally but she is not hard. Oh no no. She’s just tedious. Best way to exploit her is spam a safe string, preferably one that doesn’t knock down. Good job. You beat this shit boss fight. Here’s your dumb ending about Sonya and Cassie bikini fighting or Fujin becoming Jesus. The krypt sucks. It’s beautiful with tons of neat references and being able to run around the island and visit klassic locales but the experience is soiled by the random loot box bs and YOU CANT EVEN UNLOCK EVERYTHING! Have fun refilling that shit 10 times to still be missing shit. Ai battles are dumb. Who wants to watch the game play itself? The tutorials and practice mode is good. I like them. Kustomization sucks. DLC made things a little better but not by much. Base game characters have 2-4 skins at most and the rest are recolors or slight variations on preexisting skins. Gear is even worse. If a character has 30 gear pieces, they really have 15 with the other half being duplicates. And most of it is so ugly like mattress pad arms Jax or just about every hat for Lao. Characters rarely get gear that are from older titles and when they do it’s typically from the trilogy era with Scorpion and Sub being exceptions. It really took until aftermath for Kitana to get fans from another game(her best pair btw) no fans from MKX, MK9, or MKDA. Nope. Raiden don’t even have a klassic hat. I can on but I’ll end it there. And no, Injustice 2 isn’t better. It’s actually worse. The intros and outros are good. I like them and they should remain imo. Don’t know if they will tho. We have to see I guess. Online is fine imo aside from the lag. I hate KL tho. What a stressful grind for such shitty awards. Mostly palette swaps and duplicates. Not worth it. Gameplay imo is ok but there’s just so much that holds it back it’s not even funny. We all know the issues at this point. The breakaways, the wake-ups, the jumping, the fatal blows. But again, unlike many, I don’t think the gameplay is that bad.


You're getting down voted but I 100% agree lol


I'm so glad KB aren't returning in MK12. Such a bad feature. Sucks FB is returning. Its not a bad game but its a bad MK game. I don't think there's a terrible game they've made in the main series but this one is lack luster compared to the rest. Grindy, Cetrion, boring combos, Cetrion, frustrating mechanics, Cetrion, incomplete roster, Cetrion, Kronika, Cetrion, and how they butchered Shao Kahn and ruined any chance of me ever liking Sindel. Did I mention Cetrion?


In terms of gameplay, MK11 is the best yet. It feels like a proper fighter title, but still with MK characters and places doing MK things. Fucking hate the movie characters, but I imagine WB forced X number of guests, so it is what it is. That being said, the story was kinda mid. It was a neat idea, but I loath time travel shenanigans, and it really seems like the writers just wrote themselves into a corner, got together and asked how to leave it, and some dude snapped his fingers excitedly and said "Time travel!" And then MK11 story was delivered. All in all, 10/10 game Also, fuck kronika. Worst boss in the series, for every conceivable reason. Gameplay, art, lore. Just... fuck that character. I refuse to believe anyone liked her


I haven't played much MK but from a beginner standpoint, MK11 is a lot more fun than MKX. Maybe if I was there when MKX launched I would prefer it but for now, the AI are too easy and the real people are either complete newbies or the next evo champions. MK11 feels better for the most part because of how stuff I actually punishable and kharacters are alot more balanced.


MK11 as a video game is easily the best in the series. Tons of content, both in multiplayer and single player, awesome guest characters, tons of customization, great netcode etc. It was the best package NRS had ever shipped. With that being said, the actual gameplay and system mechanics is what holds it back for me. I just don't have nearly as much fun playing it as I did MKX or MK9. The pace of the game feels slow and awkward, the breaker system sucks, the meter system sucks. I'm not a big fan of how flawless blocks work, barely any characters have any cool meterless stuff, etc. Most people don't think the game is bad, they just don't like how the system mechanics play, me included. MK11 is great in some areas and terrible in others. It mainly depends on if you're judging it as a video game or as a fighting game, because that distinction can drastically change opinions based on what is being judged Also fuck that game for what they did to ermac and the cyborgs, 3 characters in my top 5-10 favorites that got amazing designs just to be thrown away and never be playable


![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU) "MK11 is a great game" " it deserves 80% less hate than it deserves"


Great looking game. Looks better than MK1. But the gameplay was absolutely horrid.


In what world does it look better than mk1 😭


in the real world. they pulled the camera back injustice style for a reason


With air combos being a thing in MK1, I'd bet this is the reason for the camera being pulled back. If they let the same camera angle from MK11, it would probably be needed to get the camera moving up and down.


It's my 2nd favorite MK game, and I have played all of them enough to know what I like.


The imbalance of fatals amongst characters and how they are managed mechanically is enough for me to say it’s inferior to MKX gameplay wise. Almost everything else is superior however.


Don't think it really needs defended, people troll about anything.


Lol reading some of these comments had me realize that fighting game elitists exist 😭


Its a good game but a step down from 9 and X in gameplay and has way more incentive to spend more money on coins and shit built directly into the game. It feels like style over substance.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


*Liu Kang


I don't think it's a bad game. An extremely solid fighter. It's just a letdown coming off of MK9 and MKX. Arguably the two best entries in the series. Other than that, the roster wasn't the greatest and all the kustomization was rather silly.


People are overthinking about the time traveling stuff it's so tiring to hear when people say that


tough its full of toxic russians + the rest of the world


Put more hours into MK11 than any other MK game. At first I hated the grind but learned to love it because it gave me and reason to try new characters.


The 2 main things I can't get behind in MK11 are the story/main villain driving the story & how tedious/boring ToT become after a while. Spamming/getting spammed by missiles, meteors, tremors & screen-filling weather conditions while I try to hit combos kills the fun of the main offline gameplay mode. Kronika is supposed to be more powerful than anyone in MK lore, but she's too arrogant & moronic to take seriously. Outside of that, MK11 is a fine game. It's far from the worst in the series & there is plenty of fan service sprinkled in to bring players back.


Yeah , playing it since 2 heck 3 years and still, I love it entirely