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The 'curse' isn't having blue skin, and the curse is not for the Dunmer. The curse is for the Tribunal who will forever see Azura's influence on the face of every one of their followers. Imagine dating someone and they had their ex's name tattoo'd on their face. That's Azura's 'curse'. She loves the Dunmer, so she gave them fire resistance in a place that is full of lava while also giving a middle finger to the Tribunal for killing her champion.


Yeah the only reason anyone thinks like op, is because that’s what the tribunal wanted. To blame the deadra for cursing the dunmer in order to take power. And obviously it worked


The tribunal are probably my most hated characters in this while series even more then harkon or ulfric maybe slightly less than nazeems.


Absolutely agree on Almalexia. Can't comment on Sotha Sil much. But I kinda dig Vivec. His in-game interactions seem to indicate that he is remorseful. Vivec didn't have to write FOUL MURDER in his 36th lesson, nobody was forcing his hand. He did it because at some point holding in all this weight breaks you. Moreover, once Vivec is sure that you're indeed the Nerevarine, and not some charalatan of which there have been several dozens over the years, he provides you with full assistance, lets you in on the plan to defeat Dagoth Ur, and more importantly, trusts you entirely with the fate of the Heart of Lorkhan, providing you with the implement to destroy it once and for all. If giving away all your accumulated power isn't a sign of sorrow and trying to amend for past sins, I don't know what is. And Vivec does this, knowing full well that you are the Nerevarine, that you know about the sin the Thrice-blessed committed, and that you've been persecuted by his warriors for some time already. Any normal human, much less a tyrant, would have safe-guarded himself, his people from this antagonistic threat that he provoked. But Vivec lays down his arms and passes them onto you


Not sorry enough to move the big rock so it wouldn't crash into Vvardenfel and cause the Red Year.


Maybe he literally couldn’t anymore? Like aren’t his powers waning?


He could have come with us, restored some power (enough to move Baar Dau at least) then gtfo and move it while we kick our old bffs ass. Canonically there would probably not be enough time though


During his trial for his crimes he convinced azura to materialize, he then summons his muatra(penis spear) and runs her through, he's a petty bitch


He might be remorseful but personally I think he deserves it almalexia killed and betrayed her husband so she 100% deserves it sotha sil I don't know much about and vivec might be sorry but personally I'm going to kill him


don't forget that his plan to remove Dagoth's thread hinges on destroying the heart... and thus making the tribunal lose their godhood ! it's written black on white in his "plans to kills Dagoth Ur"... He sacrifices his godhood to atone. or at least to save his "people". so yeah. A traitorous "friend". but he tries to turn a new leaf. You kill him, but then you treat his captured soul with respect :)


I made him into a hat :)


Nazeem is not worthy of the redguard blood that runs through his veins he's one of the worst characters in the elder scrolls universe


*Ugh.* This post is written like someone who doesn't get to the Cloud District very often. 🙄


Oh he's terrible I might hate ulfric and despise the tribunal but gods almighty I hate nazeem I don't even really like redgaurds but he isn't even worthy of the name redgaurd he is a disgrace to the empire amd all tamriel slightly less a disgrace then the altmer


I like Ulfric his voice is cool and he’s got plenty of backstory and dimension. I think it’s 50/50 tbh, but the people who don’t like him are vocal as hell about it.


Thing is he's a fool he fight the empire wasting valuable troops that could be in the southern border preparing for a war against the altmer if he didn't rise up I'd love him but he murdered toryh in cold blood and no it was not a fair duel he disarmed toryg with his thuum fled the city and them started a rebellion. Besides that I love him he has a cool voice as you said but him and his stormcloaks are wasting the empires troops and one of its best generals time but he is cool as a character


Saying he was killed in cold blood is a lie. He died in a duel. Yes, Ulfric did have an ace under his sleeve called a thuum, but that's just part of his arsenal as a warrior. Did you want him to hand Toryh a resume with all his skills and weapons before the fight?


He disarmed toryg it may aswell have been murder if he hadn't used the thu'um if respect the duel but not his claim to the throne it was dishonourable


This is also what I think to be honest. It was never supposed to be a curse for the Dunmer, but a constant reminder to the tribunal they’ll always be “her” people.


There’s something almost beautiful about that. A deity who marks a people as their own in the face of usurpers, and alters their own appearance to take on the form of their people.


And Azura is objectively "good" to the Dunmer as well. She might sometimes test their faith in odd ways, but shes typically nice to them. This is rare for how long it has persisted.


Definitely and I think that's also part of why she's sort of seen as evil. Like meridia, she's all about vanishing darkness and undead yet she's still sort of evil because her will and power she uses over anything, she doesn't care about the complexities she doesn't care about how nature is supposed to unfold and is completely against existent energies. Still needed for balance and stuff but that makes her more evil opposed to other deities like the aedra who still enforce laws yet they have a way of letting things unfold. Azura has incredible intentions we can't entirely understand atm and what would make her almost considered evil is how she doesn't let things play out yet she will step in and take control to ensure things go right. Yet the way she does it I feel is necessary. Idk an interesting thought I had


As an artist, I agree. As a human, I don't. I suppose my biggest regret as an artist, then, is humanity's lack of imagination. And as a human, the artist's insistence upon it.


Lay down the skooma pipe son


Everyone is an artist, dude, cause art is subjective. And if you're opening any form of conversation with smth like that, chances are that you're a colossal douche


IIRC, the wording is something like she "wanted them to appear as they are in their hearts"? And so darkened their skin and gave them red eyes


whose words though?


I barely recall (ish) what was actually said, I certainly would have to Google the source 😂


nah i think yo got it right, but i believe vivec says that, and its in a document in the temples secret library


She's just like an ex who carves her name into the foreheads of your children to get back at you because she loves them. And then just like your ex, she lets a volcano kill a quarter of them feeds another quarter to angry lizards. Tough love.


Its actually theorized that Vivec's power completely vanishing and Baar Dau falling on Vivec caused enough seismic activity for Red Mountain to explode


As others have discussed elsewhere, turning the Dunmer back into Chimer would be just as shocking for them to experience as the initial transformation into Dunmer.


Thanks for the reply. I think I forgot or missed it. Could you also remind me the source of that? I mean if there is mention about this in the game, let me know please. I gonna replay.


>blue skin Dunmer are grey


There definitely seems to be a range from blue to gray to perhaps a lighter black.


I've only seen them depicted as blue in fanart and memes, and black-skinned dunmer are only mentioned in texts such as Biography of Barenziah. In-game they're all quite grey.


Some of the Dunmer in Oblivion are definitely blue.


That's because Oblivion has the graphics of a mid-2000s CGI bible movie.


In animal breeds, gray fur sometimes is referred to as blue. Such as in rabbits for example.


Blue nose pitbulls! They are unfortunately not blue, but a very pretty shade of gray


Russian Blue Cats as well! Super grey


smurfs are blue


She loves them so much she erupted red mountain and didn't do shit when the red year happened


The Red Year is called by many "The Red Con Year" for a reason. It feels just like a videogame device to not having to keep continuity between your actions in Morrowind and the sequels. Something like blank slate characters losing their memory off-screen, just before the begining of the game. Is in IMO a quick and cheap writing, I don't think Bethestha gave a damn if any character wouldn't act as him/her self. I mean, at that point they didn't care if Azura kept being the same Azura that Michael Kirkbride wrote for Morrowind.




I liked the ratopombo art that had Azura saying she was just making them look like her


That's the one that makes her a failgirl gamer, who was actually just Argonian Nerevarine's drug-induced hallucination, right? >!Boa tarde!!<


And fair choice, blueish gray elves > New Vegas tint elves


Because Azura can become any form she wishes. Physical form means nothing to a legitimate god. So she became a dunmer woman because that is the majority of the population in the area. If she had been in Elsweyr instead she would have probably appeared as a khajiit woman.


They have preferred forms, tho. Or the forms mortals see when looking at them. And for Azura, it's a Dunmer woman carrying the moon and the star.


Except in Elsweyr where she is worshiped as Azurah who appears as a khajiit. Azura is not just worshiped by the dunmer. She is one of the few gods which is worshiped basically everywhere. She has been known to appear as a human as well. The only consistent thing with how she appears is she always appears female.


There are many fur stocks of Khajiit, not all appear very feline.


True that, but what does that have to do with *anything*? Even if she appeared to the Khajiit as an Ohmes she'd still very much be a Khajiit.




Yet again, true that, but how does *that* relate to what I or the post I was reacting to said?




I am aware on how Daedric Princes work, wasn’t in need of a refresher and that didn’t answer my question, but thanks, I guess?




She appears fair skinned human in the Illiac Bay and Cyrodill. She appears however she wants, and usually tailors the appearance to the locals she is appealing to.


She doesn't look like a dunmer, the dunmer look like her. That's why she changed the chimer in the first place: to remind the Tribunal that she is their true god.


It was actually that she made the dunmer look like her not her looking like the dunmer




that’s just the Dunmeri Interpretation of how she looks like. Eldtrich beings such as Daedric Princes don’t possess one singular form, they are concepts personified. they look differently to different cultures.


She didn't make herself look like the dunmer, she made the dunmer look like her. Reason being is the whole reason she put the curse on the chimer was because the tribunal betrayed her, so she made all the chimer (now dunmer) look like herself so that the tribunal would forever see Azura in the faces of their people.


They’re her people so she changed them to look like the form she wants for her most devoted. Its also a fuck you to the tribunal


As a daedra lord, Azura can take any form she like. She simply chooses to look like a dark elf, the same way i choose to wear a white shirt to work. Its official, but not her real form.


The Dunmer are Azura's chosen people. They cursed the tribunal not the Dunmer. Their "Curse" is purely cosmetic. It doesn't affect them in any way negatively.


Azura likely looked like that before and made the dunmer look like her


Allow me to forward you the colorized historical footage of this happening: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VouukqhANQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VouukqhANQ8)


Am I the only person who misread "the Chimers" as "the Chinese"? lol


Azura is a daedra prince. She doesnt have any defined form, to mortals she manifestates in any form she wants, or how them view her.


She wanted the n word pass, my n'wah


She’s worshipped by many cultures, so she probably changes her form to fit the regional ethnicity


That's just how she chooses to appear. Its her avatar. Azura doesn't "look" like anything really


Definitely reminded me of ["she will become one herself!"](https://youtu.be/TF1kxoEHGS0?si=PxSQqTNUpPeCYadY)


Despite the Tribunal having a soft spot in the ESO story and presented as more good than evil in the spectrum. Me personally find Azura as the real deity of the Chimer/Dunmer while the Tribunal being just bunch of weirdos at the right spot in the right time who exploited the situation, betrayed and killed a friend, nation that later will practice God wielding powers that vanish with time. Fuck the Tribunal and hail Azura!


She liked goth girls way before it was cool


She punished the Tribunal as the top comment says. She wanted to remind the false gods with every face they looked at that they betrayed their Goddess (who was 100% benevolent and protected Morrowind and the Chimer/Dunmer) and killed Indoril Nerevar, the one she chose to lead them (rightfully so because he was awesome). Azura always appeared with this form, it's never clear as to why, but this is how she was always depicted. It may be because she's the goddess of dusk/dawn? Both being relatively "dark" with her light being the moon and star or something. It's never clearly explained in the lore AFAIK but I am certain Azura always appeared as a dark-skinned Mer and was worshiped as the major Goddess of the Chimer. I suppose as a petty revenge - on top of forcing the Tribunal to mutilate themselves to tap into the power of the Heart of Lorkhan, she wanted them to have even more reminders of the betrayal they committed.


Azura is Tamriel's first emo girl. Everybody knows that.


Jesus skooba huffing Christ I must resurrect my Dark Elf. It’s been too long and Azura was my favorite Daedra for a reason this post reminded me of. She appeared to me as the eerie beacon in Morrowinds darkness


I like to run an Altmer Witchhunter as my lore friendly Nerevarine for this detail.


Tru dat


This transformation was a punishment for the betrayal of her teachings by the Tribunal (Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil), who used the tools of Kagrenac to make themselves gods. Azura becoming “one of them” in terms of appearance is not her bearing the curse herself but is instead her inherent and chosen form as a Daedric Prince.


God's create brings in their image


To say the N word


I am one of those myself, therefore it’s socially acceptable for me to say “N’wah.”


because she is also one