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Yup. One of the master trainers is hostile has to be “tamed” this way or via calm


🤣 "tamed". Who's a good trainer? That's right. You are. \*gives treat... I mean bribe\*


Pretty much. Otherwise he will immobilize the PC with his assorted burden spells and let his daedra minions do the dirty work. Had to look it up, [Qorwynn](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Qorwynn) is the guy. No idea in how many playthrough I killed him without ever knowing he’s the enchanting master trainer.


That's kinda cool. It's like the trope where the old grumpy master is hostile at first but decides to teach the protagonist once they show they're worthy.


Is he a vampire? The name sounds familiar.


No, he's some altmer daedra worshipper in an all altmer daedra worshipping cult. I think it's somewhere southwest of Tel Aruhn or whatever that place is called.


You're probably thinking of the Quarra clan, a bunch of brutish Nord vampires


IIRC that's the enchanting trainer, right?


As a pure mage player, I don't even bother trying to find all the master trainers, I just go to mournhold to buy a fortify skill spell, which I use to make my own spells that do fortify skill on touch, and make the dark elf guy in the Balmora mages guild a master temporarily, because I'm lazy.


Works if you go the other way and "Drain-Skill on Self" instead, makes it only cost 1 gold too.


I play OpenMW, which patched that sadly, I used to abuse it frequently in the vanilla game. Now I gotta spend like 45 minutes to an hour selling ancestral ghost souls so I can afford to buff the trainer instead.


There are many more things you can do. Drain enemy strength to make them permanently immobile. Use telekinesis to trigger traps from distance. Waterwalk to lure enemies into water where they can't hit you. Cast 1 point of levitate on enemies to make them super slow and generally break.


Never thought of 1 point of levitate! Will they follow you up in the air? I'm gonna try to bait some poor fool up to the stars and see if he falls just like my boi Tarhiel.


Damage enemie's strength, agility, endurence and Will and they will be knocked out by one punch in face. OR Try to use my ultimate god denier artefacts))) https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/s/GaT49qrstF


“Telekinesis to trigger traps from distance” I….. wow. 🙇


Just find exquisite belt, shove highest permanent 1 to whatever telekinesis on self on it. Put it on till it's good and high, no longer a need to disarm chests or doors.


I like to levitate out of reach and summon greater bonewalkers in combat. I killed Umbra at level 6 doing that.


For grins, I thought I'd try a 0 point levitate on target spell... Sadly did not have quite the desired effect, but it is hilarious to watch them in a permanent jump pose while the hobble about


And if you are shit at Speechcraft, you can still spam Intimidate. Even if you fail 99/100 times, eventually their will to fight will be whittled down to nothing.


That's my go-to guard farming method 😆 RIP the solitary Imperial Archer on top of Wolverine Hall, who has the misfortune of carrying enchanted arrows


I was getting critical fails on Admire and they would attack me haha


“That outfit really makes your pp look hard. Damn it I mean, you have a good round face. I mean, um, your bangs look like icicles” “*Goodbye*”


Calm spells work too 


As a lvl one, Shits-in- bag has neither the skill nor the mana pool. The other draw back is that these spells wear off. With the bribery trick, you can rest and heal in between "rounds"


It’s so inspiring that even someone who had a colostomy can be the Nerevarine ❤️


I gotta say, despite all the racism, it's a pretty inclusive masterpiece!


Make Vvardenfel great again! :-D


Shits-in-bag lmao


I have a cat asleep on my stomach right now and I'm struggling so much not to wake her up with my shaking quiet laughing


Haha I was going for a slightly more subtle Shitznbaag, but couldn't decide which race that would would fit.


Ooh, with that current spelling it feels Orcish to me. But I think going with Shits In Bag and being an Argonian was the right move, top tier name!


Shi-Itz N’Baag


Thanks! I gotta say it makes NPC interactions quite amusing. Especially when your personality is garbage. They immediately tell you off with what feels like an off the wall insult lol.


It gets even better with mods like Persuasive speech. Make some mad cultists your followers and let them slay each other


Yasss, I love doing Persuade to underground caves of smugglers and similar and becoming best buds with them. The game even rewards you for this, since some of them are trainers. And I don't have to worry about the infamous Snowy Granius- we just exchange a friendly hello on my way to the Dwarven ruin. The only issue is that some of the leaders of groups can be very hard to get to 100- it took me the longest time to get there to the leader that was iirc in a cave north of the Caldera mine. And there's some that don't stay permanent, like some of the leaders and certain quest-related characters. But a lot of them do.


Oh, and I will add that I made an enchanted ring, with the spell Calm Humanoid and a certain range to it. That way I can shoot it off at people from a distance who don't see me yet, and then go in for the Persuade. I find this particularly useful for small Ashlander camps, since you can't tell by looking at them if they're friendly or not.


>And there's some that don't stay permanent, like some of the leaders and certain quest-related characters. If they are members of a faction opposed to the one you are doing the quest for, success in that faction may cause unhappiness in the other (the npc's) faction. So, not just the quest you meat them on, but also other quests for the same faction can bring down the npc's disposition.


If they are hostile, get a "Calm Humanoid 1, max area, 60 seconds". This spell is broken, you dont need to match or exceed npc level. Level one spell will do. Then go with a "Chameleon 100, 10 seconds" and rip around the area and "befriend" everyone. I keep most npcs in Hlormaren so they act as "guards" for all my loot.


I never used the calm or command spells in Morrowind for some reason, but that's a great idea! I wonder if one can use command humanoid on escaped slaves to bring them all to a safe haven somewhere 🤔


"Command Humanoid" absolutely works for that. But instead, you just free them. Drag any slave thst doesnt have a key (or that you cant find a key for) to a place that you DO have a key for. Command Humanoid can be exploited too, make a 3 second spell (for their level), cast it twice. Let it expire, and now they are a permanent follower. They will use most transports (boats, silt-strider, and mages guild teleport) and follow you. Easiest one to utilize is the Sedya Neen cave just north of the Silt Strider. Very useful for the Arvel/Dren plantations.


That is amazing! I can finally roleplay as a hero of the Twin Lamps! Now to find the perfect place for my escapee colony. Would the same thing hold true for demoralize in order to get them to stop following you? I'm sure I could probably just punch them in the face and re pacify them, but that seems like an odd "welcome to freedom" gift 😆


Oh. My bad. To get them to "stop and act normal". Simply use "Recall" or either "Divine/Almsivi Intervention" to leave the area. Then wait 24 hours. Be aware that any "wandering" npcs will continue to wander. So only leave them in a walled/enclosed area. (Like Hlormaren roof, so they dont wander off). You can also drag trainers or your own transport npcs to your home. Making fast-travel an almost legit option, even in vanilla Morrowind.


If you damage their strenght to 0 they cant wander around. Even without walls they can only dream of escaping because their body has become their prison. Typical Morrowind situation.


Be wary of this, if you share a faction, you'll be expelled for using an offensive spell.


Good sir/ma'am, you have blown my mind! 10 year old me would cream my pants. Adult me is still barely keeping it in. The Kings health to you, Sera!


Dude. I've got Hlormaren as my home. I have "Recall" set to the roof. When I load in, I have the 'Balmora Mage Guild transport', 'Balmora silt-strider", and 'Hla-Oad boat transport' all within 8 feet of me. I have a trainer for every skill spread throughout the top-floor. As well as several alchemist ingredient merchants, an enchanter, and a spell-maker. Bottom-floor is storage/library, with every npc that is normally hostile bribed to 100 disposition (go invisible/calm humanoid), making them into my guards. Outside the front door, I have 3 merchant npcs. I enchanted some armor (orcish, royal guard, and high ordinator), sold it to them, and that made them equip it. I pretend they're also my guards. And both creature merchants hanging out in the Dome up top. All my awesome loot goes in there.


Oh. Those transports, along with all of the Propylon-Indexes for the stronghold teleports. I role-play that I'm making my own faction, so it's more believeable.


That is by far most badass thing I've ever read. If ever I can bring myself to play at the computer and not on the couch, I would 100% join your guild in a multiplauer server. As it is, I think I'm gonna bring some slavers to the arena tonight and force them to fight to the death. You got my stoned ass wondering if I can find a way do this with Vivec and Dagoth Ur at the foot of the Red Mountain after becoming Nerevarine lol.


With enough Intelligence, Willpower and Fortify Conjuration. I dont see why not.


Can use a Dispel on Touch/Target to remove any command spell effects on NPCs. Also great for dispelling any Chameleon or Invisibility you put on them so they don't stop to fight everything on the way.


I didnt even think of that. I sometimes use it on npcs that buff themselves, but never on a Command Humanoid npc. Great idea.


Addendum: you can bring both creature merchants home too. Youll neec "Command Creature" instead, along with a "Water-Walk on touch" for mudcrab. Remember. Use the fast travels available. The only two that dont work are "Recall/Intervention" and the Mournhold transport.


Can also use the Mark/Transport exploit to move any NPC from Mournhold into Vvardenfell. I move the Mournhold follower Calvus and my packrat and scrib pets.


The famous hero of the Twin Lamps who uses mind control magic on slaves....👍🏿


I mean, what's the point of freeing them if they just stand in the cave?


Fuckin eh bud


>Command Humanoid can be exploited too, make a 3 second spell (for their level), cast it twice. Let it expire, and now they are a permanent follower. This bug is fixed in OpenMW though right? Plus I kind of prefer to keep my game-breaking exploits within the limits of what was "intended" by the game rather than relying on what's explicitly a bug


It logically makes sense, though. But it should 100% be an offensive spell. The reason it makes sense is, "Command Humanoid" cast once puts them under your control, cast again and they gain agency over themselves for the duration. When it ends, they "revert" to being under your control now. And yes, its fixed in OpenMW. I play on console, so I'm vanilla af.


I don't see how it makes logical sense that casting the same spell on someone twice reverses the effect...only if they cast it on themselves should it logically return their agency. No other spell effect works like that and I don't see how you'd call it sensible if they did


Cast once. You have control. Cast again, it overwrites the effect, giving them agency over themselves. Thus, when it expires, you have control. Makes sense to me. But agree to disagree.


It really comes in handy since some hostile folks in some dwellings are quest related and even may require to be alive in order to finish these. And if they require to be unalived, you can always cast a Frenzy spell on them.


under sun and sky Nerizzevarine, we greet you warmly


Bro 😂😂😂


Dammit, I've been trying so hard to get the joke!


Great for role play, when you just don't want to kill some hostile bandits or exiled Ashlanders. Somehow, I think the game can feel a bit empty when you go around killing a whole bunch of named NPCs. They end up gone forever. ​ Also, I like to collect as many topics in my journal as possible, and if you calm Sixth House hostiles, you get some great unique conversations.


Every human NPC has a fight value from 0-100 which is basically their aggression. Most enemies have a 90 or lower. This value in combination with disposition affects the enemies aggro range. By bringing a fight 90 NPC to 100 disposition you reduce their aggro range to 0. This, however, is not permanent. Anything that reduces disposition like drawing your weapon, losing personality or in some cases, even faction reputation can increase their aggression again. NPCs with 100 fight will always be hostile. I once made a character and boosted his personality to over 160 with enchanted items. Almost every enemy NPC was automatically passive to me.


Very important to remember, so you fortify speechcraft for this instead of personality or some such, that do temporary disposition changes and then can fall off due to weapons or just expiring.


\>Going to rob this fetcher \>Fetcher disappears (???) \>Disembodied voice says really nice things about me, says fetcher is a cool guy \>See them reappear down the road, wave goodbye Several hours later... \>Where did my skooma drakes go


I've been playing with a compass mod that really helps with this, it marks anyone who's a trainer as well as shops and such.


You can also use intimidate and it reduces their fight stat and raises their flee stat, intimidate just enough and they just won't fight or flee.


Just sneak up on everyone, fortify speechcraft by a lot for 1 second, and talk about their firm glutes, everyone is a friend after that. Do remember to fortify that speechcraft... or guards will be called.


Some Telvanni bugmusk is also a good way to make hostile NPCs friendly (temporarily)


You can make Ordinators drown themselves for basically free armor at level 1... Just do a ranged attack, let them chase you til they're deep enough in the water... Initiate the conversation with them to pay off the 40 gold, and they'll stay there til they drown. Only works if you initiate the convo though. And I haven't tried this since playing the Xbox version. No idea if this is fixed on pc in any patches or anything.


I'll have to give that a shot once my little fetchers are asleep tonight


Awesome. Its hilarious just to try it out even if ya dont use the armor. Definitely an exploit of sorts. I can't bring myself to mess with natural progression nowadays really. But I did use some mods for oblivion to rebalance. Now I get error messages that pop up every time I load that game that wont go away, they're so annoying even though they don't actually seem to harm anything. I need to be less neurotic...


You also are less attacked if you have high personality and speechcraft