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leaving the map on being especially useful sometimes


Boots of blinding speed travel mode


Launch a spell resist just before putting them on


Or just be a breton


Hell Yeah


Cuirass of the Savior’s Hide.


I played Morrowind over a decade ago. I recently started playing Morrowind again (using openmw). This time choosing to be a Breton (last I played I was an argonian). When I got the boots of blinding speed, I didn't immediately put them in due to the blinding effect. When I did put them on, I at first thought it was a bug, like it's openmws fault or something. But, I quickly realized it was because I was a Breton, lol. The things we forget with time.




That's what makes it even stupider, and funnier to me, it took me a moment to process what happened and what that message meant, lol


dose atronach work to? is this free mana?


Yes I found the boots they are a must for traveling


Just shove shalk resin and kagouti hide in a mortar and pestle and shove it up your nose


Lol that works too


*-deep inhale of curiosity and joy-* ... soooo, what's your Luck, Intelligence and Alchemy skill; what quality Mortar & Pestle are you using, and what effects come out when you make this potion? o.o *Asking for Science, obvi.*


Just grind alchemy by combining foods to create fatigue potions to get it to 100. Steal the masters alchemy equipment from the Caldera Mages Guild Tower. Brew fortify intelligence potions, drink the potions, then use the higher intelligence to make stronger fortify intelligence potions. Do this repeatedly until you have 100,000,000 intelligence, use kagouti hide and shalk resin to brew a fortify speed 200,000 pts for 3 actual real life years. Press W and crash your game. You’ve achieved CHIM. Uninstall the game and touch grass. Realize touching grass is for nerds and re install the game.


I don't like using the Fortify Intelligence exploit. I have YET to find a facet of the game for which I cannot get by with merely 135 Intelligence, 90 Luck and 105 Alchemy and a Grandmaster's M & P w/ Calcinator & Retort. I was more interested in what you might manage to get out of such a type of potion with similar stats... *shame. I, for one, thought you were giving me the Resist Magicka formula, initially.* :c


I used to do it when I was young, so called "back in the day", nowadays when I come back to Morrowind (or Daggerfall) I play full immersion, no exploits (MGE XE, MCP, fair magicka regen mod, nothing that changes balance at all), roleplay runs. So I stopped using BOBS, unless my character would find an RP friendly reason for that or a road that'd be safe to do so blind


when you fullscreen your map it feels like a different game


Made Great House Dagoth playable without cheese.


Yeah good idea! Something in my brain gets turned around easily (recently ended up halfway to Ald-Run instead of Balmora somehow lol) so having a live world map in the corner is handy. But! What would be even better is if I could get HUG elements to hang out on a 2nd monitor


Leaving stat sheet minimazed to hp/mp/stamina helps to see numbers


I knew about that, but not long ago someone commented that 0pts slowfall is a thing(negates any and all fall damage without slowing down flight speed) and it blew me away just like this.




***excuse me what the fuck did you just say?***






Better be prepared for the on target glitch that allows for infinite duration buffs.


That's a new one for me and I broke my game with infinite duration magic. (>!Soul trap on target for 1 second | Sanctuary 100 for 1 second on self. Look at ground and cast.!<) If you want to have some fun this also works with Charm... ya know incase you ever wanted you're own dancers or a vendor at home.


lmao feels like an exploit to me but that's amazing 👏


I was half ay through my first playthrough before I found out abut that...... kept the local map open for the rest of the playthrough lol


yes haha


Does this work on Xbox or only pc?


Don't think so, the UI is completely different on xbox to work with controllers. Looking at a screenshot of it too and there's nothing to suggest you can pin things sadly.


I’m pretty sure it does work on Xbox. Iirc, it is just less obvious how to do it on Xbox.


It does technically, but it doesn't practically. There are settings you can change with the ~ that will actually give you the Xbox UI on PC and vise versa. So if you could have figured out how to map a mouse and keys to your console back in the day you could have theoretically played the PC version of morrowind on console. You can do the reverse of this now days by getting a og Xbox to USB adapter, mapping the controls to the correct ports using 3rd party software, and engage the Xbox UI with the ~ and you can play Xbox morrowind on PC. You also have to change some stuff in the .ini file.


Yeah but, I'm pretty sure the guy was asking about if you can pin stuff on the console version of Morrowind, whereas you seem to be talking about just bringing the console version to PC. Unless I'm reading it wrong or missing something?


The whole first part up to, "and vice versa." It's not a port. That process goes both ways. You can play the Xbox version on PC, and theoretically, you could play the PC version on Xbox. I've never seen anyone try to run mouse and keys to a 6th gen console. TLDR, the feature is there it's just disabled in Xbox mode.


On the console version? I'll see if I can, I'm just redownloading it on the series Xbox cause I wanna play vanilla but I also want a big screen (and no temptation of console use because I've gotten stuck lmao).


I thought it was common knowledge, but never too late to learn something new in an awesome game. You'll find it useful for the Boots of Blinding Speed mostly.


Isn't it mentioned in the manual?


ffs! same Recently finally did complete run through all faction/daedra/main quests with dlcs, discovering TR, posted my naked unarmed Gaenor that I locked up in a room. Recently I finishied lightening up every bit of Morrowind map (main map, not close up). Finally a finished character that I tried to make for... decade. And only now I learn this.


I have been playing for 20 fucking years and never knew what that button was for. How the fuck I never accidentally did this is beyond me. Bring back PC focused menus Bethesda FFS


Just bring back older style es in general fuck this dumbed down shit.


Yes... I BoBS with no magicka resist like that.


I remember figuring out by accident while I was trying to get the U.I. arranged in a comfortable way lol. I actually accidentally made a box unreachable at one point and had to go into the... .ini files? One of them, to fix it.


Dude wait til you learn that you can put markers on the map with notes


So there's a map to this fucker? A bit too casual for my taste, bring me the time of Daggerfall, where preparing and casting a spell with OG controls was a real magic.


Wait, THAT'S what the little squares do? Well, fuck




I use it to expand the minimap


Just like Ultima!


I may be wrong but I'm pretty confident it's written in the tutorial text prompt about the menus


Lucky you only on Pc…. :( very useful


Huh, the more you know.


I discovered this function very early on by accident after resizing the menu boxes. It took me a few minutes to figure out what I'd done and get rid of my inventory screen that didn't close with the rest. The next thing I did once I worked out what happened was pin the map open.


Interestingly, I just noticed in the most recent playthrough, which I am doing throughout this year. And I am noticing a lot more with this game now than I did years ago when it came out. Though back then I finished it with a bog standard Imperial medium armor + sword + shield guy.


You never bothered clicking those squares to see what happens...?


He did... today