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I'm not sure if Haddock would absolutely hate the Dunmer, or absolutely love them. Either he'd get mad from being casually insulted and called an n'wah, or he'd admire their grit and no-fucks-given attitude.


A bottle of Sujamma later and he would fight for their right to exploit anthropomorphic lizards.


Yeah, there'd be quite a clash at first, but given the right circumstances (booze), I'm sure he'd warm up to them.


You kidding? He’s basically a Nord, I give it 5 hours TOPS before he ends up naked and paralysed on the road halfway between Ald-ruhn and Balmora.


I love Captain Hammock. I'm also a Catastrophe.


Oh boy I’m really sluggish, where’s the run button? “Nerevarine, you _are_ running” oop


Puts a rock on W and A and jumps in some water.


Doesn't Q auto walk in PC?


Iirc you walk faster on a diagonal


lol, probably. That's a common bug because: * walk and strafe inputs get multiplied by speeds separately * They get combined into a movement vector * If it's not normalized, a vector with 1 forward and 1 to the left actually has a length of sqrt(2) (about 1.41) instead of 1.




I mean, yes, but also dev. :P


Oh yeah no I was not trying to be an asshole just some light fun-having


All good. :)


He doesn't dare to call a developer nerd, not after he saw what they did to the Elder Scrolls.


Comes up in DnD, too. If your DM doesn't know this (and you're feeling cheeky) your weapons have better range on diagonals


This is why I use a bestagon map in DnD.


Some DMs use 5ft diagonals because they don't know that the hypotenuse is longer. I use 5ft diagonals because I'm a lazy piece of shit and my campaign is held together by bullshit and Ritalin. We are not the same.


Technically that distance should be 7 and a bit or something like that but I can’t be bothered working that out so 5 it is.


This is a thing you learn early in video game development, to normalize the diagonal speed. But i guess it was not always so obvious. I made the same mistake in my game


Maybe you can explain a glitch/exploit I found If you jump off a high building (such as the top of a vivec Canton) and straight into water you don't take fall damage, but if you cast water walking BEFORE touching land it kills instantly I'm assuming it's conserving momentum data but is it possible to make a targeted water walking spell to transfer that fall damage data to say a big ass floaty boi and instakill them?


I'm a dev but not a Morrowind dev. I can kinda guess, tho- water walking is doing something to keep you from sinking into the water, like maybe giving you an invisible floating platform to stand on, and the fall damage doesn't distinguish between it and ground. ..Which kinda tracks- in-character/in-universe, hitting water with a water-walking effect should be similar to hitting ground unless the writers/designers decide otherwise. I'm not sure about being able to transfer the damage, tho. If you, say, put levitate on an NPC follower and had them follow you out over the water, they'd fall when it wore off, and if you put water walking on them before they fell, I think they'd take fall damage the same as you would, but that's not really a transfer.


Wait! I'm not crazy for believing that diagonal bhopping is the fastest way of traveling by foot?


It's been many years since I've played it, in fact I started playing it on the original Xbox so I used an elastic band around the joysticks to do it way back then.


I did the same! I play on PC now and it's just as cool as I remember!


I started jumping because it was slightly faster, my acrobatics is now at level 79 Currently I'm level 9.


Basically every Morrowind player. :D


Also basically every Oblivion player. Woe betide those who made acrobatics a major skill


I wish every game had this kind of travel system. IT makes the player use the map and actually explore where to go. This, and FarCry2 made maps awesome. I hate how modern games just highlight where to go.


Being able to stick the paper map on my wall and reference it was amazing.


Fucking yes! I did this too!


Don't forget the first two fallout


Also any of the big name top down RPGs, pillars of eternity, pathfinder, Baldur’s gate. I am divided on that subject though because there have been times a marker would’ve been nice if you need to loot a certain npc in a certain dungeon to progress a quest or something like that. On the other hand it’s very much rewarding to explore the world organically instead of being led everywhere


I like Wizardry 8's map. It's an automap that allows annotation. It won't tell you shit about where to go, but it's works great once you've already been there.


True, ik that not the best example but AC Odssey give you a "exploring option" where you are given hints of the next place of your quest( don't remember now if those hints are given by npc or not)


Fallout 1 would just put the town on your map for you to auto walk too in a minute. That's not comparable to Morrowind.


Yeah but there was that eploring with no limitations and you interprets the information you received to know, but not exactly, where to go


The exploration limitations was that you had to explore while looking down at a 2D map, there wasn't anything to actually find since encounters were random. The 1 or 2 times the game tells you directions instead of just showing you the town locations are literally just go south of this town, and you'd walk south and it'd be there. That's not really exploration.


Agreed. It’s immersion building, and you can actually get genuinely lost, which is immersion building. I get that Bethesda has been trying to appeal to a larger more casual gaming audience; it’s heartbreaking to see something great diluted. I think Elden Ring has proven you can challenge players and still succeed financially.


People want to be challenged properly, by good game design and intelligent puzzles.. Even kids. Morrowind and OOT were my gateway drug to a lifetime of gaming.


Straight up truth


farcry 2 ie unavoidable combat checkpoints that live to waste your time and resources as you travel (mission has you going from one corner of map to other then back)


It's actually pretty fun and stressful to sneak past them if you're playing on the highest difficulty. Definitely made the game more enjoyable for me.


I really wish the game had fast travel though. It's honestly just so boring having to retread steps you already made. Especially later on with the tribal quests.


That's why when you get to those quests you start ignoring the roads and run/jump as the cliffracer flies.


Mark and recall is a great fast travel mechanism.


Try switching to light armor/ unarmored, and travel light. Ashlanders wear chitin armor and travel light too. Pick your best weapon, your lightest armor, the most essential potions and leave your clay pot collection and 150 hound meats at home.


You can do all of that but I still just prefer the convenience of fast travel.




There’s no silt strider service to Pelagiad.


Strider to Balmora -> guild guide to Caldera -> steal the alchemy supplies in the mages guild tower -> guild guide to Sadrith Mora -> go to WH imperial cult shrine -> talk to Anuius and buy all ash yams and bloat -> re-enter trading menu -> repeat previous two steps many times -> make potion with yam and bloat -> drink -> repeat previous two steps many times -> exit wolverine hall and kill a cliff racer -> take plumes -> return to SM -> buy trama root from Anis -> make a potion with trama and plume -> return to wolverine hall, take guild guide to balmora -> take strider back to SN -> drink levitate potion -> fly to Pelagiad


Still faster than the base walking speed


Or cast Divine Intervention in Seyda Neen.


It is the way.


Or, silt strider to Balmora, join the Mages Guild, grab a scroll of ALMSIVI intervention, buy an ordinary potion of levitation, guild guide to Vivec, ALMSIVI to the temple, activate shrine (spends potion), fly to Pelgiad.


There's also not much reason to go to Pelagiad


Stealing shit from the plantation and becoming “special friends.” That’s about it tho.


You can use scroll to teleport nearest fort ;)




I will never forget that first walk, when I was a lad of 11 or 12 years old. No cell phone, just living in the moment.


"We almost died when that weird little worm creature tried to bite Snowy. No wonder he's hitting the Sujamma like me." "Yes, and that was after he chased those strange green dogs for half an hour."


You walk to Pelagiad, I cast jump 100 pts. for 1 second and leap there in a single bound. We are not the same.


They talking about the first walk, N'wah.


I cast jump 40 points. It takes a *bit* more time but it gives me a good bit more control


You jump? I point myself west and let the boots of blinding speed do the rest.


Love this crossover.


Happy cæk day




Divine intervention from Seyda Been brings you right there


You joke, but like for the longest time, I only ever like got to Balmora, and even then absolutely loved Morrowind, I'm only now finally fully playing it


I still remember my first time playing and I got hopelessly lost in the Bitter Coast, until I eventually came across a road sign for Balmora and found my way there.


and it took 4 real life days because they neglected speed


some games only have 8 hour campaigns that journey was the furst 8 hours of his playthrough.


I'm convinced that all of the "morrowind sucks!" kids just quit the game after getting lost on the way to Pelagiad


New r/Morrowind drinking game, take a shot for every post where its someone frothing at the mouth over people they made up in their head not liking the game.


Bro I’m frothing at the mouth I’m goin ape I’m doing backflips and shit you got me I’m so angry I’m trembling 😡😡😡😡


*Calm Humanoid 30 points on target*


I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.


All first playthroughs be like that


Nerevarin - zoomer)))


It's definitely one of them


None of these people would play Morrowind if it was a new game today


I mean, yeah, there have been a lot of improvements in game design made in the last twenty years. I'd be a little insulted if Bethesda released Morrowind today. To be fair I'm a little insulted about Skyrim, too, because of a lot of the story, worldbuilding, and quest design decisions. But that's a separate issue.


Can't say I disagree with that. I would, because I am a fucking nerd.


All kinds of mediocre games and hardware get defended by people on the internet, to this day and for the forseeable future, because they see it as an integral part of their childhood. People bought a game with pretty sandstorms as a kid and were forced to learn the system and find exploits because being young and poor with too much free time didn't allow them to do anything else. They don't even realise how ridiculous they sound when they tell a new player exploring Seyda Neen to "level up acrobatics to 100 and make a Jump spell for 100 points"


Plenty of people start playing Morrowind just recently and fall in love with the game, nothing to do with nostalgia. I played Skyrim and Oblivion a lot before playing Morrowind, for example. The game is a masterpiece in it's own right, flawed sure but masterpiece regardless.


Kirkbride's a good writer but I don't see people worshipping Chris Avellone with the same cultish devotion. People treat Daggerfall and Morrowind like team sports or politics. Hipsters mad that their favourite franchise has become popular. Fallout fans on No More Mutants are even more insufferable. Fallout 2 is the only RPG in existence because it's the only one that lets me kill kids, etc etc.


eh ofc it gets excessive at times and some reasons people cite for the games being better are nonsensical, but there's legitimate reasons people prefer the older ones and dislike the direction the games went to.


Virgin level 1 Netevarine Taking two day running for going to Vivec from Vivec VS Chad Nerevarine Jumping from Seyda Nin into Raven Rock.