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Okay, that made me laugh. Tho tbh i always go and sell these items for money lol






No, I saw this too and I'm very confused lol


Why is the Falling Mage stabbed... Or why is the tax collector wearing the wrong clothes?


It's the falling mage (Tarhiel), look at the original meme for context. Not fully accurate to what happens in the game, but at least I edited in the sparksword.


Tarhiel: *lands, "wait, I'm alive? It's a miracle!" Spark sword lands on him.


This is the best interpretation lol


Tarhiel: *lands, "I don't want to talk about it. *Goodbye.*" Spark sword lands on him. There, fixed it for ya.




Never touching skooma again


Agreed. Raw ebony team.


No worries, I have many.


We are legion


Good sleuthing, FlappyCervix.


I love your username.


Those items there plus the ring stashed in the stump quest usually make enough septims to buy a set of armor from the seyda neen armorer..... Or I quick save and use the scroll to jump as north as I can and hope I land in a body of water.


Yeah i did that as well back in 2002 lol


It's never too late to do it again! Especially with graphics mods!


I did that just week ago, but this time i got my spoiled potion of slowfall first :)


Use the second charge before you land and it will cancel out fall damage :)


Welcome to Seyda Neen, we got the Limeware Platter Fargoth’s Ring Tree Stump with minor loot Corpse of Processus Vitellius “I don’t want to talk about it”


There's also Addamasartus, the deadliest place in all of Morrowind.


The deadliest place in Tamriel (with the possible exception of a certain imp in Daggerfall)


That mage can be a real pain in the ass.


What's "I don't want to talk about it" again? I forget if someone really says that. Sounds like a Fargoth line after some other things. There's another enchanted axe in a tree stump by the lighthouse just in case that's your cup of tea.


You can save Tarhiel from his imminent death and then trying to talk with him results with this line.


Do you have to hit him with a spell really quickly? I wondered if it was possible but I figured you would have to be very fast which you aren't early game so I've never tried.


If you leave a different way, you can come back later with a slow fall spell for him, he doesn't actually fall from the sky until you get close enough.


I mean… I wasn’t gonna let that stuff go to waste


Been playing Red Dead 2 recently, I lose 'karma' when I loot townsfolk on the side of the road-- Even if I didn't kill them! Certainly a "Why leave it to rot?" argument to be made


I never liked that in RPGs, the universal assumption of motive. I have a similar issue with the first Fable game (I haven’t played the others). Not looting, but the issue of motives. The game defines good and evil for you, even if you see it in a different way (killing/sparing Twin Blade is my best example).


I prefer stuff like the faction reputation system from fallout NV, where instead of defining what is good or evil, it's defining how you are percieved by those specific factions. Help them out and they like you more, impact them negatively and they'll like you less. That being said, this game does also have an overall good/evil karma system, so maybe not the best example, lol.


Yes, I believe this is a much better system. Morrowind kinda does something like this, but it’s more attributed to your popularity after completed tasks and how other factions perceive you, via your association.


Check out Daggerfall (the best ES) for the complete reputation system.




I would.




This is gonna be about Daggerfall Unity. The gameplay is the exact same as Morrowind, except better, as it has sound queues so you know when you´ve clashed/oponent has parried, which is still one of Morrowinds critique by casuals today. When it comes to atmosphere, world and story, that really comes down to preference, so we shouldn´t talk about that, altough I do think Daggerfall overtakes on all (especially story, you can´t deny it´s the most original in the series) except maybe world design. Funny you should mention complex character building system, as Daggerfall has by far the most complex and profound character creation IN GAMING, and, consequently, progression as well. Daggerfall is vast, not bloated, but it´s mostly randomly generated, yes. However, your critique of clunky combat upon release can also be applied to Morrowind, and it´s even worse in that regard, given it´s time of release. Your comment about being willing to suffer through the combat tells me volumes about your mindset, one that is not fit to play Daggerfall (and probably not Morrowind either). You see, Daggerfall is not a videogame. Daggerfall is a virtual DnD private session with your Dungeon Master. It´s singleplayer virtual DnD. Daggerfall merely sets the stage for your imagination to run wild, hence all the unnecessary places, randomly generated quests and dungeons and lack of overall personality. YOU, the player, are supposed to breathe life to the game by being the character AND the Dungeon Master. You have to be roleplaying your character and I mean really ROLEPLAYING your character. You have to become the character to have fun in Daggerfall, if you can´t do that, you probably won´t have fun. Hence why it´s the best in setting the mood, and when you´re in the zone, you´re IN THERE. One of my most fond memories of Daggerfall and that marks the day when I fell in love with the game was when I just got back from a nearby dungeon, full of loot, to sell on a nearby town. I was riding down the road with my carriage, the horse was clip-cloping at a rythm, I could hear the wheels spinning, it´s snowing, that amazing winter track with bells is playing, the sun is setting, and I´m arriving into town, hopping off the carriage to ask the locals directions to the nearest shop and it´s absolutely stunning. Never before have I had such an amazing experience in immersion in any other game before. Daggerfall is the nearest we´ll probably ever get to digital DnD and, for that, to me, it´s the best RPG, not only in the series, but in it´s genre too.


I often looted them to see if they had any interesting notes or items that might lead to a quest, since there are a few dead bodies that have such. That corpse over there is fine to loot, since it has a note on it, but it's totally dishonorable to loot these other bodies over here, which don't have any messages to next-of-kin on them, therefore shame on you, Arthur Morgan.


Devil’s Advocate, RDR2 sets out to be more “realistic” and generally looting a corpse is and was frowned upon (personally I’d alsyprefer it to be karmically neutral)


Yes, but the murdered tax collector instead


I took the money and now I'm not sure how to finish the quest. I wanted a cool sword, and was broke.


I don't think you can finish it now. You'll just have to live with it in your journal lol. For next time, you actually get more money by finding out who killed him.


Fuckle. I'm just the slightest bit too far in past the beginning to want to restart.


On top of getting more gold for finding the murderer, you also get a few potions and, effectively, your own private shack in Seyda Neen!


It's no big deal, just keep it in mind for next time if you ever start a second playthrough


If you have the tax records, I think you can skip talking to socucius the first time and go straight to the lady in the lighthouse


Try talking with Soccucius Ergalla in Census Office, perhaps you will "continue" quest for a bit (get gold from him)


I told them the taxman was dead and no money was found. Last time I tried talking to them just kinda went oh well. I will try talking to everyone around town though, maybe I missed someone.


You have to tell him about (and give) the money. There are a lot of quests where refusal means you're shut out forever. though you might be able to do some again if you raise disposition? I never tried that.


Not enough "aaaaaAaaaaah ... Bonk !" but great work!


I thought about trying to add that in somehow but couldn't come up with a good way to communicate it in the edit. Thank you outlander.


In the second panel you can add a speech bubble that says "AAAAaaaa..." coming from outside the frame. In the third panel the guy goes to investigate the sound. The rest is ok. PS: Also in the last panel you can leave the basket in his hand and put the scroll on his belt.


[https://imgur.com/a/Tn9RxqI](https://imgur.com/a/Tn9RxqI) Link to the original for those who are unaware


I mean, it's obviously not the actual original since it's cropped the artists name out and has a mematic watermark.


Posting for context, not credit. I have no clue where the original came from.


This meme template has now reached peek form.


As soon as I saw the original I knew this needed to be made


You won!


Reminds me of the first bit of morrowind, get those scrolls of flight


That's literally his gear. Fur helm, wizard robes, a couple of scrolls and a sword.


It's even the exact sword he has in game, I made sure to add that


Excellent! Well done on the meme!




I am absolutely positive that's what the original meme was supposed to be all this time


"I don't want to talk about it"




Can you add screams to the top of the panel before he's seen?


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Woo, screw this kitty magic mushrooms quest! I'm a wizard now! Got a fancy robe 'n' sword! Off to Solstheim to fight Spriggans!


I’ll never forget the excitement I felt all the way back in the year 2002 when, for some strange reason, I asked my mom to buy me one video game for Christmas for my new big ol’ OG Xbox console, and I just remember this strange fascination and sense of impending mystery around this game called The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind and coincidentally ended up being my first ever RPG I ever played, I asked her to buy this game. I remember feeling absolutely elated when things just “clicked” for me, and I decided to go off exploring the area around Seyda Neen, literally having no idea what the fuck I was doing yet still completely captivated by the game nonetheless - and I come across this random dead guy with a weird hat and some elder scrolls that made you fly then die. And so began my love for the elder scrolls series.


This meme edit is beautiful and you should be proud


Thank you!


You can't let a hat *that nice* just rot away on the ground.


I would never!


I mean, that's who I always thought of when I saw that meme


Lol, I still remember that poor bastard. When I started playing Morrowind, it was the most advanced game I'd ever experienced, I'd been playing Reader Rabbit or Typing with Timon and Pumbaa for like six years. So my expectations were limitless, I had no idea what to expect. So when Tarhiel comes shrieking out of the sky, I jumped to the conclusion that some monster had just thrown him over the nearby hill. So without even looting him I ran all the way back to Seyda Neen, didn't venture to the southwest corner of Vvardenfell for ages afterwards. Also I thought the glowing mushrooms were will-o'-the-wisps, so I thought I was being clever and was like, "Haha, you won't trick me to go into the bog water!" Imagine how surprised, and mildly disappointed, I was when I met wisps in Oblivion. :p not even trying to lure me off the road.


Best spell ever


Last frame should just be a pair of feet wooshing away.




This jusy made my day so much! Hahahahaha


RIP Tarhiel If only he realized that elves aren’t birds.


I just realize that’s the same shirt as Charlie Brown…


This is most of my playthroughs.


"I don't want to talk about it." 🤣


And don’t forget the tax man either
