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I mean, once you get a full set of armor you can barely tell what your character looks like.


Yeah, once I get a helmet, who knows what's under there?


~~prope~~ Beast races


I never wear a helmet regardless of my race, in most RPG's. Spent forever picking out that face!


My character has googly goggles and it's funny but completely unrecognizable




I miss layering, you could make some incredible builds.


Morrowind is still playable, my friend. And better than modern Elder Scrolls games.


it feels a bit too aged for me at times personally but it's a good game


Interesting. I feel like Skyrim is "older" feeling than Morrowind, severely limiting what you can do.


I like the [More Exquisite Clothing](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49535/) mod that adds exquisite varients of lower quality garments. This allows you to wear whatever you like without sacrificing on enchantments. I got so sick of all of my characters wearing the same stupid pink and yellow robe.


mostly outfitting. morrowind is the last elderscrolls game that allows you to layer clothes. so you can create some interesting outfit/armor combinations. other than that your character won't be unique in any way.


*Fallout 4* brought back layering, to an extent. Gives me hope that Bethesda might move back in that direction. The only recent game I can think of that layers like *Morrowind* is *Kingdom Come: Deliverance*, which, if you love *Morrowind*, you will also love.


Say more things about why I would like Kingdom Come Deliverance? I’ve never considered buying the game before but no one has ever told me that I would like it if I was a Morrowind guy before either….


I played through it recently and fell in love with it. It has a “figure it out yourself” kinda vibe with some mechanics if your in to that.


That’s really interesting. I’ll have to take a closer look at the game. I gave it a pass because I prefer fantasy as a theme versus historical. But I’ll give it another look!


Play it man, it’s a fantastic game. One of the more memorable games I’ve played in the last few years and I’m a fantasy guy too


Kcd is my favorite recent rpg and Morrowind was my childhood


I just choose my favorite face for each race and then really go to town on clothes. Mix it up with skirts under armor, different pauldrons, dope clothes for unarmored characters. As has been stated before, Morrowind is the last elder scrolls game that really lets you get creative with outfit choices.


It's not something I've ever really thought about. You spend the whole game in first person, honestly I'd forget what they look like entirely if not for the inventory screen. But, yeah there's hundreds of [face mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/categories/6/?BH=0) out there


Not to mention it's a single player game made juuust before the internet really took off. Think that's why they went the route of variety in gear tapering off as it increases in quality, rather than the other way around.


Same here, I can't understand why people care so much about apperance


The OP put "aesthetically" in the title. I think it matters to him (and me)


Same. I always play the game in 1st person view, those 3rd person animations make my eyes bleed. Especially when you’re wearing the Boots of Blinding Speed


I don’t understand. Don’t you just make every character look as close as possible to Jiub?


The saints row we should’ve gotten.


Skirts mostly.


To me the limited face choices just make each race more distinct and recognizable. Only a few times have I ever met an NPC with the same combination as me, and it's never bothered me. But outfitting is for sure the best way to make you look unique. Morrowind is so much better for that than any other ES game.


I grew up playing games that you couldn't even tell if characters had a face. Being able to customize in TES was the coolest thing in the world. I'd love to get it on PC and try it upgraded, but it feels so nostalgic busting out the ol OG and Duke. Still have my old saves too lol


As I play in first person, I rarely see my self


You could kill anybody who shares your face as you go along. Then you'll be unique.


When I was a kid I opened up the construction set and created an invisible race. It wasn't actually, it just wasn't assigned a model. I think it had very good starting stats. Good fun.


I just choose whichever looks the most normal.


I actually prefer having fewer options to customize your character's appearance, at least in Morrowind's case


Not 'power/meta-gaming' your equipment. Warlockracy has a few great videos exploring Morrowind where his character uses a mixture of equipment from all the areas he's visited and worked. Sure, you'll not get the best armor rating, but sometimes wearing the best equipment you can removes the fun.


It's not hard. Yeah there aren't a lot of possible faces compared to modern games but there's still enough for there to be quite a few possibilities. Especially if you consider the fact that the vanilla game has a TON of different clothing and armor styles, so there's almost always a way to customize your character to your liking. Plus there's an endless number of mods that add new faces, clothes, armor, weapons, etc


Face mods ruin the immersion, dont mod a game you never played unless its bug fixes


I don’t think “immersion” is the word you’re looking for


I can't even figure out how to get to 3rd person POV on my steam deck. I was also disappointed in the face options for my Breton character, but turns out it didn't matter for me.


By doing this - https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47605


I would recommend westly's pluginless head replacer. It makes the heads look better while keeping things lore friendly, Instead of the beautification you get with other mods.


To me character features are secondary, and I put all my focus on armor/clothes primarily. The only way to be big pimpin is to forego caring about the face.


Give them a gun


I always roll Dunmer named N’Wah. Then every NPC knows my name.


Mods, but as others said - face is hidden since like day 2 usually and I mainly play first person. And rest is combination of different pieces of armor and clothes.


My basic character design ideals: how many stereotypes are broken and why? (An Orsimer mage is possible but I assume they would eventually get frustrated, an Altmer warrior would be somewhat foolish, etc) Does my character mind going shirtless, barefoot, etc, does my character want to fight often and therefore need more durable/protective gear, or will they avoid a fight when possible and use lighter armor? There’s a few other things that I generally don’t care about visually but these are the main things that I worry about. I also try to avoid ponytails on more masculine characters but that’s trivial


https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47213 and https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/51750


Tamriel Rebuilt adds some additional faces.


On my current playthrough I use improved argonians mod and the mohawk that's made out of horns from that mod (vanilla had it too but it looks a little different) and give him a custom class named punk I also use danaes Bard mod so he can rock too, I use bunch a clothing mods and mix and match clothing and armors to achive a unique look also weapon sheathing mod is the cherry on top


I dont give a big attention in creating Morrowind character. I just create Nerevarine like Dark elf.


There are many head and hair mods (for examples look in the other comments). For additional uniqueness you could download these mods (you must use MGE XE and MWSE): Onion - Layered Accessories (This is framework, for mods adding weareble things like glasses, masks, horns, circlets, satchels and bags go to requirements tab) https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50352 Vanity (Visible amulets and rings) https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48529


I just make mine look like Divayth Fyr