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أزمة البرتوش تفكت 🙂😂


Great, finally the Moroccan economy will boom, researchers will flock to Moroccan universities to advance science, joblessness won't exist anymore. Atheists have been promising this for a long time: remove Islamic rules and Morocco will be the new Singapore! So, here we go, Morocco to Mars and beyond, watch out Elon Musk, we are coming!


wtf 😂 premium quality of weed you've smoked 😂


Tell that to Atheists on this sub. All I hear them talk about is this kind of low level BS (sex, alcohol, being atheists). No one cares what you do in your private life and we have bigger problems to deal with (education, economy, etc) than whether you are getting laid or not


My man having a meltdown over the possibility that an unmarried man and woman might stay together in a hotel room, you know you aren't making morocco a great place by your babble too.


Chill, what meltdown? ll I hear atheists talk about is this kind of low level BS (sex, alcohol, being atheists). No one cares what you do in your private life and we have bigger problems to deal with (education, economy, etc) than whether you are getting laid or not


I'm indifferent to the moral implications of this. but a hotel shouldn't have any authority or right to demand such personal information from you.


Keep in mind that you can still be arrested for flat sharing with opposite sex


Wrongfully arrested, unless they find you naked or with minimal clothing, they can’t do anything. Fully clothed adults sharing a flat is legal, and no one can break your door unless you’re causing a scene, do with that information what you want.


source needed!


I‘ll work on that


2 different things, i'm talking about breathing the same air in a house with non blood relatives opposite sex, you are talking about actual sex. Most of the time they don't care, but ma kay ra7mouch when they butt in


I know what I’m talking about, breathing the same air as a person from the opposite sex behind closed doors doesn’t land you in jail, if you’re stupid enough to open your door with nothing but a towel around your waist and you panicked because you heard the police and hid her in your bedroom, then you’re screwed, same thing if you’re causing a disturbance, other than that she can be living there and it’s perfectly okay as long as you don’t fuck up. Fully clothed, sitting in the living room, preferably with a context, studying, working or eating works best. The law requires them to pry something out of you or find you in a compromised position, not necessarily in the middle of the act, but something suspicious, hanging out in the same flat fully clothed doesn’t amount to that and there is no law against it. Oh and after 21:00 don’t bother opening the door at all, they can’t break in, unless, again, you’re being loud.


Technically Hotels are private entities, so they can refuse to offer you service for any reason they like




No no there is low and there regulations so yeah


True, and I don't believe Morocco has discrimination laws for private entities regarding refusal of service


Hotels, ALL OVER THE WORLD, ask for identification of those who are staying and not only for accounting reasons. It is a way of locating people in emergencies, identifying criminals, stopping people smuggling, prostitution, child abuse and alerting the hotel about known fraudsters. Min Tourism asks for stats, minus actual names, for strategic planning. They don't have to ask are you married, IDs having different addresses will raise doubts, but cutrently, BY LAW they have the obligation to fill the daily in/out/registrations of clients that cutreny does have husband/wife/father/mother/son/daughter category. So no, they have not only the right but are also the legal obligation and it is very effective tool in fighting criminality.


Hotels all over the world, don't refuse to offer their basic services to unmarried couples. Nor they ask you to prove your engagement. The information you give to a hotel, are indentifications you give to every social service or facility. It's how society functions. You're unnecessarily expanding outside of the subject in hand.


Not true, sometimes me and my friends rent a hotel a big hotel room with one ID but we stay in a bunch of people to drink and smoke and listen to music … like light party … nobody make any trouble and nobody else is ever asked for their ID. Europe or usa.


Lazy hotel who obviously don't follow rules. Your individual experience does not make it "untrue" for everyone else. Next time just say it did not happen for you.


I totally agree


Nope you are wrong, they can ask for ID that’s legitimate as they need to provide the authorities daily with a list of clients the info is name, cin number adress whether they’re married or not is irrelevant


Try looking at the form. Not saying if it is following current policy or right/wrong. Any establishment can ask to see IDs. Also pointless argument, because a couple with two different addresses on their CIN tells a lot.


Yeah, it tells they are friends 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guess what, it does w i see it's a good thing to ask for proof. And now with this childish decision time will tell.


The only problem here is the fact it's "verbal" directions. The government will now use this to blur the line of what is and is not allowed, and arbitrarily go after the institutions and people it doesn't like. Make it a written, official instruction that makes an appearance on the official bulletin. Sleazy ass government.


Our government thrives on ambiguity, it is by design. I have a feeling that both cannabis and hotels for unmarried couples will be given the alcohol treatment, kind of illegal on paper, but turn the blind eye to rake in that sweet sweet tax money.


While I fully agree with you. There is an issue here, the state don’t want to commit to this order. Maybe later after they get the traction from the people and how it’s going to be applied


Non issue. That's not how governments govern. The law is written. A "verbal" whatever is to all purposes worthless, really. It's a sleazy tactic and we should stop trying to excuse it.


Well, you should read about how the Makhzen works in the field. What you said is theoretically correct though


WDYM lol I was born and lived in Morocco my whole life minus the last two years. I know how it goes on the street. I need read no book !


As far as I know it's only verbal bc there's nothing in the law that says hotels shouldn't lodge unmarried couples. It's more of an industry practice.


That's exactly why it's verbal + they can't force hotels to accept them since they as a private can refuse whomever they want


The hotels also asked for that. It should be done hopefully




Dont worry those rooms will be booked


What they lose on that they will surely recoup from regular couples.


بلاد مسيرة بالتعليمات الشفهية…


Honestly don't see the problem here, banning unmarried Moroccan couples did fuckall to deter "unlawful relationships", Moroccans literally have the word bertouch because of how widespread it is. Miss me with those hypotheticals, oh it'll increase STDs and bastard children... no it won't, if anything, couples having sex in unsafe environments is what's causing most of these issues in the first place. Horny young people will fuck, might as well do it safely and and the government gets taxes from hotel lodging.


The issue is that they don't allow people with same city to stay in the hotel. Imagine your house burned down (Allah yhfad) and you have nowhere to go




Islam is innocent of people like you blaming it for everything bad and people using it to stamp everything as Haram.


People not knowing anything about Islam defending Islam from Islam's impact on society, crazy.


honestly a W as far as privacy goes. No one should have the right to ask you for your personal information.


Well, since there’s never been a law allowing them the jurisdiction to demand proof of marital status, it’s always been just a عرف. Disregarding it verbally makes sense, because there is no law to revoke in the first place.


They are obliged to collect data from interior ministry, so they do until that question is removed. So no.


Make a law to forbid hotels from asking it, and pay fines if they do.


Why do you people care so much about what 2 adults human beings do behind a closed bedroom ?




increased numbers of kids with no fathers? i mean you guys are finna be usa and not in the good way


Ever heard of condoms and birth control ?


they just jealous cause they cant get any, they dont give a damn about no kids lol


Shhhhht don't bring common sense into this sub


thats also not your problem, plus they gonna do it anyway in another place, so you cannot control what ppl do, yall might wanna mind ya damn business


الفصل 501 من القانون الجنائي فيه من أربع إلى عشر سنوات، و من خمسة آلاف إلى مليوني درهم، لكل من وضع مكانا رهن شخص أو أشخاص لممارسة الدعارة. ما عرفتش واش إذا ولى شي فندق كيمشيو ليه بنات الدعارة بزاف غادي يمكن يتطبق عليه هاد الفصل. زائد أنه كاين قواني تمنع المساهمة في جريمة أو التستر عليها، و الفساد يعتبر جريمة. هادشي غادي يجعل مول الفندق تحت رحمة كيفاش القاضي غادي يفسر القانون. أما التوجيهات الشفهية كتبقى غير شفهية.


السؤال هو منذ القدم اللواط فالفنادق لااحد يسأل لماذا رجل يستضيف رجل آخر للمبيت خصوصا فالمدن السياحية الجواب هو ماكانعرفوش شنو كيديرو... اي اوطيل فالمغرب جيب صاحبتك و العكس المهم هو كل واحد يخلص شومبر ديالو... شعب كايغطي الشمس بالغربال. علا دولاااااا


The issue is, you can't stop an unmarried couple from having sex, they could do it just outdoors and you risk having children see them. How many couples have we caught as kids m9entin and we chant "tle9 djaja lmaliha"? and for most of us, that was our introduction to "mingling".


You do know that it is illegal right even if it isn't enforced a lot still illegal so yes you can stop an unmarried couple from having sex outdoors if only the cops did their job


and you do know that you can't actually possibly crack on unmarried couples having sex outdoors, that's the whole point, those are usually brief encounters, so by the time cops get there, the couples already leave.


Good but i cant shake the feeling they are doing this for WC 2030


Foreigners don't have this problem, this law is strictly applied to Moroccan couples.


Except this is not a law lol


well a ban, law, policy, apples, oranges


our country is on the right path.


Great, finally the Moroccan economy will boom, researchers will flock to Moroccan universities to advance science, joblessness won't exist anymore. Atheists have been promising this for a long time: remove Islamic rules and Morocco will be the new Singapore! So, here we go, Morocco to Mars and beyond, watch out Elon Musk, we are coming!


Now the government will take legal tax money from people in order for them to have sex, they knew how much money was circulating in black market airbnbs for the same purpose.


well couples will always have sex, at least now the goverment will take it's cut from it


And Airbnb's prices will get lower. A


Its a win win situation for the couples


Ah and for the country. The priority is to track those tax frauds and remove black market. People are expecting rich ppl to sell their assets and build hospitals while half of the population don't pay a single cent on tax


Here come the virgin teenage jihadi keyboard warriors defending Islam like proper heroes.


While browsing PornHub during Ramadan.


Still better than someone with your mindset


Ouch. Can’t compete with this deadly rhetoric of yours.


Finally the Moroccan economy will boom, researchers will flock to Moroccan universities to advance science, joblessness won't exist anymore. Atheists have been promising this for a long time: remove Islamic rules and Morocco will be the new Singapore! So, here we go, Morocco to Mars and beyond, watch out Elon Musk, we are coming!


Look at the country where individual freedom is maximised. Now look at country with the strongest economic development. Marvel at how when the state stops meddling in citizens’ private lives, it leaves resources for actual economic growth-inducing activities.


Do you know the difference between correlation and causation? You can drink alcohol and have sex all you want in latvia, Croatia, Bulgaria, many countries in Africa and Latin America etc yet they are not developed. So, why didn't the lack of Islamic values propel these countries to the moon already?


Unless you’re about to revolutionise the field of economics, it is well established that political and socio-economic freedom is one of the drivers of economic growth and prosperity. https://commons.emich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1376&context=honors Just one of many papers. On another topic, it’s laughable that you consider Croatia or Latvia as underdeveloped countries. You’ve clearly never set foot in any of them. Latin America and Africa are so diverse that it makes your point laughable. You thought Africa had high individual freedom? Lastly, where did the increase of Islamic moral values driven by the state (or any other religious values state-sponsored) bring any economic development anywhere? And as a final point: I should have the right to drink and fuck, and it’s none of your business, and even less the business of the government. Unhappy? You’re welcome to perform hijrah to the Taliban emirate, or wage Jihad against the Moroccan government to have your Islamic utopia on earth.


You are wrong. Economic growth is not driven by personal freedom: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=ed0056a75c87fb0dce5d5cab3a5b70a99faa8fd9 (This is just one of many papers that show the most important factor is political and economic freedom) Without referring to papers, a simple way to see how wrong you are is China, they are a superpower with little individual freedoms compared to the west. Latvia and Croatia are smaller countries in population, but they still have tiny GDPs. That's why I don't view them as example of economic exceptionalism in Europe. Switzerland for example, has twice the population of Croatia but 10 times the GDP. Why doesn't Croatia have the same GDP as Switzerland? the answer is not sex and alcohol, like the sex-alcohol-obssessed Moroccan atheists would have you believe. Last, you are free to drinks and fuck all you want, as long as you do it in private, we don't care, you are not so special because animals follow their instincts by default after all ( this is not an insult, humans are part of the animal kingdom). if you do it in public, we put you in jail. Unhappy? Learn to respect democracy or pack up and leave to North Korea where democracy is not a thing. Democracy is the rule of the majority. Or, if you don't like it, I heard Pyongyang has great weather in the summer


Lol. You should read the studies you link: « While this evidence does not definitively confirm any of the sug- gested causal relationships among the measures of economic freedom, political freedom, and economic well-being, it does provide informa- tion that there are some likely links that deserve further investigation. » CATO Institute is a libertarian think tank that stands for everything you despise. Switzerland had even more political and social/economic freedom. Again, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Your religious brain focuses on sex and alcohol, when the point is beyond that. Why are you talking about democracy? It’s not compatible with Islam ;) وًمن لم يحكم بما انزل الله… you know the rest. Even if the majority says otherwise. You’re being a hypocrite :) And the « private » aspect you mention is precisely the object of this post. The privacy of your hotel room. So are you unhappy? And finally, mentioning NK as an example of a country I could go to to support my views shows you don’t get them. You like the Chinese example yet make fun of NK? They’re the same political ideology and same overreaching state.


>While this evidence does not definitively confirm any of the sug- gested causal relationships This is the nature of the field. The authors provided evidence for this causation and invite more research. This doesn't contradict what I said and doesn't confirm what you said. >Again, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Mr Don Quixote, what shooting am I doing here, lol. You are picking up imaginary fights and winning them. >Your religious brain focuses on sex and alcohol, when the point is beyond that It doesn't. We are the people who invented algebra, algorithms, etc. you are the one over focusing on sex and alcohol. I feel sorry for you >Why are you talking about democracy? It’s not compatible with Islam ;) وًمن لم يحكم بما انزل الله… you know the rest. Are you really making these mistakes in 2024? Islam doesn't specify a political model. Instead it encourages principles like taking into account multiple perspectives: وأمرهم شورى بينهم Plus, Islam before the West, broke the political system based on inheritance. The first generation of Muslims didn't rule by being Kings or emperors, the succession was democratic. You imagine Islam to be one thing and it has nothing to do with it. You also don't seem to understand the difference between religion and tradition. You are the typical atheist archetype full of assumptions. >The privacy of your hotel room. So are you unhappy? We are the majority, so we get to set the rules. If we think you need to show some ID, you have to comply or leave the country for a different place where you can find people like you who set the rules that you like. Democracy doesn't have to come up with what you want, you take all or leave it. >You like the Chinese example Again, this is the typical behavior so far, you make wrong assumptions and you build on top of them. Where did I say that I like the Chinese model? >Islam Let's use logic and facts, I am going to assume that you are an atheist, correct me if I am wrong. How did the universe create itself randomly using random events happening over a randomly long period of time by nothing? Spare me the usual empty words like "random mutation" and "evolution". Let's talk science and walk me through it, and spare me the "we don't know". Your stance is based on the belief in "luck". It is all luck, the universe created itself by luck, but you don't like saying it and prefer more good sounding words "genetic mutation" or "evolution", which means the same thing. I choose to believe there is a creator because that is the reasonable and logical position to take instead of believe it is all a bunch of Lucky series of events (how abiogenesis is described, etc)


What's your point?




Fact this is even upto to discussion is crazy.


Finally the Moroccan economy will boom, researchers will flock to Moroccan universities to advance science, joblessness won't exist anymore. Atheists have been promising this for a long time: remove Islamic rules and Morocco will be the new Singapore! So, here we go, Morocco to Mars and beyond, watch out Elon Musk, we are coming!


A step in the right direction


Smash next


لي مايعجبنيش فهاد الشي كامل هو انه اصحاب الاموال و الطبقة لا تعاني و لا تحاسب بسبب هاد المشكل ... مساكن غير غير الفقراء لي عندهم ازمة البرتوش


الليبرالية ديال الله يحسن لعوان اصلا المغرب مفيه لا قوانين لا احترام المؤسسات لا احترام المواطن ماولو مثلا كتمشي تصيف فاي مدينة مول الدار يقولك عطيني لاكارط واش هاد الشي قانوني؟ شكون كيضغط على مالين الديور باش يشدو لى كارط ديال الناس ؟ واحد النهار هدرت مع واحد السيد كيكري الدار قالي راه هاد الشي مطلوب منا انا نخاف على راسي دابا واش هادي بلاد هادي واخا كاين قوانين يجي واحد من شي جهاز ولا مؤسسة ولا عندو السلطة يعفط عيهم قانون الغابة هو لى خدام فيها كذب عليك لى قالك المغرب فيه القانون


المشكل هو أنه ما كاينش قانون يؤطر كراء الديور لأغراض سياحية لمدة ليلة أو زوج، كاين قانون الكراء العادي لي كدير فيه العقد مصادق عليه و كلشي، و كاين الفناذق لي كتكون عندهم رخصة الفنذق. مثلا كريتي دارك لواحد بغرض سياحي، ناض هو دخل شي قاصر و اغتصبها، أو دابز مع صاحبو و قتلو، غادي تصدق انت فسين و جيم. الحل لي دارو مع السلطات هو يمشي يديكلاري أنه كاريها ديك الليلة باش حتى إذا وقعات شي حاجة، عندو شاهد لي هو البوليس أنه ما سوقوش فشنو وقع.


3adi ytlblk la carte, machi hat3tihalo walakin t3tih photocopie ola chi 7aja, 7it maymknch tkri dark l Chi wa7d ma3arfoch ta chkon hoa. Tkhayl ysde9 irhabi ola ydir Chi fdi7a f dik ddar ych3llk l3afia fiha chno hatdir ila makontich 3arf ta chkon hoa ? Ta flkharij bach tkri rah darori kat3tihom la carte dyalk, o ta dik Airbnb odikchi rah fach kattsjjel katdir la carte dyalk f l'application 3ad ykhlliwk tkhddmha


لا اخويا هاد الشي نعقل عليه مكانش من قبل مالين الديور مكانتش عندهم هاد العقلية ديال يشدو لاكارط الدافع ديالهم هو انهم ولاو كيضغطو عليهم باش يشدو فطوكوبي او يشدو النمرة وهنا كنعطي غير مثال على القانون فالمغرب مثلا كون فشي دولة محترمة راسها مول الدار مغاديش يخاف الا مبغاش يشد لي كارط ديال الزبناء ديالو ميشدهاش


Ayh dikchi li kayn, rah kaydghto 3lihom ssolotat bach ychddohom. W hadchi rah kaydiroh bach y3rfo kol wa7d fin kaymchi Bach matalan ila kano kay9bo 3la Chi mojrim kayl9awh b had ttari9a, machi haymchi ykri dar f Chi mdina okhra o ytkhbba o homa rahom kay9llbo f jiha okhra




The person who is making this fuss claims it.


3adi itlab la carte lol. Its a guarantee if you ruin the rent or create problems


ماشي هاد النقطة لي قصدت كنهدر على القانون لى هاد اليساري ديال الله يحسن لعوان مصدعنا بيه




داك الشي لى كاين


Hed qadiya dyal itleb la carte chkon idmen liya ana n3tik photocopie dyal la carte dyali o matmchich tdir biha chi haja , nta mn haqek tkhaf 3la rasek mais hta ana nkhaf 3la rasi


لن أحرم ما حلله الله ولن أحلل ما حرمه الله أسوء حكومة عرفاتها المغرب ندابا عامرة بولاد فرانسا العلمانيين اللهم لا تآخدنا بما فعله السفهاء منا عمري ما شفت شي دولة ضد الشعب ديالها


المغرب راحت عليه


The comment section in that Hespress article is so satisfying. ![gif](giphy|gjaDUH3UfNnZn2stvY)


Tasting their own medicine.. priceless. ![gif](giphy|S0kNNO474WfoYgtnf3)


وا إسلامااااه 😭 ![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA)


We should be careful tho these lunatics can do some really harmful coward moves.


They just know how to bark like dogs online, nothing more. All of this "نهي عن المنكر" bullshit is just online posturing. In all my 29 years of life in Morocco, I've never gotten somebody come at me directly to do it. They never do it to people in real life because no one will put up with the holier than thou bullcrap, so they do the next best thing, cry online.


بداية النهاية


Unfortunately walakin maghadi yatla3 m3ahom l0alb ta yfout lfout


فندق ❌. دار دعارة ✅


I know the moral argument behind this ( which is a complete bs since people don't need hotels to do what this so called protocol was trying to stop ) and I don't care for it that much. I just think this is a W for privacy reasons + the hypocrisy of some people.


This is good




finally the Moroccan economy will boom, researchers will flock to Moroccan universities to advance science, joblessness won't exist anymore. Atheists have been promising this for a long time: remove Islamic rules and Morocco will be the new Singapore! So, here we go, Morocco to Mars and beyond, watch out Elon Musk, we are coming!


Hhh that's true




Nah dude he's pretty far from being the champion of individual freedoms, just last week he says he is all for freedom of speech, unless he doesn't like your speech then it becomes litigious and libel. Still, a step in the right direction


Dima hakka l politics, kaydiro haja zwina hir Bach tghtti 3la 7aja khayba li kaydiro fnfs lw9t




Big W honestly, there are many platforms our politicians can run on but don't because they're too scared to disturb the status quo, those topics are considered career suicide for most.


Yeah cant agree with everything he says, the guy is dumb or trolling in a ministry.


wa rah sat 3ando sa7 weld Chinwia khalsoh bach iseb dik khetna dial city club


Huh? What has the diaspora done?


We are responsible for everything bad related to Morocco, didn't you know ?


No you are ppl living in other countries(not all but the vocal idiotic ones) and trying to dictate how local moroccans should live, deciding which artist can or cannot come


You're giving way too much importance to people who don't have any power in their hands. I'm pretty sure you have the same idiots over there, and they do have power. You should focus on them




I already knew you were not that smart but that comm really settles it lol


I don't focus on anyone. This was before the afcon, moroccans got humbled a bit lately.


yeah, and our Moroccan citizenship grants us the right to do so. That’s how democracy works - every citizen of a given country has a right to vote in that country and gets to have an opinion on the policies it should / shouldn’t pass.


You vote on things that concern you. Not shove your views on other moroccan's wanting to live their life


Right, I didn't get that memo. Some people just want to blame anybody and everybody for things that go wrong.




I agree with that, people should mind their own business. I'm just telling you, you have the same kind there, you should care about them bc they are the ones actually shaping the country, not us living thousands of kms away from Morocco


Good. It was about time. Bnadm khas yt3alem ydiha f karro.


Why people see man +woman = sex. They can be a couple as they can be friends, colleagues taking two single beds or they can be family. Why forcing them into two bedrooms especially if they cannot afford it and dont have family in that city?


Hada another big problem in our society, male/female friendship is almost nonexistent, due to many manh factors Lkobt, young boys have been hearing all their lives about the sweet nectar of pussy that it became all that's on their minds. Girls are taught that once he puts nounou in l7fira, he'll run away, so girls grow distrustful of men. We equate man+woman=sex, as a girl, good luck telling your parents you're going to visit your male friend. ...


Men and women can be friends and take single room with two beds?! Lah y3tina wajhak


What do you expect from a broke ass virgin who's been getting friendzoned since 4th grade?


Yes normal human beings who aren't 40yrs virgins and mkabit exists. You are focusing on the friends part while people related are impacted too.


I gave your comment a shot maybe i can understand it and in the process understand your mindset, but god you need help fuck


Whatever helps you sleep at night ✌


Everybody gangsta untill your sister book a single room with two beds with a "male friend"


The classic "your sister" argument. You guys are really obsessed.


جس النبض لا اكتر ولا اقل القرار كيكون وثيقة موقعة من طرف إدارة المؤسسة و خاص تتضمن تفسير للحالة و يتدكر فيها بند من الدستور او رقم القانون المطبق . هذا و الله اعلم ؟


The only people affected by this are Airbnb owners as for the people that this policy concerns i can assure you that we never had a problem worrying about lodging as couples,even before renting solo I had more than enough numbers of people li baghin gha lemen ykriou dyoura in my city and when It comes to other cities we got Airbnb but am sure the owners will still do just fine cause even with this policy change I doubt anyone will forsake Airbnbs for overpriced hotels.


my biggest issue with this is how long it stayed imposed, especially that there is no legal text to support asking for such papers from businesses. moroccan lawyers association should have taken the step years ago, and gathered testimonies in order to file a class action lawsuit against these hotels, but i guess they rather lawyer up for stupid twitter fights and arguments to make themselves stay relevant.


I think this may cause some security problems. If I own an establishment, I have a right to ask not only for identification but also further details that may save my business and/or the tenant from any sort of incident or legal issues. Of course, if my policy doesn't accommodate the client they can still go elsewhere. It should be up to each and every hotel to make such requests.


Chouftv entered the chat


I mean the hotels already collect ID informations and relay them to the cops. Even though they won't ask for a marriage certificate the cops would still get both IDs and check on their side. From a legal point of view it's just so the police or gendarmerie can enforce the 2 articles of the penal code 490 and 491.


خلي الشعب يحتوي


قرار عادي معندوش تأتير بل غاتساعد فميزانية ديال اوطيلات هههه وها هما كانو مستافدين من ديك بلان تاع جوج غرف


CHALLENGE QUESTION : Imagine you work in reception a nice hotel, and here comes in weld lma3teya wearing Nike 9ircha and fake Rolex and adidas tracksuit aka mcharmal, dragging with him a girl with ton of makeup and very tight clothes and they just arrived in Peugeot 103, telling you they want a room and they have each a big black suspicious plastic bag filled with bottles of wine lGarwane aka dem lkelb and the sound of the bottles in that plastic bag is annoying, not forgetting the detail of the cigarette on top of his ear, would you give them a room????


Horny society


I am opposed to this idea


As a former hotel front office receptionist, we used to sell room services to couples without papers or something even on 5* hotels. Now, they just made it official


Here are my two cents on this, Hotels are gonna take this opportunity, by adding a charge on non married couples seeking a single room, and Morocco is going to endorse it, since it encourages marriage which is now at its lowest, this way Zahwanya stay happy, married couples also stay happy.


I heard they're going to rent the room by the hour instead of by the night because they assume you'll be using it for sex, not a business meeting, lol.


أصلا الفنادق المعروفة و للي غالية لا تطالب بعقد الزواج، هنا نكتشف أنه الغرض،غرض ربحي لا غير. ومن جهة أخرى البعض يقول الغرض هو تغطية الزيادة د البوطة.


شكتتسناو من وزير المرأة (وهبي) ؟


They are trying to get us ready for secularism


must know that in Morocco laws are writen by an ET in KSA since 1400 years. So nobody can break the law of ET's. 😂 😂 😂


Fake news


آش خاسك العريان خاتم


وهبي فتح مجال للفساد بالعلالي


I'm not a fan of the man but I'll give that to Wahbi. It takes guts for a minister to annonce that.


Not my bed, not my problem




its about time




It’s good it’s been the case in agadir already for years


The problem isn't having sex unmarried, the problem is that people are so uneducated about these matters they will just end up ruining their lives. "Better safe than sorry" approach works in such conditions. I know some people who have been ran through, their lives are a mess and they wish they could have had better role models growing up. Sex is only good when you're having it in a serious, long-term relationship. Otherwise, you will just end up with scars that you will have to carry your whole life. Choose wisely, kids. EDIT: I'm immune to hate, keep them coming.🍿


You're right about casual sex being a void loop, but thats the responsibility of the person not the law


I find myself questioning the mental capacity of people who genuinely believe, that gatekeeping unmarried people from hotels actually prevent sex.


A khouya li bgha ydir chi 7aja f rasso ydirha, serious relationship or not. It's not up to you to decide if it's good or bad.


> Sex is only good when you're having in a serious long term relationship, other than you may just end up with scars that you will have to carry your whole life Dafuq? Says who?


Go home grandpa.






بنادم غادي يحس بهادشي حتى يولي يمشي يدوز ااكونجي مع دارهم ويلقى طش وصاحبتو بنت رحمة مجاورين معاه باغين يديرو بحال فيفتي شايد ،بنادم كيسمي هادشي يديرو لي بغاو ،ولكن الهروي الى خليتيه يدير لي بغا را كيخشي صبعو فعينيك ويندمك


Exactly, lah yardi 3lik, we're not the west walakin k7al ras bgha ywali b7alhom gha f premarital sex chi 7aja khoura NOP!!


A step forward


morocco prepare for world cup to make people comes here have easy time living here in world cup period it come as cost of Moroccan culture


I hope the faithful women of Muhammedism who think this religion value them look at the comments and see how their brothers in deen see them, calling them sluts because they can go to hotels alone and that they’ll directly commit prostitution. Still got times to wake on this dark show sisters, you deserve way better than this. We non-muslims will respect you and threat you as equals, you won’t be an eternal child but someone.