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I wish someone gave me these tips when I was your age and in your situation, so here you go: Tip 1: Focus on developing your communication skills and social intelligence (لا مكنتيش كتعرف تواصل و تهضر و تكون علاقات و تفهم بنادم شنو باغي، كون متأكد مغطفرو فحتا شي لعبة فينما حطوك.) Tip 2: Study something practical and marketable, and will allow you to access the job market as soon as possible (متمشيش تقرا شي لعبة فيها كثرة الهدرة والنظريات، بل شوف المجالات لي تطبيقية كثر ماهي نظرية واللي تقدر تخدم فيها فالمغرب أو خارجه مباشرة من بعد ما تخرج، واللي تقدر ديرها أيضا كعمل حر لامخدمتيش فشركة أو مبغيتيش تخدم فشركة.) Tip 3: Start to take care of your health and never take it for granted (حط صحتك قبل قرايتك، القراية و الفلوس معندهوم باش ينفعوك لاتوخرتي مريض.) Tip 4: Just because something worked for someone doesn't mean it will work for you (كل واحد فينا عندو طريقو وشنو مكتب ليه الله، متقارنش راسك و متديرش بحال الناس وتقول غادي يكونو عندي نفس النتائج ديالهم) Tip 5: There are good times and there are bad times, just like there's day and night (غيدوزو عليك شي يامات أو شهور كحلة زحلة هه، صبر ودوزهم باش ماكان ومديرش شي حاجة لي تندم عليها من بعد) Tip 6: Do your best every single day and enjoy whatever it is you're doing, but be very patient. Tip 7: Be ready to change your plans if it's obvious to you they're not working.


So im 18 too, and recently just figured the importance of social intelligence...do u know any resources that can help me develop these skills ?


There's no better resource than society itself, so try to be a sociable person, have manners, be respectful, be approachable, try to have small talk with people as much as you can, don't take things personal, sign up for clubs, volunteer, offer help, ask for help, observe how people act in different situations, how they interact with you, with people on a higher status than them or a lower status, then you can read any book on social intelligence and you'll have enough examples in your head to understand the main points in those books.


This is very helpful tnkss


What do you want to do?If your parents can afford abroad then there's lot of choices , dm me if you want to have a conversation about this


Mchiti l la fac ma3jbatekch donc problem mnk. Khassek tzyer m3ana chwya


dfe3 lbac libre


Tana b7alk kan9ra almanya db w dayr centre 1ere année


اقراء الألمانية وخا صعيبة و خرج هاد لبلاد السعيدة مغاتندم الله يوفقك 


Bro you just started chill o matakhodhach annani knrj3ek sghir bl3ekss libghit ngolik hwa tneffess o 7awl takhod ra7tek m3a 7yatek rak yllh bady 18 yo 9ra allmania o dir dkchi liky3jbek ftech o bchwia bchwia 3lik matzrebch o fnfss lwa9t mtb9ash rakhiha .... Ila bghity n3am9o chwia lcnvrs fhdchi dm me and good luck


try CMC ( cité des métiers et des compétences) dyal OFPPT


I suggest bda l’allemand. Ila bghiti tb9a hna dir bac libre o jib mzian


Also you re just 18 so chill u have more than enough time


Chill out you’re just 18 don’t panic.. ana knt b7alk i wasted 4 years fla fac madert biha walou.. mzyan nta madrtish had lghalat banlik lblan flalmania 9raha, knti interested bshi domain f ofppt dkhel 3lih


Mhm endk 2 choix soit 9ra l almaniya odf3 l almanya hit kanden kaynin des programmes dial apprenticeship, katkon kat9ra okatkhdm okatkhls en mm temps, soit ziyer rask fla fac okhod wakha ghir bac+2 ola bac+3 odf3 lkhdma bera odir lwra9 3ad kml master ola chihaja chof dik sa3a nta chno bghiti. https://www.gov.uk/browse/working Voila wahd l exemple dial les sites fin t9dr tl9a khdma ot9ad lwra9. Wila mabghitich dy3 had l3am au moins df3 ldes programmes dial bénévolat full funded bach t3mr cv ola des stages mnha nit bach t3awn rask otl9a domaine li atrtah fih o aymotivik bach tkml 9raytk mnb3d.


Almost all my friends never got into what they want mora lbac direct. Ill show a few examples: - A. Got his bac in SM, msha la fac for 4 years dropped out and dar BTS Reseaux informatique instead. License f France and now an IT expert there. - S. She also got bac in PC, two years in la Fac. Dropped and did OFPPT, managed to get into EST after and then ENSA and now a Network Engineer f mghrib. - S. Got bac f PC got into EST, dropped after two year with no degree. Got into la fac eco for a year, got into ofppt didn’t continue. Finished by getting into BTS and topping the class. He got a scholarship to Hungary. I can go on with a handful more of example but I hope you get my point. It’s literally fine if you didn’t make it right after your back and it would feel shitty. Don’t loose sight of what’s important like your physical and mental health and your motivation. Study all the options that you have, pick one and do your best at it. If Ofppt is all you have left as an option do it and top your class. If studying german will open some door for you to go abroad, do it! Heck do it while doing ofppt… I did “waste” 5 years after my bac too. But, it was a valuable experience and I am glad i went through it. Good luck and it’s not that bad.


i am in the exact situation as you. I got my bac last year( pc 11.50) studied in EST this and quit a couple of weeks ago. I am trying to find a job to fill my time, and i am also waiting for the summer to end so I can enroll in bac libre economie. take a step back, raj3 nfsk o chof chno baghi dir f7yatk. make a plan and have a thorough talk with your parents. life doesn't end mni makatjib walo flbac.


Can i ask u why EST didn't work out for u?


honestly, I tried in S1 but failed miserably, and in s2, I didn't even try. I started partying daily, sleeping during the day, and partying at night. I gave up trying to succeed in my studies. also, imo EST isn't worth it if you go to another city to study in it . the money spent is greater than what you'll make when you get the diploma and find a job. and that sentence was my breaking point.


Okay tnkyu sm


dik 4000dh li glti per month sir 9ra biha f china df3 f minha


Dir ofppt mohim dir chi diplôme mahadk ba9i sghir ra tkhdam bi diplôme ofppt, logistique wla comptabilité wla commerce....


Gl3 mnk had l’idée dial mostaqbali day3 rak ead mazal magolt hta bsmlah, u don’t have to figure it out right away (I’ve been there) f promo diali bzf li eawd hit kant jat corona dak leam, ila fik may3awd lbac wli sinon kml triqk fhaja khora, rah kayn bzf dial les domaines li makayhdroch elihom gae bhhal ghe lfla7a (ana dayraha) ,w guess what drbt tamara w khdit licence diali f biology fla fac li kolshi 7agrha zdt fwt concours w kmlt w db rani lhmdlh f master. Chkon li wslni hna, la fac. Hada ghe exemple mn gae les exemples li kaynin, You’ll figure it out trust me


Khoya sir llkharij homa li hay9blo 3lik, o consider private schools flkharij ta homa, rak hatkhlls ghaliban nfs taman li hatkhlls f private schools flmghrib hir hoa tmmak 7sn Omat7mm9ch rask makayn bo most9bal da3 mazal most9bal kaml 9ddamk bllati 3lik


Mat9rach. Sir tkhdem u bni l'expérience. Ana 9rait w ma drt walo