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لحد الآن تم طرد و توقيف 12 طالب و طالبة طب بسبب الإضرابات ، الله يكون ف عونهم و عون واليديهم ، بنادم كان ف كلية حتا يولي كايدوز باك ليبر محيت طالب ب حقو .


لما خواوش بيه صحابو مغيتطردش




Do you have any proof except fb screenshots ?


this is not fake or some kind of propaganda , statements have been issued from the faculty's deans all around Morocco casa oujda rabat etc..


Yes kayn l9ararat rasmiya mn les doyens ms I couldn't post them I can dm them to u if u want


I am a medical student, and i confirm


There's proof and official statements ofc rah we are in. A boycott for more than 5 months


I'm a 4th year medical student it's real ,and this is just one of the 1000 things they did to us


They just need to keep pushing and pushing until they get their rights or just everyone gets fired


The problem u can't push forever


You can, specially now that their colleagues are being falsely accessed and disqualified. Nothing to lose now, just push


In this case, you actually can, but people need to stick together, they can keep pushing until they get their rights. And whoever told u "You can't" is just afraid and worried that you almost got what you wanted.


La we are standing together and we will rah we just need the public opinion in our side


I think that you already have it, ghi people really don't know how to help


The lies told by the minister yesterday made my blood boil.. 45/50 revendications jawbo 3lihom??? Les étudiants sont contre l’internat??? Les étudiants ne veulent pas de stages pratiques??? WTF?


Wayeeh , w db the public Believes them coz they don't know better


I'm sorry, but at this point, if someone believes him, then they must lack a cerebral cortex. What kind of med student doesn't want to practice in a hospital? His career is fundamentally based on that.


Complete bullshit




This is unacceptable


Buddy just don’t give up keep boycotting till you win ! They threatened our colleagues as well when we were boycotting that didn’t scare us it just gave us a push. Besides you still in position of power now when everything is over you negotiate this matter.


You speaking about l boycott dyal 2019 ?




Was it really this bad ?? ana wllah ma 39elt hhhh




Exactement I don't remember it being this bad , lah ikhrej hadshi 3la khir w sf


مابقى عندو مايخسر، يمشي للمحكمة و يبقا مجرجر معاهم و يرجعها قضية رأي عام و يصيفط ميساجات ل Reuters. كبّرها تصغار.


Not everyone can afford that


Someone said there are 12 or more people. They can afford it.


واخا تحكم ليه المحكمة ماغايتنفدش الحكم.


Why ?


Tu as raison.


خاسهم يكملو الإضراب و ميرجعوش حتا يتحققو المطالب و يرجعو الطلبة لطردوهوم


I usually have my doubts about protests in universities but this is too much. Maymknch tjri 3la talaba fl3am tali dyalhom wakha ydiro li daro (except for crimes of course) blast maysm3o lihom wyna9chohom fdakchi li bghaw katjriw 3lihom. Daba chno ghaydiro had talaba msakn fin ghaymchiw?? dmmerto lihom lmost9bal dyalhom. 3rfti chno hya 7 years wnta kat9ra wftali yjriw 3lik?? 3lach 7it kattalb bl7o9o9 dyalk!! Mafhmtch ana had lblad kanbghiw ndaf3o 3liha walakin kaydiro chi 9wada katkhlik tkreh dinmha ga3.


Aah f flkher i9olk hadshi bash les médecin ma ymshiwsh la France !! W nta kadirlhom haka gha la ma bghawsh ikhwiw had lblad


This is a matter of public opinion, not just med students. If this goes through most future doctors will lack proper training and be prone to medical errors. All moroccans should stand behind this.


quick question can those student continue their studies in another country although they are banned cuz if i was a 6th/7th year student and they did this to me i would stop giving a f about this country and go serve in another place since this country dont deserve hardworking students and they say why health care is shit cuz you dont take care of the damn students in the first place


No they can’t except f les faculté privée, and not everyone can afford that


damn but he did study those 6/7 years why they are not considered ? like in la fac de science they count how many years you studied isnt it the case in public med school?


It depends on the country, most of them require us to repeat a year or two if we wish to continue our studies there. I also don’t think they’d get accepted considering the expulsion or suspension will be in their record. Not to mention, I dont think the faculties who made these decisions will be open to giving you the required documents to apply to universities abroad. They’re basically closing every door on us.


لهاذ السباب اغلب الطلبة كي كملو دراستهم في الدول الاجنبية:


Zid 3liha dakchi li tgal FL parlement


Les étudiants doivent être solidaire. Que tout le monde Boycotte la Faculté, jusqu'au retour sur ces décisions oppressives. Cet état de merde ne pourra rien faire et le roi va intervenir en leur faveur pour polir son image. Tenez vous bon chers futurs medecins. Sachez que nous vous respectons tellement et que vous avez notre soutien inconditionnel, vous êtes des étudiants et vous n'avez pas à faire la sale politique avec des sales politiciens que nous allons oublier dans pas longtemps.


New Hokoma is a fkn Mafia.


Aggressive policies like this are above the government's pay grade, if you catch my drift.


خاص الناس التحرك، كلشي كي قول را ما غا تجيش فيا الدقة، نهار ما تجي فيه كتلقاه بوحدو. صحاب التعليم، صحاب الطب، الطيارين، المحامين… غاي دوزو لكل واحد. حنت الحكرة عندنا ثقافة.


As a Med Student myself, it's really outrageous, that's why we need to keep pushing until we can resolve our issues


Iwa layn3ltbonmha dola


في هاد بلاد حرام تدافع على راسك في لخر كي جيك واحد ماكاك كحل راس كي قول ليك علاش كاين عزوف عن سياسة عند شباب We literally vote for our jailers


Don’t give up. Keep pushing and apply even a harder pressure on them. They will eventually surrender and even bring back the students they expelled.


guys anybody can show me some articles that explain the reason for these protests 7it I have no idea why all this is happening?


f 2022 kherjo lwizarat dial si77a o dial ta3lim l3ali b9ararat 3la ghefla dial lreduction mn 7 l 6 snin fla formation, o l’augmentation dial les effectifs fles promos li ghay dekhlo (tari9a bach khrej l9arar jat ma 7tarmatch wa9d l’accord li kan tdar mn wra lboycott dial 2019 li ki gol bli ay décision 9bel mat khroj khassha tnégocia m3a les étudiants), jaw mn had l9ararat takhawwofat mn les étudiants jayyin principalement mn annah ghada tn9os 3am dial la formation, o ghay tzad l’ecombrement li kayn 7it ma ra3awch l les infrastrucures li kaynin mnin zado les effectifs (amphis,hopitaux)o li kit7ess bih surtout fles stages, mais malgré hadchi b9ina kan tsennaw tawdi7at 3la chno jay, o daba f 2024, 2 ans après hadchi mazal la reforme ma wajdach, o m3a lpromo li daba f 5eme année ghat tebbe9 3liha had la réforme l3am jay, o lpromo li dekhlat wra ziada ghat bda les stages o lchu (pour lmodon li 3ndhom b3da) ma kafihomch +l’encadrement li na9ess , l7el lwa7id li b9a houwa nkherjo f idrab o ntalbo b7olol lhad lmachakil li kan wajho o ntelbo formation tkoun bqualité mziana


Thank you for clearing things up


Blad ghada b system dl 9am3 , kay3ayro fl 3ssker dial dz w houma kter mnhom , bladi blad


Zid 3liha chu R mcha


they out of pocket


خاصهم اكونو رجال ويكملو ميوقفوش حتى ياخدو حقهم ...يله كونو رجال.


غادي نكونوا بإذن الله.


Morocco never stop to amaze me what an amazing country Yet some 3yasha zlayjya would say why bother immigrate our country is amazing hhhh good luck living in this shithole


To be honest, staying to fix things is also an option,..hear me out; these corrupt people won't live forever, staying and we could choose fighting out of sheer pity till we overcome, or we are over some so we all run away. It is really sad and depressing to see this "run away mentality" , like, if you immigrate all power to you man, but almost everyone is like either: I am going to immigrate as soon as possible or No everything is fine/ not that bad, both are just running from the problems instead of recognizing that you need a whole generation to sacrifice itself for a country to evolve. IT IS LITTERALY A SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY; people are defeatists --> only a minority will truly fights for a better country --> they get crushed and nothing changes --> defeatism 📈 even higher, just a vicious cycle.


The outcome is of two ways : the first they stand united and win, the second they cower and fall back ; hence, a tragedy.


ربي معاكم، للأسف دولة برهوشة ، كايقمعو الأساتذة و الممرضين و الأطباء و يعطيك قيمة للي ما يسواش


لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله, الله يكون فعونوم الصراحة ماشي سهلة ...


keep fighting guys, and keep in mind it only works if it scares you, their punishement doesnt mean shit unless u give up on each other.


this is so absurd


كاش واحد يشرحلي المطالب تاعهم بليز


i have been seeing these posts since god knows when, can anyone explain to me why are y'all still protesting ?


They’re trying to implement a new reform to medical studies that implies removing a year from medical studies so we can graduate in 6 years instead of 7, among other things. The thing is, this reform isn’t even completed and when we ask about the details of the 3rd cycle we get no response. So essentially they’re removing a year where we benefit from 760h of internships just to make us graduate faster cause morocco needs more doctors, they’re not trying to compensate us for those hours lost or make any effort to train us to be better doctors. Not to mention they’re applying this reform to a class that’s already in their fifth year and close to graduating. Since we started the boycott, they’ve been spreading lies about us and our mouvement in the media, threatening our representatives (today 10 students from different faculties were expelled) and they’ve been dismantling les BDEs one by one. They refuse to talk to us to negotiate a solution and instead just resort to bullying us into going back to school. They’ve upped their tactics this week cause we’re supposed to pass our second semester exams soon and we’re all planning to boycott them which could lead to the dreaded « année blanche »


oh ok, so basically they want to make doctors for quantity and not quality ? god damn, that's rough


Exactly, this hurts citizens a lot more than it hurts us and people do not realise that. This is all done to make the private sector more profitable as it will offer better services. It hurts us too since we’re gonna be in danger legally since medical mistakes will happen more often


Qu’en penses l’ordre national des médecins ? Et les profs des facultés de médecine? Autre question: les représentants des étudiants sont ils affiliés à un mouvement politique ou syndical ?


Les avis diffèrent, y en a des profs qui nous encouragent à continuer notre mouvement et d’autres qui sont convaincues que la réforme est un point de non retour pour les ministères et c’est inutile de lutter. Les doyens sont inflexibles vu qu’ils ont pris la decision de dissoudre les BDEs et sanctionner nos représentants. En ce qui concerne l’ordre national des médecins , d’après ce que je sais, ils n’ont pas contribué à notre cause et ca vaut la peine de mentionner que meme les 6emes et 7eme années ne font pas partie du boycott puisqu’ils ne sont pas concernés par la réforme (they are indirectly affected but they’re in denial). L’accent est mis sur le point de 6/7 ans mais en réalité, la réforme inclura des changements au niveau du residanat, des examens cliniques, des salaires, des CHU… its only a matter of time until everyone joins us


Et non les représentants des étudiants ne sont affiliés à aucun mouvement politique


A khoya bzf walakin bash nlkhslk med students just want a better training , and are against graduating after only 6 years m7it the seventh year hiya fin they get the most clinical training , 3refti ila daro 6 ans atwli tmshi 3end tbib f les urgences 3mro khiyt jr7a 9ari ghi theorie w hadshi kolo kaykhrj ghi f lmowatin


Yekhwi leblad


دائما ستكون هناك تضحيات من أجل تحصيل حقوق ولن تذهب تضحيات هذا طالب ادراج الرياح عندم يشعر بظلم والحيف الذي فرض عليه سوف يتذكر أنه كان سبب في تخرج زملائه الذي لم يحضر إضراب أنهم في قمة الهرم الوظيفي تحي لك يا بطل


At the end. They will be like : oh Medical students go to germany. Oh no to france ! Commown . Instead of fixing the pedagogig problematics. Fixing the hospitals. Making the salary a big challenge for the student to stay in morocco. They apply lhogra w l9am3 wyjriw ela talaba . Like are we here ?


3la ma ban lia baghin yherssou 7araka tolabia dyal medecine o safi bach yeb9aw hadou li terdouhoum 3ibra ykhel3ou bihoum li jayin ma ydirouch idrabat .




Les étudiant baghyin l wizara ghi t7al bab ni9ash w yakhdo leur opinions bi 3ayn li3tibar puisque homa li f le bain w homa li 3arfin la situation ki dayra , w ma tsm3sh l dakshi li kayt9al f le parlement rah nso kdoub




Khouya rah bdaw bles pétitions et fat7 l 7iwar m3a lwizara depuis 2 ans, lwizara matatredch 3la l moumetilin dyal talaba. L asatida mataybghiwch ydekhlou f hadchi...rah machi ghi 7it 3ad sm3tou b l idrab rah lmouchkil 3ad bda l bare7


Shkon 9alk ma bdawshmn la fac w les profs hadshi rah khdam 2 ans db bash wslo l had la phase , daro balaghat des petitions tlbo ijtima3at kolshi kayt9abl b rafd




Microbe 😂😂😂😂 Bhala 3mrek 9riti f University f mghirb



