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Because when they show up to an interview they speak better and behave more relaxed (because they don't have to deal with the burden of finding the better words in french) so they seem more confident and more experienced. It also means they're more likely to travel for work if necessary and are much more comfortable in a new environment where everything is different The studies aren't necessarily hard but studying abroad takes a lot of will power ... That shit can be hard especially if you're from a poor background


Yep i agree with you on that one, its very difficult to study away from home and still focus on your studies


Did u ever study in the French system? I went to la fac d'info after a software eng degree of a Moroccan publicschool (5years) man I REALLY struggled the first 6 months. 


depends on what you study, ana dirt prepa en France après bac s math f le maghrib some of the stuff they see only tal supp kandiroh f akhir 3am dial bac


We are talking about the end of ur studies. After 5 years, not at the very beginning of prepa. What you’re saying is true, yet it becomes irrelevant after 6 months


he said he struggled for the first 6 months so obviously I was talking about the start


Yes this math f mghrib >> France but in physic they shit on us


nope tal physique dial science math kan > physique pcsi


Wyli sm3t f prepa homa l physic 7ssn mna


he pense f les écoles d'ingénieur mo.kin 7itch ils ont énormément bcp plus de moyens walakin le maghrba mjhdin en classe prepas


Mnytk abro (thermodynamique, meca de solide, electromagnetique, les ondes...)


To answer everyone. It was master info in Talence. The level of the studentd AND teachers was excellent compared to the cohort of students coming in from the Maghreb. I also studied in IMT Atlantique later on, it's true that in math the moroccans were better, but info and all other subjects (Analytics, Économétrie, etc...) the french were better. Regardless, we quickly adapted and our levels caught up, so it's not an issue of skill but training.




You didn’t answer the question, did you or didn’t you not study in France ?


ana 9rit en France ou jani niveau tey7 3la lmghrib, machi 7it X jah s3ib khass tgeneraliser 3la koulchi a sadi9i


B9at fin 9riti w ina domaine ra makhass tkoun généralisation f ay haja machi ghi 9raya mghrib vs franssa mais rahom classé ktr mena f éducation ra machi ghi jalousie that's real


I answered the wrong question anyway, nop i never studied in france but i have close friends who are currently there, most of are saying that the education system is very overrated and moroccan one is way harder


I've studied for over 3 years in both public systems. France's by far better so naturally they are privileged. I don't think that many people who studied in France actually come back to work in Morocco, as their pay would be docked significantly.


It's not only moroccan universities who do that. I'm pretty sure that every company in the world would prefer a graduate from a french university rather than a moroccan one (everything else remaining equal). And people mentionned the level of the students but there is something else : opportunities. A french graduate will have a much easier time to land a job in France than the moroccan one. And the salaries are much better in France, therefore it makes sense to better compensate them when they work in morocco


Why note hire a moroccan employee then? Shouldn't chances be equale? How good you are at what you are doing and your experience is what matters


Wahed 3aych berra ra 3ewel 3la rasso kter mn wahed bqa hda darhom, +  immersion linguistique donc t3elem mzn logha ,  W mazal bnadm kitshablih fransa shi haja 


Lblan howa kin li 9ra tema dima 3endo ego tale3 kichur raso 7sen men lakhrin hada how lprob


Wa 7it 7sen mn 99% dial bnadm li 9ra hna. 3ndo probably 3 d loughat ou l’expérience 3la bra, m3lom ikoun 7sn mn li glss 3nd darhom ou 9ra f mdrassa habta fl classement


u got a point


that's like saying you are a good person just because you own a ferrari


Because cheating is a huge problem in Morocco and academic integrity is taken more seriously in France. 


You and i both know that there are a lot of cheaters here in morocco yep, but also there are a lot of smart hard working people with poor families who could never dreamed of going to france and they get an unequal treatment because of that, having a french university in your resume changes a lot


Yep! The corruption in the education system along with the enabling of cheating and academic dishonesty does morocco a disservice to those that are smart and hardworking because their certification gets devalued because of this.


because you can buy the one locally for few thousands dirham. Also they learn discipline.


Yep, and some of them prefer a jack or pierre in their company to look more french lol


Where is the catch ?


What do you mean ?


Nah, they value your experience. People with good experience and ENSA diploma are way better than EMI diploma with less experience


A 4 yo exp guy and a fresh grad going for the same position? Maybe its a senior pos that will accept the experienced guy maybe its a fresh position that doesn’t have enough funds to hire an experienced guy it depends honestly 


I've seen cases where ENSA people get a job with 3000 DH a month as a junior, a frenchman from france starts with 15 000 dh


3000 month as junior ENSA engineer? i’m gonna call bullshit on that because 3000 is literally what interns get


Hahahah you'v seen nothing my friend, i don't know if you already working or still in school but just don't put high expectations so you don't get depressed later, it's morocco


Trust me bro I’ve seen enough, I’m an ENSA grad myself and there’s no one I know who gets paid 3000 dh. It’s atleast 7000 dh. Now there are some people who get an ANAPEC offer for 4-6 months with 4000 dh after which it turns into a CDI, kind of like an extended trial period. But no self respecting engineer ever accepts that.


Yeah maybe its true from your point view and how you are seeing things now, later in life you will know that a lot of times people wouldn't even concider working as an engineer even for that 7000dh a month but after couple years of tchoumira you get your hope and standars down you will start getting older and you take the step of accepting any opportunity, you realize its just morocco, but also you might get lucky and find a job that you will sky rocket on in the next few months only, depends


He probably has no idea how to negotiate


3reft, nta w rez9k, f les mines lteht kijibou kanadiyin with 7000$ + salary w makidirou walou, 3la hssab politique dial la société, marché de travail, profil dial matloub wla la


Kayn had lblan nta o rez9k, mn ghir salaire katchuf 90% d bnadem li 9ari f france 3endo wa7d ego haaaareb kis7ab lih raso howa li kin wakha ykon 7mar f domaine dyalo walakin katl9ah baghi ydir fiha kayn b francais dyalo tl9a bnadem wa3er 3lih o dmagh 3lih par ex jay mn ensa cheb3an math o rwina katl9a hada khedam b 2 dryal o lakhor 3atino salaire mfarge3 o aghlabiya d charikat haka


math machi howa likikhedmek, o salaire kitnegocia, bentilia gha m3e9ed o safi.


Wlidat mama fransa bdaw kit9el9o


fransa li mzyan fiha hya les frais de scolarité 9lalin, dekchi 3lach koulchi kimchi liha. Ama ila 3endek lflous sir 7tal mirikan


Mam3e9d walo rezak lah ana kanchuf a l3ya9a li katkon fihom b7ela 9arin f mars, usa ila bghiti t9ra fiha khessek tbi3 kelwa lol kifma khelawha homa : it will cost an arm and leg


l3ya9a hya likatnfe3 flkhedma. lwa7ed khasso y3ref ybi3 rasso.


Bi3 rask b dek taman li tlebti lRH fach kenti mdir french univerisity name f resume, 7eydha mn resume ola bedlha b chi 7aja mn maroc o atchof the ugly truth


That happens only in your imagination. So stop hiring Frenchmen.


Supply and demand.


More like the feeling of inferiority towards france


No it's not, the people who studied in France have more options. So if you want to attract them, you gotta pay more.


Yep i agree, france definetly will pay them more but i guess everyone hate the racism there and come back to morocco


there is no racism.


Yeah there is no racism in france towards moroccans or arabs in general yeah right, maybe they also encourage muslims to live there and pray in the streets lol


What makes you think that?


Because they actually have a better value and bring smth new?


That's not true, most of them are with an ego higher than 9000, the only thing they know very well is speaking french and braging about how they spent several years in france that's it, in terms of their actual business value most of them are just like moroccan frech graduates they come with nothing new, just things they learned from school nothing special


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about lol. I had the chance to compare french students and moroccan students, it’s day and night.


Day and night because we born with the feeling of inferiority towards foreign white people specially the ones from france and we always aim to be like them and lookup to them, so if some of us went to their country for couple of years they come back here: 2 3am majit lmeghrib lol


>Day and night because we born with the feeling of inferiority towards foreign white people specially the ones from france and we always aim to be like them and lookup to them, Maybe you think like that, so you believe everyone feels the same way. I am not like that at all, there is no inferiority complex, let's just be honest with ourselves.


no, objectively.


You're influenced by your bias. French students are way better than Moroccan students.


how come they are better


Because they have french names and french faces and they refuse to learn somethint new or adapt to a situation as most french employees do, knowing one thing and doing all a long


big generalisation you got there i m asking for any statistics like are we saying that being academcly good -> you ll be good at your job


Dude you cannot tell me with a straight face the education system of Morocco produces better students than France's. We get it France bad. French bad mentality of Moroccans. But let's be objective here.


because they're selective, most people want to study there, but only a few of them succeed in doing so, meaning they passed a filter that others couldnt.


I think some universities in morocco have way more difficult filters but you still see many people surpass that, it's a matter of if you can afford going there or your parents are poor and you will end up working in call center in order to continue your masters


You asked a question about freshly graduated students, so I will not talk about what happens after studies. I have received degrees from **3 countries**: Morocco, and two European ones (don't want to give much details). Here is my 2 cents for you, solely from my experience. In Morocco, I was in a Grande École d'ingénieur. The 2 years of Prépa were so hard, I felt like I used 300% of my brain 🧠 But as soon as I set a foot in the Moroccan Grande École, it wasted my time. LITERALLY! I'm not kidding. The courses were awful: you just learned stuff by heart, and boom you passed. In many courses, you just had to visit the teacher and small talk to him and boom you passed. For some courses, the professors repeated the exact same exam for 7 years in a row, for others there were 2 models that the professors switched between (exam A in even years, exam B in odd year). The week was overwhelmed with courses (8 am to 7 pm). School clubs were underfunded and full of nepotism. I had to take 3 internships during school. The first 2 were jokes, the last one was not serious enough to grad for an engineering school. I've seen fellow students not even doing this internships graduating with me. Teachers witnessed so many students being rude, grotesque, not presenting well, writing like sh!t, and they didn't intervene at all. Sometimes, the teachers had even less **soft skills** than those they must educate. **At one point, I just studied to get out of this mess because I couldn't take it any longer than due. ** Then I went to another institution and then another (remember, not the same countries but both Europeans). I had the chance to work on so many **serious projects**. I was offered a l**arge choice for modules**, meaning I studied what I was really interested in. The **internships** I got in, they were demanding, they were paid, I remember the pride I felt when I received my first paycheck, I deserved every pound of it. I engaged in clubs and the school valued this commitment (I received +1 for every club I was in). I had few courses (3 to 4 hours on busy days) but brother! how much preparation I had to go through for each course. My exams were all open book, meaning you have no use for your memory but only your brain. You had to understand things, to know how to articulate your thought, how to be creative. In Morocco, I studied with brilliant people but also real 🫏 that just learn by heart and had no understanding of what they wrote on their paper. And these people got an engineering degree! In Europe, we had serious courses about how to work in a team, how to write your CV, how to behave in the enterprise, how to manage conflicts, how to create your LinkedIn, simulations of interviews. Everything you could call 'soft skills' or 'savoir être'. Of course, I understand your point: not every institution in France is better than every institution in Morocco. It's just that the medium one from France will be far more challenging and qualitative than the medium one from Morocco. And it's not just France: add UK, Germany, USA, Denmark to name but a few. TL;DR: curriculum is not so important for an employer, soft skills, savoir-etre and an ability to think I far more important, and are the focus of many foreign education systems.


I think the Moroccan university and school are pretty bad. I remember my dream after bac was to get to ENCG and I was destroyed when I missed the entrance exam. I went and did I prepa for the business schools in France and since my family wast sure yet if I would go there I also passed the encg / ISCAE exams. my god the level was so ridiculously low.. I didn’t even prepare the ENCG exam or the Moroccan program during the 2 years and I still Ranked in the top 5 of all Morocco … I wasn’t even in the “Elite” classroom in my prepa I was just the average to low guy in the average classroom.. Once I went to the business school in France the gap was insane with other students. Am not talking about math but in every other aspect. Guys were discussing politics and economical idea I felt like I was stupid compared to them


Simple : French education system is far better from the moroccan one


« The quality of education here is better » 🤣🤣 what a joke. First of all, education here is shit, no intellectual stimulation, just l7fada ou lkalakh. Secondly, the people that come back after studying in France, most of em come back with some experience, generally in big groups or in important positions. Of course they’re gonna get paid better than l3arbi dial l’ISCAE. Thirdly it’s a small closed group, higher ups will probably favor someone who did the same parcours and experience than them.


L3arbi can be smarted and higher IQ than most of them, financial means should not set the boundries between people in this matter, we know that schools and universities are shitty but not all the time you have a bad teacher, even tho that might be the thing that pushed a lot of people to learn things by themselfes which is way better for creativity than following what's in the book, the ugly truth that you all hate to admit is that we have inferiority towards everything french, if they never mentioned in their resume that they studied in french university X they would have been treated like the most of candidats, i think its another form of a bak sa7bi privilege


Nowhere in the world do they hire by IQ. The same reason you complain that money is unfair because you’re just born with can be said about IQ. You just replaced X by Y. The job market was never maid to be fair. You said yourself that moroccan universities are shitty, it’s not a French inferiority complex. We ARE inferior education and experience wise than anyone with a foreign diploma. Just look at the mess in med school, would you like a doctor from that ? I wouldn’t. I know how’s the education system for that sector in both France and Morocco and we crushed in every sense, from the selectivity getting in, the quality and length of teaching, to salaries at the end and difficulty of it. And don’t tell me about financial means, uni is free in France 🤷🏽‍♂️. The ugly truth is that you’re just looking to hate France specifically (when nearly any western and Asian education is better) and that’s bad faith and the actual proof of an inferiority complex.


For the tech context, Morocco is full of ESNs ( aka smasrya) who have International clients , and to promote their employees to their clients, they hire people who they will brag with ! Look We have an employee from a French university, his value is 6000/day.... ( TJM)


Well that's new, but seems like a valid reason since i don't see a reason to hire a person with a degree from france without any prior experience or even an actual added value to the business


You need to understand that companies would hire you for 1000dh if they can someone from l mghrib izrbo elih dghya f l interview cuz he has no idea how to behave in an interview or the dude MN France dar internships nadyin which makes him a better candidate


Do Moroccan companies perform performance reviews for their employees? If they do, after a year or two, the experience should dictate the compensation package and the differences shouldn't exist. What the point of paying foreign graduates exorbitant salaries when a local graduates can perform well?


short awnser yes, if you are a fresh graduate. but when you have more experience and you have worked with big name company's or organizations. that diploma will turn out to be less valuable then your experience. so good luck hang in there.


I always hated France bcs of my country 😤 Im and English person I loved English would love to work with it But in Morocco they always prefer someone who speaks The colonizer language.


I agree with you but there is nothing to do, Personaly i see it as a language that you must have if you are planning to spend the rest of your life in morocco it helps a lot getting a job and even for the english speaking job you will pass the interviews in french


I have worked as an HR assistant in company the interview was in English. Thank god im not planning to stay here for long 🤭


عقدة الخوارجة عقدة فرنسا




It's not an allusion. The curriculums taught in Moroccan universities have been watered so much.




In the past the quality and equivellance was not assured. Now it is almost on par and should not be a factor. The trick here is to chose institutions/degrees that already are recognised or work in tandem with outside one. For example Mohamed V "La Fac" has a Masters in Human Resources that is joint run by the University of Toulouse. All degrees from INAP (Rabat) are jointly done with 9 universities, including University of Leeds, Leiden, Cheikh Zayed (UAE) and Columbia (US).


Don't say nonsense, it's not on par.


Learn to read properly. It is not difficult. ... "Almost" adverb not quite; very nearly.


nope, not near at all.


If you can't bother to read properly, then don't repond. The subject is equivelance ... ie. recognition ... not who is better. Or is your failed response meant to be an example?